Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Place To Belong ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
To Heero, and Venus' pleasure less and less of the enhanced children were being found. The clones had grown up to be quite happy in their environment; and acted nothing like their counterparts. The sound of his phone ringing broke Heero from his musings as he flipped open the screen to see the familiar face of the famous ex pilot 02.
“Hey Hee-man! It's nice to see you again what's it been like--”
“Eleven and a half years.” Heero deadpanned as he cut the long haired man off.
“Yeah... hey look my shuttle just landed at the colony port could you come meet so I know where I'm going?” Duo said scratching the back of his head solemnly.
“I'll be there in a minute.” Heero said getting up and closing his phone; moments later he was greeted with the smiling face of his former comrade. “So what made you want to suddenly up and visit? I mean I haven't even heard from you since after the final celebration of the wars ending.” Heero said a bit vehemently as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Sighing softly Duo looked at the ground sadly; Heero just shook his head and began to walk away. “Come on I'll show you to your room.” Heero said as Duo followed close behind him. Once they were both on the inside of the wall Heero opened the door to a small room and let the long haired boy into his room.
“I gotta admit, this place is way better than I thought it would be Heero; but then again you were always one for perfection.” Duo said in awe as he looked around the building as he put down his stuff in the room.
“Yeah, well I'm going to be on the other side the one marked with red doors and caution signs. If you need anything just come looking for me there.” Heero replied ignoring the other mans words as he walked into the other end of the colony. Duo just sighed as he watched the stoic man walk away; sitting on the bed Duo cradled his head in his hands.
“Wake up my sweet.” came the smooth whisper as the boy nipped at the other's ear; his hair brushing lightly against Caleb's skin.
“Mm, Solo?” he groaned softly waking from his deep slumber quickly.
“You know it baby.” he spoke softly nibbling and kissing down the smooth skin of the messy haired boy. “I want you Caleb.” Solo mumbled making the other boy moan softly in reply.
“Stop please.” Caleb started weakly as the boy on top of him continued to trail his hands along his body.
“Why should I?” the boy asked softly rolling his thumb around one of the hardening nubs on Caleb's chest.
“Cause this is part of your pay back right? A stupid prank.” Caleb replied shuddering at the feeling of cool, thin fingers teasing his body in such a way. Caleb panted slightly as he stared at the beautiful violet eyes of the boy he fell in love with so long ago.
“I wouldn't joke about something like this. I will get you back though.” Solo replied with a smirk before being rolled onto his back with a short gasp in surprise as he was being pinned by the short haired boy.
“Well then, if that's the case then there's no reason for me not to taken the time and enjoy you.” Caleb said with a smirk as the door behind them was blocked with a huge sheet of ice. Then without further words he began attacking Solo's neck; nipping and biting at it then finishing off with sucking it to severe tenderness. The sound of the long haired boy's moans from beneath him made Caleb harden and swell incredibly.
“C-Caleb, I didn't think you would be so willing.” Solo said releasing another moan as the boy pulled off his shirt and immediately began to attack and torture his nipple.
“Are you fuckin' kidding me?! I've been wanting this for what seemed like an eternity.” Caleb said between kisses he was now placing down the long haired boys stomach; reveling in the feel of Solo's trembling for more of the delicious feelings. “What made you wait so long to finally come to me?” Caleb murmured unbuttoning the boys pants.
Solo gasped softly at the thought of what would soon happen. “A bet.” Solo answered honestly forever bound by his and Duo's own motto of never lying.
“A bet?” Caleb repeated softly and immediately sitting up at the words; the words had been an instant cure for his erection. He couldn't help the hurt that showed up on his face as he stared down at the one he had cared for longer than he could really remember.
“Yes but I swear it had nothing to with why I'm really doing this ok?” Solo said sadly knowing immediately he had been wrong for accepting such a thing. The feel of Caleb moving from on top of him; Solo bolted upright just in time to see Caleb melting the ice block and leaving the room with his head bowed.
“Please wait!” Solo got up quickly darting toward the Japanese boy.
“I'm going to meet Duo at the spaceport leave me alone.” Caleb replied in an unnaturally cold tone.
“Duo? What's he coming here for, and how come I didn't know about it?!” Solo scowled at the name of the man who's DNA he shared.
“You didn't know because Venus said not to say anything to anyone; and he came to visit Heero.” Caleb replied as he continued to walk quickly away from the cause of his current pain.
“What the hell for? He didn't seem so concerned about him all these years he never even attempted to speak to him!” Solo yelled; Caleb knew that Heero and Duo's 'relationship' or lack there of was a sore subject for all the children who had found out about Heero's little love interest.
“What does it matter? You act like you're so much better them when truly you are worse. At least Duo didn't toy with his emotions like you seem to like to do!” Caleb spat vehemently the sting of betrayal was still fresh; he instantly regretted his actions though as he saw the tears begin to prickle the corner of the boy's eyes. “I'm sorry.” Caleb said softly moving forward and wrapping his arms tightly around Solo.
“I'm sorry too, that I agreed to that stupid bet. I knew I shouldn't. I really did but it seemed perfect you know. I would be able to tell you without fear of rejection 'cause if you did reject me I could say it was just a joke. And if you said yes then...” Solo trailed off as he cuddled closely to the boy he had come to love so much over the years. Caleb opened his mouth to reply when in stepped the long haired man that was Solo's almost exact counterpart.
Solo looked up from his comfortable position only his vehemently at what he saw, he absolutely despised this man. For what real reason Caleb didn't know, it wasn't like they had ever fought over anything since they had never met. For the longest time he had thought that Solo might feel a little resentment over the fact that all the other clones had met their counterparts and he himself had not. But that had not been the case; when Caleb even mentioned it Solo went into a fit growling at the short haired boy and not talking to him for nearly a week.
Duo didn't recognize them immediately as he looked around the room awe struck by all the different types of children; which gave Caleb and Solo time to unravel from each others arms as they stared intently at the man.
When Duo finally lay his eyes on the two boys he smiled brightly; how often had Caleb sat back and waited for Solo to make the same smile? Since they had hit about eleven or twelve Solo all of a sudden stopped smiling so much; which of course made way for Caleb to start smiling more for the both of them. Even though Solo was supposed to be an exact replica of the former 02 pilot to Caleb they were completely different.
“Oh hey! You must be the clones everyone's been telling me about.” Duo greeted rather friendly taking in the sight of both boys, his eyes lingering on Solo for a while who was looking away grimly. “Just like looking in a mirror from my past.” Duo mumbled softly his face turning serious for a moment before Solo huffed and walked away from him without saying a word.
Duo of course made the mistake that many people seemed to have made when they first met the boy; which was of course trying to follow him when he was angry. Instantly though as he tried to rush after his clone though he seemed to have slammed into some kind of invisible wall, then promptly and ungracefully fell onto his ass.
“What the hell was that?” Duo asked looking up confused at the short haired boy who was now pinching the bridge of his nose.
“That would be a telekinetic wall Solo placed to keep you from messing with him while he is pissed off. Trust me I face the wrath of that evil god forsaken wall a lot, and it doesn't get very pretty most days.” Caleb mumbled before holding out a hand to help the older man up.
“I... see.” Duo replied looking at the boy that was standing in front of him, was this how Heero had looked at seventeen? Well how he would have looked if his body had allowed him to grow any, it didn't though since the gundanium that replaced his bones didn't extend as he got older. So the boy would forever look as he did when he was fifteen.
“My name is Caleb by the way. Alain and Tamas are off arguing also no doubt, and Bao is usually getting into trouble somewhere.” Caleb explained with a playful smile on his face as Duo got up and stared at him.
“Oh yes, sorry. Alain would be Quatre's counterpart. Tamas is Trowa's; and last but not least is Bao who you would know better as Wufei.” Duo nodded in replied to the explanation as he continued to look around. It didn't seem that there was anyone around taking care of the children in this section of the colony.
“Where are all the people who take care of the children here?” Duo asked suddenly as Caleb began walking and he followed.
“Well that would be the older kids that still live here, since we can't really leave unless someone builds a colony by itself for older freaks; so no the kids who will forever be bound here well they normally just take the job of taking care of the other children that are being brought here. Which compared to when me and Solo first came is like hardly ever anyone.” Caleb said softly walking over to the lake and kneeling at it's side; Duo was confused for a moment as to why as before he saw a boy with a fishes tail instead of legs swam to the surface of the lake.
“Changing the filter?” the boy said with a smirk handing over the dirty filter from the bottom of the lake; his silver hair reached his shoulders as he smiled emerald eyes glimmering slightly in amusement.
“Yes of course.” Caleb replied with a smile as he handed over the clean filter and taking the dirty one from him. “How is Sora adjusting to his life here?”
“Ok I suppose; he continually is telling me that we're freaks and he wished he could die.” Riku replied with a sigh before rolling his eyes in exhasperation.
“He's hiding at the bottom then isn't he?” Caleb said sadly getting a nod in reply before the boy dove back under the water splashing the other playfully earning a laugh in return.
“Mermaids?” Duo whispered his eyes wide again; Caleb rolled his eyes and smiled as he stood up and disposed of the filter in a trashcan nearby.
“We almost every kind of kid here, duh. That's why there isn't normal attendees working on this side of the colony. Heero and Venus thought it wouldn't be beneficial for the children to feel hate or disgust from the people taking care of them. So because we know in a way what everyone else here is going through then we were put in charge of taking care of one another.” Caleb explained watching as the boy looked around oddly at everyone. “Look should I escort you to your room to rest and think a bit you know I know all this can be stressful for someone to take in all at once.”
Duo nodded to the unasked question as he followed the short haired boy slowly rolling over the different thoughts in his head. “Hey, why was that boy; Solo; so mad at me?” he asked curiously watching as Caleb bowed his head shaking his hair back a forth slightly.
“I... I can't really tell you that.”
“Why not?”
“Because I would be betraying Solo's trust and I couldn't bear to do that.” Caleb replied curtly as they drew closer to Duo's room. “Well this is where my journey ends sadly enough.” Caleb said with a smile and a bow as he closed watched Duo pass through the door his smile slowly dropped and he began chewing on his thumb as a sort of nervous habit.
Alright it took me a bit longer to post this up but I hope you understand that I havnt had as much time as I was y'know gotta share the computer and what not. So here is the update I've been working. Plz review and tell me your thoughts. If I lived up to or down your expectations.