Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Normal Life ❯ Chapter 10

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ayanami does not own Gundam Wing. There, I said it! Now you can't sue me! Booyaka!!

Authoress Note: YAY!!! I'M FREE!! I'M FREE!!! (translation: Ayanami is out of school.) YAY!! YAY!! YAY!!

Thanks goes to Moonkitty for bugging me mercilessly to get this chapter out. E-mailing Ayanami and yelling at her to get the next chapter out IS encouraged, for any of my fics!! *hugs for Moonkitty*

OK, I know a lot of you want to know what happened to Relena and quite a few of you have made guesses. Sorry, but the answer does not lie within this chapter. This is a nice, long, senseless piece of fluff. What actually happened will come in the next chapter or two, it depends on how I split up the chapters. Well, Enjoy!!

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A Normal Life: Chapter 10

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Relena woke up late Sunday morning, to the sounds of two little monsters prancing about. She sat up to find that she was in Heero's guest room, still in her clothes from last night.

The girls noticed she was awake, and rushed over to her. Ayame climbed onto the bed and threw herself at Relena, screaming her nonsense phrases.

"Ayame says that she wants you to play with us." Aiko climbed onto the bed. "I want you to play with us too!"

"OK, just give me a few minutes." the ever-diplomatic Relena said, smiling dispite the fact that she really wanted more sleep. Aiko left the room, but Ayame refused to be shooed away. After a short while, Relena gave up, and changed with the child in the room, playing with her things.

While Relena was slipping on her shirt, Ayame opened her bag, and started digging through it. When Relena next glanced at her, she was shocked to see all of her clothes strewn about the room, Ayame in the center, clutching her treasured bear. The bear Relena had put in the bottom of the bag for a reason.

"Mine!" she declared, using one of her favorite understandable phrases. She then got up and toddled out, opening the door while Relena quickly tugged on a pair of pants.

"Ayame! Wait!" she called out after the child, to no avail. The giggling monster had already disappeared down the hall. She ran out after her, to stop dead in her tracks. There, in front of her, was Heero, Ayame in one hand, bear in the other.

Cradling Ayame in one arm, he examined the stuffed animal. After identifying it as the one he had given her two years before, minus one eye and a lot of fur, he smiled and handed it back to her.

"It's been well loved." he commented, as she blushed, gratefully accepting the bear. Relena held it close, and didn't comment. "I'm glad you kept it." he said, causing her head to jerk up.

"How could I not keep it?" she asked, almost whispering.

"I didn't know if you liked bears or not." he said, shrugging. He turned around, and walked away, leaving the awkward situation behind.

"I didn't." she softly, almost wistfully, murmured. She stared at where he had been standing. "But I do now."

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Duo was with Karou at the local WalMart, getting supplies for the week or so they would spend at Heero's school.

"Let's see.. notebooks... check! Notebook paper.... check! Pencils... check! Backpack... check!" he scanned the aisles for anything he had missed. "Finally! The Great Shinigami goes to high school!!"

Only one thought passed through the small Japanese girl's mind.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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Relena and Duo were sitting in Heero's living room, packing their backpacks for the next week. They would be attending high school, something they both looked forward to. They could see why Heero had left them... a normal life was an alluring prospect.

Heero had called up his councillor, and had set up Relena's and Duo's class schedules for them. They decided the classed based on grade level on different subjects, the only limitation being that Relena always had Duo or Heero in her classes, preferably both.

In the end, Heero and Relena had almost the same schedule, except that he was a Teacher Assistant while she was in PE. Duo was taking the most advanced Math and Science courses the school offered, Cham AP and Calculus.

After that, Relena and Heero decided to give into the girls requests, and take them to the park, while Karou and Duo sprawled out on the couches and went back to sleep.

When they arrived at the grassy expanse, the two little monsters bounded for the playground, Relena and Heero in tow. Aiko ran for the slides, kicking off her shoes and climbing up the twisting plastic slope. Ayame dashed for the swings, attempting to pull herself up into the baby swing. Failing this, she turned her plaintive gaze towards the adults who had accompanied her.

Relena walked over to the toddler, and lifted her into the swing. Ayame was not yet pleased. Not only did she want to be in the swing, she wanted someone to push her as well. Relena gladly obliged her.

Heero had kicked off his own shoes, and was chasing after his wayward daughter, climbing haphazardly up the slide. From his precarious perch, he called down to Relena.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" he yelled to her.

"Why not?" she replied, not quite sure what he was referring to.

He just shrugged as best he could, but was stopped mid-motion as Aiko reached the top of the slide. She turned around, and slid back down speeding right at him. Heero reacted quickly, letting go of the slides walls, and speeding down to the bottom. Once he got there, she jumped off and whirled around. He deftly scooped up Aiko as she shot off the slide. He then proceeded to tickle her mercilessly.

Relena laughed at the spectacle, still pushing Ayame on the swing. The munchkin was enjoying it. Idly, Relena wondered how long it would take before Ayame got tired of the swing.

Two hours later, she was still pushing. Ayame would start screaming if you even tried to stop pushing, to say nothing of trying to remove her from the swing.

"I told you that you wouldn't want to do that." a voice came from right behind her, making her jump. She turned around, to come face-to-face with Heero. She just glared at him, and turned back to push Ayame.

Heero got to the swing first, stopping it gently. Ayame began to bawl. Heero picked her up, ignoring her flailing limbs. He set her on the ground, where she promptly fell flat on her butt, crossed her arms in an imitation of Heero, and stuck out her lower lip in a little pout.

Relena laughed at the utter cuteness of the scene, causing the child to stick out her lip even father. Heero, in his infinite wisdom, took Relena by the hand, and led her away from the displeased self-decalred Princess of the World.

He silently took her over to where Aiko was sleeping under a tree. He sat down with he back against the tree, and invited Relena to sit next to him.

She cast a worried glance at the Pouting Princess sitting alone in the sand.

"Don't worry about her." she advised.

"Oh... Okay." she muttered, and sat down next to him, settling against the tree. Now that she had stopped moving, the effects of two hours of pushing Ayame began to creep up on her. Within minutes she had fallen asleep, her head resting on Heero's shoulder, who was also drifting off.

By this time, Ayame had realized that her pout wasn't getting her back in the swing. She toddled up the gentle slope towards the tree where her sister, father, and new best friend sat.

"Na-tine." she wearily called out.

"No nap." came a mumbled reflex reply from Aiko. The child turned over in her sleep, and rested her head in a more comfortable position.

Ayame walked towards her sister, tripped, and scratched her knee. For a few seconds she just stayed still, biting her lip. "Owie. Boo-boo." she said, after examining the small cut, a few tears creeping down her face. Daddy was asleep, and she needed someone to make it all better.

She then began to jabber away in her own language, which only her older sister could comprehend. She decided it wasn't worth the effort to get up, so she crawled towards the most comfortable spot around. Curling up in Relena's lap, Ayame quickly fell asleep, the cool offshore breezes blowing through her hair.

Heero cracked open an eye, ascertaining that all of the others were asleep. The sight before him brought a gentle smile to his face. Gently, he smoothed some hair out of Relena's face, and ran a finger down her jaw line. She didn't stir. He then quickly determined that Ayame wasn't hurt at all.

He took his hand away, and folded his arms over his chest, falling into a light sleep. His last thought was of how perfect the day had been... how perfect she was... Even better than in my dreams...

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Yay!! Fluffy nothingness!! Relena's recovering!! Next chapter soon! ^_^

*hugs for all*

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-Ayanami_Chan nami_shrine