Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Place In Time ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN Well, this chapter was unbelievably hard work, yet up in about a third of the time it too the last one to appear, I'm still not completely sure about this, especially the opening scene but I though I'd post it anyway, please tell me what you think, this is unlike anything I've ever written before. Thanks to those who reviewed the last chapter. Also my Trowa in this chapter is more open than he usually is, I figure of all the people in the group he would trust Heero and Quatre the most and since he can't talk to Quatre, this is Trowa opening up to Heero.
Summary/Rating/Disclaimer - Please see chapter 1
A Place in Time
Chapter 8
Duo had been asleep for about three hours when the alarm from the monitoring spell he'd placed on Quatre went off. Leaping out of bed and to his feet he quickly spelled on some clothes and sprinted out the door, closely followed by Wufei.
Wufei could hear Duo's muttered prayers that the young blonde be alright as he shot down the corridor outside their room that was bathed in the early morning light. It was probably about six thirty. Tearing past closed doors he saw Relena and Dorothy's, Noin's, Une's, He hesitated when he reached Sally's and then Trowa's but realised that, if he was overreacting, Quatre probably wouldn't want them involved. Plus he'd been to see Trowa earlier, the Latin teenager had expressly informed him that he wished to be alone, he wasn't sure if this counted but if there was a serious problem he could always wake him later.
Reaching the end of the corridor he ripped the door that led to Quatre's room open, or at least he tried to, the door was magically sealed and soundproofed, it didn't budge.
“Come *on* Quatre! He yelled.
Wufei arrived a second later and, acting in unison, he and his lover fired all their magic at the door, it blasted open and a heart-breaking violin solo poured out.
Frowning in confusion they both moved into the room, following the noise.
They found Quatre, eyes closed, playing alone in the middle of the floor.
The only thing that was running faster that the tears down the pale cheeks was the blood that was dripping onto the stones under his feet.
The red liquid was running down the neck of the instrument from his tattered fingers and was landing on the floor. The bow moved faster and faster and each of them could see the torn skin from where he'd been playing and playing and playing.
“Quatre…” Duo whispered hesitantly, “don't you think you should stop now?”
In response the pitch increased until the movement of his fingers and bow blurred they were moving so fast, the blood was running in a steady stream now, pooling on the ground under the violin.
Abruptly the playing crescendoed and then stopped, Quatre's entire body was shaking, the instrument, slippery from the red liquid slid from his fingers and nearly hit the ground, abruptly Wufei snatched at it, saving it.
Quatre didn't even appear to notice. The blood was still running and now, with the absence of the violin, Duo could see that Quatre had, indeed, played until his fingers were raw, the skin and what looked like much of the flesh of his fingers was gone, deep rivulets cut into the pads of his fingers of his left hand from the strings of the instrument.
Hesitantly he stepped forwards and took the shuddering blonde in his arms.
“Allah, what have I done?”
Duo rubbed the Arabian's back soothingly as he murmured nonsense into his ear.

His fingers healed and bandaged, to protect the fresh skin. Quatre looked up from the cup of tea that had just been placed in his visage to the Chinese boy who was holding it out like an offering.
Mumbling his thanks he took the cup gingerly, holding the cup with his palms and avoiding touching his fingers with it. He sipped at it gratefully, savouring the taste.
Duo walked into the room, bringing with him the strong smell of coffee, he was holding two cups, one of which he handed to his lover, the second of which he downed and then magically refilled.
“Sorry I woke you up,” Quatre offered quietly.
Duo frowned, “You don't have to be sorry Q, I'm just wondering what you were doing that for? I mean I knew you were upset but do you honestly think that Trowa isn't going to forgive you?”
“That makes it worse, I don't deserve to be forgiven, what I did put all of team in us in jeopardy and I'm just as guilty of betrayal as Heero was.” He looked up at them again, “I *am* sorry by the way. I don't know what I was thinking.”
“That you wanted to protect a friend, that it wasn't your secret to tell?” Wufei suggested. “Yes you should have said something but… you can't change the past and it's not like Heero betrayed us, if he had done then you would have had to die along with him but he didn't, you didn't make too big of a mistake.”
“Way to reassure him `Fei.” Duo muttered. “But seriously Q, what was that about?”
“I…” suddenly the Arabian looked a lot smaller that Duo remembered. “I just, couldn't stand it, it hurt too much, I endangered you all, Trowa was… And I was all alone and I knew there wasn't anyone coming, no one was coming, I just had to…” He broke off, an expression of desperation and misery on his face as he willed them to understand.
They did, both knew that sometimes physical pain was easier to deal with, it was the last thing they'd expected the tactile 04 to admit to but, with hindsight's knowledge, his feeling this way made the most sense.
In a silent display of understanding and solidarity Duo sat down next to Quatre on the couch and, mindful of the teacup, wrapped his arms around the teenager.

Heero looked up as Trowa entered silently, “couldn't sleep?” he asked.
In response the banged pilot shook his head and dropped into a chair next to Heero. “So this is them then?”
“Yeah, this is them.”
“Are they going to be alright?”
“Yes, they should be anyway and speaking of being alright how are you feeling?”
“I'm not ill Heero.”
“Yeah I know, it would be better if you were ill wouldn't it?”
“It's not… Quatre… I don't know.”
“Yeah but we all make mistakes, Quatre's not infallible, he's human. Trowa, if you'd found out during the war, if Quatre had told you, do you think they'd still be alive?”
Trowa shrugged, “I didn't think they were alive now up until a few hours ago, If we'd found out as soon as he did I think they would have died immediately, if he'd told us after you found out about the soulmates thing then… I don't know, maybe, maybe not. In truth Heero I'm not so bothered about him endangering us because I firmly believed then as I believe now that Zechs and Treize are honourable men. It just hurts that he didn't tell me.”
“You going to forgive him?”
“I love him, more than anything, he's the reason I'm still alive, the reason I live. Of course I'm going to forgive him, I just don't know how long it will take, a lot depends on circumstance now. If he realises what he's done.”
Seeing his reluctance to discuss the topic further Heero changed the subject.
“How about I tell you what's going on then?”
“Go ahead, unless you're too tired, in which case…”
“No, I'm fine, well, it's like this…”

“Not really, just highly improbably.”
“If you say so.”
Heero nodded tiredly, Trowa noticed. “Look, why don't you get some sleep? I was on a different continent to the other and you and I was just waking up when Duo rang, so for me it's still only about two in the afternoon. You on the other hand have been up for well over twenty-four hours and if I know you, you haven't been sleeping much.” Sensing the slight wariness coming from Heero he tried again, “I won't hurt them, I promise I'll look after them.”
Sensing the truth in his words Heero leaned back in the chair, closing his eyes, ordering himself to fall asleep.
He woke up not long later to the sound of Duo, Wufei and Quatre entering the room.
Freezing and pretending that he was still asleep he assessed the situation cautiously, he wasn't sure how the situation with Quatre and Trowa was going to play out but it never hurt to be careful.
“God Quatre what did you do to yourself?”
Trowa sounded horrified and, opening his eyes a sliver, he could see why. The Arab's hands were bandaged tightly and he was holding them carefully, so as not to knock them.
The blonde smiled tentatively, “would you believe me if I said it was a violin?”
The question was asking about more than the violin.
Trowa looked at him, seeing the apologies clear in the sapphire eyes, he knew in that moment that his boyfriend was desperately, desperately sorry and that he genuinely realised that he'd made a mistake.
“I'd believe you.”
Quatre's smile could have been used as a substitute for the sun but it was clear he knew he still had a lot of making up to do.
“I think we have some talking to do if you'll excuse us, don't wake Heero, he needs the sleep.”
With that the two exited the room and Duo breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank God for that, I think that was one of the longest fights they've ever had.”
“You honestly think he's not awake?”
“I'm awake”
“See,” Duo smirked, “told ya.”
“What's the time?”
“Erm… about half past seven, how long you been asleep?”
“About fifteen minutes.”
“And you went to sleep when Trowa got here?” Wufei asked.
“About an hour after.”
“He must have just missed us then,” Duo dropped into a seat. “Cos at about half six we were pelting down the corridor after the monitoring alarms we had set on Q went off, he played the violin till there was blood running down it.”
“Why didn't the alarm go off before?”
“Cos I set it for a certain amount of blood, wanted to make sure he hadn't just cut himself shaving or ripped a hang nail or something before we barrelled in, guns blazing. Scared the shit outta me hearing that thing start to blare. I can tell you.”
“I can imagine.”
Duo smiled and then turned towards Zechs and Treize, nodding as he did so. “So how are they then?”
“They're fine, Madame Pomfrey says they will be, they're in a healing coma to let their bodies and minds get some rest but other than that…”
“You must be relieved.”
“Am I? I don't know, I don't think it's sunk in yet, I just can't believe…” He broke off, taking a deep breath, a trifle uneasy about showing this much emotion, even if it was around Duo and Wufei, Harry had really become part of him but even he had been wary about too many feelings being exposed.
“I just can't really believe they're alright you know? I didn't think I was ever going to see them again, I thought they were gone and now they're not, now they're here and it's just…”
Wufei put a hand on his shoulder and then coughed uncomfortably, removing it. “Did you take something for that eye?” He asked, trying to cover up the moment.
Heero looked vaguely surprised, “What…? No.” Then he sighed in realisation. “The black eye's gone hasn't it?”
Wufei nodded and Duo grinned.
“Yup, it's gone but I wouldn't complain Hee-chan, there are worse things than having injuries heal within a few hours, less than that if I know you.”
“I suppose.”
“No suppose about it. Hmmm,” he mused, “I wonder if that works for the rest of us, I mean I know we've been here injured and have healed but we've always been quick healers so was that magic or natural ability?”
“You could always test it.”
“Duo turned to look at his fiancé in shock, “if you think I'm gonna be shooting and stabbing myself to see whether I heal quicker here or in the future then you are sadly mistaken Wuffers.”
“Shooting and stabbing yourself doesn't sound like the best idea in any circumstances let alone for tests.” All three boys looked up to see Lady Une framed in the doorway, “I would very much prefer my agents to be ready to go at all times thank you very much.”
“Morning Lady.” Duo cajoled charmingly, “look, about that report…”
“I want it done Maxwell, no mistakes, no excuses.”
“I can give you a verbal just as easy; Target dead, body's at HQ, no other injuries to either myself or him, no damage to property except the guy'll probably be needing a new carpet, blood's a murder to get out of cream, no pun intended, but then again, I don't suppose that'll be his main concern now huh?”
Wufei and Heero both rolled their eyes and Duo's pleading expression was steadfastly ignored by Une, her face clearly saying that she wanted the report soon. She swept past them to see her friends, hiding a smile as Heero stood, protectively, at her approach.
She did, however, recognise the dangers of not reassuring a gundam pilot that she had no violent intentions towards the men he was in love with and in response she held up her hands.
“I won't hurt them, either of them, I swear, I just want to see them.”
Heero looked at her for a second; there was a completely blank expression on his face yet she still knew he was evaluating the truth of her statement.
She stood perfectly still, she may have been his superior but she still knew that if he decided that she posed any threat then she wouldn't have time to scream.
Evidently finding what he was looking for he nodded and she walked past him, gently placing a hand on his arm as she did so.
Seeing the two for the first time in over a month was such a relief she fought the tears that were threatening to fall. Thank God, they really were alright.
When she was sure she could speak she turned back to the others in the room, Heero was staring at his lovers, Wufei was pointedly looking at the wall but Duo was watching her and she smiled, a little self-consciously.
“I just…” She cleared her throat awkwardly, “I just wanted to see if they were alright, I'm leaving today, I have to go back for another meeting with the colony delegates, Relena, Dorothy and Lucrezia are supposed to be coming with me so unless they've changed their minds you should expect to see them here soon.” She walked towards the door and then paused, apparently remembering something.
“Sally, I think, is staying until she's looked at them but after that I've told her I want her back at HQ, just in case. And as for you… you can all stay but if there's a mission and I call you I will be expecting a response, you are not on leave yet… And don't think I've forgotten that report Maxwell, I still want it by the end of the day, pop back and email it to me if you can't get it to me by the time I leave, whatever you do I expect to see it by midnight, Earth-Sphere Standard Time.”
Grumbling Duo nodded as did Wufei and Heero as she turned to exit the room and then stopped again, “I might as well wait for them I guess, it'll be easier than trying to find them later.”
A few minutes later, true to Lady Une's words, the door opened.
“Good morning. Are we interrupting?” Relena's hesitant voice broke the moment as she; Dorothy and Noin entered the room.
“Don't be ridiculous princess.” Duo bounced out of his seat, beckoning both into the room.
“They're alive.” Dorothy's tone of wonderment broke the silence, “I think that's just starting to sink in.”
Noin was just staring, she couldn't really believe that her brother was still alive, she'd seen him die, she'd seen him blown up. `Oh you'd better have some good answers for me when you wake up Zechs,' she thought, but she didn't say anything, words could wait until he was awake again.
“Oh Mill, what were you thinking?” Relena was watching her brother sadly, “what did you think it would accomplish?”
“Exactly what it did,” Heero's voice broke in, defending Zechs' actions, “peace, he thought it would accomplish peace, we have peace, though not necessarily by the means he was originally imagining but we still have it and it is still a direct result of his actions.”
“I'm assuming we're telling no one about this,” Dorothy changed the subject smoothly, sensing the awkward topic.
“No one.” Both Heero and Une spoke the words together but it was Heero who continued them.
“Not until we've decided what to do, not until we've spoken to them, asked them about this.”
Studying Heero thoughtfully Relena eventually nodded. “Anyway we've a meeting soon so I think we'll be taking off, any changes and I want to know, understand?”
Checking her watch Relena winced, “We really should have been gone hours ago. Tell Trowa, Quatre and Sally we said goodbye.”
As the four women left, talking quietly about travel arrangements Duo turned back to Wufei and Heero, the room quiet once again.
“Well there's been no blood spilt yet, so far so good, right?”
End Chapter 8
AN -Winces- well, still not really happy with this, anyway, don't know how long it will be until the next update because I'm off to Rome with no laptop, hopefully wont be too long though -grins wickedly- sex scene next chapter, though you'll have to go to mediaminer or adultfanfiction to read the uncut version.