Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Vampires Kiss ❯ Chapter 14

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing. Also any songs I use in the story are not mine unless I say otherwise.


"Where's Heero?" Duo asked as Angel pulled away from his embrace.

"He was here just a minute ago." mumbled Quatre.

"Heero couldn't have gotten far. Maybe he's outside." suggested Hilde.

Angel looed around the empied room. "He's gone." She whispered, "He left with Relena." She replied puching completely off of Duo and began to sit up.

"How do you know?" asked Trowa.

"I could feel him." Angel replied closing her eyes, "He's introuble."

"Angel! Stay down!" Wu Fei instructed, "You're still hurt."

"No!" mumbled Angel standing up as she spat out some blood from her mouth.

"We need to get you home." Duo insisted.

"Shut up! We're going to get Heero back no matter what." Angel gritted her teeth as she started to walk towards the door.

Duo ran up and blocked Angel's path, "Angel, I want to rescue him as much as you do. Maybe more but we can't. Not now. You're hurt! How can you save him injured when…"

Angel slapped Duo clear across his face. Her eyes cold and angry as she glared at him. "We're going." She walked around Duo and out of the club.

"Let's go." Wu Fei followed Angel with Zechs, Trowa, Quatre, and Hilde after him. Duo stood quietly and also followed.


Angel jumped into the top of the building looking around. She could feel Heero's life close by. It was definetly Heero's but…something was different. She couldn't say how but it was. Angel took off running, jumping from building to building not once slowing down for the others to catch up.

Wu Fei and Zechs followed Angel leaping onto the buildings. Duo hrabbed Hilde and Quatre quickly got a hold of Trowa. They then both followed the rest onto the buildings.


Angel stopped as she walked up to a high school auditorium. She turned back in tome to see the others running to catch up with her. Angel turned back facing the large double doors. Taking a deep breath she opened the doors and walked in.

Wait! Angel!" yelled Duo running up as the doors closed behind her and locked.


"Why hello Angel." smiled Relena as Angel walked in slowly.

"Give Heero back." Demanded Angel, "Where is he?"

"Say `Hello' Heero." Relena commanded.

Next to him a figure stepped forward. It was Heero. "Hello" he replied emotionless. Heero was like a statue that moved. There was no emtion in his eyes. Even Heero's normal glair, Angel always saw some kind of emotion. Now there wasn't even that.

"What did you do to him?"

"I made him one very obedient soon to be king" Relena laughed wrapping an arm around Heero. "Doesn't he look perfect?"

"Let him go or I will…" Angel stepped forward.

"Shut up! You can't threaten me. I have Heero and you have nothing."



"I do have something you want." Angel answered softly.



The others were banging on the door.

"Angel!" Duo yelled, "Angel! Don't do anything! Please Angel! Don't do anything" he cried.


"I… my sole." Angel whispered looking at Heero then at Relena.

"You're sole?"

"My vampire sole. I'll give it to you if you release Heero." Angel replied stronger.

"If I had that…" Relena began.

"You could become Queen of the Vampires 6 hours after my sole has left my body. Then you wouldn't need to share you're rule with anyone." Angel finished.

Relena walked up to Angel eye to eye. "Deal." She smiled pushing Heero pass Angel and unlocking the spell.

Heero shook his head and rubbed his eyes. The next thing he saw was Relena reach into Angel's chest and pull out a green orb. Angel then fell to the ground in a bloody mess.

"She will probably die Heero." Laughed Relena as she disappeared.


Authors note: Well here's another chapter.