Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Weird Life ❯ Happy Birthday! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Happy Birthday

A/N: Things happen, you know. Enjoy!

" Nice party and hot girls!" Duo exclaimed while the girls in hula dresses surrounded him.

Hilde slapped him.

" Common babe!" Duo clamored, " You know I love you only!"

" Thanks for coming, Duo and Hilde." Quatre said with a smile and led them to where the others were.

" Would you please leave my guy alone?!" Hilde yelled at the girls.

" Jealous, babe?" Duo smirked.

Hilde slapped him again.

" Ouch!"


" Hey buddy!" Duo said as he walked over and hugged Heero.

" Get lost." Heero demanded.

Then Duo walked over to Relena and gave her a kiss. (Heero looked furious but was he? Yes, he was.) First the hug, now he tries to steal my girl, Heero thought, he is going to die. Heero pointed a gun at Duo. (Uh oh!)

" Ahh, have mercy!" Duo acted, " I beg for forgiveness!"

Relena went over and kissed Heero. (o_O)

" Oh, you are so cute!" Relena whispered in his ear.

That made Heero blushes pinkish-red and put the gun down.

" Happy birthday, Quatre!" Trowa screamed.

" Happy birthday to you… you are a hundred and two…" Duo sang out loud, " You smell like a donkey… and belong to the zoo!"


" It looks like it's gonna storm." Quatre said, " You guys should stay over."

Everyone agreed.

It's gonna be a long night!

A/N: R&R I luv flames!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!