Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Mission: Failed ❯ A Mission: Failed ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Mission: Failed

By *~Nanashi Tenshi~*

Relena sat at the head of the conference table where the members of the Romefellar Foundation sat before her, and directly across from her, at the polar of her seat was Duke Dermail. These two opposite forces sat discussing (not for the first time) the correct method to acquire peace between the Earth Sphere and the Colonies.

"Peace can only be attained through non-violence and careful negotiations and compromises. You would realize this if you ceased this vain war you persist on having. I intend to continue promoting true pacifism, and none of your persuasion could ever yield me into becoming a part of this organization." Relena stated, holding her own in a room of very powerful people.

"Miss Relena, we understand your ideals, and military neutralism through out the war, but don't you think that you could better protect your little kingdom if you took some kind of military action?" One of the members challenged her.

"Yes, I could. But that would only make me a hypocrite to my pacifist beliefs. I will carry out my father's intentions and ideals, and becoming allies with the Romefellar Foundation, who has only worsened this war, caused grief to the public, and sacrificed the lives of unnecessary soldiers, was not one of my father's wishes." Relena's eyes became intense, and one could detect the tinge of anger, and determination in her usual calm, soft-spoken voice, that now quavered with an already acknowledged defeat.

This deliberation went on for another hour, and no agreement, or solution was reached. Both leaders were obstinate, but one was armed with military power, and in the end Relena knew what the Romefellar Foundation would resort to. It was just a matter of time now. She had sworn to herself a long time ago that she would not fall into the hands of hateful war and swept away into it's strong current into the sea of miserable fighting.

Relena stepped into her pink car and directed Pagaen to her home, somberly sighing as she sat back in her seat. Dorothy, unfortunately was riding with Relena, and was currently discussing the meeting, apparently not realizing her one-sided conversation. She rambled on about the beauty of war, trying to push Relena into seeing things the way she did. Dorothy's vehement, fascist speeches disgusted Relena. She wondered how such a delicate looking person could be such a corrupt war fanatic. Relena knew that violence could, and would only result in more violence, and endlessly drag on this war. Having been ignoring Dorothy's entire lecture, she looked wistfully out of the car window. Her life was so empty already, and all that she had worked hard for, and all that her father had worked hard for would be ruthlessly snatched from her soon.

Sure enough, the next day came, and Relena received news from Noin that the Romefellar foundation had station mobile doll troops surrounding the perimeter of the Sankt Kingdom, prepared to attack at the moment the order was issued.

"Miss Relena, you must do something to protect the Sankt Kingdom, if you truly want to preserve your ideals of true pacifism, you must fight to preserve this peaceful kingdom! You must act now!" Noin shouted in a panicked voice.

"I do not wish to retaliate, Miss Noin. Contact the Romefellar Foundation, tell them to withdraw, and take their weapons with them. I surrender, there is no need to fight." Relena lowered her head with remorse, mentally apologizing to her father for betraying him, and allowing the fall of the Sankt Kingdom, once again.

"But Miss Relena! You aren't even going to attempt to save your kingdom? Don't you think you are being selfish? What about your people!?"

"To my people, I sincerely apologize, and give my utmost gratitude to them for enduring this injustice, but I will not jeopardize their lives and cause panic by fighting back. Fighting back would only be going against all that I stand for, and I would be denying my name and duty as a Peacecraft. Please understand Miss Noin -"

" I don't know whether you're very bold, or just very foolish. I was sent to protect you, and you cannot stop others who will stand up to defend this kingdom!"

With that Noin ran out of the room before Relena could object. Out of the window, Relena could see bright, fiery explosions that hindered the cheerful blue, sunlit sky. From the distance, she could make out the Gundams. Fighting to protect her kingdom. They had intentionally kept the fighting away from the people to Relena's thankful satisfaction, but she still did not want this battle to continue.

"They've all come to protect my kingdom, and they are fighting without a cause. Don't they know that they can not stop the Romefellar Foundation from defeating the Sankt Kingdom, even if they do win this battle…The Romefellar Foundation will never stop until they achieve their goal, and I can not depend on the Gundam pilots to come to my rescue whenever they attack."

Dorothy then walked into the room, pulling Relena from her thoughts.

"Hello Miss Relena, a beautiful day for a battle, isn't it? I love the sight of explosions in the afternoon, don't you?" She smirked.

Relena instantly became irritated with her presence, and awful timing, not to mention her teasing comment. Dorothy was the last person she wanted to see right now, and Dorothy knew it.

"How pathetic of those Gundam boys, going out of their way and all to fight a losing battle, oblivious to the inevitable defeat." She continued to mock Relena, in a tone that sent shivers up Relena's back. But no, she would not let Dorothy get to her. She had to be strong, and strong didn't always mean fighting. Strength is doing something that is not easy, and it was not easy for Relena to surrender.

"This has to stop." Relena finally say, stepping up to the telecommunicater.

"You think they'll give you back your kingdom, if you ask them pretty please?" Dorothy went on, seeing if she could get her desired reaction of anger from Relena, who seemed surprisingly strong, ignoring her attempts to disgruntle her sensible and temperate persona. Dorothy watched anxiously as Relena connected the telecommunicater to the Romefellar Foundation headquarters. Duke Dermail instantaneously appeared on the monitor, and sat face to face with Relena's raging and desperate eyes.

"Stop this aggression at once! I want nothing to do with your organization, or your military. I surrender to you now, and so I demand you order your troops to stop fighting!"

"Hn. You give up easily Miss Peacecraft, what a pity you'll be the fault of the crumble of the Sankt Kingdom, just like your father. I will retire my troops, and order them off the grounds under your retreat."

The monitor beeped off, and the screen turned black. Relena took in the hurtful words and bowed her head in shame. Dorothy looked at the girl in despair, lightly shaking her head.

The rest of the day (after her surrender) for Relena was spent answering the questions of inquiring reporters and politicians at press conferences, and meetings. When she finally returned to her home, exhausted, she trudged up to her room, and undressed to get into bed. She flopped down on the bed closing her eyes. She had gone to four meetings and three press conferences. Relena realized what she had managed to lose in a mere day, and slightly chuckled to her own cynicism. She had lost her dignity, her father's trust, and an entire kingdom.

"When will people realize the meaninglessness of this war?" she pondered before drifting into a deep sleep.

As Relena slept undisturbed, she was woken by an intruder. A dark figure reached down and roughly put his hand over her mouth. He pulled his hand back, warm from Relena's muffled scream. He put his finger to his lips to nicely tell her to shut up. The nocturnal intruder that stood before her, she now realized was….

"Heero?" she asked in puzzlement. What is he doing here? She wondered. Eyeing the shiney, black gun in his hand, a thought instantly flashed in her mind. He had come to fulfill his promise of destroying her. She looked into his eyes and realized that couldn't be the purpose of his unexpected visit (as they usually were anyway). Murder was not in his cold, Prussian blue irises, she knew. Ignoring Relena's confusion, he just quietly stated,

"He's here." in his deep monotone, voice, his words cutting through the darkness like a knife.

"Who?" Relena questioned with added confusion.

"You must get out of here now. Come with me."

Before Relena could ask any more questions, Heero grabbed her up from her laying down position on her bed, and dragged her by her hand outside to her balcony, where he quickly climbed down a rope holding Relena by her waist. He led her (wasting no time, by running) to a "get- away" car hidden at the side of her mansion. Heero hurriedly, but cautiously checked in and around the car obviously to make sure the area wasn't infested with whomever they were running from. He then threw Relena into the passenger seat, and rushed over to the driver's side. He slid behind the wheel, slamming the door behind him. He had hotwired the car (which Relena now recognized as one of her own) so it was already running when Heero stomped his foot down onto the accelerator. Relena's head jolted back against her seat as the car sped off into the night.

"Fasten your seatbelt," he ordered, and Relena, without a second thought, obeyed.

"What is going on? Who is after me?" Relena asked insolently.

"The Romefellar Foundation has sent out one of their trained assassins to kill you. They're trying to eliminate you because you are in the way of their plans now, a nuisance." Heero said this without a hint of panic, or excitement in his voice.

"Perhaps they find me a threat because they know I have influential power over the people." She retorted impudently.

"The people may love you, but they fear the Romefellar Foundation, and it is through this fear that they will gain their power and prevail."

"True power does not lie in fear, they must know that they risk a rebellion from the people, like the ones they experienced on the colonies." She replied thoughtfully.

"That is why they are hesitant to carry out their plans." Was all he said in return, ending their conversation, and leaving Relena to wonder how they would get out of this. She was not frightened though. She did not dare to doubt Heero for a second; he was her strength.

All of a sudden, a pair of headlights flashed in the rearview mirror.

"Sh*t." Heero said flatly, concentrating on the road. Relena looked frantically behind her seat to find the car behind them speeding up.

"Heero!" Relena screamed. Heero promptly shifted gears.

"Sit back, and stay low" he instructed, once again slamming his foot on the accelerator, going 200 mph. The car behind them was going just as fast, and was on their tail now. Heero jerked out of the way, driving side by side with the enemy. The assassin pulled out a machine gun and shot, what seemed like 6 rounds of ammo. Fortunately the bulletproof windows prevented any of the bullets to hit Heero or Relena. Heero now focused on running the assassinator off the road. He finally jammed into the other car, succeeding in pushing him off the road, but pulling himself off as well. The sound of screeching tires sounded as both cars swirved off the road. Causing Relena's heart to jump into her throat and scream. The car stopped abruptly, a few yards behind the assassin's car.

"Damn it!" Heero gritted his teeth in anger, and Relena stared with wide eyes as Heero kicked open his door, cocking his gun.

"Stay here." Relena almost told him to do the same as she watched him walk vigilantly over to the other car.

Before Heero could get close to the car, the driver's door swung open, and a tall man dressed in black clothing stepped out pointing his gun directly at Heero, who had his gun pointed at the dead center of the other man's head. Heero hesitated, but the assassin did not, taking a cheap shot at Heero's stomach. Both turned their heads to see Relena running from the car toward Heero. The assassin grinned and moved his gun to face her, and pulled the trigger. The loud cracking noise of the firing gun echoed in Heero's ears, as Relena dropped in slow motion to the ground with a cry. Heero's reflexes acted fast, and he shot the assassin in the head in less than a split second, and the assassin fell to the ground dead. Heero, slumping over, holding his stomach, walked over to Relena, with much struggle. Relena lie on the ground, her eyes filled with tears of pain. Blood poured from her left shoulder and pooled around her, seeping into her long, golden brown hair.

"I-I failed" He winced.

"No, Heero…. You haven't failed" she said, with trouble getting her words out, moaning in agony.

"My mission… I-It was to protect you…I…Failed…" he groaned, squinting his eyes, as the pain swept through his body throbbing in his wound.

Heero laid on the ground next to Relena, gently pulling her in his arms, as if to protect her from death. But he would soon discover that not even the perfect soldier can not fight off fate. His eyes slowly closed, as darkness consumed him. The last thing he heard was the soft murmur of Relena's voice,

"I love you Heero Yuy", and a loud bang shot through his mind, and everything went black.

Relena hadn't died from the gunshot wound on her shoulder. She had reached for the gun that Heero clutched in his hand and shot herself, putting her out of her misery and onto a better place with her love. Heero and Relena did meet again, and where they are they will always be together.


One week later, peace was declared, and announced between The Earth Sphere Alliance and the Colonies, after a mass murder took place at the Romefellar Foundation Headquarters; no lives were spared. It was widely spread, and assumed that the mass murdering was organized and carried out by the now, four Gundam pilots, but there was no evidence left behind to support this assumption.

Heero and Relena's bodies were split up. Heero being put in a crypt near Dr. J's home on Colony L1 as a memorial, and Relena's burial site near her home, on Earth in the Sankt Kingdom, was as well made a memorial.

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DISCLAIMER: All characters and original titles belong to SotsuÓ, BandaiÓ, and SunriseÓ and to the respectful writers/creators/producers etc. of Gundam WingÒ. I claim no rights to this story.