Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Part of Me ❯ Off to Space ( Chapter 11 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Off to Space
You were there for every moment of my life. You have shared all the happiness , sadness , love , hate , and pain. Thats why I love you , for you are a part of me."
::Later in class::
Wufei sat in the back of the classroom blocking out everything the teacher said. He knew this class wouldn't affect his life one bit. Naomi sat in the front and observed every bit of information that tumbled out of the teacher's mouth. She studied every night and even took makeup test. He didn't understand at all. How could she be so interested. He watched her the whole class. How she tangled her finger into a strand of hair while she was listening. When she knew the answer she would raise her hand so high her ass would lift out of her seat. She even would question the teacher if she didnt agree, pointing out the places in the book that denied the teacher's statement.
Then there were the other students. They laughed at her dedication. They groaned and sighed everytime she had a question. They made mocking coments when she knew the answer. She was the ass of every classroom joke. The girls were jealous of her looks and the boys were pissed because she wouldnt give them the light of day. It pissed Wufei off that all these people would treat her like shit , even after all Naomi was doing for them. She was missing out on her well deserved life to fight a war for them. She was risking her life for their worthless ones. For the first time that day , Wufei picked up his pencil. He started to write the names down of every person that laughed at her. They would learn not to make a mockery of Naomi Hino anymore.
Days passed with nothing happening. Heero never left his room and when he did, Relena was right behind him. Naomi started to spend a lot of time with Davis. Wufei started beating people up for no apparent reason to anyone but himself. Maybe he needed to jack off? Amani wasn't as hot headed and tended to let Quatre stay around her more. She didnt yell at him as much. Duo stayed with Relena , her depression growing each time she saw Heero. They all went along their merry lives until one day Relena called them up to her office at 1 in the morning. All the pilots conjurned in the room. No one was in there.
"Where the hell is Relena?" Amani yelled. She was wearing some black silk pajama panks with a rose tanktop on. "I was fucking sleeping! And I get woken up for her to be late?"
Wufei stood in the corner angry too. But not at Relena. He stared intensly as he say Naomi and Davis on the couch. Davis was so near her his hand was nearly touching hers. They chatted away happily and it made Wufei sick. Naomi looked so.... different in her small pink nightgown. It was akward for her to look so innocent. He walked over to the two and looked down to Naomi. "Can I talk to you?"
She looked up to him and nodded."Sure , what do ya need?"
"In private please?" She stood up and followed him to a corner.
Quatre sat in a chair in the corner of the room. He kicked his heel into the plush carpet , clightly embarrassed only being in boxers and a t-shirt. Claw layed next to him on the floor , drooling in his sleep. Amain rushed over and kicked him harshly. "You are such a lazy ass." Heero laughed to himself watching the scene. Claw stayed asleep throughout the whole situation.
Amani sat down in the chair beside Quatre's and started to speak."Maybe we get to go find the other Gundam pilot."
"Maybe." Quatre replied quietly."That doesnt explain where Relena is though. I mean she is never late for these things. There must be something really important holding her up."
Meanwhile, Wufei faced Naomi and muttered. " I dont see why you are so interested in that Davis guy. He is the only person you pay attention to now."
Naomi raised a brow questionly. " What? Why does this matter? Are you jealous?" Naomi grinned laughingly.
Wufei rolled his eyes and looked back to her."It would be a cold day in hell before I took any interest in you!"
She frowned frustrated by Wufei already. "What the hell did you want to tell me? Why I talk to Davis? Well here it is. He seems to be the only male around me that has a half of a brain. He is nice and cute and I like him. So take that up the ass!" Naomi huffed.
Wufei balled his fists and replied. " You better not let this dumb ass relationship get in the way of the battle. It would be so typical for you to fuck things up!"
Naomi felt the tears well up in her eyes." I hate you."
"What?" Wufei said suprised.
"I hate you! All I have ever done is liked you! I wanted to be your friend. You just always treated me like your enemy. At first I thought it was because you didnt know me but now I know its because you hate me." Tears started to roll down her cheeks. "I wish you would just die. In the next battle , I hope you do , with all my heart."
Wufei looked down , knowing he had gone to far." Im sorry. I dont hate you. Im just scared because I lo...." Relena walked in followed by her brother Miliardo and Noin. Immediately the room silenced and Naomi quickly returned to Davis. He took her into his arms , gently wiping off her eyes with his hand. Wufei felt his stomach knot up as he saw the two. Her eyes lit up as he smiled towards her and he returned the look. He knew he had messed up. He just didnt know any other way for her to relize his feelings. So he would end it there. Obviously she was happy so who was he to screw it up.
Noin sat down on Relena's desk. She started to speak."Colony 3 is under attack. The Morisato foundation arrived 2 hours ago and has been destroying the city. Over 200 civilians have died and they are continueing to kill. Its too late for us to do anything for that colony. Only about 1/5 is still intact but its not worth sending you Gundams out there."
"What about the civilians?" Quatre cried out. "Are we just going to leave them there to die? Thats wrong!"
Miliardo turned to Quatre. " We have evacuated as many civilians as we could. Whoever is there , will just have to accept there fate. Sending someone in there now would just be suicide. There are over 300 mobile units there now and it should only take a few more minutes for the colony to be destroyed."
Quatre cringed and Amani grabbed his hand and smiled softly.
Noin started to speak agian."Miliardo and I are stationed on an Air Ship in spce and we want the Gundams to come with us. Being on earth is kinda dissabling you because it takes you longer to get out to space , but being with us you will be able to get where ever you need to be with ease. Even if that is back to earth."
Naomi spoke up,"So we arent fighting tonight?"
"I would be expecting a fight at any moment , but for now we will just let them finish off colony 3." Noin looked around. "So will you come with us?" All of them nodded except Duo.
" I would like to stay here, just to protect the Peacecraft Kingdom." Duo replied.
Noin looked to Relena and she nodded. "Fine. All the rest of you pack. We will leave asap."
You were there for every moment of my life. You have shared all the happiness , sadness , love , hate , and pain. Thats why I love you , for you are a part of me."
::Later in class::
Wufei sat in the back of the classroom blocking out everything the teacher said. He knew this class wouldn't affect his life one bit. Naomi sat in the front and observed every bit of information that tumbled out of the teacher's mouth. She studied every night and even took makeup test. He didn't understand at all. How could she be so interested. He watched her the whole class. How she tangled her finger into a strand of hair while she was listening. When she knew the answer she would raise her hand so high her ass would lift out of her seat. She even would question the teacher if she didnt agree, pointing out the places in the book that denied the teacher's statement.
Then there were the other students. They laughed at her dedication. They groaned and sighed everytime she had a question. They made mocking coments when she knew the answer. She was the ass of every classroom joke. The girls were jealous of her looks and the boys were pissed because she wouldnt give them the light of day. It pissed Wufei off that all these people would treat her like shit , even after all Naomi was doing for them. She was missing out on her well deserved life to fight a war for them. She was risking her life for their worthless ones. For the first time that day , Wufei picked up his pencil. He started to write the names down of every person that laughed at her. They would learn not to make a mockery of Naomi Hino anymore.
Days passed with nothing happening. Heero never left his room and when he did, Relena was right behind him. Naomi started to spend a lot of time with Davis. Wufei started beating people up for no apparent reason to anyone but himself. Maybe he needed to jack off? Amani wasn't as hot headed and tended to let Quatre stay around her more. She didnt yell at him as much. Duo stayed with Relena , her depression growing each time she saw Heero. They all went along their merry lives until one day Relena called them up to her office at 1 in the morning. All the pilots conjurned in the room. No one was in there.
"Where the hell is Relena?" Amani yelled. She was wearing some black silk pajama panks with a rose tanktop on. "I was fucking sleeping! And I get woken up for her to be late?"
Wufei stood in the corner angry too. But not at Relena. He stared intensly as he say Naomi and Davis on the couch. Davis was so near her his hand was nearly touching hers. They chatted away happily and it made Wufei sick. Naomi looked so.... different in her small pink nightgown. It was akward for her to look so innocent. He walked over to the two and looked down to Naomi. "Can I talk to you?"
She looked up to him and nodded."Sure , what do ya need?"
"In private please?" She stood up and followed him to a corner.
Quatre sat in a chair in the corner of the room. He kicked his heel into the plush carpet , clightly embarrassed only being in boxers and a t-shirt. Claw layed next to him on the floor , drooling in his sleep. Amain rushed over and kicked him harshly. "You are such a lazy ass." Heero laughed to himself watching the scene. Claw stayed asleep throughout the whole situation.
Amani sat down in the chair beside Quatre's and started to speak."Maybe we get to go find the other Gundam pilot."
"Maybe." Quatre replied quietly."That doesnt explain where Relena is though. I mean she is never late for these things. There must be something really important holding her up."
Meanwhile, Wufei faced Naomi and muttered. " I dont see why you are so interested in that Davis guy. He is the only person you pay attention to now."
Naomi raised a brow questionly. " What? Why does this matter? Are you jealous?" Naomi grinned laughingly.
Wufei rolled his eyes and looked back to her."It would be a cold day in hell before I took any interest in you!"
She frowned frustrated by Wufei already. "What the hell did you want to tell me? Why I talk to Davis? Well here it is. He seems to be the only male around me that has a half of a brain. He is nice and cute and I like him. So take that up the ass!" Naomi huffed.
Wufei balled his fists and replied. " You better not let this dumb ass relationship get in the way of the battle. It would be so typical for you to fuck things up!"
Naomi felt the tears well up in her eyes." I hate you."
"What?" Wufei said suprised.
"I hate you! All I have ever done is liked you! I wanted to be your friend. You just always treated me like your enemy. At first I thought it was because you didnt know me but now I know its because you hate me." Tears started to roll down her cheeks. "I wish you would just die. In the next battle , I hope you do , with all my heart."
Wufei looked down , knowing he had gone to far." Im sorry. I dont hate you. Im just scared because I lo...." Relena walked in followed by her brother Miliardo and Noin. Immediately the room silenced and Naomi quickly returned to Davis. He took her into his arms , gently wiping off her eyes with his hand. Wufei felt his stomach knot up as he saw the two. Her eyes lit up as he smiled towards her and he returned the look. He knew he had messed up. He just didnt know any other way for her to relize his feelings. So he would end it there. Obviously she was happy so who was he to screw it up.
Noin sat down on Relena's desk. She started to speak."Colony 3 is under attack. The Morisato foundation arrived 2 hours ago and has been destroying the city. Over 200 civilians have died and they are continueing to kill. Its too late for us to do anything for that colony. Only about 1/5 is still intact but its not worth sending you Gundams out there."
"What about the civilians?" Quatre cried out. "Are we just going to leave them there to die? Thats wrong!"
Miliardo turned to Quatre. " We have evacuated as many civilians as we could. Whoever is there , will just have to accept there fate. Sending someone in there now would just be suicide. There are over 300 mobile units there now and it should only take a few more minutes for the colony to be destroyed."
Quatre cringed and Amani grabbed his hand and smiled softly.
Noin started to speak agian."Miliardo and I are stationed on an Air Ship in spce and we want the Gundams to come with us. Being on earth is kinda dissabling you because it takes you longer to get out to space , but being with us you will be able to get where ever you need to be with ease. Even if that is back to earth."
Naomi spoke up,"So we arent fighting tonight?"
"I would be expecting a fight at any moment , but for now we will just let them finish off colony 3." Noin looked around. "So will you come with us?" All of them nodded except Duo.
" I would like to stay here, just to protect the Peacecraft Kingdom." Duo replied.
Noin looked to Relena and she nodded. "Fine. All the rest of you pack. We will leave asap."