Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Truly Perfect Soldier ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: ................. read any other GW fic. It ought to have a disclaimer that'd apply (in part, at least) to dis one.

Note: This has probably been done before-it seems that everything has been done. But no matter-I'm doing it anyhow. I suppose I get a little confusing with the Heero/Kurai thing towards the end-sorry. It'll be explained in the next part. Um....please tell me what you think......and if you have ideas for a better title.


Subject: Mission
To: Heero Yuy
From: J

Bring Gundam to old Seoul for further instructions. You alone are needed. Leave immediately.

Heero frowned at the e-mail displayed on his computer screen, then glanced back over his shoulder to focus on Duo, who slept, naked and tangled in the sheets of his bed. In sleep, the bright pilot looked small and vunerable...Heero felt that he could hurt the boy with a careless thought. Or by leaving without warning come the morning. But Heero wasn't about to turn a mission down...

Heero turned off his computer and stood, chaotic thoughts swirling in his mind as he get himself dressed in his usual green tank top; spandex and yellow sneakers, slowly as to delay his departure time.

When, at last, the Perfect Soldier was dressed, he carefully leaned over Duo's sleeping form, cobalt eyes running over the smooth lines of the other boy's face, committing the picture to memory. Duo stirred in his sleep, a hand reaching up to rub his cheek where Heero's breath hit him, but didn't awaken.

Regrets foremost in his mind, Heero straightened and left the room, leaving the silent promise that he would return as soon as possible, that he wasn't abandoning his koi. These thoughts persisted until he was strapped firmly in Wing, and had left the hanger, when his mind turned to the mission at hand.

" receive further instructions..." How criptic, Heero thought as he started in the direction of the ruined and abandoned city of Seoul. He knew that J liked to be mysterious at times, and that he was not to be trusted, but never had he sent instructions like those that Heero had received that morning. It most certainly meant that the devious scientist was up to something and that the Perfect Soldier should be on his guard.

Wing Zero was fast, and Seoul wasn't so far away, so it didn't take long before Heero was able to see the crumbling, decrepid buildings that had once composed a town bustling with human debris. Now, the only inhabitants of the once great city were starving rats and spiders.

Heero boldly landed Wing near the center of the town, where the devistation caused by the war rather than time was the worst-luckily there was room for the large mech to land there.

Heero opened Wing's hatch and stepped out into the bright sunlight-his eyes focusing on a building not too far in the distance. A large building, larger than his Gundam, and modern. From a distance, it looked as broken down as all those surrounding it, but from Heero's vantage point, he could tell that the state of disrepair that it appeared to be in was an illusion. That was where the scientist was bound to be.

With a recklessness that was usual for the sometime suicidal pilot, Heero hurried to the ground, confidently leaving Wing's hatch open. As his feet hit the cracked pavement, Heero began searching the shadows for the doctor.

He was mildly surprised when his eyes found a mushroom haired man rather than the one he was expecting. Cobalt eyes narrowing, Heero clenched his jaw and started over to the scientist, his hand hovering near his gun.

"Professor G." He greeted the man in a flat voice, as the small man stepped further out of the shadows. "Where is J?"

"Heh," the gray haired scientist said, looking Heero over briefly. "He's here, he's here." G assured the Gundam pilot. "We have a special mission for you this time...come now." The man began walking none-too-briskly towards the large building that Heero had first stared at.

Heero's expression hardened further as he left Wing behind to follow the other man into the gloom, ignoring the decaying smell that grew stronger as they left the clear area, and the skittering of rats as they hid from the humans.

The main doorway to the building that G led him to appeared to have long ago collapsed in on itself, making it impossible to enter through, while the true entrance was a small opening several meters away, covering by a large piece of metal. Heero followed G through the hole, nearly on hands and knees because of how low it was. When he straightened he found himself in a small room.

The room was small and cluttered, even though it only held a single table and chairs for five. Four of those chairs were occupied by Doctor J; Doktor S; Master O and Instructor H. Heero's eyes narrowed further at the sight of them together. This mission was most defiantly something different.

Four mad scientists looked up at his and G's entrance, and J stood, his mechanical arm clicking slightly for no apparent reason. "Heero," he said as he pushed himself away from the table. "We have a mission for you,"

"I know." Heero said, keeping his expression blank without difficulty. "What is it?"

"First," the Doctor said, his voice already getting on Heero's nerves. "Come with us, I'll show you."

Heero barely contained a frown of annoyance as he followed J through another door, overly aware of the other scientists at his back. The Doctor's orders had made this mission seem vital, urgent, and yet here he and his collegues were, wasting time...

Heero's steps nearly faultered as he looked around the room that he had entered. It was large, very large, with concrete walls and a metal ceiling, from which several bright lights hung. One corner of the room was set up with machines and a long table, much like a doctor's office...but the main part of the room was taken up by a Gundam.

The new Gundam was larger than most, so large that it had to kneel in the room, dispite the high ceiling. It was painted a pitch black color that seemed to suck in all the light; it's "eyes" were a dark violet that would likely glow eerily when activated. Not far from it were several colossal weapons-a rather curious looking gun; a long staff that appeared to have a cross between two scythes and a spear attatched to each end, both of which were painted the same shade of magnificent black.

"Heero," J said, drawing the Perfect Soldier's attention back to him. "This is Kurai."

Heero glanced briefly at the odd man, then went back to studying the new Gundam...Dispite it's height, Kurai was thinner than most, it's legs and arms longer and skinny as well. The dark metal seemed nearly seamless, except around the "face" area and the double wings on it's didn't even have a visable hatch. The "face" had something resembling a mouth though, so perhaps that acted as a hatch.

"What's the mission?" Heero tore his eyes away from the new machine to focus on J, whose metal arm was once again whirling.

"The mission is simple." The odd scientist said. "To blow up a storage house for mobile dolls using Kurai."

Simple indeed-there must be trick. Heero watched his mentor carefully for a moment, trying to figure out the twist that would surely be thrown at him, and then turned his eyes towards Kurai once again. The Gundam loomed, dangerously beautiful, over him, holding his gaze captive for several moments more.

"Why Kurai?" Heero asked, still watching the mech with something nearing suspicion, yet longing to try it. The lack of bulk would make the suit more maneuverable than most, though balance may be a problem, but it's wings would likely help stablize it. It looked sleak, beautiful and dangerous.

"We have installed an experimental piloting program into Kurai." J said. The mission was beginning to make more sense-at least, the importance of it was. "We want you to test it out during this mission. If it responds correctly, four new Gundams will be created, aside from Kurai, for the other pilots."

"Hn." Heero turned back to the scientist, his thoughts racing through his mind. He was tempted to turn the mission down-he could just as easily destroy the storage facility in Wing-easier, probably-and then return quickly home to Duo, without any difficulties. But on the other hand, it WAS a mission...besides, this new suit intrigued him for some reason...

"Mission accepted." He said at long last, letting no emotion filter into his cold voice.

"Good," O said from behind Heero, and the Perfect Soldier whirled to see the other scientists standing not far from his back. In a terribly uncharacteristic move, the soldier hadn't even heard them approach. "If you'd just come over here,"

Five scientists escorted the Japanese pilot over to the work area of the room, and bid him lay on the table. Slowly, feeling uncomfortable, though he'd never admit that, Heero did as he was bid, and soon found himself blinking up at the cold looking ceiling and harsh lights.

Resolving not to squint, Heero stared straight ahead, until J's face appeared above him, his long mustach annoyingly close to Heero's chin. Heero glared at the man, but said nothing as the doctor held up a syringe filled with a clear liquid. He carefully tapped out the air bubbles before lowering out of Heero's line of vision. The Perfect Soldier didn't bother watch the Doctor any futher, focusing his eyes on the ceiling once again instead. His mind drifted briefly to Duo only moments before he felt the faint prick of a needle, and darkness began to eat at his vision.


He was floating in comfortable darkness..floating, falling...There was a brief pain, searing, burning him...and then he expanded. He grew...he encompassed more. He was no longer so mere, so small...he felt powerful. Strong. And different...


Heero opened his eye slowly, with little effort. For a moment he just stared-his vision was oddly blurry, but rapidly sharpening. Colors seemed more vivid, making his head spin. Slowly, clarity came.

He was staring at a gray concrete, brightly lit through means he couldn't place. Slowly he searched his memory for a setting...oh yes, Seoul. The scientists. Heero turned his head slowly-he felt as though he were submerged in a liquid with the consistency of honey. His movements were slow, his limbs felt heavy, though his strength didn't seem to have diminished any.

Eyes running over the room, he spotted six bodies in a corner, four looking at him, while one bent over the last, which lay bonelessly on a cold examining table. There were the scientists...and there was he, his moss green hair a mess; his eyes closed; his body unfeeling.

Startled, and a littler scared, Heero jerked a hand in front of his face. His slender fingers and thumb were long and midnight black, with claws extending from the tips. He made a fist, movement growing more easy for him. He was strong, that was obvious. But he was also a mech.

Kurai. Black. Darkness. The experimental piloting system.

Heero wasn't Heero any longer-he was KURAI.

He focused his now purple eyes on the doctors in the mechanical version of a glare. They hadn't warned him...he'd not have accepted the mission had he known what they'd planned. He ought to kill them...he had the power, he could smash them easily, all at once. But if he killed them, how would he return to his body? So he couldn't kill them...or at least not all of them.

"Heero," Doctor J stepped forward as he spoke, his voice sounding odd and tinny to the mobile suit. "We programmed Kurai's synthetic brain with the coordinates of the storage facility-you should be able access them."

Had Heero eyebrows, they'd have furrowed as he tried to get the information that J assured him he would be able to find-it actually wasn't that hard to access, but getting into it felt very odd, unlike anything he'd ever felt before. It wasn't necessarily unpleasant, but he didn't like it none the less.

The storage facility that the doctors were referring to was on a small island, a few hundred miles away. In Wing, it would have taken Heero about a day to reach, but as Kurai it shouldn't take him more than a few hours-though he had to allow time to get used to having a mobile suit as a body, rather than simply being strapped into one. And destroying the base...

Kurai turned his heavy, Gundamium head to one side, sharp eyes easily picking out the shapes of the large gun and staff weapon. He reached out, moving as fast as he would normally in a Gundam, and delicately lifted the staff, as though afraid he might break it.

The staff was made of Gundamium, just as the suit was, and weighed nearly a ton on it's own, yet Kurai had no difficulty lifting it. He couldn't hold it upright, though, because the ceiling got in the way, but he held it at an angle and studied it with a critical eye.

The information that J and the other scientists had planted in Kurai's "mind" before transferring Heero to the mech provided a name-Spyth-and the instruction on how to use it correctly.

He looked down at the gun. It was a heavy duty piece of weaponry, made more for mass destruction then actual battle. Kurai was created for a more elegant for of combat than simply shooting at something.

Kurai glanced again at the scientists, as he lifted the gun off the ground with a loud scrape. He was sorely tempted to shoot them for putting him in this mech's body, but he refrained from doing so.

"When you're done," J continued, oblivious to the thoughts that his Perfect Soldier was having. "Return here immediately, Heero."

Heero? Who was Heero? He was Kurai.

Kurai nodded briskly and stood in a smooth movement, ripping the roof of the building in the process. He ignored the shouts of the scientists as bits of metal and light fixures rained down on them and Heero's body, and instead he focused on this strange sensation of being on his feet.

Kurai was taller than Heero had originally thought-standing straight, he loomed over the old city. The building that he was standing in barely covered his long slender legs. Using the spyth for balance, Kurai carefully stepped out of the scientists' lair, spreading his long, dark wings as he did.

Outside of the building, Kurai crouched for a moment, then launched himself into the air using his powerful legs to propel him until his slender, delicate looking wings took over.

He glanced down at the city, glowing eyes finding Wing briefly, then focusing on the scientists once again-even at such a distance, his powerful vision could pick them up, though to distinguish one from the other took some effort.

He nodded once in their general direction, then, holding gun and spyth at his sides, he flew off in the direction of the sea.

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