Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A walk in the light of day ❯ Oolong tea ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

He never let anything get in the way of his work. What needed to be done, and what was done. His eyes were blank as he covered the computer screen with scrutiny. The words were all he needed, every little detail resided in that one little scrap of information. And with in the information in his possession he would be impervious to anything the mission would present, he would be unstoppable. He turned to his left to take note of the small china tea glass beside him, sitting on a small saucer with the tea bag hanging out of the cup. He lifted the spoon off the saucer and dropped the two sugar cubes on the spoon into the tea. “Thank you Wufei.”
He stopped at the door and nodded without a word and left, he left the solitary one to himself, for as much as wufei would like to be called the solitary dragon, he was not he was in need of them all, like they needed him. The only one of the five who constantly needed no one but himself was Heero.
Heero heard the door close behind Wufei and smiled gently sipping his tea as he went over the reports again.
Wufei headed down the hall and into the kitchen to address the issue of his own cup of tea. He walked into the small kitchen to find Duo sitting at the center island, musing over his toaster waffles. Duo's hair was free fallen, he had not showered and so he had not braided it. “Good morning Duo.”
“Hey.” Duo responded with a half full mouth of buttermilk waffles and syrup. “Sleep well?”
“As well as can be expected.” Wufei let out a small smile and poured his cup of tea. “As for you it looks as though the sheets won.”
Duo looked down at his side at his matted hair “yeah, nothing a little shower won't fix I'm sure.”
“Would you like some tea Duo?” Wufei asked politely.
“Nah I'm good with milk thanks.” He nodded. “What's Heero up to?”
“He's working in the office.” Wufei turned to set his small teakettle back on the stove. “He'll be out shortly I gather.”
Duo nodded his silly-ness was on hold due to the fact he had just awakened.