Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who Should I Choose? ❯ Shuuichi Minamino ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own GW or YYH (wish I did though), but I do own Contar who really isn't an important character unless you think he is.
Pairings: I've been rethinking these, so I'm going to let them be surprises!
Warnings: I don't really know what to warn you about besides angst.
Who Should I Choose? Chapter 3: Shuuichi Minamino
"I'll say it again, who are you," Heero stated, gun still on the redhead's temple.
"I am someone your friends saved. Is that enough, or do you need more," Kurama seemed to challenge. He tried to be calm about this, but something about this boy reminded him of a past situation.
It was similar to his encounter with Hiei. How the fire demon assumed he was going to hurt someone he cared about, when in reality he was just a friend of that person. Their relationship had went from that to respect, then an evil alliance, a team, and now they were a heart-broken demon, while the other were in loathing.
/What a miserable path. I don't want to repeat it, / he thought to himself, and stated, "My name is Shuuichi Minamino. I am no harm to you, or your friends. I am merely someone who wishes to live my life in peace."
Removing his gun from its previous position, the Japanese boy backed off, satisfied, for now, with the answer he had been given. Quietly, he walked backwards towards the door, and then left the room.
Heero was a bit surprised at how quickly he had been given that information. Was it the truth, or was it just a stall tactic of sorts? If it were true, then this person known as Shuuichi had to be in an emotionally weak state to change moods so rapidly. Either way he'd research the boy's name that night, in order to confirm his suspicions.
/That boy, he reminds me of--No! He doesn't remind me of Hiei at all. I'm just trying to rekindle the happiness I lost that day, / the fox demon thought sadly. At first he thought this place was just fine, but now he was beginning to wish he hadn't been brought here.
A sudden knock to the door stopped his brooding, for a moment, and taking a deep breath to calm himself, he was relieved to find it was just the blonde boy. Smiling kindly, Quatre asked, "Are you all right? I had a feeling you weren't doing well."
"I am fine. I apologize if I've alarmed you in any way. I also thank you, for your kindness in keeping me here," Kurama responded, finally recognizing where the massive amount of spirit energy was coming from. This blonde boy had empathetic abilties. He'd have to be careful around him, for he might find out something that he may not like.
"Are you sure? My friends told me of what you said as you blacked out, and judging by that look in your eyes, you must've been through something before that fall," Quatre then stated, persisting just a bit.
/Must I now beware of two? That one boy whose like Hiei, and he who can feel my emotions? Was I sent into hell, or am I being tested, / Kurama thought confused and somewhat frustrated. However, he had to reply, and not wanting to lie, he said, "Yes, I did go through a certain situation before I fell, but I do not wish to talk about it as of yet, especially since I do not know you."
"I understand, and I will not pressure you any further on it. Now, is there anything you'd like to drink, or eat? We don't have much, but it's the least we can do," the blonde boy stated.
"No thank you. If you don't mind, I'd like to try and rest again." Nodding, the blonde closed the door, and headed down the stairs to his waiting friends. This left the demon to think over what he was going to do. It would prove to be very exhausting if he stayed along with them, or if he tried to leave.
There were just too many issues to deal with at the moment. First, there was what he went through with Contar. Were his friends all right? Was it possible for him to get back to them? Then there was that encounter with the boy. He obviously didn't trust Kurama, and something else told him that the others didn't at either. He may not be an enemy, but he wasn't a friend.
/This must be my real punishment for all those treasures I stole, / the green-eyed boy thought humorously. If only to chuckle for a brief moment.
It wasn't long before he heard voices outside of his door. He could sense about four of them conversing, and then felt them wonder off to other rooms. They had decided to sleep apparently, because Kurama heard no other noise outside of his room from that point on.
/I should probably attempt sleep, if not for their sake. That boy is extremely kind, and he would be effected extremely if I were to become more ill. I won't stay here for too long though, / he then thought privately, and with that, tried to sleep.
Speaking of Quatre, he had entered the room in which Heero had chosen to sleep in. A little surprised to see him there, he stated, "Good evening Heero. I didn't know you were here all ready."
"Hn," was the response he was given. A little concerned as to why he was typing so rapidly, the Arabian asked, "What are you looking for?"
"Information," Heero answered simply, and would not answer any further questioning. /He's so cold. Why didn't he come down to see us in the living room? Does he hate us, / the blonde thought, but exited the room none-the-less. Honestly, he didn't like being around such negativity.
So he left to the room Trowa was sleeping in. Now there was someone he didn't mind sleeping with. Not that he's had those dirty thoughts, but he enjoyed the Latin boy's company. Knocking gently at the door, and poking his head in, he said, "Do you mind sharing a room?"
"No, why? Is Heero in the other room," the green-eyed boy asked. Nodding, the blonde sat on the side of the bed, and sighed saying, "I'm a little worried about the boy Wufei and Duo saved today."
"What is it about him that worries you," Trowa asked calmly, setting up the bed.
"Well, I feel an immense pain when I'm around him. It's like my heart is breaking," Quatre began to describe. Though he wasn't sure if heartbreak was really the case.
"Maybe he was betrayed," the Latin boy suggested softly, but nothing in his voice indicated what he meant by his statement. Either way, the blonde suffered insomnia that night.
The next morning, Duo and Wufei were a little surprised to find their Japanese friend calmly eating some cereal at the breakfast table. He didn't bother acknowledging them, and simply put his dishes away in the sink before walking off.
"Yuy, I have something to tell you," the Chinese boy stated, following after the other Asian. Stopping for a moment, Heero merely responded, "If it's about the boy you saved, I all ready know about him."
"Well then you'll know he's not apart of OZ," the raven-haired youth asserted, a little peeved at the other pilot's behavior. //Why is he so distant today? Does he feel we betrayed him it Duo? //
Looking behind him, Wufei noticed how his braided friend hadn't followed outside of the kitchen. He then felt a thick tension in the air, and it was almost suffocating. He then sighed remembering how this had been going on a lot lately, especially after -that- mission.
"So the records say, but they could've easily deleted his files." With that said, the blue-eyed boy left to his room.
About to head back to the kitchen, he heard another door open, and someone groan softly. It was the boy he saved! Rushing up the stairs, he assisted him and said, "You shouldn't be out of bed! You're still injured."
"I'm sorry, but nature calls," the redhead replied, giving a nervous smile. Blushing slightly, the Chinese boy helped him to the bathroom, and waited for him to come out.
"Um, thank you...Wufei," Kurama said, uncertain when saying the other's name.
"Yes, Chang Wufei," was his response, as well as a polite bow. He smiled slightly, before saying, "A pleasure to meet you, Chang Wufei. My name is Shuuichi, Shuuichi Minamino."
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~
There goes another chapter. I see no point in apologizing for taking so long, because it's bound to happen again. I hope not, but it just may. Anyway, I'm going to start on the next chapter. Enjoy the wait!