Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ "The Strongest of Hearts" ❯ "The Strongest of Hearts" ( Prologue )
"The Strongest Heart"
By: SlvrTrinity
To look at him, you wouldn't think to see
The strength that lies deep within his heart
To fight for what he believes.
So gentle a soul,
You'd never think to know
All the pains he must endure,
And forces it not to show.
He hides his pain so thoroughly,
Behind an encouraging smile.
Then alone he finds himself,
As he faces all his trials.
But his eyes betray him,
As they reflect the connection to his soul.
Two pool of aqua marine,
Burdened with the pain, that he too readily knows.
How I see it hurt him,
To battle and to fight.
His soul crying out for other ways,
Desperate, to show others the truth of what's right.
`Tis so unfair and how my heart does cry...
As I see him put on his shoulder's guise,
And bit by bit,
I feel him as his soul slowly dies.
Never was he meant for battle!
Never was he meant to fight!
Silently I watch him, as his painful tears start to fall.
Wishing I could comfort him as he cries,
Almost every single night.
When I look and feel as if he cannot take any more…
The sun always rises,
And warms his chilled body
Curled tightly upon the stone, cold floor.
Slowly he rises with the morning star.
And I look at him in wonder
As his eyes begin to gaze afar.
I seem him begin to marvel at the wonders, which only his eyes can see…
Taking solace in the warming rays of the day that must come to be.
I looked at him in wonder,
As he finds the strength to press on.
And his voice whispered so softly,
That I almost didn't hear…
"How truly beautiful this world is,
And that I am glade to be here."
Tis then my eyes tear softly,
At the unseen strength his heart holds.
Only he could find the good,
In a world that is so torn.
Only he could see past,
All the hate and the aggression,
To see this world's beauty,
Past all the fighting sessions.
So gentle a soul,
An angle he must truly be.
To wish to exist in this world and to be apart.
The sweetest of angels, he is
Ever, with the strongest of hearts.
© Seraphine Tempest 12/02