Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Few Bloopers ❯ Whoops.... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Gundam Wing Bloopers

These are some bloopers I thought up during my boring weekend and choice to avoid Spanish homework. -_-: Oh well, here we go!

[Relena gives invitation to Heero at school]
Heero looks passively over the sea, minding his own business, thinking about his mission.
"Here." Relena hands him a piece of folded paper as her friends and classmates observe. Heero takes the paper and rips it in half. Relena is stunned and a tear falls from her eye. "Why?"
Heero casually wipes it away with his finger and Relena falters a smile. ".....My dorm, tonight, around 10. Be there." Heero winks at her before strutting away. Relena silently laughs, along with the crew and director.
"Okay," director cracks a large smile. "Good one Heero."
Heero turns. "I was serious."
"I'll bet he was." Duo and Trowa snicker.

[Scene where Duo first meets Heero on a barge]
Relena and Heero bring attention to the direction of the shot. Heero freaks out at the last second and moves...
"AAAAAHHH!!!" Relena stands holding her bleeding arm.
"Oh CRAP!" Duo puts his hand behind his head. (Think Goku)
Relena in a rage, "I'LL CRAP YOU YOU BRAIDED BAKA!!!" Runs after Duo with an anime mallet in her free hand. They run around the set yelling at each other.
"Someone stop her!! She's gone awall!" Heero can't help but laugh.
Director yells, "CUT!" Turns toward his team of astonished peoples. "THAT GUN WAS SUPPOST TO BE FILLED WITH BLANKS!!!!!!!!" The crew still stares in disbelief. The director jumps up and screams," DON'T JUST STAND THERE! GET HER SOME MEDICAL HELP AND FIND THE PROPS MAN! NOW!!!" People jump and begin running every which way trying to keep Relena from hurting herself more as she swings and misses Duo by and inch.


[Scene where Relena finds Heero on the beach]
"Oh my God!" Runs to the fallen body. "Is he still alive?" Turns Heero over. Heero wakes up and frantically stands up with his hand covering his face.
"Did you see?"
"See what?" Medics can be heard shouting and seen running toward them.
Heero presses the button on his suit. Nothing happens. Presses it again and blue paint splatters everywhere covering Heero and Relena from head to toe. They look at themselves astonished. Snickering can be heard in the background.
"Alright, who did it?" The director eyes everyone while trying to contain his smile. Zechs begins to inch away. "ZECHS!!! Get over here!" Zechs dashes away to take refuge in his trailer.
"OOO you know he dead..." Heero stated before proceeding to wipe the blue oozy paint off of his arms with a towel.

[Relena is standing on top of a cliff]
"HHHEEEEEEERRRRROOO!!!!! Come and get-agh!" Relena falls over backwards. Sits up and shakes her fist at the sky yelling, "Stupid bird!" among other things. The bird caws back in its own retaliation while Relena eyes the thing growling under her breath.
Director (while grinning): Somebody get 'er an ice pack. Suddenly a plopping/splatter sound is heard followed by a shrill wailing and some potty mouth.
Director -_-:: And some soap too...

[Treiz is talking to Lady Une while taking a bath]
"Oh, and lady, have some more rose scents ready for my next bath would you?"
"Of course sir."
"Thank you." *Bloop*
"Uh, what was that?"
"Um.....nothing...." *bloop*
"Cut! Treiz, please refrain from eating the bean burritos BEFORE the take."
Treiz blushes a full shade of red and Lady Une smirks.
Duo whispers to Cathy, "Remind me to complement Taco Bell on their choice of bean." They both snicker.

How was it? Yes? No? Ideas? Suggestions? Please send your reviews this way!
Disclaimer: I no a owna Gundam Wing. If I did, I wouldn't be writing this.