Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Mere Memory ❯ The Arrival ( Prologue )
Title: A Mere Memory
Author: Schizoid
Pairing: Haven't really decided yet, so you'll have to wait and see.
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own either Harry Potter or Gundam Wing. Each belongs to their respectful owners, so please, do not sue.
Summary: Time has been torn apart, worlds are left to bleed into one another, what of the lives affected by such atrocities? Finally attaining peace after the fall of Mariemaia, the former Gundam pilots find themselves once again thrust into battle, but what of a war where mobile suits do not exist amongst the battlefield, but instead, magic must be harnessed and unleashed? Warning: Yaoi
Author's Note: Yes, I realize that the Gundam Wing/Harry Potter crossover has been done (many times before, in fact), and is probably a great insult to each work to do so. I hadn't really planned on having such as my first ever fanfic, because before I felt that the two had absolutely nothing in common and couldn't supply a decent connection, but here I am, writing a fanfic for the two. O.O; So yeah, apart from why, all I'm concerned with now is that I get a few reviews, so what do you say? Suggestions or comments, any of all kind are welcomed, so speak your mind and we'll see what happens. Enjoy!
PROLOGUE: The Arrival
Deep within the dreary bowels of the foul cavern, two figures embraced by shadows moved swiftly with unease, stumbling blindly without any source of light to aid them in their haste, seeming to feel that any would draw too much attention to themselves. Ragged panting could be heard from the pair, obvious exhaustion causing both to eventually slow, and then rest as they sat on the hard floor, leaning their backs against the rough walls slick with grime. A moment was taken to catch their breaths, then the men began to murmur to one another, apprehension thick in their hushed voices.
"I think they're finally gone. We should start and end this as soon as possible," said the taller one of the two, his voice gruff and forceful with determination, despite the fear and adrenaline pumping fervently through his every vein.
"This is insane!" began the other, sounding very much harassed and near hysterics with panic. "The Ministry has their Aurors skulking everywhere, we can't possibly get away with this! Besides, why should we be responsible for this damned spell, if Lord Voldemort wants-"
"Be silent you fool!" hissed the first man, effectively interrupting the other's words. "You should be honored that our Lord has entrusted us with such a task. Now quit your whining and let's get on with it."
With the discussion ceased, they began to unload their pockets, settling various bottles filled with vibrant-colored liquids and powders upon the floor before them, as well each pulling out a wand from their dark cloaks. Taking certain powders, the taller man began to pepper the ground with the grainy mass, making intricate designs while the shorter one started mixing the liquids. Accurate amounts were carefully mixed with one another, but when done, he began pouring the contents in a large circle around the finished design the taller one had made.
They were trembling, whether with excitement or lingering fear was unknown, as they settled themselves just outside the circlet. Opposite from each other, they locked gazes for a second before giving one another a brief nod, seeming to agree that it was now time to begin. Grasping their wands tightly in their hands, they knelt precariously beside the circle, and aimed their wands towards the center. Beginning to chant in synchronized fashion, they slowly averted their wands to gently make contact with the poured liquid, and in that instant the circle began to glow.
From the center, the powders appeared to have taken life, suddenly rising and swirling into one another, destroying the once skillfully drawn lines. The mass was now a discolored array of mist-like clouds, twirling and spinning rapidly, though the men continued chanting without fault, expecting such actions to take place. The cloud expanded, reaching the glowing circumference while spinning in form with the shape, and instantly upon connection, the cavern was consumed with an intense, blinding light. The light poured into every crevice and bled throughout the entirety of its confines, no doubt sufficient enough in bringing attention to itself.
"Shit! They're going to find us now for sure," cried the shorter man with renewed panic, breaking off the chanting.
"It doesn't matter, we're almost through, keep chanting!"
"But if we stay here, we'll be caught and sent to Azkaban, or worse, killed!"
"No, you idiot! Come back here, it's nearly done, we must finish this!!" he screamed, but the other had already broken contact from the spell, causing the dust clouds to falter as they whirled high together in a cylindrical shape. The one to flee did not make it far when bright, glittering sparks were shot towards him, accompanied by shouts that reverberated off the cavern walls, and left was his crumpled body on the dirty floor. Cursing, the man left behind mustered all that he could as he concentrated on his objective. He will succeed, he must for his Lord and Master!
However, just as he was about to resume; another shout, pain lanced through his body, and then oblivion overtook him. The Aurors moved quickly to attempt to undo whatever damage was done, but not quickly enough it seemed. The spinning whirlwind of magical powder evaporated into nothing, leaving only the opened portal where the circlet once lay to gape wide, soon spilling forcefully out five tumbling figures onto the ground. Slowly, the glaring light softened while the portal yawned closed, then vanished altogether without a trace.
Bewildered, the group eyed the figures now presented before them. Confusion was quite an understatement as to how they felt that very moment. They had followed two notorious Death Eaters into a secluded cavern, expecting a demon to have been summoned once sighting the open portal, but are then left to witness five young boys arrive through the gateway. Was this some sort of sick joke?