Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Vial of Truth ❯ Chapter 1
Copyright: I own nothing save for the plot. Please don't try to sue me since I am but a poor soul.
AN: This is my first attempt at a lemon fic. The pairings are 1x2x5, actually that isn't a pairing that is a threesome!
A Vial of Truth
By: Vidalark
Chapter 1: Missions
Duo entered his shared room with the stealth of a black panther. Flipping on the lap top which he knew would be there he quickly reviewed his up coming mission. The mission was very simple, go to a predesignated spot and pick up a package and within the said package he would receive the rest of his mission. To him it sounded like something his idiot keeper would do, but he wasn't going to question orders since he was itching for some action. Quickly jotting down the information he prepared to leave as silently as he had arrived. Information in hand and gun tucked away in his jacket he left. No one else was in the safehouse at the time of his departure so he didn't bother with telling anyone that he was going out.
The trip to the locker took nearly an hour, but sure enough he found the key which he was supposed to find and locating the locker only took a minute. Once located he opened the door to the tiny locker and found a shoe box sized package inside. Plain brown paper covered it and twine of hemp string was wrapped around it. A tag was attached to the package with Duo's name written in block letters.
"Leave it to them to make it look like a present." Duo murmured as he removed it from the locker and tucked it safely under his right arm Walking back to the safe house he began to wonder what his mission was to be. Curiosity being his nature was a hard thing for him to fight off, but he had to or risk discovery.
Once back in his room he carefully ripped the paper from the box and opened the lid. On top of a white cloth covered lump was a note that was neatly typed out in all caps. Deciding to see what was under the cloth before reading the note he lifted the cloth. Inside he saw what looked like a shiny silver fabric and a eye glass case. Underneath the fabric looked to hold more items but he decided to read the note since now he was wondering what his keeper was up to.
"Sure just do what you say like some pathetic dog. Oh well a mission is a mission." Duo lifted the silver fabric and found it to be a spandex like material that when put on would conform to his every curve. The outfit was a simple short tank top that if it was for a woman would be best described as a sports bra. The bottom however left much to be desired as far as Duo was concerned. It was a pair of very short shorts. Deciding that his boxers would be a huge hindrance he took them off and placed the shorts on. The shorts barely covered the white globes of his rear and covered next to none of it if he bent over and didn't even come close to leaving anything up front to the imagination. A pair of black leather fingerless gloves and black leather mid thigh high boots with metal buckles at the top finished the look. The bottom of the box held four pairs of handcuffs and an assortment of other things that he couldn't think of any obvious uses for them.
"God I look like some damned rip off of a *Sailor Starlight." Duo groaned as he looked at his reflection in the full length mirror. "Look at me I'm Sailor Star Wannabe." Duo snickered making a ridiculous pose in front of the mirror. His swinging braid and impish looks didn't help the image any. Frowning slightly and giving a disgusted snort he turned away from the mirror and back to the box which rested a top of his twin sized bed. "Oh well better get this mission over with before they have me dress up as Peter Pan and ship me off to Never Never Land." quickly he injected the contents of the vial into his arm. Within a minute his world began to fade in and out.
"Damn it what have they..." Duo asked as he passed out on the floor.
A few hours later Heero walked into the shared room and quickly became alarmed when he saw his friend and partner sprawled on the floor in what looked like painted on clothes. Closer inspection proved that the clothes weren't painted on, but they might as well have been. Heero rushed over to Duo's side and checked the braided boy for signs of possible injuries. All he found was the tiny dot of where a needle had obviously been inserted and the very needle was only inches away from the fallen boy. The needle fortunatly had not broken inside of Duo's arm which was a minor relife.
"Baka." Heero growled. Carefully placing the needle on top of their shared desk he then turned to take care of a certain braided baka. "Duo?" Duo was gone! Heero had only turn his back for but a brief moment. The Japanese boy for once in his life since he was basically reprogrammed looked throughly confused and mildly frightened. "Duo I demand that you show yourself." Heero said in a slightly trembling but highly commanding voice.
"As you wish." from behind Heero in the shadows Duo leapt out and captured Heero in a steely grip forcing the Japanese boy's wrist behind him almost painfully.
"Shimata! Duo what the hell do you think you are doing?" Heero demanded as he tried to free himself, but surprisingly the American boy's grip was by far stronger than Heero thought it should be and he couldn't break free. Duo began to lightly nuzzle the back of Heero's neck and inhale his natural musky scent which was also laced with the faint scent of his shampoo. Coconut shampoo Duo guessed slightly surprised that Heero would choose such a luxury.
"My mission." Duo whispered hotly into Heero's ear sending a shiver though Heero that he himself didn't understand, but the tingling sensation to him seemed very ill placed as it landed mostly between his legs.
"Your mission?" Heero gulped now wondering why this entire situation made him very nervous.
"Hai MY mission. Apparently you are very much a part of it." Duo said as he began to trace the edge of Heero's ear lobe with the very tip of his pink tongue.
"What is your mission?" Heero asked very much afraid right now, but also slowly losing a battle with his body not to react.
"I'd think it would be very obvious to you, but then again you don't notice much as far as I am concerned do you? Fine I'll give you a hint and then we'll see if you catch on." quicker than Heero could even think he found himself sprawled out on the bed and several pairs of shiny silver handcuffs quickly shackled him to the bed so that he couldn't use his hands and in a heart beat more his feet were also rendered useless as the silver metal cuffs clicked soundly around each ankle. He was now spread eagle and totally at Duo's mercy. "Hmm... these shoes do make it harder to ensure that you can't escape. I'd better remove them." teasingly and almost seductively though Heero couldn't figure out how that last thought entered his mind, Duo began to remove Heero's trademark sneakers. Duo trailed his fingers over Heero's well toned calves as he rolled the socks off. The simple touch sending shivers through his body and as before mostly landing in his nether regions which now seemed uncomfortably restrained in his spandex shorts.
"D...duo what are you doing?" Heero asked in a half moan and strangled choke.
"Preparing you for the mission." Duo took a look at the tent that was Heero's spandex shorts. "I seem to be doing a very good job too." he said as he licked his lips.
"Duo you don't seriously plan on doing anything to me do you?" Heero asked unconsciously allowing all of his fear to enter his voice. Duo was now slowly inching his way up Heero's body placing gentle kisses every so often.
"It is my mission." Duo said almost sadly. "Gomen, but they have done something to me to ensure that I follow through. I can't stop now, I must finish what I have started." Duo said as the feral look of a panther on the prowl faded from his heart shaped face. Duo's eyes looked sad and mirrored Heero's fear in a way that he had never seen. Duo honestly couldn't stop and they both knew it.
"What did they do to you?" Heero asked glad for the minor reprieve that gave him a chance to figure out what the handcuffs had been made of. Gundanium, no not even he could break them.
"Dunno, a vial with a funny gold liquid, was told to take the stuff. Injected it into me like the mission report told me to. Now I want you. Need you badly. Always wanted you." Duo's mind was becoming clouded again with the thoughts of ravaging the Japanese boy beneath him. He moaned and purred as his hands began to roam over the top of Heero's tank top.
"Duo stop you know you can fight it." Heero gasped as Duo began to run his hands under Heero's tank top to feel the taut muscles and tease the now fully erect nipples.
"Need you, want you must have you, never want me always hurting me pulling my hair now I can have you." Duo panted and he began to kiss his way up Heero's neck. His clear violet eyes were now clouded over with obvious passion.
"Yuy I need that book... MAXWELL?!" Wufei had chosen that moment to walk into the room unannounced.
"Chang help me." Heero pleaded without another word Wufei tore Duo off of Heero's body and placed a well aimed blow that rendered the boy unconscious.
"Mind telling me what was going on?" Wufei asked as he found the keys to the cuffs in a box on the floor. Before Wufei freed Heero though he made sure to take a good nice and quick once over look and catalog the mental picture away in his memory all the while cursing the fact that he didn't have a camera.
"Wish I knew. Apparently Duo was given a drug as well as a mission." Heero summarized wisely dropping out the part of Duo practically telling him of his true desires that it wasn't all totally drug induced.
"Hmm..." Wufei found the note that held Duo's mission. "Strange that they would have him do something like this. Are you sure that he didn't just plan it this way?"
"Very, he was trying to stop himself and he couldn't. I'd wager that what ever was in that vial wasn't just vitamins like they told him." Heero said as he tapped the syringe carefully against the palm of his hand.
"I know someone who can analyze what was in that if there is enough of it left to test."
"Good idea." Heero placed the syringe into the eyeglass case he found in the box and handed it over to Wufei. "If you get a mission like this, please don't follow orders." Heero cautioned. The Chinese boy nodded his head and tucked the case away into his jacket.
"What are you going to do with him?"
"No idea. I guess that I will need to tie him up until what ever it is that he injected himself with burns out of his system."
"I would almost advise cuffing him down like he did you. That way he can't pick the locks to easily."
"Hai." Heero set to work on cuffing the boy down and Wufei left to have the residue chemicals tested.
"Heero why is Duo tied down like that?" Quatre asked when he brought a tray of tea and tea biscuits to the Japanese boy much later.
"Because as of right now he is a danger to us." Heero said simply.
"Ah souka. Heero would you like for me to watch him for awhile? You look like you could use a quick shower and a small nap." Quatre said as he set the tray down.
"Iie, I think that I should be here when he wakes up." Heero said in what would, for him, classify as a sigh. Quatre could see that the Japanese pilot was worried about his partner though one would dare not even mention such a thing less they wish to meet with a very painful end.
"Would you like me to sit with you for awhile then?"
"Iie, I would rather be alone with Duo."
"I understand. If you need me or want anything I'll be just down the hall." Quatre said as he made his exit. Heero didn't say anything, he only sat in his chair watching the rythmatic rise and fall of Duo's chest. The "clothes" he noted allowed him just about a full viewing of his partner's lithe body. Heero noted the numerous fine lines of old scars and the faint pink tinge of new scars. Each new scar almost seemed to be connected into some form of pattern. Closer inspection proved that some of this was true, the patterns was that of tic tac toe and a line up of someone's stick counting.
"Duo no baka when did you get those?" Heero asked not even aware of his sudden concern or the fact that he was now fingering the pinkish scars on Duo's flat and exposed abdomen with his right index finger. He became more aware of what he was doing when he heard Duo start to moan. Not being an expert in human sounds and emotions he thought that Duo was moaning in pain though in truth the unconscious Duo was rather thrilled with the simple exploring touch. "Masaka what am I doing?"
The night slowly went on and Duo remained unconscious, in a way it was a blessing, but in honest truth it was only making Heero worry more. According to his calculations the blow that Wufei had dealt shouldn't have knocked him out for this long, but with the added unknown stimulant factor anything was possible.
"Yuy." Wufei said as he entered the room.
"I managed to get a break down on what that baka injected himself with. Apparently it was a vitamin agent, but with a few additions. It has chemicals to increase libido, disovle mental restraint in certain portions of the mind, increase strength, and a few other things that under normal circumstances even you couldn't have fought." Wufei told him as he handed over a list of chemicals and their purposes to Heero. "That is just some of the stuff, my contact is still breaking down the rest of the stuff, but there are some agents that he hasn't ever seen before."
"A cocktail just for Duo and his mission."
"Hai, and I don't think that you would have had a chance on getting away from him if I hadn't insisted on getting my book from you."
"Hai, arigato."
"How has he been doing?"
"Well he hasn't woken up yet, but I have a feeling that when he does he isn't going to be clean."
"What are you going to do?"
"Contact my keeper and find out what the hell they think they are doing. Could you please watch Duo for me? I would have Quatre do it, but I don't think that he should know what has happened under his own roof."
Heero had been gone for ten minutes and Wufei was watching Duo and meditating at the same time. His meditations were bent on more of a prayer in hopes that his ancestors would aid the American pilot who now lay tied down before him in clothes all to tight and enticing. Wufei secretly had to admit to himself that the vision of Duo strapped down and helpless like this was stirring something within him, but he wouldn't dare try anything since it wouldn't be honorable and as far as he was concerned Nataku would not approve of such actions. However like Heero when he noticed the faint scars he couldn't help but reach out and touch the creamy skin. His slim and slightly calloused fingers traced the patterns as a frown formed when he figured out what these scars actually were. However Duo's moan was what brought him out of his thoughts.
"Why now Nataku? Why do you test me like this?" Wufei whispered as he pulled his hand back quickly as if he were afraid that touching Duo would cause him some great harm.
"Uhn... where am I? Heero? Heero! Where is Hee... what the? Why am I tied down?" Duo was thrashing wildly now trying to free himself.
"Maxwell calm down you're going to hurt yourself." Wufei scolded as he placed his hands on the boy in an attempt to restrain him further. "Yuy! Get in here quick!" Wufei shouted and in just a few seconds Heero was there trying to help Wufei.
"Heero... Heero I need you I want you, must touch you... please touch me." Duo moaned and panted now trying to get more physical contact with the Japanese boy. Heero moved back now trying to get as far from Duo as he could, but still remain in the room.
"Maxwell you must calm down or else." Wufei warned.
"Or else what?" Duo asked in a purr.
"Or else no one will touch you at all." that was enough to make Duo become stone still. Hormones may be racing a mile a minute, but he still knew well enough that Wufei would keep to that threat. "Good now stay this way."
"Just as we thought his system hasn't cleansed itself of that drug yet." Heero whispered. "If anything I think he has gotten worse."
"I agree. I don't think that it will clear out for awhile."
"We can keep him this way until he is himself then."
"Are you that inhuman?! Baka he is a human being, an annoying one, but one none the less and we can't just leave him tied down like some wild animal."
"Then what do you suggest we do?"
"I don't know. What did your keeper tell you?"
"They have been toying with different chemical compounds trying to see what does what basically and they figured that we make the best test subjects. They also have very dirty minds as Duo would say." Heero said as he looked at the fore mentioned pilot. "The effects should wear off in a day or so, but it is unknown as to what the psychological side effects that Duo may suffer will be."
"Please someone touch me... I've been good I'm calm." Duo whimpered, the tent in his very small and tight shorts proved that he was under an immense stress that was further clouding his mind.
"Iie, not until you are yourself again." Heero snapped.
"Go to sleep." Wufei told the braided boy as they walked out of the room. Duo wailed but after five minutes Duo was sound asleep. Mentally the other two were making plans for very long cold showers.
"Yuy, where are you going to sleep?" the thought dawned on Wufei quickly when he thought about how Duo was going to be hard to live with.
"I'll take the couch."
"Why don't you share my bed with me? It is large enough to hold two and I don't think that it would be wise to remain alone in case Maxwell manages to free himself."
"Hai.. if it is alright with you."
"Of course it is I suggested it." Wufei said quickly, but suddenly he realized that a cold shower wasn't going to be quite enough for him that night.
"I'll take a shower and then I shall go to sleep then." Heero said not wanting to even think of what his now over active hormones were trying to convey to his impassive brain, though it was slowly becoming open to suggestions.
"Best use the shower in my room since I don't think you should go by him again." the images Wufei's mind began to provide him with weren't what he needed. A very naked and very wet Heero blazed into his mind's eye.
"Hai." Heero was now having very similar images, but not of himself, more of a certain Chinese pilot and strangely enough of a braided American pilot. A quick shake of his head though rid his mind of the images, for now.
Duo remained tied to his bed writhing against his restraints in complete frustration. Laying face up made it so he couldn't gain any sort of friction of which might offer some relief. His eyes still fogged over with his passion and need for release. Even in his half sleep his moans of need still resonated from his throat.
"I need him to touch me, I must be with him.... them." he panted. His fingers flexed over the smooth metal of the cuffs around his wrists. After a few quick jerks of his head though his long braid was within reach of his right hand which found a tiny lock pick which he kept there for emergencies.
Not being able to see what he was doing and being very much out of it mentally he took a bit longer than he normally would have in picking the first lock. Once he had one done it only took roughly five more minutes to remove the final three cuffs which held him down.
"I will not fail my mission." Duo growled. Replacing the pick in his braid as second nature would make him do he was once again on the prowl.
Within Wufei's room the two prepared for what they both knew would be a very difficult night of rest.
"Here's a spare towel and wash cloth for you. Feel free to use my soap and shampoo." Wufei said as he handed Heero the pile of terry cloth.
"Arigato." Heero was wishing that the discomfort in his spandex pants would subside more quickly though it didn't seem to be happening since his mind was now entertaining more thoughts that never usually crossed through it.
"Doo itashimashite. You go first, I'll prepare the bed." Wufei said and they quickly separated to do what they needed to do.
Wufei began to spread the linens across the bed. Separating the pillows neatly and adding a spare blanket to the pile that would be Heero's side for the night since he liked to lie on his right side and this would make it so that his back would face Heero and minimize the possibility of waking up with his arms around the Japanese pilot. Not that the thought disturbed him, but he didn't wish to wake up with a gun aimed at his head. For some odd reason he just didn't like the thought of a new hole in his head as being a good way to wake up.
Wufei was concentrating on his task so hard that he didn't notice his bedroom window, which he had left open since the scent of the lilac blossoms, which had just gone into bloom, was a comfort to him. The sweet scent aided his meditations and just brought a bit more peace to his troubled mind. It was through this window that a shadow seemed to enter.
Just as Wufei finished dividing the bedding a strong pair of arms caught him. He was whirled around quickly and shoved on to his bed. A gag made it's way to his mouth and thick velvet cords found their way around his wrists and feet.
"Gomen Fei-chan, but I can't let you interfere in my mission again. You are now a part of it." Duo whispered as he fingered Wufei's face. Wufei couldn't stop the widening of his eyes as he heard these words. He tried to call out, but the gag was highly effective and not a sound could make it past the fabric. "Now for Heero." Duo said and just as he was about to turn around he was struck down for the second time that night. Heero stood with nothing but a towel draped around his slim waist, and water dripping down his body in tiny streams. He removed the gag from Wufei and untied him. It was all Wufei could do to keep from suddenly drooling over the boy in front of him.
"He must have had a lock pick on him." Heero commented. A quick inspection of the braided boy's hair revealed the fore mentioned pick and a few other lock picks that he might use. The inspection had left Duo's hair looking rather mussed up, but still in its custom braid.
"What are we going to do with him now?" Wufei asked regaining some blood flow back to his brain and away from his lower regions.
"Tie him up again, but this time I think we should keep him with us. If he should decide to go after Trowa or Quatre I don't think that they would have a chance against him."
"Hai." so yet again they restrained the braided boy, finished bathing and sat in Wufei's bed and watched the boy in front of them. Their minds and eyes toyed with the vision before them making their cold showers no good. Thoughts that they originally would have never come up with now were the only things that they could even think of. Heero tried to think of the systems check that he would need to run on Wing Zero, but the only thing that would come to mind was the feeling of Duo touching him and the feel of the trail of kisses he had received still haunted his memory. Wufei tried to meditate, but the memory of Duo having captured him and Duo caressing his face continued to haunt him.
Duo awoke yet again this time however he appeared more calm. His eyes weren't as clouded over and his composure was that of a black panther, still and ready.
"Duo are you alright?" Wufei asked knowing that Heero wouldn't.
"I'm fine." he said in a husky voice. Duo's voice was low and highly suductive. The two Asians blessed the thick blankets for hiding the reactions that their bodies very freely showed now. "How are you both?"
"Maxwel..." Wufei began but Duo inturrupted him.
"Duo, call me Duo or I won't talk." he purred.
"Fine, Duo what exactly was your mission?" Wufei asked knowing that the answer they would get might not be one they would ever wish to hear.
"To ravish Heero. I figured it out while I was asleep the first time." Duo said truthfully. Heero gulped visibly which for him was an interesting reaction.
"Why?" it wasn't the answer Wufei had expected, but then again it was close to the ball park picture his mind had painted so nicely for him.
"To make him more human."
"Nani?" Heero was now puzzled with this turn of events. "Explain." Heero demanded now wanting to know what Duo had meant by that comment.
"I told my keeper that I wished that I could help make you more human since your reprogramming has made you very much a um... shall we say a prick. You don't smile, you don't joke, you don't do anything that normal people do. I have done all that I can and then I guess my keeper decided that since he likes to play mad scientist he would make me take something which would make me be able to take you by force. I don't want that. I want you yes, but not like that. I can't fight off this drug to well and actually not for much longer, but I just wanted to let you know that." Duo said hanging his head off to the side in obvious shame.
"When you said that I was now a part of your mission, what did you mean?" Wufei asked. Duo flinched at this reminder of his last conversation with Wufei.
"I want you also. I want to make you both more open with your emotions and feelings. Capturing you told me that I could make my dream come true, but I don't wish to force either of you. I want to touch you both though I know that you both don't want to be with anyone aside from your Gundam Wufei, and your lap top Heero. I just want to touch and be touched by you both. Though I think in truth what I really want from the both of you is love though I know that is a impossibility."
"Do you think that we are that inhuman that your keeper would drug you and force you into doing something like this?" Wufei asked now walking towards the American who's eyes now glistened with unshed tears. "Are we so inhuman to you that he
would force you into something that could ruin two friendships?"
"I... I... I don't know. All I know is that I don't want to be alone any more and when I am with you both I feel like there could be something. All I want is to be touched and loved. No one ever wanted to touch me, but then those who did always became so close and they always died because of me. I don't want to be alone any more" Duo whispered just loud enough for them to hear the slight sobbing. In a new and bold move Wufei did something that he hadn't done in a long time, not since the death of his beloved wife Merin. He bent down and kissed Duo lightly on his cheek catching a run away tear with his tongue and tasting the salty wetness for the first time. Duo shivered slightly from the touch of the warm and moist feeling of Wufei's tongue.
"All you had to do was ask." Wufei whispered. Inspired by Wufei's boldness Heero walked up to Duo and did as he had seen Wufei do. The American blushed a fierce shade of red.
"How can you both want me now? After I tried to rape you both in two attacks you now accept me as this?" Duo's mind couldn't understand the sudden change in the two pilots.
"It wasn't you Duo who did this. Your keeper shall be dealt with and justice shall be served, but it wasn't you who did any of it." Wufei said caressing Duo's moist cheek with the back of his hand. The violet eyed youth now sat full erect in more than one way. His mind was now racing with various thoughts at a speed that even Heero's lap top would envy. His mind might be racing but his body continued to scream for more contact. Duo was leaing into the soft touch on is cheek hoping for more soft and loving touches.
"Wufei is right, you had no choice in the matter and no control. I admit that I behave less than human and I would like to regain what my keeper took from me, but I don't know how. Duo will you show me? Will you teach me to be human?" Heero asked feeling the child within himself awaken, a calling of which he was denied to answer before he had even learned to write. Heero really wished to know more then the missions and the deaths of which had been his life. Heero wished to truly be human even if the only real teacher he might have would be the boy who claimed to be Shinigami. Besides who would know more about being human and alive then death?
"Even after all of this? I am the bringer of death and pain. All who care for me die..." Duo began now fighting even harder against the effects of the drug that he had unwittingly taken. Heero silenced this train though with an even more bold move. Leaning in quickly like a viper Heero covered Duo's mouth with his own and stole a kiss. His tongue swiped at Duo's lips demanding entry which only took three seconds for Duo to allow. Heero's tongue began to wrestle with Duo's and they eventually separated to breath.
"Duo no baka, don't you know when to shut up and accept things?" Heero asked tracing a finger along Duo's jaw line.
"Hm... you think you two can teach me?" Duo purred.
"Only if you think you can teach us to be more open with our emotions." Wufei countered and quickly took over where Heero had left off. Duo couldn't believe that his dream was coming true. The two of which he had lusted over for what seemed like an eternity and had many a wet dream about were now kissing him and telling him that everything was alright. He was on cloud nine with all of the pets and kisses he was receiving, but his body jerked as if he had been electrocuted when someone "accidently" brushed his erection.
"You know Heero we should make our little comrade here pay for his attacks just a little don't you think?" Wufei asked as he once again accidently rubbed Duo's erection.
"Sadistic, justice ranting, to damn good looking Dragon." Duo panted straining to gain more attention on his throbbing member.
"Sounds like a good idea." Heero said as he let his finger now trace the tent which was Duo's shorts. Duo's cock twitched into the touch. Heero grinned at Duo and removed his hand.
"No not you too. K'so I would be in love with two sadists!" Duo wailed as the two Asians continued to stroke his skin but avoid the actual center of Duo which strained against the silver fabric.
"What ever shall we do then?" Wufei asked as he and Heero both pulled away from Duo.
"Follow our emotions." Heero moved in on Wufei and the Chinese boy quickly caught on to the idea. Their lips met and they shared a not so celibate kiss. Their tongues fought a battle that they both would win. Their hands explored each other's bodies while Duo could only watch and lust even more. Soon clothes were being removed in shreds or pieces, not always one piece either. Soon they stood as naked as the day they were born in front of each other and Duo's eyes became even larger as he drank in the sight of the two naked boys in front of him
Their hands roamed until Heero took control of the situation. Pushing Wufei back gently he urged the Chinese youth to lay on the bed. Not sure of what to do Heero just followed his feelings and began to kiss his way down the Chinese youth's body, starting with his lips which were now swollen to their fullest. Gentle nips and kisses was the trail that Heero left on his way down the writhing boy who could only gasp and moan. When Heero's nose bumped Wufei's arousal the Chinese boy let out a half shriek of ecstasy.
"Hm... I think I might have found something." Heero purred as he nuzzled the swollen member. Moisture glistened at the tip of Wufei's erection and with out so much as a second though Heero licked it away with his tongue eliciting more of the delicious sounds from Wufei.
"You taste as good as you look." Heero purred taking another lick
"Please untie me, please. I need to be touched so badly." Duo moaned fully frustrated and yet turned on by the erotic scene before him.
"You even think of stopping Heero and I swear you won't be able to move in the morning, and that is a promise." Wufei threatened.
"Gomen Duo, but I think I have a more imperative mission at hand at the moment." Heero said and returned his attentions to Wufei's weeping member. Licking the tip like a cat would cream Wufei began to yet again moan in pleasure. Duo watched the vision before him with rapt attention. Slowly Heero bathed Wufei's shaft with his tongue and with out warning he swallowed Wufei's member whole. Fighting back the urge to gag he slowly began to work his mouth and tongue in rhythm with the slow bobbing of his head. As Wufei tried to buck his hips further in to the cavern of Heero's mouth, he was pinned down with strong hands hard enough to immobilize his hips, but not enough to bruise. Heero was a man who could bend steel poles with his bare hands and just knowing that every bone in his hips could be broken by this man was enough to add to Wufei's passion. Heero was so gentle that it nearly drove him mad.
The vision, sounds, and scent of all before Duo was just to much for the poor boy to handle. With the residual strength from his injection and the surge of hormones he freed himself from his bonds and claimed Wufei's mouth. Tongues waged a war in the moist silken heat of two mouths. Remembering the need for oxygen though Duo moved his attentions lower towards Wufei's hardened and currently neglected nipples. Swirling his tongue just around the sensitive nub, not quite touching he watched as Wufei began to quake with the signs of his approaching climax. Duo suckled one nipple while his hands toyed with the neglected one and just savored the taste of Wufei's salty sweet skin.
"Oh God!" Wufei shouted as his climax was finally reached. Heero did all he could to swallow Wufei's seed. What Heero couldn't handle dribbled down his chin. Wufei fell back seeing stars in every color imaginable. When he could see straight again he saw Duo cleaning Heero with his own tongue in between deep throated kisses.
"He's right you do taste good." Duo crooned licking his lips. The sight of Duo licking his own lips so seductively was to much for the poor Chinese boy.
"You're wearing to damned many clothes." Wufei growled noting the straining erection in Duo's shorts and the slick spot where Duo's pre-cum had seeped through the fabric. Somehow making his way into a sitting position he and Heero tore the shiny, clingy fabric off of the American youth.
"Beautiful." Wufei sighed.
"No, not yet." Heero said shaking his head. Making a mental note to buy Duo more hair rubber bands he broke the one off of the end of Duo's silken braid and deft fingers undid the shiny mass. "Now he is beautiful and perfect." Heero said inhaling the scent of Duo's hair. Coconut and papaya a scent that he would always remember Duo for now. Duo's own natural musk mixed very well with the fruity mix of his shampoo.
"An angel." Wufei sighed. Wufei quickly turned over and shoved Duo down into the bed. Such roughness and speed had not been expected. but Duo was now to far gone to complain. Wufei moved down to meet with Duo's erection and gently blew on the moist and engorged member. The cool breath was driving Duo crazy. Wufei though having some compassion took pity on the American and took Duo's cock into his mouth and began to repeat what Heero had done to him. Heero feeling slightly left out at the moment took the time to sit back and enjoy the show his new lovers were putting on just for him. Duo writhing under Wufei's minstrations was almost enough to bring him to his own climax, but a silent vowed made him not reach that point. No he was determinded to be within one of his new loves for his first orgasm.
"Dragon.... oh so close please don't stop, onegai!" Duo panted placing his hands on the back of Wufei's bobbing head encouraging him to contiune but at a faster pace. Wufei however would not be rushed. Duo's hands continued their blind wanderings on Wufei's silken head until they found the tiny rubber band which held the Chinese boy's hair in the tight ponytail. Removing the hair peice he began to sift his fingers through the fine silk of Wufei's hair.
"Tch the impatient one aren't we Duo-koi? Let me see what I can do to make you settle down a little." Heero said as he moved closer to Duo and began to ravish the American boy's mouth yet again with more urgancy. Duo's hands left Wufei's head to hold Heero closer to him and let his hands roam there, but Heero had other ideas. Heero grabbed both of Duo's hands and held them above Duo's head. He quickly located a shred of what used to be someone's shirt and tied Duo's hands to the head board.
"Who'da thought that you were into bondage." Duo purred as he tried to kiss Heero even more.
"Let's just say some baka introduced me to the idea rather recently."
"Ah... Dragon... ah!!!!" Duo could give no further warning. His seed spilled into Wufei's mouth quickly. Wufei quickly learned though why Heero had had such a hard time. Duo's body wouldn't stop bucking as he spilled himself into the Chinese boy's mouth, but Wufei figured he could learn to get around that problem quickly.
"Enough games." Heero stated now knowing exactly what he wanted and now he planned on getting it.
"Hm... I think I like these games though." Wufei said as he began to kiss Heero allowing him the chance to taste Duo's essance in his own mouth. The mixture of sight, sound, taste, and smell was driving Heero crazy and now his sexual side was free and wanting to finish what had started. Logic payed just enough of a visit to let him figure out how to work things. Dashing out of the bedroom into Wufei's bathroom he located a tube of hand lotion.
"What is that for?" Duo asked his mind to far gone to really put two and two together and actually get four.
"I don't want any one to get hurt. This should make things go a little more smoothly." Heero explained simply. Duo still didn't understand, but when Heero coated his fingers with the cool lotion and began to work his way into Duo's puckered entrance he caught on quickly.
At first the feeling wasn't one of pleasure, but it melted into a world of bliss quickly when Heero brushed against a spot within him.
"Souka... hm..." Wufei purred and took the tube of lotion himself and without any warning began the same preperations on Heero. Heero couldn't believe the feelings he was having and was just on a sensation high. When Heero had four digits moving in and out of Duo he knew that his smaller lover was ready. Wufei however was enjoying the variations of facial expresions on Heero's face as he moved his fingers in and out of Heero's entrance, however the hard pain between his legs wouldn't wait much longer and he knew that they would have more time later to tease and torture each other later, now was the time for completion.
"Shimata if you both don't start something now I am going to get even!" Duo threatened though the passion in his voice made the threat sound rather empty. Heero was the first to move into position. Taking the lotion once again he coated his throbbing member with a rather generous amount fighting the urge to just jerk off since the feeling of his slick fingers running over his own hard length was driving him nuts. Slathering the ecsess lotion around Duo entrance he began to enter Duo for the true first time. Heero kept his eyes on Duo's face as he entered slowly so as to not harm him. No true pain ever flashed across Duo's face though, only frustration. Having had enough of the slow and easy routen which Heero was using Duo thrusted his whole body further down onto Heero's length. Hissing in an erotic mixture of pain and pleasure he was finally filled. Heero couldn't believe the feeling of such warm pressure on his member that is was almost his undoing. Wufei took his cue from the look on Heero's face. If there was to be any pain he wouldn't notice it. Doing as Heero had done in preparing himself he was ready. Eventually Wufei had fully inserted himself into Heero and they sat there that way for a minute not quite sure as to what they should do. Wufei however caught on quickly and began the first movements. Pulling out so that only the head of his cock remained within Heero he prepared to ram back inside and basically fuck Heero's brains out, but he knew that Heero needed time to make his move or Duo would feel very left out on this important part.
Heero understood what he was to do and mirrored what Wufei had done. Within a matter of minutes a perfect rythm was obtained. Their panting and moaning mixed together and each knew that they wouldn't last much longer. Duo desperatly wanted someone to finish him since he was still tied up and Heero understood this need. Grabbing Duo's cock with his right hand he began to pump the boy's lenght in time with their combined strokes. Duo was the first to succumb to orgasm.
"Soldier, Dragon!!!!!" Duo screamed. The feeling of Duo's muscles clenching around his shaft while Wufei pounded into him was to much for Heero and he came soon after. Wufei was the last to reach narvana.
Sweaty and sticky the three collapsed into a exhausted, but fully saited, heap.
The next morning thay all awoke to realize that the sexual bliss that they had thought to be a dream had been real.
"Ohayo." Quatre greeted when the three boys entered the kitchen.
"Morning Q-man, what's for breakfast?" Duo asked having recovered enough from the drug he had taken. Hunger was the first thing to hit full force. Duo knew that he wasn't fully clean from the drug, but he was clean enough to be able to move around with out a hard on just looking at his two lovers.
"Eggs, ham, and rice."
"I think I'll have some rice and a cup of tea." Wufei said as he sat down. Heero and Duo though didn't attempt to since their rear ends now were rather sore.
"Here you go." Quatre said as he handed Wufei a bowl of rice and Trowa gave Wufei his tea.
"Duo are you feeling alright? Last night Heero acted as if you were an enemy." Quatre asked as he watched Duo shovel food into his mouth.
"Huh? Oh that yeah I just had a minor problem with a mission, but I'm all better now."
"That is good to hear. Um Wufei what was all of that noise in your bed room last night?" the three pilots nearly choked on their food. Heero ended up pounding Duo on the back because a peice of toast had gone the wrong way.
"I don't think we should pry into that one Angel." Trowa said with a knowing look.
AN: The Sailor Starlight reference was a minor shout out for Sailor Moon a series that I shall forever love and adore.
I am working on another chapter, but I'm not to sure if I should finish it. If you want to see more plese let me know by reviewing.