Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ 6x1 Blanket Fic ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Pairing: 6X1
Summery: blanket fic because everyone has to do one some day
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, and I certainly don't own Blanket fics...
Heero Yuy silently cursed himself. How could he, the perfect soldier, have been so unprepared? His mission had been flawless. Everything had gone perfectly. Until he had tried to leave the devastation. That's where all his plans, which he had laid out so carefully, backfired. He had not accounted on snow.
Heero wondered why it couldn't have been a light snow. He quickly summed up the raging blizzard to poor planning and worse luck. He refused to shiver. After all, he had survived Antarctica. Compared to that, the chilling breeze that cut through his normal attire of spandex and cotton should have been nothing.
The slow numbness that crept through his body told him differently. So did his blurred vision. He reasoned that both were caused by tiredness. He would rest in a little bit, he told himself.
Heero trudged on. He could barely hear the cracking under him over the wind. He looked down in an unaccustomed panic. He cursed his luck once more, before the ice gave way completely, and he was plunged into icy water. Slowly, he started to go unconscious. He could barely feel strong arms grab him pulling him out.
Heero came to at the sound of a door closing. His Prussian blue eyes darted around, coming to rest on another pair of eyes. Those eyes seemed to try to drag Heero into their icy blue embrace.
“So, you've finally come to.” The owner of the eyes said.
Heero blinked. Sitting before him was a very damp Zechs Merquise. “Zechs!” Heero tried to jump up, but his legs refused to support him. “Omae o korosu!” He threatened.
Zechs smirked. “Now, is that any way to talk to the man who just saved your life?” He began to try to remove Heero's wet cloths.
“What the hell are you trying to do!” Heero demanded.
“Isn't if obvious... I'm not going to let the person I just fished out of a frozen lake die because his cloths are wet.” He went on trying to remove Heero's shirt. He managed to push it half way off, baring Heero's hard muscles, before Heero again protested.
“What about...” He stopped, finally realized what he'd missed. Zechs, now holding Heero's shirt, was already unclothed. Heero couldn't help bet notice the slight shiver that made the older man's well sculpted muscles tense.
“I think I can manage the rest.” Heero stated. Actually, he stammered a bit. But he wasn't about to admit that momentary weakness. Zechs turned his back.
Heero's mind was racing by the time he had hung his cloths up. All thought came back to the OZ officer. He never really noticed how beautiful Zechs really was, with his sculpted good looks and the flowing main of platinum hair that reminded Heero of snow. Even Zechs' eyes were like two frozen lakes. To Heero, Zechs look like some kind of winter angel.
He tried to clear his mind. “Now what?” He asked more to himself.
“We try to get some sleep, until some rescue comes. Here,” Zechs thrust forward a tiny blanket. “I don't need it.”
Heero bowed in thanks, taking it. He tried to sleep, but found it impossible. In the darkness, he could hear Zechs shivering violently.
He stood, cursing himself for what he was about to do. Quietly, he walked over to Zechs. He draped the blanket over them both. `As soon as you're warm, I'll go' he thought, snuggling closer to Zechs. He balked when a strong arm encircled him, trying to pull him closer.
“Don't fight me.” Heero felt Zechs' lips brush his neck. “Just once, can't we have a truce?”
Heero turned, still held lightly by Zechs. “I have to go.” He knew that what he just said made no since, but it had come out anyways. He started to move.
Something in Zechs' eyes held him there. Even more so than the blond man's arms. “Why?” He breathed, lips barely brushing Heero's.
A pleasant shock ran through Heero's body. “We're enemies for one.” Inside Heero though, `God, why did he have to smile just then? He so -- so beautiful when he smiles.'
“Are you sure about that, Heero?” This time the lips lingered a little longer.
“It's just... Everything is wrong.” Even as Heero was saying that, his hands had tangled themselves into Zechs' hair. He was surprised by the softness. But he was even more surprised that he had kissed Zechs back. The little voice in Heero Yuy's head told him, 'But this feels so right. As long as I'm here being held by Zechs, being loved by him, everything is all right.'
It was Zechs' turn to blink in surprise. His rival, no, the boy he had fall for so long ago, had decided to love him back.
He gently pushed Heero onto his back. He than began to trail kisses down Heero's torso. Heero broke the kisses long enough to moan, “How long will this truce last?”
“Until someone finds us.”
“And them...” Heero continued, rolling so he was now on top of Zechs trying to kiss him.
“We can go back to trying to kill each other, if that's what you want.” They wrestled for a while. Zechs was again in his dominant position. “Though, I highly doubt you'd want to after I through with you.”
“We'll see about that. I'm not that easily used up.” Heero smiled up as his winter angel.
Outside, the howling wind signaled that it would be a long time before anyone would come looking for them.
“You'd better hope so.” Zechs leaned forwards until his hair framed his face. Then he swept Heero into a passionate kiss that marked the end to any past hatred and rivalry, and marked the beginning of their lives as tender lovers.