Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ adopted by gundam wing characters ❯ uh...Whatever ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*Fayt POV*
We ran back to the school and looked for Xyiggi. “Do you know where they are?” Xyiy asked. “Of course not” We ran up to all the classrooms and not a single trace of her. Then Xyiy fell to the floor, “Can, we, rest real quick?” “Fine, but not too long” I answered. We sat for a while then I finally said, “We gotta go find her” “Now?” “NOW!!” Xyiy got up lazily and moaned in complaint.
We looked everywhere we could think of but still couldn't find her. “Mmm, what's that smell?” I asked. Xyiy smelt the air, “Smells like, Nachos” I looked at her then ran to the kitchen, “What about Iggi!!” Xyiy yelled to me, “We'll get her after we eat!!” I called. She shrugged then followed after me.
Well, the rest of the day went by fast somehow. I went to my locker and got my stuff. “So, what happened?” Xyiy asked me while walking up to me, “Just the worst thing I've done in school” I answered, “SO, it was that bad?” Fayt asked. I nodded in a slow way, then I saw the boys walk over to me, “Come on Xyiggi, time to go” Quatre said. I waved to the girls and walked off with the boys. I heard a few girls snickering about how a little 13 year old get to hang out with the “Hotties” but they don't. `Hotties? Are they talking about the guys? If by hot they mean bossy, mean clowns, then I'd get it but I don't think they are' we walked out and started walking home, “So, how was your day Xyiggi?” Chang asked, “...You know how it was, you were there to torment me the whole time!” I snapped, “Aw, don't be mad at us, we're sorry” Heero said.
I looked at him in a mean way, “Why should I? You guys MADE me sign up for a stupid talent show just so we can compete” I noticed Quatre look away in a “not really” way, “Or, did you guys sign up for it?” The guys looked down, “You didn't, did you?” Then Trowa smirked, “We decided that we were too good for ya” I looked at him, “then why didn't you?” They all laughed and hugged me at once, “Ya'll are mean” I said while secretly smiling. We walked back to the apartment. It was a two room apartment with a panorama view. There was a couch in front of a fireplace and a 60" Plasma TV set next to the fireplace. The guys shared a room and I had my own cuz I'm a girl, “So, you guys finally fixed the place up huh?” I asked, “We thought you'd like it” Chang replied. A few hours have passed and its 6:16, I walked into the living room and saw Quatre and Trowa sitting down watching Viva La Bam, `What's the point of them watching that stupid show?' I walked into the kitchen and noticed the Chang was in the room studying, Heero was looking out the window while Duo was pigging on food, “You're gonna chock on all that food”, He poked his head out of the freezer and saw him eating my chocolate ice-cream, “DUO!” “What? I'm hungry?” I snatched my ice-cream away and noticed it was empty, “You ate all my ice-cream!!” He placed his hand on my head and stroked my hair, “Don't worry, the store never runs out of ice-cream” And with that, he when to the living room. `Stupid Pig' I said in my head. Just then door bell rang, I looked at the guys and they just sat there, “I got it, since no one else does” I walked over to the door and opened it, “Xyiggi!” I saw Xyiy at the door with a sleeping bag, “You made it!” I happily said, I walked her to the living room and placed her stuff by the couch, “Hey, what are you doing?” I moved their feet off the table and turned the T.V to Crank Yankers. “We were watching that Xyig!” Duo yelled at me, “Oh well, you got a t.v in your room, go watch it” “Hey, it's her friend, Kyu” Xyiy looked at him a little confused, “uh, the name's Xyiy” Trowa smirked at her then looked away. “Okay you guys! Ya'll gotsa go” I pointed to their room, “No prob, we were leaving anyway” Duo said while winking at the guys, they winked back, “Yeah, we'll be out for a while, probably wont be back till 3” Heero said. He went to Chang and told him to go with them, “So, ya'll be good iight?” Trowa said while smiling at Xyiy. She blushed slightly, `Oh boy, this is pathetic' I thought. The boys closed the door, “So, why are we out here?” Chang asked, “As you can see, Xyiggi is having a sleepover party” Duo announced, everyone nodded their head, “So, as her brothers, we are to ruin her party” As he said that their faces lit up with joy, “Yeah!” they yelled, then Fayt was walking down the hall and Quatre noticed her first, “Hey, it's her other friend” He said, “Hey Destiny!” Trowa yelled to her, “My name's Fayt, get it right” She snapped, “ohh, sorry, didn't mean to get you upset” He said a lil scared, “Where's Xyiggi?” She asked, they pointed at the door and she walked in and closed the door. “So that the plan?” Heero asked, “Yeah, but try to be creative with it” Duo answered.