Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ 30 Days of Drabble ❯ Day 28: Aromatherapy ( Chapter 28 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: I'm really liking this pairing. Never gave it too much thought before I wrote "Pumpkins with Faces" and that didn't even turn out to be a true 2xR, but I'm definitely liking it. [Rules for this challenge are in chapter one.]

Day: 28
Date: March 9, 2010
Prompt: sachet /sa-CHEY/, noun: 1. A small bag, case or pad containing perfuming powder or the like, placed among handkerchiefs, etc., to impart a pleasant scent. 2. Also, sachet powder, the powder contained in such a case.
Fandom: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Characters: Duo & Relena
Disclaimer: Bandai, Sotsu and Sunrise own Gundam Wing. I just use the characters for my own amusement and with any luck at all, your amusement as well.

Warnings: shades of 2xR, cuteness (much cuter than I was trying for)


"What is that?" asked Duo, indicating the white silk baggie tied with a light purple ribbon that Relena had shoved in his general direction.

She thrust her nose in the air and gave the little sack a shake before responding. "It is a lavender-chamomile sachet. Both scents have a calming effect."

"Okay." He plucked it from her fingers and gave it a cursory sniff. It smelled a bit like an infirmary. "And, why are you giving me this, again?"

"You said you were having trouble sleeping," she replied, peeking at him past her nose. "If you put it on or near your pillow, it should help you relax."

Duo blinked. He had thought that she was merely using him as a delivery boy, to pass the gift on to Heero. He never expected that his comment about sleeping for crap would have registered on Her Royal Stuck-Upness, not to mention, that she would care enough to try and help him with his problem.

"You don't like it?"

The disappointment in the question pulled Duo out of his musings. Relena had stopped hiding behind her nose and was looking a mite depressed. "I do," he shot back, probably a bit too hastily because she frowned harder. "I do," he tried again, more firmly. "I just didn't think... Thank you."

She shrugged in a self-conscious manner. It was much too cute for what Duo normally associated with her. He'd have to give up the nickname "Her Royal Stuck-Upness" if she kept that behavior up.

- End -