Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Love Beyond All Measure ❯ A love beyond all measure chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
Title: A Love Beyond All Measure
Author: Ryouga
Idea: Supplied by Belinda
Pairing: 1+2,1x1, 2x2, 2x1, 1xR, and 1x2
May contain foul and blasphemous language
Warning some chapters may contain lemon and NC17
And this is my first Gundam Wing fic
Disclaimer: I'd like to say that I own Heero's body but unfortunately no matter how much I wail and moan about it I can't change the laws of ownership…. *sighs* Oh well *Falls over*
A Love Beyond All Measure Part 2
"Heero, Please! Help me!"
The words shocked him a little. . Since when did the 'God of Death!' ever need anybody's help?
He looked Duo straight in his big violet eyes and saw the boy wasn't joking. "Let's get you home and then I want you to tell me everything ok...?"
Duo set his eyes to the floor again. "I don't have a home Heero." The braided boy replied, mumbling quietly.
"You what?!" Heero exclaimed.
"The streets are my home now. Corners, boxes and alley ways are it for me." The violet eyed Shinigami sighed ashamedly.
"Jesus Duo! What Th~" He bit back his words as the other boy turned his head away. It wasn't hard to see that the 'God Of Death' was having trouble coming back from some kind of hell. "You know what Duo? " The blue-eyed boy started. "I think it'd be a lot easier if we talked back at my place. I can go see Relena tomorrow. "
"I don't want to cause you any problems Heero"
Heero sighed calmly and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I'm inviting you over. You need help and we can discuss what's going on, because frankly Duo, I'm worried about you...!"
"But I~"
Heero started the car again "No buts Duo ...I'm taking you back to my place and that's that."
Duo felt a faint smile creep up upon his lips. "I can see there's no point in arguing with you Heero, never is when your minds made up."
Heero grinned as he turned the car around and headed back the way he'd come. "Yeah and my minds pretty unchangeable Maxwell, so don't you forget that."
The rest of the drive back to the Yuy house was fairly quiet.
Once inside Heero sat Duo down on the couch and folded his arms. "All right Maxwell out with it! I want to know what's happened to you, you never looked this way before! You look sick and withdrawn, pale dirty...and I hate to say this buddy but you kinda smell too."
Duo bit his lip trying to think of an easy way to tell Heero what had happened in his life the past year and figured that there would be no easy way to do this other than to get it out in the open. He knew it would be impossible to try and lie to him because he'd know straight away.
Heero wasn't stupid, Duo knew that well. "I errr... I, Well, I kinda, sort of became an, umm well that is..."
Heero shook his head "Duo! Damn it! Just tell me, don't sit there thinking about it just do it for god's sake! You used to be able to talk to me about everything. I mean the way you're carrying on any one would think you're on damn drugs or something."
Duo swallowed and found comfort in staring at the floor. He wanted to say something but he couldn't, he felt too ashamed. He'd changed his mind. *Silence ~is~golden after all* he thought to himself.
Heero glared at him, the shock of the realization that it could be so. Duo felt the intensity of the blue eyed boy's glare."What the Fuck?" He exclaimed rather loudly. "Duo! You're not?... Are you?"
Maybe silence wasn't so golden after all.
*Sweat drop*
The braided boy said nothing and the silence was almost breath taking as Heero rushed him, picking him up by the collar and almost shaking him. "What the fuck possessed you to go and do something that stupid?"
Still Duo said nothing, avoiding the gaze of the angry boy as much as possible.
"Answer me Duo. I want to know." Heero yelled at him. "Tell me Maxwell tell me!!" He threw the violet eyed Shinigami back onto the couch.
Duo lay there stunned momentarily, and then suddenly his voice returned, boldly and just as angry as his friend's "You fucking prick!" he snarled, getting up onto his feet and rushing back at Heero. "It was your fucking fault in the first place.... damn you, you bastard. YOUR FAUUUUUUUUUUULT!!!!!! "
Heero was so shocked at the accusation that he stood stunned, rooted to the spot and before he realized it the other boy had him pinned to the floor.
"M..m... my Fault?!" Heero stuttered. How? How can it be my fault? Do you think I'd want to see you like this, The God of Death a shadow of his former self? HOW?" he yelled, " How can it be my fault?"
Duo looked down into the perfect soldiers confused face. "When you left I was alone I had no one to turn to when I needed someone. I felt abandoned and I couldn't face the reality of life. I tried, god only knows I did." he sighed taking a deep breath before continuing.
"After you left I didn't know what to do. All I knew was how to fight. It was hard finding a job to satisfy my mind. I waited for you to come back, and when you did you never even bothered to look me up." the young boy said rather dejectedly.
Heero felt a sudden pang of guilt. .Duo was right. He hadn't looked him up. He had meant to but he'd been so busy with his work as Relena's bodyguard that he had neglected his old partner and friend.
"I'm sorry Duo, I never meant to neglect our friendship." Heero apologized sincerely. "Look, you said you wanted me to help you." he ventured, avoiding the Shinigami's inquiring and sorrowful gaze. "Is it help getting off the drugs?"
Duo lowered his head slowly and sighed. "Yes." came the almost inaudible reply.
Heero took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He stood up and held out his hand to the braided boy on the floor. "I wouldn't be much of a friend if I didn't want to help you through this now would I?"
Duo looked up at the hand that had been offered him and slowly he noticed a thin smile creeping onto Heero's face and he found himself smiling too.
He pulled himself up and lunged into Heero's arms. "Thanks Heero I knew I could count on you, I just knew it."
The blush never left Heero's face as Duo hung onto him for dear life. He sighed, a little defeated sigh and slowly put his arms around the violet eyed Shinigami and hugged him briefly. "It's not going to be easy Duo, so don't thank me yet." he said, holding the boy at arms length by the shoulders.
"But for now...." he grabbed the boy by the arm and dragged him toward the bathroom, "...You get cleaned up and I'll make something for us for dinner.... My room's just there." he said pointing to the room at the end of the corridor."Help yourself to my clothes and we'll go shopping tomorrow for some new ones for you."
Duo smiled at him. "I owe you Heero." he said earnestly.
"No! Friends owe friends nothing when it comes to something like this." he corrected his violet eyed, braided friend. "I can't bear to see you like this..." he said almost sadly. "Because it hurts!"
Then abruptly he turned and left.
End part 2
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