Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Face From The Past ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A Face From The Past
Chapter 11
Disclaimers: yeah, I do not own GW. I just have rights to the plot line and the character I create. Do not sue me please. I don't make money off this. I'm just a simple Canadian.
Well, this is it folks. The last chapter! This nearly took two years but it's finally finished. I hope you've enjoyed it. Please enjoy the ending and review when you're done.
Archived at
http://www.geocities .com/midori_yuy/tempindex.html
Wanna archive my fic? Just e-mail me at
"Well, at least she got to say goodbye," sighed Quatre.
"Yeah, and to let us know that she's okay," added Trowa as Duo got up.
"I wonder what happened to her thought," Duo thought out loud.
"What do you mean, Duo?" asked Heero.
"Well, before her eyes were hazel, but in that holo projection of her, her eyes weren't. Almost like a blend between violet (or purple) and blue."
"Maybe it was an error with the project," suggested Trowa.
"In any case," grumbled Wufei. "It was a waste of my time. I didn't even know her."
"But some of us did Chang," remarked Duo.
"And to them, it wasn't a waste of time," concluded Trowa.
"Well, we'd better pack up and go then, seeing how we have to go back anyways," said Quatre as he got off of the couch.
"Why so soon, Kat? Sandrock is *nowhere* near being complete, let alone flying it anyway," comment Duo. "We might as well stay here till then."
"You think so?"
"I agree. It'll take some time till Sandrock will fly anywhere. Staying here would be the best thing," explained Heero.
"It makes no difference to me," grunted Wufei.
"I have no complaint," said Trowa.
"Then I guess we'll stay," announced Duo. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to take a nap. I didn't get too much sleep last night and that mission drained me out." And Duo left the room and went to his room.
"I'll go and work on your Gundam, Quatre." Heero headed back to the holding bay.
"I don't have to tell you guys where I'm going." Wufei left the room. Quatre looked down at Trowa.
"If you don't have anything in mind Trowa, we could always play our instruments."
"What kind of song did you have in mind?"
"I'm didn't have anything really in mind. How about a sad song?"
"For Syira?"
"Yeah." Quatre and Trowa went to their rooms and grabbed their instruments and met back in the living room.
As they began to play, Trowa noticed something about how Quatre was playing his violin. It sounded like it, no, Quatre was crying inside for Syira.
**Meanwhile, upstairs??**
Duo opened his eyes, and instead of laying on his bed, he found himself sitting up.
"What the heck.."
"Shh.. Be still and look forward. I'm just brushing your hair, Duo."
"How..but you said that.."
"May *not* come back doesn't mean no chance of return. I just wasn't sure if I would come back. Look forward. Unless you want me to pull or damage your hair."
"How long are you going to be staying here for?"
"Not long. Just long enough to say a proper goodbye to some people."
"To whom?"
"You and Quatre. Who else baka?" Duo smiled.
"Well, you've got a point there. How long have you been brushing my hair?"
"Not too long, but I'm almost down now."
"You *will* put it into a braid, when you're down, right Syira?"
"Of course. I know just how much you *love* your hair, Duo."
"So, how old are you now, Syi?"
"Oh, seventeen and a half."
"And we can time travel by now?!"
"You'd be amazed how quick new technology is developed without military and weapons development to pay for." She took Duo's hair, separated it in to three groups, and began to braid it.
"You do know how to braid hair, right?"
"Of course. I've braid my Duo's hair thousand of times in my time." She paused for a second. "Duo, are you mad at me?"
"For what?"
"Lying to you about who I am."
"You had no choice. I'd done the something if the roles were switched."
"Is Quatre?" Duo paused.
"No. I think he's just upset that you're gone."
"Well, I'm done braiding you hair. Now, go to sleep duo." Syira helped Duo lay back down and pulled some bed sheets over him. "I'm going to miss you Duo."
"I'll miss you too, Syira." Duo closed his eyes, rolled over, and fell asleep, forget to ask her about her eyes.
**Back downstairs**
"That was great Trowa," said Quatre as he put his violin down on a table.
"You really think so?"
"I do, but you seemed to be playing for someone."
"What do you mean, Kat?"
"I know that you weren't playing for Syira. It didn't sound like it. It sounded like you wanted to say something, but you were scared to say it."
**The Repair Bay**
Heero was working on Sandrock, when he found a small piece of paper on the seat in the cockpit. He picked it up. The front read 'To get closet to death,' and when he opened it, the inside read 'Touch his hair'.
"Hmmm. Mission accepted." And Heero went back to work on Sandrock.
**Back in the living room**
"Look, I don't know what you're talking about, Kat." Trowa put his flute on the table.
"Don't lie to me Trowa. Whom were you playing for?" Trowa headed for the door, but Quatre grabbed his wrist.
**Meanwhile, upstairs**
"ACK!!" My hair came out!" screamed Duo. "How the hell could this happen!?"
"What happened to your hair Duo?" asked Heero as he walked passed Duo's door.
"Somehow my hair came out of my braid, and now my hair is in a thousand knots!"
"Duo, sit on the edge of your bed," ordered Heero.
"Just do it Duo!" he said in his 'I will kill you' voice, so a stunned and confused Duo crawled out of over to the edge of his bed and sat down.
"You're not going to cut, are you Heero?"
"No. I'm just going to brush it and braid it again." Heero walked into Duo's room, grabbed Duo's brush off the floor, sat behind Duo on his bed, and began to slowly brush Duo's hair. As Heero brushed Duo's hair, he felt a weird feeling flowing from Heero as he brushed Duo's hair, and it spread across Duo's body making Duo completely relax.
**Living Room**
"Trowa, please tell," pleaded Quatre as he held Trowa by the wrist and looked deep into his eyes.
"I'm just afraid that.."
"I'll always be your friend Trowa, not matter what." Quatre hugged Trowa at his waist.
"I just don't know..."
**Meanwhile, upstairs**
~I wonder why Heero is being soo nice to me,~ thought Duo. ~He doesn't say much, either to me or anyone else. I wonder why he's being soo nice of a sudden. Whatever his reason, I'm not complaining. It fells soooo goood when he brushes my hair.~
"Hmm.. Yeah Heero?"
"I've finished brushing your hair. How does it fell?" As Duo ran his fingers through his hair, he still could fell the same amazing sensation flowing through his hair, and it was unbelievably soft and smooth.
"What?! It feels really nice Heero. You didn't rip any hairs out did you?"
"No." Duo could have sworn that he heard a bit of... emotion in that "no,' but he just shrugged it off and Heero began to separate Duo's hair so that he could braid it.
"Good." As Heero began to braid it, Duo could feel the wonderful senation flowing again, and suddenly a thought popped into Duo's mind. ~Could it be that....Nah! This is Heero we're talking about. Now way. There's no way that he could and for two very good reasons. One, he's the perfect soldier and that requires having no emotions what so ever. Second, he's got Relena. There's no possible way that he could..~
"Yeah?" Duo snapped out of his train of thought.
"I've finished."
"Heero, have you ever braided someone's hair before?"
"No? Here's your brush." Heero passed Duo's brush over his shoulder and held it there, but as he did that, his hand brushed over Duo's shoulders, and Duo felt a surge of energy flow into his body. It felt absolutely and totally wonderful. It caused him to fall into deep thought until Heero snapped him out by grabbing his shoulders and turned him around, making him face Heero. "Duo? Are you alright?"
~That's it Heero Yuy! I can't stand this any longer.~ Duo lent forward and captured Heero's lips in a deep passionate kiss. At first, Heero was startled but soon, he began to kiss Duo back, and they both fell back on to the bed.
**Living Room**
"Well, Trowa?" But before Quatre could hear a response, he blanked out and fell towards the ground, but Trowa quickly caught him, and slowly laid him onto the ground and rested his head on his chest.
"Where..where am I?" Quatre again found himself floating in complete darkness.
"Where time and space doesn't exist and where alternate times cross." Quatre turned around and saw Syira behind him.
"Syira? What are you doing here? What am *I* doing here? I thought you said that you would never come back again? What happened?"
"Are you and Duo deaf? I said I *may not* come back and that doesn't mean never. It just means I wasn't sure" But before Syira could finish, Quatre kissed Syira on the lips.
"Thanks for coming back Syira," Quatre whispered softly with a smile on his face.
"You're welcome."
"Well what?"
"Are you going to answer my question?"
"Which one? You ask soo many questions Quatre."
"Why am I here?"
"Because, you're at a crossroad, whether to accept Trowa's love and whether you should accept it."
"I don't know what you're talking about Syi. Trowa just cares about me as a friend."
"Oh please Quatre. Even I could see that he loved you when I was around. I couldn't tell if he was jealous, mad, sad, or both when I was ever with you. Why can't you see it?"
"I can't just forget about you Syira. I never will be able to." Quatre gently kissed Syira's lips.
"I'm not asking you the forget. I'm asking you to open your eyes. I'm not going to be able to come about again and I can't ask you to not to let anyone else love you. I just want you to be happy, even if it's not with me."
"How did you come back Syira? Isn't it a bit of a leap from a holo cube?" Syira grinned devilishly.
"It's been about a year in my time since I sent the cube, and we've been getting better technology. It's a rare and honorable pleasure to be able to time travel. You get one shot at it and you have to follow rules while doing it, so that you don't mess up the time line. Also, I've been moping around for awhile so they kinda let me just so I'd cheer up." She laughed nervously. "If I had my way, I'd be visiting you guys every*day*."
"So you can't ask everyday if you can come?"
"If I did that, I think they'd make me live with Wufei for a month and he lives some mountains. I'd come out like Wufei in the end!" Both, Syira and Quatre laughed at the thought of another Wufei in the world.
"That wouldn't be good. The would needs more gentle and beautiful people in the world like you." Syira blushed at Quatre's comment
"Thanks." She started to float backwards and into the darkness.
"Are you going now?"
"Yeah. I've got to head back now. Say hi to Duo for me. Don't forget what I told you."
"I won't." And with that, Syira disappeared into the darkness.
**Duo's Room*
"Why didn't you say something?" Duo asked with his head resting on Heero's chest.
"That you loved me."
"Because." Yup, same old Heero.
"I didn't know if you loved me back?"
"So, could it be possible, that Heero Yuy, the perfect soldier, be afraid of something after all?" Heero kissed Duo on the lips and smiled.
"Does it look like I'm afraid now?" Something then caught Heero's eyes. "What's that on the side table?" Duo lifted his head off his love's chest and crawled over the bed to the side table. On it was Syira's heart-locket necklace! But something was different about it. On the back of the locket was an inscription that read '~Brother and Sister Forever. 183 AC~'.
"Thanks sis for the gifts," he said quietly to himself with a smile on his face.
**Living Room**
"Quatre! Quatre! Please wake up, little one," whispered Trowa. Quatre soon began to moan as he slowly began to wake up.
"Quatre. You're awake!" Trowa hugged his fallen friend tightly. "What happened to you, little one?"
~Little one. I like that name.~
"Oh nothing Trowa. I'm just over-tired. That's all. I'm f.." Before Quatre could finish, Trowa captured his lips in a quick, yet passionate kiss.
"I love you Quatre. I don't ever want to lose you," he said as he caressed Quatre's cheek gently.
"I love you too Trowa."
"Are you still tired?"
"No. I'm alright now."
"Do you want to go watch the sun set with me?"
"Alright. They're always so beautiful to watch."
"They're no where as beautiful as your smile."
Look! I'm done! It took nearly two years but it's finally done! For my next fic, it's either going to be an OC story or an Evangelion fic. Not sure. Well, catch ya all later and don't forget to go and see Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets at least once in memory of the guy who played Dumbledor who recently died, and I don't think it was on the news. 0_0 Cya!
Chapter 11
Disclaimers: yeah, I do not own GW. I just have rights to the plot line and the character I create. Do not sue me please. I don't make money off this. I'm just a simple Canadian.
Well, this is it folks. The last chapter! This nearly took two years but it's finally finished. I hope you've enjoyed it. Please enjoy the ending and review when you're done.
Archived at
http://www.geocities .com/midori_yuy/tempindex.html
Wanna archive my fic? Just e-mail me at
"Well, at least she got to say goodbye," sighed Quatre.
"Yeah, and to let us know that she's okay," added Trowa as Duo got up.
"I wonder what happened to her thought," Duo thought out loud.
"What do you mean, Duo?" asked Heero.
"Well, before her eyes were hazel, but in that holo projection of her, her eyes weren't. Almost like a blend between violet (or purple) and blue."
"Maybe it was an error with the project," suggested Trowa.
"In any case," grumbled Wufei. "It was a waste of my time. I didn't even know her."
"But some of us did Chang," remarked Duo.
"And to them, it wasn't a waste of time," concluded Trowa.
"Well, we'd better pack up and go then, seeing how we have to go back anyways," said Quatre as he got off of the couch.
"Why so soon, Kat? Sandrock is *nowhere* near being complete, let alone flying it anyway," comment Duo. "We might as well stay here till then."
"You think so?"
"I agree. It'll take some time till Sandrock will fly anywhere. Staying here would be the best thing," explained Heero.
"It makes no difference to me," grunted Wufei.
"I have no complaint," said Trowa.
"Then I guess we'll stay," announced Duo. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to take a nap. I didn't get too much sleep last night and that mission drained me out." And Duo left the room and went to his room.
"I'll go and work on your Gundam, Quatre." Heero headed back to the holding bay.
"I don't have to tell you guys where I'm going." Wufei left the room. Quatre looked down at Trowa.
"If you don't have anything in mind Trowa, we could always play our instruments."
"What kind of song did you have in mind?"
"I'm didn't have anything really in mind. How about a sad song?"
"For Syira?"
"Yeah." Quatre and Trowa went to their rooms and grabbed their instruments and met back in the living room.
As they began to play, Trowa noticed something about how Quatre was playing his violin. It sounded like it, no, Quatre was crying inside for Syira.
**Meanwhile, upstairs??**
Duo opened his eyes, and instead of laying on his bed, he found himself sitting up.
"What the heck.."
"Shh.. Be still and look forward. I'm just brushing your hair, Duo."
"How..but you said that.."
"May *not* come back doesn't mean no chance of return. I just wasn't sure if I would come back. Look forward. Unless you want me to pull or damage your hair."
"How long are you going to be staying here for?"
"Not long. Just long enough to say a proper goodbye to some people."
"To whom?"
"You and Quatre. Who else baka?" Duo smiled.
"Well, you've got a point there. How long have you been brushing my hair?"
"Not too long, but I'm almost down now."
"You *will* put it into a braid, when you're down, right Syira?"
"Of course. I know just how much you *love* your hair, Duo."
"So, how old are you now, Syi?"
"Oh, seventeen and a half."
"And we can time travel by now?!"
"You'd be amazed how quick new technology is developed without military and weapons development to pay for." She took Duo's hair, separated it in to three groups, and began to braid it.
"You do know how to braid hair, right?"
"Of course. I've braid my Duo's hair thousand of times in my time." She paused for a second. "Duo, are you mad at me?"
"For what?"
"Lying to you about who I am."
"You had no choice. I'd done the something if the roles were switched."
"Is Quatre?" Duo paused.
"No. I think he's just upset that you're gone."
"Well, I'm done braiding you hair. Now, go to sleep duo." Syira helped Duo lay back down and pulled some bed sheets over him. "I'm going to miss you Duo."
"I'll miss you too, Syira." Duo closed his eyes, rolled over, and fell asleep, forget to ask her about her eyes.
**Back downstairs**
"That was great Trowa," said Quatre as he put his violin down on a table.
"You really think so?"
"I do, but you seemed to be playing for someone."
"What do you mean, Kat?"
"I know that you weren't playing for Syira. It didn't sound like it. It sounded like you wanted to say something, but you were scared to say it."
**The Repair Bay**
Heero was working on Sandrock, when he found a small piece of paper on the seat in the cockpit. He picked it up. The front read 'To get closet to death,' and when he opened it, the inside read 'Touch his hair'.
"Hmmm. Mission accepted." And Heero went back to work on Sandrock.
**Back in the living room**
"Look, I don't know what you're talking about, Kat." Trowa put his flute on the table.
"Don't lie to me Trowa. Whom were you playing for?" Trowa headed for the door, but Quatre grabbed his wrist.
**Meanwhile, upstairs**
"ACK!!" My hair came out!" screamed Duo. "How the hell could this happen!?"
"What happened to your hair Duo?" asked Heero as he walked passed Duo's door.
"Somehow my hair came out of my braid, and now my hair is in a thousand knots!"
"Duo, sit on the edge of your bed," ordered Heero.
"Just do it Duo!" he said in his 'I will kill you' voice, so a stunned and confused Duo crawled out of over to the edge of his bed and sat down.
"You're not going to cut, are you Heero?"
"No. I'm just going to brush it and braid it again." Heero walked into Duo's room, grabbed Duo's brush off the floor, sat behind Duo on his bed, and began to slowly brush Duo's hair. As Heero brushed Duo's hair, he felt a weird feeling flowing from Heero as he brushed Duo's hair, and it spread across Duo's body making Duo completely relax.
**Living Room**
"Trowa, please tell," pleaded Quatre as he held Trowa by the wrist and looked deep into his eyes.
"I'm just afraid that.."
"I'll always be your friend Trowa, not matter what." Quatre hugged Trowa at his waist.
"I just don't know..."
**Meanwhile, upstairs**
~I wonder why Heero is being soo nice to me,~ thought Duo. ~He doesn't say much, either to me or anyone else. I wonder why he's being soo nice of a sudden. Whatever his reason, I'm not complaining. It fells soooo goood when he brushes my hair.~
"Hmm.. Yeah Heero?"
"I've finished brushing your hair. How does it fell?" As Duo ran his fingers through his hair, he still could fell the same amazing sensation flowing through his hair, and it was unbelievably soft and smooth.
"What?! It feels really nice Heero. You didn't rip any hairs out did you?"
"No." Duo could have sworn that he heard a bit of... emotion in that "no,' but he just shrugged it off and Heero began to separate Duo's hair so that he could braid it.
"Good." As Heero began to braid it, Duo could feel the wonderful senation flowing again, and suddenly a thought popped into Duo's mind. ~Could it be that....Nah! This is Heero we're talking about. Now way. There's no way that he could and for two very good reasons. One, he's the perfect soldier and that requires having no emotions what so ever. Second, he's got Relena. There's no possible way that he could..~
"Yeah?" Duo snapped out of his train of thought.
"I've finished."
"Heero, have you ever braided someone's hair before?"
"No? Here's your brush." Heero passed Duo's brush over his shoulder and held it there, but as he did that, his hand brushed over Duo's shoulders, and Duo felt a surge of energy flow into his body. It felt absolutely and totally wonderful. It caused him to fall into deep thought until Heero snapped him out by grabbing his shoulders and turned him around, making him face Heero. "Duo? Are you alright?"
~That's it Heero Yuy! I can't stand this any longer.~ Duo lent forward and captured Heero's lips in a deep passionate kiss. At first, Heero was startled but soon, he began to kiss Duo back, and they both fell back on to the bed.
**Living Room**
"Well, Trowa?" But before Quatre could hear a response, he blanked out and fell towards the ground, but Trowa quickly caught him, and slowly laid him onto the ground and rested his head on his chest.
"Where..where am I?" Quatre again found himself floating in complete darkness.
"Where time and space doesn't exist and where alternate times cross." Quatre turned around and saw Syira behind him.
"Syira? What are you doing here? What am *I* doing here? I thought you said that you would never come back again? What happened?"
"Are you and Duo deaf? I said I *may not* come back and that doesn't mean never. It just means I wasn't sure" But before Syira could finish, Quatre kissed Syira on the lips.
"Thanks for coming back Syira," Quatre whispered softly with a smile on his face.
"You're welcome."
"Well what?"
"Are you going to answer my question?"
"Which one? You ask soo many questions Quatre."
"Why am I here?"
"Because, you're at a crossroad, whether to accept Trowa's love and whether you should accept it."
"I don't know what you're talking about Syi. Trowa just cares about me as a friend."
"Oh please Quatre. Even I could see that he loved you when I was around. I couldn't tell if he was jealous, mad, sad, or both when I was ever with you. Why can't you see it?"
"I can't just forget about you Syira. I never will be able to." Quatre gently kissed Syira's lips.
"I'm not asking you the forget. I'm asking you to open your eyes. I'm not going to be able to come about again and I can't ask you to not to let anyone else love you. I just want you to be happy, even if it's not with me."
"How did you come back Syira? Isn't it a bit of a leap from a holo cube?" Syira grinned devilishly.
"It's been about a year in my time since I sent the cube, and we've been getting better technology. It's a rare and honorable pleasure to be able to time travel. You get one shot at it and you have to follow rules while doing it, so that you don't mess up the time line. Also, I've been moping around for awhile so they kinda let me just so I'd cheer up." She laughed nervously. "If I had my way, I'd be visiting you guys every*day*."
"So you can't ask everyday if you can come?"
"If I did that, I think they'd make me live with Wufei for a month and he lives some mountains. I'd come out like Wufei in the end!" Both, Syira and Quatre laughed at the thought of another Wufei in the world.
"That wouldn't be good. The would needs more gentle and beautiful people in the world like you." Syira blushed at Quatre's comment
"Thanks." She started to float backwards and into the darkness.
"Are you going now?"
"Yeah. I've got to head back now. Say hi to Duo for me. Don't forget what I told you."
"I won't." And with that, Syira disappeared into the darkness.
**Duo's Room*
"Why didn't you say something?" Duo asked with his head resting on Heero's chest.
"That you loved me."
"Because." Yup, same old Heero.
"I didn't know if you loved me back?"
"So, could it be possible, that Heero Yuy, the perfect soldier, be afraid of something after all?" Heero kissed Duo on the lips and smiled.
"Does it look like I'm afraid now?" Something then caught Heero's eyes. "What's that on the side table?" Duo lifted his head off his love's chest and crawled over the bed to the side table. On it was Syira's heart-locket necklace! But something was different about it. On the back of the locket was an inscription that read '~Brother and Sister Forever. 183 AC~'.
"Thanks sis for the gifts," he said quietly to himself with a smile on his face.
**Living Room**
"Quatre! Quatre! Please wake up, little one," whispered Trowa. Quatre soon began to moan as he slowly began to wake up.
"Quatre. You're awake!" Trowa hugged his fallen friend tightly. "What happened to you, little one?"
~Little one. I like that name.~
"Oh nothing Trowa. I'm just over-tired. That's all. I'm f.." Before Quatre could finish, Trowa captured his lips in a quick, yet passionate kiss.
"I love you Quatre. I don't ever want to lose you," he said as he caressed Quatre's cheek gently.
"I love you too Trowa."
"Are you still tired?"
"No. I'm alright now."
"Do you want to go watch the sun set with me?"
"Alright. They're always so beautiful to watch."
"They're no where as beautiful as your smile."
Look! I'm done! It took nearly two years but it's finally done! For my next fic, it's either going to be an OC story or an Evangelion fic. Not sure. Well, catch ya all later and don't forget to go and see Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets at least once in memory of the guy who played Dumbledor who recently died, and I don't think it was on the news. 0_0 Cya!