Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life ❯ In the begining... ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

It seems like yesterday when I first became a vampire. It was a summer's eve, like this one, and the war had just ended. I found out that my friends were... not `human' either. Well, my friends, they're just not normal, at all; first as being Gundam pilots, second by being Immortals, just like me.I sighed. I was now pacing around the room looking for a reason to leave. `For work' I thought, at this I laughed mentally. Ah yes, my other friends. This group of friends consists of the strongman and trapeze women. That now makes my list of friends' circus dwellers and assassins; nice friends. In one way or another, I seemed to be getting quite a lot of put-downs; mostly from the ring leader and the `good' doctor... Not that I paid mind to them, they are just mortals. Well, you'll probably want to hear why this really is...why I am a vampire...

I woke up breathing heavily from the nightmare, I knew it was horrible... but yet its exact event came in a complete daze. My bones ached and I had some weird sensational craving for something... I do not know exactly what. I have been losing blood, several wounds reopened, as if recleansing me from the war, and getting a lot paler, my doctor says it is just a virus... but he persists in not telling me what precisely. I think it's something else. I don't know what is wrong with me, but I am dead sure it's not that. It's just... I don't know what it's doing to me. That thought makes me nervous and I don't like that. I'm stuck in bed; Kathy gives me my food and she won't let me out of bed. HELP, I think to my self, I'm stuck in my bed like a jail cell from Oz... Minus the cruelty. Quatre and Duo come and visit me every so often so I don't get lonely, and Kathy gives me soup and stays by my side 24/7. Herro sends me e-mails and so does Wufei, that's the only reason I know they the slightest interest in my case. It has been a month since I was in bed and I'm not getting better for some reason. I really am getting worse! A moan of satisfaction fills the air... I had a luscious drink. I look at the now lifeless body in my grasp and recoil violently. It was Quatre, and Duo was a few inches away, he also lifeless corpse of my plight. My heart sank to my stomach. Then they rose languidly; their bodies seemingly being dragged up like puppets. "I-I thought you were dead?" "Oh, you are right..." A voice bellowed from all sides, filling the empty void I was in with it gruesome laughter. I woke up suddenly, sweat clinging to my plightful form; this dream I remembered and I was just starting not to want to. I looked around to find Quatre and Duo making lunch, I was in my trailer. "Trowa! You're up!" Quatre said, quickly noticing my awakening. "How long?" I asked sternly. "Almost a month..." he said solemnly. I was shocked to find out how long I was out and needless to stay, I was at a loss for words. "Quatre...can I talk to you alone?" "Sure." The blonde boy in front of me nodded. "Okay... I can see when I'm not needed..." Duo said in a mock sadness, the smile never leaving his face as he exited. "Trowa what is it?" Quatre said turning back to me. "...I had a vision... Blood... it was everywhere... You... and Duo ... were dead..." I explained for the next hour the rest of my visions, as they had suddenly come back to me. "That's strange... I've had visions... Duo too, I think..." Just then, as Duo had opened the door, we were overcome by a growing darkness, consuming the room. "Come and get me... Warriors of Destiny..." A voice said in a mock state at the five strangers surrounding him, me being one of them. As I looked to me sides, there were four others standing around this stranger; however, I was not myself...

When my vision cleared, the others stood in front of me with the same dazed look as myself... Duo was first to completely snap out of that state. "What the hell was that?! ...You saw that too, right?" Quatre and I nodded, and Duo went over to the computer. "I'm emailing Heero and Wufei." Just as he said this there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Quatre ratted of quickly, his voice an unnatural squeak (Not Literally!), from breaking his stupor. "Hello Heero." Duo came running in with Heero and Wufei behind him. "Did you-" "Yes." Wufei stated sternly before Quatre was finish.

"I think that dream...might come true guys." Quatre said while pacing the room. "Yawn. What?" said Duo. "I'm worried because Kathy will worry. And I don't want her to worry again." I said. Heero nodded, "Wufei what could you make of it?" "It looked like a prophecy that I saw in a museum once."

"Wait I'm getting an e-mail from someone. It says:

Trowa, I saw something weird a minute ago. It was a giant blob attacking me and 5 others who helped defend innocents on that planet. Did you see it too?

=^ . . ^= ~Krystal Ara

"Who's Krystal, your online girlfriend?" Duo taunted. I ran towards Duo in a flash he was against the wall, "No a friend who went through what I did before me. But she won't what I am." "GET OFF!" Duo said. Suddenly I was floating in mid air rather than pinning Duo against the wall. Duo has changed as well. Everyone was shocked to see us looking different and acting different. We didn't realize until I almost bit Duo that I was a vampire...