Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Lighthouse Tale ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: A Lighthouse Tale
Author: DamnVespa email: jasminepearl@h...
Category: Songfic, AU (?), Deathfic
Archive: 1X2ml
Pairing: 1+2
Disclaimer: I don't own GW nor do I own Nickel Creek's "A
Lighthouse's Tale." So, umm.. please don't sue me.
Besides I have no
Notes: Deathfic but with a sort of happy ending. Anything else
you'll just have to read.
Rating: G

[I am a lighthouse, worn by the weather and the waves.
I keep my lamp lit, to warn the sailors on their way. ]

I was built many centuries ago as a beacon to warn sailors to
not get to close. If they do they will die. My life is a lonely one
but I make do. I've watched many ships sink and many men and
women die in the depths of the sea. I have been home to some who
have helped me in my job of warning sailors and of the dangers of the

[I'll tell a story, paint you a picture from my past.
I was so happy, but joy in this life seldom lasts]
I have had many owners who have lived their lives here, but
none so unique and tragic as the last one. I will tell you his
story, as I have known it. For I only knew him for a short time.

[I had a keeper, he helped me warn the ships at sea.
We had grown closer, 'till his joy meant everything to me.]

He came to me when he was around twenty. He always wore black
and had a long brown braid. He seemed happy and jovial to anyone
looking but when it was just him and me he was always sad and
lonely. He would stare at the stars. His name was Duo. He always
talked to me and kept me company. It was nice.

[And he was to marry, a girl who shone with beauty and light.
And they loved each other, and with me watched the sunsets into
night. ]

One day a boy about his age came up to me. He had jeans and a
green tank top on. My owner, Duo, ran out of me and jumped on the
boy. After that they were hardly ever seen by themselves. One look
and you could tell they were in love. Now Duo wasn't so lonely or
sad anymore. He and the other boy, Heero, would sit atop of me and
watch the sun set together. I could hear them whisper words of love
together as they held each other. They eventually had a wedding
ceremony, nothing grand, but they held it near me so I could watch.
It was beautiful and if I could cry I would cry tears of joy for

[And the waves crashing around me, the sand slips out to sea.
And the winds that blow remind me, of what has been, and what can
never be. ]

Life was grand with them there. There were hardly any quiet
nights here. I was no longer alone. I had two owners who cared for
me and helped me with my job. I loved them for it as I have loved my
previous owners. They had their fights but they always made up, but
there was never a dull moment.

[She'd had to leave us, my keeper he prayed for a safe return.
But when the night came, the weather to a raging storm had turned.]

Unfortunately the one named Heero had to go away but he said
he would return. Duo was sad but he let him go. Duo sat up every
night and stared out over the ocean waiting for Heero to return. It
would be a few months before he saw the ship Heero would be sailing
in on come in. Unfortunately there was harsh storm that night. Duo
stood there and watched the ship bounce over the waves. I felt
helpless and I tried to warn them as best I could that they were
getting to close to the shore and the rocks. Duo kneeled and started
praying. He prayed for hours as he watched the ship fight.

[He watched her ship fight, but in vain against the wild and terrible
In me so helpless, as dashed against the rock she met her end.]

Then finally it happened. The ship hit the biggest rock out
there and started to sink. Duo started screaming and wailing as he
watched the ship finally slipped beneath the waves. He broke down
right then. It was devastating. I wish I had arms so I could hug
Duo but all I could do was listen to his cries and the harsh winds
through the night.

[And the waves crashing around me, the sand slips out to sea.
And the winds that blow remind me, of what has been, and what can
never be]

I can't but feel sad as I tell this story. My previous
owners had suffered similar fates but none as tragically as my
current owner.

[Then on the next day, my keeper found her washed up on the sand.
He kissed her cold face, that they'd be together soon he'd swore. ]

The next day my owner left me and went along the beach
looking for anything he could salvage. I saw him start running and
kneel next to a body that had washed up on the shore. Duo let out an
ear-piercing howl as he found Heero's body. He held on to the
for hours on end. He just rocked back and forth while sobs wracked
his body. He finally laid him down and kissed his face.

[I saw him crying, watched as he buried her in the sand.
And then he climbed my tower, and off of the edge of me he ran.]

He came back to me to get a shovel then went back out and
buried him. He stayed out there for hours just looking at the grave.
He fell to his knees and let out one last wail and collapsed on the
grave. He stayed like that forever and then finally made his way
back to me. He climbed to the top of me and stood staring out at the
sea at the sunset. Then the most shocking thing happened. Heero was
standing in front of him and opened his arms. He stood there and
waited. Duo stood in shock then a happy smile graced his face. He
ran to meet him and ran right off of me. Heero caught his soul but
Duo's body fell to the ocean below. As the final rays of light
so did Heero and Duo.

[And the waves crashing around me, the sand slips out to sea.
And the winds that blow remind me, of what has been, and what can
never be]

No one knew about it for a couple of days. Then finally some
people came and found what happened. They buried them together at
the base of me. Three of their friends stayed long after everyone
had left. They were saddened but they left smiling. They looked
toward the sea and then finally left the place. They come back every
once and awhile but they don't stay long.

[I am a lighthouse, worn by the weather and the waves.
And though I am empty, I still warn the sailors on their way.]

Now I am alone. No one lives here anymore, but I still do my
job of protecting but I frequently think of my last owners. I hope
that wherever they are they are happy.

The End