Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Gundam Christmas Carol ❯ Getting Ready ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: A Gundam Christmas Carol.

Rating: R (swearing)

Warnings: Humor, Slight romance, more humor (I hope), sap, slight Relena bashing, but not much.

A/N: I actually got this idea from a challenge I found. I don't know who made the challenge, but it sounded like fun, even if Christmas is 5 months or so away yet. Too tired to calculate actual date or anything. Here is the itinerary for the story: 1- Mistletoe 2- An incident involing X-mas lights 3- A spork (y'know, those plastic spoon/fork hyrbrid utensils?) 4- At least one food item being used as a weapon 5- one or more of these phrases must appear somewhere in the story-5a- "<insert character name here>, why are you dressed like that?" 5b- "Why is my nose glowing?" 5c- "This doesn't taste like eggnog..." 5d- "AAUGH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!"

A/N 2: Takes place about a year or so after the Mariamaia incident. So the boys are 17 and Tro-chan is 18.

Ah, it's that time again. Christmas Eve. This year, we are going to go in quietly and join the Gundam Wing gang as they ready themselves for the lords birthday. Let's listen in, shall we?


"Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the WAAAY. . ." Quatre sang to himself as he began placing lights upon his tree, which was placed in the corner of the humongous living room, "Oh what fun it is to ride in a one . . . horse . . . OPEN . . . SLEEIGHHAGHH!!!" He screamed as he fell off the ladder and onto the floor, the lights somehow wrapping themselves around him like he himself was the Christmas tree, and the tall pine standing tall and proud next to them was not.

"Quatre?" Trowa ran into the room at his lovers yell and stopped dead in his tracks at the sight the young Arabian made, "Um . . ." he started, but couldn't quite find the words to say anything or do anything. He just stood there, staring at the blond, shoulders shaking in pent up laughter.

Quatre blinked up at Trowa then glanced down at himself, trying to see through the lights in front of his eyes, "I really don't see what's so funny, Tro-chan." He paused, and bit his lip, "Then again, I can't see much of anything at the moment."

That did it. Trowa bent over at the waist, hands placed on knees, the excursion from trying to keep the laughter in took its toll. The first laugh was loud and quite comical, especially coming from Trowa, but as it continued on, it became quite cute. Or so Quatre thought.

"Could you please stop laughing and help me? It's one o'clock and I want to get the tree and the rest of the decorating done by five, and everyone's going to be here at seven. . ." Quatre said, but could tell that he wasn't getting through to his lover. He harrumphed and began hunting around for the beginning of the string of lights.


Meanwhile at the Maxwell household. . .


"AAUGH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" Duo began jumping up and down in front of the mirror, swiping at the top of his head.

"Duo, it's Christmas. Everyone wears these kinds of things." Heero paused, "Besides I think it's kind of cute."

Duo stopped bouncing long enough to glare at his friend, "If you thing it's cute, then you wear it. I may like to joke around and stuff, but even I have my limits." He whimpered as he looked in the mirror again, "Please, get this damn thing off my head. I don't know how you did it, but its fucking stuck."

Heero shrugged as he stood up, "Well, I guess. At least you said please."

Duo threw a surprised glance at Heero, "What the hell happened to you anyway? Your being awful civil."

Heero shrugged again, "A lot of thinking and re-getting to know myself is all."

Duo smirked and sat back down on the chair, letting Heero get the god-awful antlers off of his head, "Relena finally gave you some, eh?"

Heero shuddered, "Ugh, no. And one more comment like that, and I'll leave the antlers on."

Duo eeped, "I'll shut up now."


Duo scrunched up his eyebrows at the boy standing behind him. Heero was much to immersed with getting the antlers un-knotted from Duo's hair to notice the intense scrutiny. He had changed a lot within the past year, since the last time Duo had seen him. He was much taller now, still an inch shorter the Duo, but hitting a good 5'10" with no shoes. He still had the same messy, chocolate brown hair, but it was long now, and pulled back into a ponytail. Very un-Heeroish.

"Eh, Heero?" He asked a little sheepishly.

"Nani?" Heero raised his beautiful cobalt eyes to meet Duo's in the mirror.

"Why is your hair long? don't get me wrong, it looks great, but I really didn't notice it before, and now that I have, I was just kind of curious. . ."

Heero smiled slightly, and then blushed as he realized he would have to give an answer, "It reminded me of you."

TBC . . .

Ugh, totally sappy at the end, but eh, that's how I like um, so deal. :P I like many many things, but flamers are not one of them. But, they might come in handy…hmm…I am, after all a firefly. >> (I know, they have nothing to do with fire. Shoot me.)