Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ All If You Say To ❯ Seeing You Again ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is a Quatre and Dorothy fan fiction. Please tell me if you like it.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters used in this fan fiction.

All If You Say To
Chapter 1 : Seeing You Again

Quatre looked over the horizon. The sun was setting over the ocean of one of his beaches. Behind him was the immense mansion all to himself. He didn't want to be there alone, but he had to get away somehow. Another one had come and gone. Sometimes he wished that he wouldn't be the Winner heir. His life would be so much easier.

How could they do that to him? Every time a woman came to him came for his money and power. There was no one who was really interested in the person, not him. Again and again, it always happened again. There weren't many people that he could trust in this world and the female population outside of his family was getting less and less faith from him.

It was the middle of April of A.C. 201. The blue eyed, pale blond haired man let the breeze pass through his hair and grace it. It was calm in here, it wasn't time for the tourists to start showing up. The temperatures had been mild this year, the winter had come later than expected and it seemed that the summer was getting an early start with it.

He had a lot of time to himself now, he was almost alone in the mansion and he didn't have to go to work for three days. Thanks to Audria, one of his sisters, he was able to get out of work and the hassle. It had been she, that had warned him for many times and she had been right. Michelle had only been after his money. To only think that she had been with him for over three years and all she was after was the money she'd get after they would get married. And her nerve, after he found out she still tried her way to get to him.

Those girls, they shouldn't do that. They never cared for your feelings, all they cared was for your bank account. He passed a hand through his hair settling it somehow out of place. Beads of sweat were on his forehead, the air fresh but hot as the climate and sun.

"Master Quatre," Rashid called a few meters away from him.

Quatre didn't bother looking up. "Yes, Rashid." The tall man knew what was wrong. He was thinking of her, another of the women that flew their selves at him.

"Your sister, Audria, is on the vid-phone. She wishes to speak to you." He waited patiently. Quatre was like a zombie of his self. His face not holding the normal coloring of the friendly pilot. His eyes had lost their brilliance on this couple of days.

"Tell her I'm coming," Effortlessly, he stood up from the sand and straightened his pants getting all of the sand off of them and his shoes. He picked up his jacked from beside him and threw it over his shoulder. Silently, he made his way to the mansion and to his sister. These days could be of some time to think. Relaxing days, all to himself would be of some help.


The sun filtered through the opened window of the small shop. There were fruits and vegetables from the farm, fresh for everyone to enjoy. A woman, her blond hair left down falling on her back reaching her knees. She smiled warmly to the small woman on the counter who smiled back at the known costumer.

"It's nice to see you again Ms. Catalonia." She handed back the small bag and waved goodbye as she left. Dorothy took small steps, her blouse and skirt moving accordingly to her body. She had both sunglasses as the sun was getting fiercer as the hours progressed and the hat to protect her face from it. She liked this kind of weather, but it wasn't time for it to be surfacing.

She stepped out of the small shop and looked at the streets. Common people came and went. Women moved from house to house and the children skipped this way and that. At the sound of the shopkeepers voice, she turned her back to the streets and back to the shop.

"Ms. Catalonia, you left this here," Dorothy moved to go inside when the sound of a revved car got her attention. The dark BMW zoomed through the streets catching everyone in it's spell. Dorothy turned around just in time to see the distraught blond who was driving it like a maniac at the country road.

The car disappeared on the old road to the mansion who stood by the beach deserted from life and contact with the outside world. the woman came to her with wonder on her face. A stranger seemed to have passed through the town, it would be talk of who could he be.

"Who could that be?" She asked as she brought the item out for Dorothy.

"What could he be doing here?" Dorothy wondered not noticing the questioned glance the woman sent her. She walked slowly to the house where she was staying at. I think I need to talk to Relena.


The mansion stood quiet at the dark hours of the night. It was about eight when Quatre decided to eat something, he had to get something inside of him. He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge getting a sandwich and a drink. He sat down on the chair and took a bite of his food. He didn't even eat half heartedly. He was depressed of all that had happened and being alone in this place wasn't going to help get his feelings out.

Footsteps sounded through the deserted halls. They went to the kitchen and stopped as the figure saw him there slouched and lifeless. She smiled as she got an idea. With no noise, she un-strapped her shoes. She somehow knew that he wouldn't be able to hear her anyway with his thoughts so wrapped up in what seemed his sandwich? He wasn't going to get better alone.

She left her shoes on the carpet floor and advanced slowly, she wasn't going to give herself away. She had to do something for him, just like he had for her those years ago. Return a favor with a favor.

The floor didn't give her away as she approached the unsuspecting blond. She stopped as she was only inches away from him. She let her hands come to his sides and with one motion, she pinched both sides of his waist with force. Quatre nearly jumped out of his seat at the touch. He fell surprised out of his chair and into the floor. Dorothy was caught by surprise as in his surprise, Quatre managed to grip her arm and take her down with him.

Her hair went to all places as she fell beside him. It dispersed all over the floor over herself and him. Quatre cleared his head as he felt himself on the floor with hair over his face and arms. He opened his eyes and came to contact with it. The hairs were over one of his eyes and there seemed to be someone beside him who was chuckling.

He knew who it was in an instant. Who could believe that she could do something like that? He hadn't heard or seen her well over three years. One of her hands came to his face and took the hair out of his way.

"Dorothy?" He was still shocked and wanted to make sure.

"How are you doing Mr. Winner?" she greeted as she turned her body sideways to see his face. Her hair was already in place, now sprawling all over the floor.

"What are you doing here?" His voice showed his clear surprised at seeing her there. She would be the last person that he would imagine of seeing here.

"Well," she put a thoughtful expression on her face. "I saw you zoom in when you were coming into town. It's good for you that there weren't any kids on the streets or you would have killed them." She smiled as she stopped.

Quatre didn't know how to act in this. "What are you doing in this place?"

"I have a distant cousin that lives here, he invests in the land and has a vineyard on the extreme part of the city. I came for a visit." She stood up and helped him up as he didn't make any moves to get up. "Why are you here?"

Quatre gave her a look of unbelief. "You should know what happened."

Dorothy let her head drop somewhat of her attitude. "Relena told me, I'm sorry."

Quatre looked at her eyes not seeing any emotion toward pity or resentment. She really didn't want him to see what she was really expressing letting her eyes covered from his proving gaze. "She lied to me." Dorothy's hand came to his shoulder and squeezed it.

"It's pretty hard for anyone." She slipped on her shoes not bothering to strap them on. "But being alone, that is not going to help you."

Quatre managed to smile at her. "Since when did you become a Psychologist?" She heard the playing tone. He was getting better, at least alone he wasn't going to be.

"For some time." She answered as she led him out of the kitchen to the enormous living room. "Want to talk?"

"Since when do I refuse to talk?" he asked.

"I haven't seen you in a while. How should I know?" Quatre's hand came to his head as his eyes dropped. He was exhausted but he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep. It was going to be like the past two days, no sleep and no peace of mind.

There was a moment of silence that was broken by Rashid's entrance. "Excuse me, Master Quatre." Both him and Dorothy turned to him. "Your sister Estelle, she wishes to speak to you."

Quatre groaned at this. "Can you tell her that-" he was interrupted.

"She said she didn't want no for an answer." Rashid intervened. He had been taking calls from all of his sisters, they were all concerned for how their little brother was taking it.

"I'll take it here," Quatre turned the chair to the wall and pressed the link. The screen showed up and a woman on her late thirties appeared.

"How are you Quatre?" she asked her voice and face concerned for him.

"I'm fine Estelle," he answered sick of saying the same thing for all of the day.

"Oh," she groaned in frustration. "I wish I could have been there to wring that girl's neck." Her sentence didn't affect anyone in the room. She looked around and found her gaze settled on Dorothy.

"Is that Dorothy?" she asked, her voice getting Dorothy involved in the conversation.

"How are you Estelle?" Dorothy greeted the older woman with courtesy. They had meet by friends and both surprised by seeing each other. Dorothy's stabbing Quatre had been reached by all of his siblings. Dislike was for her but then, they started to get to know each other getting a better stable relation.

"Fine, what are you doing there?"

"Visiting family and I seem to have found Quatre on the same place." Dorothy looked to him and saw him put his head in between his hands. "I guess it's a coincidence."

"Yes," Estelle moved to Quatre. "I hope you feel better when you get back. If you want, you can take over a week off of the business. Audria and Arha can manage it."

"Don't worry sis," he responded letting his face get better. "I'll call you later."

"That's what you say," she shrugged her shoulders. "But you never do."

The connection ended and Quatre let out a sight of relieve. He didn't want to have his sisters on him like this, that was another reason to why he hated this.

Dorothy noticed how his face returned to it's grim expression and regret. "Big sisters getting on you?" She asked her tone showing her playful manner.

"Yes," he answered as he came back to their own conversation.

"What are your plans in here?" Dorothy asked as she drank some tea that Rashid had brought. "Stay in this mansion for the whole day and mop around?" It sounded bad to her ears and Quatre's but he knew what she meant. "Didn't mean for it to sound like that." Dorothy apologized as her face turned crimson for her outburst. She practically knew that he would do that, there was no one here to insure he wouldn't.

"That's what I planned," Quatre admitted as he set the cup down.

"Then, you'd go back to your own schedule and bury yourself in work praying to forget everything in time." Dorothy trailed off as her hands dismissed the whole thing.

There was a look of apprehension on his part that turned hurt some time after. He knew she was telling the truth. How was he supposed to go over this? There was no way he could forget everything just like that and just taking that road was the easiest way out to him.

"It's not," Dorothy interrupted his thoughts with the answer. It was as if she knew what he had been thinking. His look of surprise showed it.

"Doing that will only make it worse for you." She relented. "I speak from personal experience." Her mind started to go through many memories as she stopped for a second. "Not the same thing but the remedy will not come that way."

"It's so strange," Quatre said as his scrutinizing gaze fell on her.

"What's strange?" She was taken a back.

"You being the one to be here."

She scoffed. "Please," she smirked. "It had to happen sometime. Even you need to be comforted in these kinds of situations."

"Yeah, I know but," he stopped as he reflected on his choice of words. "What I mean is, coming from you. I never thought this would happen."

"I'm as surprised as you are," Dorothy admitted. "But, I should return a favor with one." She let a smile come to her face and he responded with one of his own.

"So, what do you advice that I should do?" asked Quatre amused from the situation.

"One, you should go out of this house. You're isolated." she responded getting up from her chair and approaching a window. The stars blinked as the night progressed.

"What do you suggest?" Quatre joined her and looked up in the same manner.

"Tomorrow," Dorothy turned her pale blue eyes to his own. "You're coming with me to the village."

"To do what?" Quatre was confused.

"You can get to know the people that live here. You do own a mansion in this place and they are technically your neighbors." Dorothy pointed out.

"Won't that take your time?"

"No, I'm doing absolutely nothing. Plus, you can come with me to the vineyard."

"What vineyard?" Quatre asked surprised. He didn't there was one in these part of the country.

"The one owned by my family," Dorothy answered knowing he had no clue to what was around him.

"Your family owns a vineyard in this place?"

"They owned this house too," she touched the marveled wood and the bookcases by the walls. "Your dad bought it from mine many years ago. We weren't even born by that time."

"How do you know all that?" Quatre didn't know what else to say or ask.

"I do my homework," Dorothy looked at her watch and started to move to the table for her purse. Quatre followed as she made her way out of the house as if she knew her way on it. She opened the grand door that went out to the driveway displaying a car on the front.

The silver Porsche stood there in all of it's glory. By the looks of it, it was the latest model and new. Dorothy let him go to the car and she turned it on, revving it.

"I'll come tomorrow about 10." She announced as she strapped on her seatbelt. "Before I forget, Relena says thank you for the little favor."

She laughed as his face turned red at the thought of her knowledge. She placed the car on Direct and left the driveway onto the main road to the village. Tomorrow was going to be a nice day for her and him. He was going to get out of his depression. No matter what the cost.


Chapter one done. I have a good idea to where this is going to go so please, I hope you people liked it. This is only the first chapter so the next one will come really fast.

If you have any questions or because you are a little confuse, just tell me... I'll clear it up for you.

See Ya