Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Adventures of the Little Green Bear ❯ Love and War ( Chapter 4 )
Duo wasn't sure how he'd gotten into this situation and he was even less sure of how he was going to get out. It wouldn't have been all that difficult to get just himself out, but there were other things he had to consider. Keeping an eye on the OZ soldier pacing the other side of the room, Duo fiddled with the handcuffs, satisfied when he felt rather than heard the slight click that
signaled their release. But he couldn't go anywhere.
The reason for Duo's relative inaction was in the hands of the OZ officer that had just reentered the room. Duo mentally groaned as he thought about what Heero would do to him,, when he found out.
"Imagine that..." the OZ officer drawled with amusement, "a feared gundam pilot has a teddy bear."
"Not mine, I'm afraid. Though I'd put it down, if I were you. Its owner is very...possessive." Duo tried to warn the man, but he didn't seem to be listening. Duo eyed the little green bear with something almost akin to fear. It felt odd to owe a debt to a stuffed animal, though it meant so much to Heero, Duo knew he couldn't allow it to come to harm. Plus, Duo knew that his life expectancy would be counted in seconds if he came back and said he'd left the bear behind.
The officer laughed. "Worried I'll violate your teddy?"
"Just don't expect me to come to your funeral." Duo was caught, and he knew it. He could either attack the guard and get out of the room before the officer could react, or he could grab the bear. He couldn't manage both. Great. At this rate, he was going to have to be rescued.
The little green bear was tossed up in the air, then caught to be tossed up again. "Maybe I'll use it for target practice."
A hand reached down from suddenly open hatch in the ceiling and snatched the bear. As the officer gaped in shock, the hand re-emerged bearing a gun, and fired.
"I tried to tell you." Duo grinned. The grin swiftly disappeared when Heero's head appeared and glared.
"Come to rescue me, I see." //My knight in shining armor.// Duo smiled, his heart warming at the thought that Heero would come for him.
"Hn, baka." Heero withdrew back up into the ceiling and the panel closed.
Duo gaped, before recovering himself. "That's IT, Deadhead! This most definitely means war."
of course this was long could Duo stand to upstaged by a little green bear in Heero's affections? ;)