Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Normal Life ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Me no own. You no sue.

Authoress Note: MWAHAHAHAH!! Did you enjoy the last chapter? I did!! One of the reasons for beta readers: making sure the story had the desired effect on the reader. One of my friends was reading chapter 1, and when she reached the end, she screamed. ^_^ Don't worry, all will become clear...but until then, it's my secret!

My reviews have been next to that because it suck or because of the bug that won't allow me to review other ppl's stories...*prays it's the latter reason*

%&(#&^$ DOG!! *shoots Fido, Official Police Dog of*

Warning, Minor Duo bashing, but it's all in good fun...I love Duo!! I just love making fun of him too!

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A Normal Life: Chapter 2

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The little girl's big blue eyes focused on Heero, after glancing at the three strangers.

"Yeah, baby?" Heero said, trying to ignore the looks he and the girl were getting.

"I heard someone yelling." she said, looking once more at the strange people.

"Yeah, it's nothing, did it wake you up?" he asked, sending a deathglare in Zechs' direction.

"Uh-uh." she shook her head, and clutched her bear tighter to her. "I had a bad dream."

"Oh, poor girl!" Heero said, as he walked over and swept the child up into his arms. "Is it all better now?" he asked.

Nodding, she said, "Yeah. Daddy, who're they?"

Heero turned so the girl had a better view of the trio. "Well, that one is Zechs, the one with the braid is Duo, and that one is Relena." he said, pointing to each of them in turn. He bounced the girl around in his arms, moving her to a more comfortable position. "And this is Aiko." he said, completing the introduction.

Before any of the three could respond, Aiko spoke up again. "Daddy, is Duo a guy or a girl?" she asked innocently.

Heero laughed out loud as Duo sputtered. A smile came to Relena's lips. Duo quickly recovered.

"I'll have you know, Aiko-chan, that I am Shinigami! And Shinigami is most definitely a GUY!" he said, striking a pose. The child giggled, and Heero put her down.

"Right, whatever you say, Shinimegami." Heero said, assigning Duo a new nickname he would not soon forget.

An alarm went off in one of the rooms in the back, while Duo sputtered again and searched for a good comeback. Relena let out a small laugh. Zechs was not amused.

"Can you three hold on for a moment?" Heero said, and ran into one of the rooms. The alarm turned off, and he dashed out. He threw open the door to another room, and flipped on the lights. "Wake up!" he yelled, deftly catching the pillow launched at him and throwing it back. He then closed the door and returned to the main room, where Relena and Duo were sitting on the couch. Aiko was sitting on Duo's lap, playing with his braid. Zechs was pacing around, but he stopped when Heero entered the room.

"Yuy, you have a lot of explaining to do." he said, glaring.

"I don't see why I have to explain anything to you." Heero replied.

"He's right, Millardo." Relena replied in a small voice.

"What?" Zechs demanded.

"He's been living a happy life for two years, we can't just barge in and demand..." he voice trailed off.

Zechs was about to reply, when he was interupted by a very pissed looking girl in the hallway. She had brown hair, blue eyes, and looked to be about 14 or 15 years old. "I will kill you, Heero. It's 5 in the morning."

"Yes, and we have to be at school at 5:45." he said, picking Aiko up off Duo's lap. "You'd best get ready, Karou." he said, handing the child to her. Karou took the girl, and walked off, grumbling, into the room where Aiko first came out of.

"But, yes, you do deserve some explanation." he said, sitting down on the couch, talking to Relena and Duo. "Before you jump to conclusions..."

"Too late." Duo chimed in, earning himself a deathglare, not that it phased him in the slightest.

"Aiko is my cousin." he stated.

"Awww....." Duo tried to look disappointed, but he was grinning like an idiot. Which, in Heero's opinion, he was.

"Not your real daughter?" Relena asked, relief flooding her heart, but she didn't let it show.

Heero shook his head. "I'm 18. She's 6. Do the math, it doesn't work." he said.

"But you are related to her?" Duo asked.

"Yes. My Uncle Robert's daughter. Karou is my cousin too, but she's Uncle Joe's kid." he said, struggling to remember names.

"Then why does she call you....?" Relena pressed.

"Four years ago Uncle Joe and his wife died. They left Karou behind, and she went to live with Uncle Robert and Aunt Jamie. Less then a month after the Mariemaia Incident, they died in a plane crash. I'm they're only living family member. I didn't want them to go to an orphanage, so I took them in, telling Social Services that I'm living with an adult." he said. "I'm the only father she remembers."

"So, you're all cousins. But there are just two right? I don't want any more surprised today!" Duo said.

Heero laughed. "Well, there is one--"

He was interupted by a giggling blur running out of the room, and around the couch. Karou emerged after it, glaring.

"Come back here!! Right now!!" she yelled out, not having a very nice morning.

"Looks like we got a streaker!" Heero cried out, as the blur slowed down. They were now able to identify it as a stark-naked little girl, about 2 years old.

"Dada!!" she laughed, putting Heero's legs between her and Karou.

"Well, what's all this about?" he asked, and the girl articulated a sting of nonsense words.

"Ayame says Karou was trying to put cloths on her." Aiko stated, from the door of the room.

"Oh, and you don't want her to, eh?" Heero said, staring down at the girl. She shook her head vigorously.

"Then I guess I'll have to do it myself!" he said, and swept the girl up in his arms. This wasn't the answer she expected. She began to squeal and struggle as Heero quickly grabbed a diaper from a bag in the corner and put it on her. As soon as he was done, she got up, and began trying to pull it off.

"No you don't, little one!" Karou yelled, and picked Ayame up. She took both girls back into the room. "Thanks for the help, Heero." she said, and shut the door.

Heero turned to the three visitors. "Then there's Ayame. The two year old."

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^_^ Well, I explained it, but there's still a lot more to come. Hope you like it!! *hugs for all*

Note: Shinigami= God of Death, and Shinimegami= Goddess of Death! ^_^ Sorry, Duo lovers, I don't hate Duo, I just love to pick on him! He's so easy to pick on!!

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