Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ PMS - Nightmares ❯ Day 1 - School Sucks! Then Ya Die! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Okie, I got a review!!!! Hehe, thanks kio87!!!! o.O I think this fanfic sucks, but it's to keep me from beating Spawn... again, and Dead or Alive 2... again... Plus my mom doesn't let me take out my pms on my brother..... Hehe, I'm just sitting here, eating fudge pops, drinking soda!!!
*sob* Did I ever tell you guys that we had puppys until three days ago??? We had to take them to the pound cuz they kept peeing on the floor. They were the sweetest little things you'd ever meet! They just appeared on our doorstep... *sob* I miss you Mitz and Rudy!!!
Let the nightmare, BEGIN!!! Stupid Kell, he got fatfree fudge bars..... *sob*
P.S. Sakura!!!! Where are you??? Are you still gone on vaca??? Guess yes cuz ya haven't emailed me..... *sob* atleast my brother and I get our house all to ourselves next weekend!! Well, not sure about that... My mom might decide otherwise... which is cool too, because her fiance's mother might take me shopping *grins*
BTW, I don't believe you've met my familiar? Brekke the ringtail? Wait, you might've...
PMS - Nightmares
By ashley kye davis

Chapter 1 - School sucks, THEN YA DIE!!!

Kye: looks livid in Social Studies
Teacher: "Kye!"
Kye: eye twitch "yes?"
Teacher: "What were the underline causes of the boston tea party?" (hehe, I didn't know what to ask! Good thing my mom used to teach middle school and high school, ne?"
Teacher: glares "Miss Davis, please report to the principle's office! NOW!"
Kye: walks past teacher mumbles "poophead"
*outside the principle's office*
Kye: pouts in a chair
Hiei: pops up
Kye: grins like a fool "YAY!!!" glomps Hiei
Hiei: glares at Kye
Kye: hits Hiei on the back of his head
Assistant: "The principle will see you now..."
Kye: "Can Hiei come?"
Assistant: "Excuse me?"
Kye: "Can Hiei come?"
Assistant: "NO! You're seeing the principle because you're in trouble. Hiei CANNOT come!"
Kye: has slits for eyes "GRRRRRRRR!!!"
Assistant: looks unaffected
Kye: walks into the principle's office "farthead"
Principle: "Good morning Kye. I hear you were terrorizing social studies?"
Kye: "Bite me!"
Principle: sigh "Miss Davis, you just earned yourself a weeks worth of detention."
Kye: says in valleygirl tone "Yeah, whatever!"
Princilple: "Please change your atitude, otherwise you might get another weeks worth of detention!"
Kye: rolls eyes "Make me!"
Principle: hands Kye a detention slip
Kye: scowls
*at home*
Kye: watches 'Save The Last Dance' (I LOVE that movie! It is sooooooooooooooo good!)
Sarah: "It was my stupid dream, and all she wanted was for it to come true!"
Kye: sob
Kye: sob
Kye: sob
Brekke: pops up
Brekke: "Where's Fenrus?"
Kye: changes movie to 'Evolution' with french subtitles
Kye: says alond with the movie's french subtitles "Je suis tombr'e sur duex perles intitul'ees. "Les cellules, c'est mal"."
Brekke: o.O
Hiead: pops up
Kye: drools "HIEAD IS MINE!!!!"
Kye: glomps Hiead
Hiead: "GET OFF ME!!!!"