Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Adventures of the Little Green Bear ❯ Peace ( Chapter 7 )
Duo was in a foul mood. This rare occurrence had already sent Quatre scrambling for cover, caused Trowa to blink and move to protect Quatre, and cause Wufei to actually stop midrant. Heero he thankfully hadn't seen. Duo wasn't sure what he might have done around Heero, but he was pretty sure he would have regretted it.
He stamped into the room he shared with Heero and glared at the Little Green Bear sitting beside Heero's laptop. That damn bear had caused more problems for him since its arrival than he cared to count. "I'm concentrating on saving my own hide from now on, Deadhead...cute little green stoned out of his mind bear who's captivated Heero or not."
He flopped onto his bed without looking and grunted slightly when he felt something poking his back. He sat up and reached around to grab the object that had been under his shoulders and stopped dead. A small brown teddy bear, unbelievably cute, rested in his hands. Carefully pinned to his ear was a note.
For a long moment, Duo couldn't believe that Heero would do this, and was sure that it was Quatre playing a joke on him. But as he read the little note again, he was sure that it was Heero's extremely neat block handwriting. Duo smiled widely at the note, then removed it from the bear's ear, rubbing the ear as if to ease the sting. Then giving into an urge he hadn't been able to assuage as a child, he cuddled the bear close, grinning so broadly his face began to hurt. Whispering to the bear, Duo decided on a name, "Koibito...and hmmm, Kuma, since I think that's bear in Japanese, and Heero gave you to me. But I can't call you that around him, so remember, that's a secret just between the two of us."
Duo cuddled the bear for a few more long minutes, before glancing over at the Little Green Bear. It looked smug. "Shut up, Deadhead."
He looked away, then turned back and stuck his tongue out for good measure. Then returned to cuddling his new bear. "Definitely peace, Heero, definitely."
So does this please the fans of LGB? :)