Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ 1 Blood on the Window ❯ A Step Up ( Chapter 23 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Step Up
"To go, or not to go," Heero said philosophically, "That is the question…whether it is nobler in truth…"
"I said no two times now, and I'll say it again." Wufei snapped back.
"I want to go, Wufei." Heero replied, rolling off his bed to crouch on the floor and look up at us, one hand on the floor and his other arm bent over his knee, "Very badly."
Wufei snorted, turning to the door again.
"Wait a second, Wufei," I muttered from where I was sitting at Relena's vanity, "Just hear us out."
Wufei paused, not looking at me. He was directing an upset expression in my direction, but he wasn't looking at me.
"I'm working on a theory." Heero muttered, rising to his feet fluidly to lean against the back of the chair I was sitting in, "I think Jun wants you to come so he can apologize, and maybe if you'd just accept…"
"Fuck you." Wufei said easily, meeting his eyes and turning back into the hall.
Heero moved across the room and out of my sight, "I didn't say you had to mean it, Wufei. I just think he'll leave you alone if you accept his apology. Jun's not completely stupid all the time, I think he realizes he's lost you."
"He never had me." Wufei snapped, and I could hear the sound of a slight struggle before steps started down the stairs, "And I'm not going to that fuckin' party."
"That's bad form," Heero replied in irritation, "You've already called in your reservation of four."
The steps on the stairs stopped and I had to cringe.
He'd said he'd have Relena do it, but I didn't think he'd meant it.
"What?" Wufei demanded in astonishment.
"I had Relena call it in." Heero explained easily, "You realize how much more a blow to Jun it'll be if you don't go?"
"How…" Wufei's voice fell silent and the steps came back up the stairs, "You know I don't want to go to this shit, why did you do that? How could you do that?"
"Because it's something we need to try. I'm getting tired of living in fear of Swathe."
Wufei didn't say anything to that.
"I'm getting tired of being worried every time you leave the house." Heero went on, ""It annoys me endlessly that we sit like watchdogs and nothing happens. If we give Jun the chance to fuck with us and beat him down in front of everyone, he'll stop fucking with us…"
"Or he'll set his people against us," Wufei's voice was matter of fact, "And he'll start a real war between us and them."
Heero fell quiet for along moment, "All you have to do is tell me, Wufei." he said finally.
The footsteps continued down the stairs, but Wufei said nothing more.
"I can't believe you're making me go." I muttered to Duo, laying out my tuxedo on the bed.
"I'll be with you." he replied easily, "And I'll have my gun."
I looked up to him slowly.
He moved to his duffel bag, which he hadn't fully unpacked yet, digging down into the bottom and pulling a firearm out. There was a plastic tie of some sort through the barrel and the chamber was open. He tossed that on the bed and dug further, pulling out a box of ammo and a handful of magazines, "I'm thinking I should bring three, but Heero keeps telling me two will suffice. What do you think?" he looked up at me.
I blinked at him.
He watched me a moment longer before letting the matter drop, carrying three of the things back to the bed with the ammo and sitting down comfortably, starting to load one. "Are you bringing yours?"
"I…was going to bring my sword." I muttered, looking my suit over, "But it wouldn't go."
"So?" he looked up to me, his eyes very sincere.
"I don't know…" I muttered, thinking back to what Quatre had said to me. It was so much easier to just sit back and let them protect me…but I was a warrior, when I was younger…what had happened to that? What had happened to the Wufei that fought for honor and truth? Where had he gone?
Wufei the bartend was much too docile.
"Yeah." I muttered finally, strengthening my resolve, "Yeah, I'll bring my weapon." I turned and started digging through a dresser drawer.
"Good." Duo replied, sounding pleased-as if we were going out on a mission again and he thought it should be the obvious choice.
"You really have changed," I muttered, not quite looking at him.
"I lived alone with teenage girls for company," he replied easily, "I was always accepted to help at my church, but they never thought to ask me right off after Lanni died." he chuckled, "You know, I haven't volunteered for more than a year now?"
I turned to look at him, startled by this.
"I mean…it had been six or seven months since I'd bothered in the colony-I wasn't even going to church regularly."
I blinked at him.
He smiled slightly at me, "You look so shocked…why is that?"
"You started going regularly…"
"With you." he agreed, looking back to the clip he was setting a final round in, "That's our thing…you and I. That's something we have that no one else can understand."
I smiled slightly at him.
He flipped that clip in the air before tossing it next to his firearm, picking up another magazine.
"I think two should be more than enough," I muttered finally.
He smiled at me, "I'll bring'em anyway."
I studied Duo's back as he and Wufei led Relena and I toward the entrance of the Star-Light Lounge. He'd told me that he had his knife on him as well as his weapon-which had made Relena snort. He hadn't told me, however, where the hell he put it. Normally he wore one of his several pairs of cargo jeans when he had the knife, and he carried the knife in the bottom right pocket. He was wearing a tuxedo now, and there was no way in hell he had the thing strapped to his leg.
Relena smiled up at me, looking resplendent in a gown she refused to let me buy for her. I had no idea where she'd gotten it. She and Hilde had disappeared for a day with my car and when they'd come back, there were a couple hundred miles more on the thing. She'd laughingly refused to explain it at the time, and I knew she had no intention of telling me where she'd gone.
"Your invitation, Sir?" the doorman asked as we reached it. He was looking between Wufei and Duo in confusion.
Wufei passed it over with his left hand, Duo's ring catching the light.
I'd forgotten about that.
"You were allowed eight?" the guy had lost his polite manner in favor of shock.
Wufei grinned at him, starting through the door.
"Weapons inspection, please," the guy muttered, focusing on the sword at Wufei's hip.
"No thank you." Wufei replied easily, and I grinned at the guy as Relena led us through the door into the interior of the building.
"Please…it's custom." the man muttered, tailing us.
Wufei turned to look at him again, and after a moment's study, the guy backed off, bowing, "Please forgive me, Mr. Chang. The lighting outside is dim and I did not recognize you."
Wufei's eyes flashed and he nodded, turning back to the party.
We'd opted out of the supper, choosing to eat fast-food hamburgers and give Relena an hour or two more to be ready in. People were dancing on a medium-size dance floor…and it was a waltz of some sort.
"Ooh…let's dance!" Relena cried happily, pulling me around Wufei with a smile of delight.
I stared in horror at my girlfriend before she really pulled me hard enough to get me moving, looking back to my friends, "Help me."
"That is a very nice sword."
Wufei froze at Jun's voice, even though it was warm and friendly.
"It seems old…where did it come from?"
I caught the man's hand before he could touch it, giving him a reprimanding look.
"It's been passed down in my family for generations." Wufei said finally.
"Exquisite," Jun muttered, though he was studying Wufei's face. He glanced at me and nodded a greeting before focusing on Wufei again and sitting with us at the table, "I'm very glad you conceded to come, Mr. Chang."
Wufei didn't reply.
"We were happy to get the invitation," I replied with a smirk, "I somehow, however, got the impression that allowing eight in a party was rare."
Jun flashed me an amused yet annoyed grin, looking back to Wufei.
Wufei set his jaw, studying the man's eyes.
"I hope my people at the door didn't harass you too much," Jun added, "I left strict instructions that they not do a weapons search on your party…I'm confused, however. I've only seen the assassin and the queen-and the cat here, where are the others?"
Wufei shrugged, and for a moment I thought he was going to have me answer-our hands were wrapped together under the table. "I didn't invite them." he explained.
Jun looked startled.
"You're not a fool, Mr. Martin," Wufei continued in a low voice, "And even if these people here are all your people, you would not embarrass yourself."
Jun's expression became slightly annoyed.
Wufei chuckled slightly, "Besides which, I have two assassins on hand-though that is the least of their capabilities."
His tone suggested much more than our ability to fight.
Jun laughed, though he looked as if he were trying not to.
Wufei smirked at him, "This is a very nice place," he added, looking over the sunken dance floor and the double tiers of seating, focusing on the columns that lined the second tier.
"An engineering innovation of sorts." Jun muttered, sitting back with his drink, looking the room over, "This was made before the Burn, of course, which is how the builders knew that the tiers of the Burn's V.I.P. section would work well. Especially with the common floor below it."
Wufei nodded, looking across the people.
"I would compliment her majesty's dress," Jun added, his eyes on the dancing people-following his glance I could see Heero and Relena, "It seems to be an Armé."
"I never asked." Wufei replied, focusing on her before looking to Jun again, "Don't refer to her as that."
"Why not? She is, after all, my queen."
"Not presently…nor any time soon." Wufei replied, "When she reassumes her throne, then you can call her by her titles."
"Very well." Jun muttered, "Shall I call her Miss Darlian, then?"
"Maybe Mrs. Yuy," I muttered, smiling at Wufei.
Wufei grinned at me.
"Pardon?" Jun looked shocked.
I laughed, "Nothing. My apologies. Miss Darlian is her preferred name."
"Very well." Jun looked out to the dancing people again, then met my eyes, "May I have a few moments, Mr. Johnson?"
I looked to Wufei as his hand tightened in mine and he also met my eyes. He was debating with himself, I could tell that. My immediate revocation halted before it even reached my mouth.
Wufei nodded.
I stared at him a long moment in amazement, then rose slowly from my seat, pointing to a nearby empty table.
Wufei nodded, "All right."
I nearly pissed myself when I saw Wufei sitting alone with Jun, stopping just enough so that Heero stopped dancing completely, turning to follow my gaze and stare as well.
"Where is Duo?" I hissed at him, looking around the dancers.
"There." Heero muttered, pointing at the next booth over. Duo was glaring across the empty space between himself and his friend as if his look could kill.
"Oh god…" I muttered, allowing Heero to pull me off the floor and start moving toward our friends.
Duo didn't even look at us. He raised a hand in a stop gesture.
"We can't just leave him there!" I protested when Heero started pulling me toward Duo.
"What's going on?" Heero demanded quietly in Japanese.
"Jun asked for a few moments, and Wufei said it was fine." Duo replied in English.
Heero stood there a moment, then looked toward Wufei, who nodded at him and focused on Jun again.
"This can't be good," I muttered, trying to pry my gloved hand from Heero's grasp.
"Relena, be still." Heero muttered, grabbing my arm above the glove before I could pull the thing off.
I glared at him.
"This is not the time or place to embarrass Wufei." Heero said sternly, "He's a capable pilot just like we are. If he thinks he's all right, then we won't counter that."
I stared at him in amazement a moment before collapsing in the chair next to Duo.
I shook my head at Jun, meeting his eyes, "I accept your apology, Mr. Martin, but that does not change my feelings on the matter. I do not appreciate your threatening my friends."
Jun looked taken aback by that, "Your friends? I've never threatened any of them," his eyes went to the group and he blinked, realizing that Jesse had joined them, "Okay…I have threatened Mr. Fallon, but…"
"That night," I muttered, the sudden realization entering my mind. He had not been threatening Duo with the gun in my back. He'd been…
Jun flinched, "I was drugged…and a bit drunk…I know that does not justify my treatment of you…but…there are times when a man can't help himself…those times only seem to be present when you are near."
"If you expect me to find that flattering," I muttered darkly, a seething rage starting in my stomach, "Then you are sadly mistaken."
He frowned at me, looking away.
"That night, I was under the impression that the gun in my back was meant for Duo's head."
Jun snorted slightly, not meeting my eyes, "I didn't know the guy, I had no grudge against him."
"If I'd realized that at the time I would have kicked your ass myself."
He blinked up at me, meeting my eyes.
"I think our conversation just ended, Mr. Martin." I muttered, rising to my feet.
He grabbed my wrist before I could pull away, "Please, Mr. Chang…another chance…"
"What I said last time we met still stands." he let me go, "Good evening, Mr. Martin. We will be leaving shortly."
He watched me walk away silently.
I collapsed into Duo's lap before he realized I was there, clinging to him as he moved my sword.
"Are you…all right?" Jesse asked, seeming startled.
"I'm…fine." I muttered.
"Are you sure?"
"Maybe you should go home?" he offered tentatively.
"That's my plan." I agreed.
"Um…what happened?"
"All this time I thought he was threatening you," I muttered to Duo in Chinese instead, "But he wasn't…that gun was only pointed at me."
Duo was startled.
"The mother fucker had the balls…"
"Don't worry at it," Duo muttered, pulling me closer against him, "Just…"
"I want to leave." I added, sitting up, "Now."
"Fine." Duo muttered, standing slowly and looking to Heero and Relena.
"Um…I can't really leave yet." Jesse muttered, frowning at us.
"That's fine." Duo brushed the matter aside, "I'll wait up for you. Come over when you're done. There are details we never told you."
"Like how three of his men died?" Jesse asked, his tone suddenly knowing.
"And how I nearly killed him with his own gun." Duo agreed.
Jesse was stunned.
"And how I will kill him with my own gun if he does one more thing to piss me off."
Jesse nodded slowly, moving from our path as we started walking to the door. I had a sinking sensation that Jun wasn't going to just let us leave. We collected our jackets, however, without incident.
When I did glance back once, Jesse was sitting with Jun, who was glaring at us. I led the others from the building.
I jumped awake as my bedroom door slammed open, then blinked up at Jesse who was staring at Wufei and I in utter amazement, "Jesus, Wufei, what did you say to him?"
"I thought you weren't coming," I muttered, explaining why I'd gone to sleep.
"I don't care," Jesse returned instantly, "Wufei…he's pissed."
"Wasn't he before?" Wufei asked, sitting up slowly.
"You are aware, aren't you, Mr. Fallon, that my family generally sleeps at five-thirty in the fucking morning?" Relena's voice was like an icy waterfall.
Jesse turned to look at her a moment, then looked back to Wufei, "I suggest strongly that you stay in my territory, Mr. Chang."
"Why?" Wufei asked in exasperation.
"Because Jun won't try to kill you on my land."
I sat up, studying Jesse in disbelief.
"I don't know what you said to him," Jesse added darkly, "But he's mad enough to kill."
Wufei frowned, rubbing his eyes.
"Mr. Fallon?" Relena snapped.
"I apologize, Majesty." Jesse's voice was pacifying as he turned and bowed, "I assumed you wouldn't mind my warning Wufei that his life was in danger."
"Would you assholes be quiet?" Trowa demanded darkly, a door shut, "If you wake up my daughter, I'll be pissed."
"Did you hear me?" Jesse demanded in a quieter tone.
"Why do you think Trowa and Miguel are here, really, Jesse?" Heero sounded slightly exasperated, "Why do you think there's not a time when I don't have my firearm? Why do you think Duo carries around his knife? And Wufei. You've commented yourself on his sword. We're not stupid, Jesse."
"But until tonight," Jesse muttered in a quiet voice, "Jun wouldn't have killed Wufei."
"And he'll die before a bullet grazes Wufei's skin." Heero agreed.
"Then god have pity on us all, because when Swathe falls, so goes the order." Jesse had started toward the stairs.
"Then your ass better be in firm control of your lands." Heero called after him.
"You're starting a war that we all just finally finished."
"And it won't really be over between us until all the syndicates fall."
Jesse stopped.
"I mean this as no threat to you, Jesse." Heero added, "But when Relena takes her throne you better stay low. We won't go after you first-or at all unless you come under our radar."
"I'll keep this in mind." Jesse muttered quietly.
"I like you, Jesse." Relena muttered, moving across the hall, "I know that you're not dirty. But some things have to change."
"I am always your majesty's servant." Jesse muttered quietly, then, "And I swear to you on my life that I am loyal."
A long silence met this.
"Your loyalty does me honor," Relena replied finally, "And I would never ask you for your life."
"It's yours, all the same, Miss Peacecraft." he muttered, starting down the stairs again. He opened the door, then chuckled, "How's that, Heero? Too cliché?"
"You have no idea." Heero replied easily.
Jesse chuckled, "I am your servant as well, Highness."
Heero didn't respond to that, and from what I could see of him, he was shocked. A moment later the front door shut firmly-and an engine started.
"We have to swear fealty to him too, don't we?" Trowa's voice was directed to Wufei and I.
"Not yet." I replied, lying back again, "And I won't unless he asks me to."
"Fuck you," Heero said, sounding vaguely amused.
I chuckled, "The lord forgives all sin."
"Then comfort Wufei."
"Heero," Wufei sounded amused, though.
"I might at that," I muttered, smirking at he ceiling as Wufei punched me, "Tro, shut the door?"
"Of course." Trowa muttered, appearing a moment later to smirk at us and pull the door shut. Heero was laughing and Relena had sighed.
"I better go sleep with Miguel now," Wufei said, sighing and moving off the bed, "He's likely to take that seriously."
"I didn't mean it?" I asked, smirking at the dark silhouette of my friend.
He stopped at the door, turning to shake his head at me, "That's not funny."
I chuckled darkly as he moved from the room, "Night, Fei."
"Good night."
E/N: Thanks for the review, Muffy. *grins* about six years have passed since Endless Waltz, Relena had to grow up, right? hehe, laters!