Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Adventures of the Little Green Bear ❯ Soft Spot ( Chapter 1 )
Heero sat and looked at the small object on his desk. That small object just happened to be a bright green teddy bear, approximately 6 or 8 inches tall, with a green satin ribbon around its neck. Heero stared at it, and the bear looked back pleadingly. Heero shook his head, mentally adding appeared to his last thought. Inanimate objects couldn't look with any emotion. He spared a look at the green bear, and the bear looked hurt, as if it were pouting. Without knowing why, Heero was overcome with remorse, and did the only thing he could.
He picked up the bear, and hugged it to him. And then, he couldn't put it down. He didn't want to.
Duo couldn't figure it. The small green bear was now a regular fixture wherever they went. It sat beside the laptop, slept in Heero's bed at night. Hell, Duo had even caught Heero rigging a harness for it in Wing. Beside that, it wasn't much of a stretch to believe that Heero talked to it at night.
No response, not even a flicker of an eyelid.
"Heero." Duo spoke a bit more firmly.
Still nothing.
Duo sat up, realizing it was time for extreme measures. Looking at the bear, he tried again. "Anou...Heero, that bear looks strung out."
"Strung out?" Heero almost glared at him. Trust the bear to get more of a reaction than a person. Somehow, that seemed to be Heero all over.
"Yeah, you, stoned."
"On drugs." Heero's voice was flat.
"Exactly." Duo beamed at the speed with which Heero had caught on.
"And why do you say that?" Duo was so thrilled to get a full sentence that he failed to notice the warning signs.
"Cause he looks like a Grateful Dead Bear. Deadheads, and all that-" Duo was choked off by Heero grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, glaring at him from extreme short range.
"My. Bear. Is. Not. A. Druggie. You got that?"
"Y-yes." Duo was unceremoniously dropped as Heero turned back to the laptop, picking up the bear, and cuddling it against his chest, whispering to it.
"The big braided baka didn't mean to hurt your feelings, really."
Extreme silliness brought to you courtesy of Natascha and the newest muse,
Verdi, a small green bear that swears he's not a druggie. ;)