Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Purple of White Roses ❯ Chapter 28
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Purple of White Roses (28/35?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairs: 1+2+1, 1x2x1, 3+/x4 mentioned with 5+/xS and
6+/x13. Forgot to have 13+/x6 as well, but it's
mainly 1 and 2 in action. The others probably will
get some action, but not so focused though.
Category: Romance, sap, yaoi
Notes: PG13, maybe have one of those NC17 epilogues or
something. AU to boot too with a few references to
Yuu Yuu Hakusho terms and my own character placed in
as more of a narrator than anything else. // indicate
excepts of books. <> are telepathic speech.
Disclaimer: Oh I wish I could have Duo and Heero to my
self...but I can't. *hears Duo muttering in the back
ground about 'good thing too'*
The next person the others encounters is Noin.
"I will handle her." Heero informs them. "Find and
stop Johs and Dorothy."
"Heero..." Duo says longingly.
"I will be fine." Heero replies curtly.
"Be careful." Duo replies, bowing his head.
Heero nods as the others flee the room. Heero and
Noin strike sword against sword.
"Do you know what Noin wants?" Noin asks.
"What is that?" Heero asks. "What does Noin want
"You guys keep getting smarter and smarter!" Johs/Noin
replies gleefully.
"Well?" Heero asks, impatient.
"She wants to be acknowledged within the Three Worlds,
much like Hilde wants." Johs/Noin replies smugly.
"And there is no way she can have it."
"Why is that?" Heero asks, still parring.
"Such gratitude must have a price. She will never
achieve her dream. I can see into her heart. She
will never find her happiness." Johs/Noin replies.
"With you, most definitely not. I need to end this
fight!" Heero retorts.
"Indeed you do, so you can see that long haired boy
die!" Johs/Noin cackles.
"Nani?" Heero asks.
"Don't you remember? The sacrifice of the
representative of the Three Worlds will free me!" Johs
replies joyfully.
"Shitmatta!" Heero curses. 'I should have never left
"Pity, you are all doomed!" Johs/Noin replies.
"All the more reason to get this fight over with."
Heero replies, striking once more against Noin.
"Listen to me Noin-san, you want happiness? You can't
find it with Johs. Break free."
Pushing her away, Heero concentrates and casts the
spell to release Noin from Johs' control, just like G
and Howard taught them. Withering on the ground, Noin
moans in pain.
"Are you all right?" Heero asks, kneeling down beside
"You need to stop Dorothy!" Noin replies weakly. "I
will be fine."
Heero is joined shortly by Zechs, Trowa, Quatre, and
Wufei. Then, their blood went cold. A scream pierce
the air in the direction that Crystal, Moondance,
Trieze, Epyon, Shinigami, and Duo went.
"You must hurry!" Noin pleads.
"Duo..." Heero whispers. "Hang on!"
The others rush to their companions' side to see what
has happened. The bond-companions follow shortly.
To Be Continued...
Yeah, I know this one's not so dramatic, but it's time
I got into the REAL action!
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairs: 1+2+1, 1x2x1, 3+/x4 mentioned with 5+/xS and
6+/x13. Forgot to have 13+/x6 as well, but it's
mainly 1 and 2 in action. The others probably will
get some action, but not so focused though.
Category: Romance, sap, yaoi
Notes: PG13, maybe have one of those NC17 epilogues or
something. AU to boot too with a few references to
Yuu Yuu Hakusho terms and my own character placed in
as more of a narrator than anything else. // indicate
excepts of books. <> are telepathic speech.
Disclaimer: Oh I wish I could have Duo and Heero to my
self...but I can't. *hears Duo muttering in the back
ground about 'good thing too'*
The next person the others encounters is Noin.
"I will handle her." Heero informs them. "Find and
stop Johs and Dorothy."
"Heero..." Duo says longingly.
"I will be fine." Heero replies curtly.
"Be careful." Duo replies, bowing his head.
Heero nods as the others flee the room. Heero and
Noin strike sword against sword.
"Do you know what Noin wants?" Noin asks.
"What is that?" Heero asks. "What does Noin want
"You guys keep getting smarter and smarter!" Johs/Noin
replies gleefully.
"Well?" Heero asks, impatient.
"She wants to be acknowledged within the Three Worlds,
much like Hilde wants." Johs/Noin replies smugly.
"And there is no way she can have it."
"Why is that?" Heero asks, still parring.
"Such gratitude must have a price. She will never
achieve her dream. I can see into her heart. She
will never find her happiness." Johs/Noin replies.
"With you, most definitely not. I need to end this
fight!" Heero retorts.
"Indeed you do, so you can see that long haired boy
die!" Johs/Noin cackles.
"Nani?" Heero asks.
"Don't you remember? The sacrifice of the
representative of the Three Worlds will free me!" Johs
replies joyfully.
"Shitmatta!" Heero curses. 'I should have never left
"Pity, you are all doomed!" Johs/Noin replies.
"All the more reason to get this fight over with."
Heero replies, striking once more against Noin.
"Listen to me Noin-san, you want happiness? You can't
find it with Johs. Break free."
Pushing her away, Heero concentrates and casts the
spell to release Noin from Johs' control, just like G
and Howard taught them. Withering on the ground, Noin
moans in pain.
"Are you all right?" Heero asks, kneeling down beside
"You need to stop Dorothy!" Noin replies weakly. "I
will be fine."
Heero is joined shortly by Zechs, Trowa, Quatre, and
Wufei. Then, their blood went cold. A scream pierce
the air in the direction that Crystal, Moondance,
Trieze, Epyon, Shinigami, and Duo went.
"You must hurry!" Noin pleads.
"Duo..." Heero whispers. "Hang on!"
The others rush to their companions' side to see what
has happened. The bond-companions follow shortly.
To Be Continued...
Yeah, I know this one's not so dramatic, but it's time
I got into the REAL action!