Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Yuy Daughter ❯ Arrivals ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A Yuy Daughter by Twilight Thief

I'm back again, run for the hills. I really should be working on The Element's Intervention. Oh well, read this. I think I have 0 reviews, that does sound familiar. Oh wait that was the number of reviews on my other story A Trial Separation.

Disclaimer:……………I need caffeine.


Alexa scowled as they were stopped yet again for security reasons, twice it was so the security guard could strip search Tori. Honestly what did they think the first search had missed? Morons. Finally getting their rental car, Tori drove off at full speed, well not full speed exactly, more like snail speed, seeing that there was traffic line a mile long to get out of the shuttleport.

Alexa fiddled with the radio dial exasperatedly. This was going to take forever.


Diana Chang was bored, very bored. Her last lecture was the most boring thing to drone on and on without end. This explanation should only take fifteen minutes at most thought Diana annoyedly. It didn't help that her professor stopped every five seconds to point out that some women's rights act was a waste of time. This guy was worse than her dad, if she wanted to listen to crap she could listen to James Maxwell talk for an hour.

Well, he isn't so bad… a voice inside her head said. That was weird thought Diana calmly. If she really thought about it, James wasn't too bad. He was nice, when he wanted to be, charming, when he wanted to be, honest, ditto, hot, and well hot.

When did I become so enamoured with him? She wondered dazedly, as her pompous professor called on her expecting to catch her off guard, but Diana unfazed answered correctly and the class snickered at their professor's flustered face. Rolling her eyes Diana checked her watch, she only had an hour left in hell. Then she would catch a flight to Sank to visit with family for the summer.

Most likely there would be a welcome back barbecue at the Maxwell household, which didn't really bother Diana at all, because she spent most of her spare time over there anyway hanging out with Alexa. Daniel and Andrea were alright, but sometime James worked her last nerve, especially when he brought his flavors of the week, month, or day over to the house. It's not that James liked to break hearts, it was just that he had a very fickle personality. If and when James didn't look at her like a relative, she didn't think that they would have a lasting and meaningful relationship.

Oh well, a girl could dream couldn't she? If her father ever found out about it he would have her head on a platter. That was most likely the reason she still liked him, it was fun watching her dad blow a gasket. Her mother would probably laugh it off. Her father would murder her, then James.

It's not that she would date James just to irritate her dad, it was just a plus.


Jeremy was sleepy, horribly incredibly sleepy, the kind of exhaustion that would knock you off your feet. The reason for his exhaustion was that Jeremy had recently begun pulling all nighters, because well, he was just lazy. End of term exams had snuck up on him and he had totally forgotten to do his thesis. So he had been basically running on three hours of sleep a week.

Add that to the jetlag he got when he flew in from New York, where he was attending Columbia for his masters in law.

At least he could sleep for a couple hours at home, his mother would make tea and make him go to bed. That sounded so good right now to Jeremy.


"You don't know what you're talking about Dan." said Sean around his turkey sandwich.

"What do you mean I dunno what I'm talking about? My parents are totally getting me motorcycle for my graduation present." replied Daniel Maxwell.

Corina rolled her eyes at her two best friends, "I'm sure if you hint to your dad he'd get it for you, but just to your dad." she said poking Daniel in the arm.

"Why just my dad?" he asked confusedly.

"Because, dumbass, your mom would nix it without thinking. Your dad would actually consider it." she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh." replied Daniel, turning to Sean she said, "If you hinted to your mom, she would probably get you that Landshark you wanted." Sean brightened immediately, Corina rolled her eyes, boys were all the same.

"So, Rina, what are your parents getting for you?" asked Sean, leaning forward.

"A black GTO, antique. And impossibly hard to find."

"How do you know that they are getting you one? You already have a car."

"I saw the order form jerkwad."


Daniel grinned, this was the norm for the three friends, Sean and Corina would argue and inevitably Corina would always win.

Turning to Daniel Sean asked cheekily, "So, Danny boy, how goes your quest to conquer Michelle's heart?"

Daniel flushed and mumbled something inaudibly.

"What was that?" he asked.

"I said she has a boyfriend!" shouted Daniel causing the other patrons of the restaurant to send curious looks their way.

"When did this happen?" asked Corina curiously.

"I don't know." mumbled Daniel downtrodden.

"Well there is only one solution to heartbreak. The biggest chocolate fudge sundae in the house. On me. Waiter!" Corina called.

Sean brightened, "Just for him you moron." said Corina.

Sean pouted, "Alright we'll spilt one but you're paying for half."


"Are you sure this a good idea?" asked Ling Chang skeptically.

"It's fool proof. I fake having a boyfriend and Daniel Maxwell will stop stalking me." she

said waving him off.

"You're sure? I think my brother really likes you."

"Really? Does he like like me?" she asked sarcastically.

"Michelle……" said Andrea.

"What? This way he'll stop pining for me and get a real girlfriend. It's win, win." she


"Or it could be lose, lose." said Ling logically.

"How do you figure?" asked Michelle.

"Well, seeing as you guys fight like cats and dogs, if you pretend that you have a boyfriend and he gives up on you and actually gets a girlfriend, then he will be unavailable, meaning that he will be more appealing to you, thus meaning that your roles would be reversed. I know you like him but you're too much of a scaredy cat to admit it."

Michelle's brows furrowed as she thought it over. "Alright. New plan. I'm going to ask him out."

"Then go." replied Ling.

"What? Now?" she asked.

"No in the next century. Yes now." he said.

"Okay." she said leaving the group, then returning five minutes later. "I can't do this."

"Yes you can." chorused Ling and Andrea in unison. "You guys are right I can do this." she said as she left yet again only to return five minutes later. "I can't do this." she said nervously.

"Yes you can. Now go before I have to ask him out for you." said Ling.

"Eww! That's wrong. I didn't know you played for that team, Ling."

Ling calmly threw a book at her which she dodged easily. "Alright. I'm going. Just let me get some hot chocolate first."

A book came flying at her again. "Alright, I'll go now."

A/N: How was it? It was a slightly longer chapter than the last one.