Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Adventures in Babysitting ❯ Enter The babysitters ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing!! Why do ya think the show's so damn good? I don't own the G-boys and actually I don't know their parents either for that matter! I don't know if any of em' even exist! No money, don't sue less u like lint and gum wrappers… -_-;;

Warnings: Shounen Ai hinting / Self insert
Pairings: 1x2 (implied), 3x4 (implied)

Authors Notes: Okay boys and girls, *rolls up sleeves* I'm pulling this one out of the closet. It was probably the only sucessful GW fic that I've ever written, so feedback would be mucho appreciated! I'm too lazy to revise this beyond grammatical and spelling errors, and a bit of content filler. So forgive the writing style, if it seems a bit pre-mature. ^_^;;;;;;;;

One more thing: Cassietwin17 is my old SN, Oo;;

Any questions send to:


-Blah- ~ Stressed
*Bang* ~ Sound effects / Actions
//Blah// ~ Thoughts
"Blah" ~ Dialogue duh! / Speaking
(Blah) ~ Authors notes / Rambling (U can ignore that if u like! ^_^)

Cassietwin17 and Cryingangel83; Adventures in babysitting!

"Injustice!!!! I don't need a babysitter!"

"Yes you do, especially since your friends are staying the night. I don't want to come back and find the house completely destroyed."

Six year old Chang Wufei whined. "But moooom, can't you just call someone else?? What about Uncle Trieze???"

Ms. Chang fixed her son with a stern glare. "Chang Wufei..."

"Aw mom!"

"Bye sweetheart, I'll see you when we get back tomorrow. You and your friends be good for the babysitters and don't eat to much sugar."

Quatre and Duo snickered, "Onna! You're embarrassing me in front of the guys!"

He squirmed, causing Ms. Chang to roll her eyes. Standing up and turning to the two girls in question she gave them both a grateful smile of encouragement.

"I'm gone, thanks again you two for volunteering on such short notice."

"No problem Ms. Chang, I'm sure they'll be perfect angels as always." The Chinese woman simply smiled once more and waved as she and her friends Mrs. Maxwell and Mrs. Winner left the house.

Once the mothers were gone Koree and Tina turned to face their charges. (Insert evil grin ™ here) "Okay ya little rug-rats, what do you want to do first…"

"You will call me by respectful name Onna, not rug-rat."

The brunette known as Koree folded her hazel arms over her chest. "And you are to call us Mama'."

"Not Onna," The short haired blonde seconded.

Chang's eyes narrowed into slits as he glared sideways at the girls. "Why did mom have to get us -girl- babysitters?"

"Because my little chauvinistic one, I'm the authors and that's how I wrote it. How else could we get away with torturing you for a whole two days?"

The boys sweatdrop.

"Hey, one two three… Aren't there supposed to be - five - of you?"

"My, isn't she observant," Wufei muttered.

Quatre looked at him nervously and replied to their caretakers. "Heero and Trowa aren't here yet. They'll be here."

Almost as soon as the words were out of his mouth the doorbell rang. Koree and Tina exchanged looks and shrugged. Koree went to answer the door. "Oh hello Mrs. Barton."

"Hi dear, I just came to drop off Trowa and I'll be on my way."

"Are you sure you don't want to come in for a minute?"

"No, I'm in a hurry, I have to get to…"

As Mrs. Barton went into her twenty-minute explanation Koree thought... //Where does Trowa get his personality from? Must be his dad, man this woman can talk…// ...... //Is that a gray hair? Uh oh, she's asking a question, better nod,// (nodding) //Okay, didn't she say she had somewhere to go?…//

Trowa meanwhile, had wandered off into the room where Tina and the kids were currently engaged in a staring contest. At least, Wufei was staring her in the eyes while Duo had found some rope and was currently trying to figure out how to get her in it before she noticed. Quatre watched with wide eyes but stopped to look up at Trowa's entrance. His eyes lit up happily, "Trowa!" He jumped up and ran to hug his friend. Trowa gave him a small smile before he joined Duo, he took up one end of the rope while Duo took up the other. With a sudden battle cry they began running circles around a totally surprised Tina…

Back at the door Koree's eyes were about to go swirly when they heard Tina yell. "HELP!"

"Is everything okay in there?" Ms. Barton suddenly frowned.

"What??! Oh no no everything is just fine!!!" She smiled nervously batting at the sweatdrop on the back of her head. "You just go on before your late,"

"Okay... but if you need anything you can reach me at--"

"Okay thanks bye!"

Snatching the paper from her and kindly hurrying her out the door Koree bid Mrs. Barton farewell and hurried back to see… that he- er, heck had broken loose ("This is a children's story! If you want profanity tough! Deal with it!")

"Oh…" She groaned, then she proceeded to help Tina out of the ropes.

"Thanks," Tina sighed. Duo ran, Koree chased after him and grabbed him up under her arm. Holding him on one side.

Turning to Trowa, the German girl was NOT amused. "No more tying up the babysitters you two, or I'll…"

"Or you'll what?" Trowa challenged.

"I'll write you into a romance with Relena!"

"NOOOOOOOO!!!" Duo wailed, Trowa just sort of, whimpered. "We'll be good I promise!"


Koree sighed, "Tina could you get that. It's probably the pizza guy. ACK!!"

"PIZZA!!!" Duo yelped happily.

Tina opened the door and raised an eybrow at the woman standing there, "Hello Mrs. Yuy..."

An exhausted Mrs. Yuy smiled weakly. "Hello Tina. Sorry we're late but Heero refused to get ready on time."

"That's okay, the fun is just starting." She waved as Mrs. Yuy went back to her car. She turned back to look down at a stone faced Heero. "Hello Heero,"


"Okay, the others are in there."


Tina turned back to answer the door and Heero wandered into the room where everyone else was.

Duo beamed, still tucked under Koree's arm, when he saw his friend standing in the doorway, "HEEERRROOOOO!"

"Omae o korosu…" Heero growled and drew a water pistol when he saw her holding his Duo.

"Heero," Koree said slowly, "Put that water gun down!"


"ACK!!! Heero you little-"

Duo giggled and squirmed free, dropping to the ground only to jump up and latch onto Heero happily. Koree, literally, looked like a drowned cat. She sighed.

Luckily Tina walked in carrying three pizzas in hand. Unluckily, four of the hungry Gundam boys attacked her for them. "What have we gotten ourselves into?!" Koree moaned.

"This was - your - idea Thomas!" Tina growled as Wufei attempted to climb her and toss down the food.

Pretty soon Tina was covered in six year olds. "Onna, you will give me those pizza's or I'll remove your hair with my sword.

"You keep that up Wufei and you will wind up in a ballet recital. Now get off of TINA!!!"

"Okay, who wants, pepperoni?"

"ME ME ME ME!!!" Duo screamed.

"Who wants cheese?"


"And who wants sausage?"

"ME ME ME- MMPH!!!" Duo spit out his braid and glared at Wufei.

"Such a thoughtful little boy…" Smiling at him, she gave Wufei a thankful peck on the forehead.

The hot tempered six year old boy screamed; "AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! ONNA KISSES!!!" And ran from the room, they shortly after heard the bathroom door slam shut.

" ...."

"One down and four trouble makers to go…" Tina snickered.


Tina stared at Koree suspiciously, "What happened to you?"

"I was involved in an incident, mistakes were made, mainly the mistake I made of being the one holding Duo when Heero got here."

Tina's loud laughter was heard from the floor where she had collapsed in tears of hilarity. Duo decided to take advantage of this and screamed. "DOG PILE!!!"

Everyone piled on, except Heero, who walked over calmly and sat on the top of the pile.

"Tina are you okay under there?!"

"Verdamd noch mal!!! Hol mich hier raus!!!"


The German girl's muffled reply came from beneath the pile of kids. "I - CAN'T -, there are children present in this room!"

One by one the children scrambled off of the girl. Only Duo stayed for a few more seconds to stare down at a recuperating Tina. "Koree, you African American BAKA! I'll deal with you before this story is over…"

Koree sweatdropped. "Okay, um, you guys come over here and you can eat." She herded the four Gundam boys to the table, "Duo. I think you'd better get over here before Tina goes ballistic and I have to referee a three way fight." Duo shrugged and skipped over to the table. Koree sighed and set the cheesy cuisine onto the table. They immediately tore into it and soon there weren't even any - crumbs- to be found. Koree sighed again.

"I'll go get the phone book…" Tina grumbled.

"You're going to leave me alone to watch these little demo- er, children?!"

"Oh but you can handle it Koree, after all, you're the worlds greatest babysitter remember?" Tina laughed evilly as she left the room. The five boys turned to stare at Koree from their chairs.

"Okay, what are you little brats planning now?…"

Duo smiled innocently, "Could we have dessert Koree-san? Please?"

"Well… I don't know, you're already pretty hyper as it is. Why don't you wait until the pizza has a chance to settle…"

Without warning the battle cry was sounded. "We want dessert!", then all heck broke loose… again…


Tina dug under Wufei's bed, trying to find the phone book with negative results. So far she had pulled out plastic swords, a Mulan Halloween costume, two justice sticks, and a dozen empty bottles of hair gel. She was now half under the bed and half not when the most horrifying, ear splitting sound hit her ears… "- AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH -!!!!"

Tina stood straight, which wasn't exactly wise since she was halfway underneath a toddler's bed. "CRAP! What the heck is that baka doing out there?!"

Tina emerged into the room and her jaw fell to the floor with a loud: *THUMP*

She saw nothing short of chaos. Koree stood on the kitchen counter holding them back with a carrot and a pot top, screaming, "Back you little demons, BACK!" And - they- were attacking her, chanting "We want dessert," in either loud, emotional voices, or quiet monotone voices.

Tina smacked her forehead once more and went to sit in the living room. //This is not happening to me, it cannot be happening!// Little Quatre appeared behind her seat smiling, his wide blue eyes shinning with excitement. "Did you find the phone book? Are you going to order more pizza Tina-sama?"

"I'll order anything you want if you'll get your friends to sit down and be quiet for just... five ... - minutes -…" Quatre smiled again brightly and disappeared into the kitchen. Shortly after five, er, four perfectly innocent looking Gundam boys and one not so innocent looking Heero entered the room in single file, and sat one by one directly before Tina. Koree peeked out of the kitchen, pot still atop her head.

"Is it safe to come out?"

"No thanks to - you -."

"No fair, they had Heero on their side!"

Tina rolled her eyes. "Now what do you boys want,"

Koree grumbled and took a seat next to Quatre.


"More pizza!"



"My gun…" Koree and Tina looked at Heero nervously and sweat-dropped.

"Um, besides the gun and the lion what do you want?"

"A million dollars!"

"A world without girls!"

Halfway through removing the pot from her head, Koree and Tina animefell, "Somebody just shoot me!" Tina cried from the floor.

Heero raised his eyebrow.

"She was kidding Heero, jeez! Okay, we'll order some pizzas to be made, take you to the video store, and pick up the pizza on the way home. But you have to be on your best behavior! Duo, that means no pulling Tina's hair while she's driving."


"Don't worry Tina, it's our fan fic, I won't let you crash."

"Well - I - feel so much better." She rolled her eyes.

"Let's go!!!"

Stay tuned for part Two!