Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ An Angel Goddess ❯ 2 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own GW

They enjoyed a cup of coffee in truth only reason Quatre came up with this because he wanted to make it up to Angel for what happened with Wufei they sat at a small dinner by the ocean. With T.V talking in the background Angel and Heero faced each other next to her were Quatre and Dou, Wufei and Trowa sat next to Heero they sat a half circle bench. After the coffee they went for a walk by the beach the sun was setting the sky was painted with red, orange and pink.

"I never seen a sunset so beautiful." Said Quatre. Angel looked at her watch then said

"Oh no I'm late! Must be going later guys." Angel lied she wanted to stay but she heard the forest element call for her it was being destroyed and Angel had to stop that.


Over the next few months the boy spent a lot of time with Angel, they couldn't explain it but they always felt better around her like she gave them an inner peace. She was so different then other woman she seemed so powerful, even Wufei never called her weak or onna again after what happened in the apartment.

They just got back from a movie around twelve. Angel had opened her door when suddenly a gunshot was heard Heero had push Angel out of the way the rest of the boys drew their guns entered the apartment only to find no one not even a trace anyone had even been there. As the boy continued to search the place Heero got off Angel and helped her up, it was then she noticed a small almost none existent scar behind Heero's right ear.

Flashback: [1] [2]

Angel walked down the road of colony L1 when she heard crying coming from an ally. She slowly walked down the ally she found a small child about five crying behind a dumpster holding his legs face barred in them he had messy brown hair he looked cold and very hungry.

"What's the matter child?" said a kind and sweet voice. He looked up to find beautiful gray eyes his beautiful blue eyes swollen and red from crying.

"My father just died I have no one to take care of me." He said sniffing.

"It'll be alright there's always a light at the end the tunnel even if that tunnel is a long one there's always light. You look starved how about I get you something to eat k? One more thing What's your name?" He looked into her eyes and said

"Odin. Are you an angel?"

"No Odin I'm Angel goddess of Elements and Living things it's a pleasure to meet you, now let's eat."

Angel took Odin to an all you can eat buffet he had three plates of everything after Odin finished stuffing himself. Angel rented a room (She couldn't very well take him back to Olympus could she which is where she lived at the time) she cleaned him up then put him to bed. About three in the morning Angel dissuaded to go back to Olympus, it would be to hard in the morning before she left she wrote him a note.

`Dear Odin

I'm sorry I left like this but I had to it would be to hard in the morning I'm sorry I'm sure we'll meet again in the future and remember there's always a light at the end of a tunnel.

Your friend forever Angel.'

She placed the note beside his bed and with a flash of green and blue light Angel was gone.

(Three years later)

Angel never forgot Odin and waited to see how he was doing in a small dark room with only a small beat up bed sat a seven year old boy with bruises and cuts all over him his head was hung low. He'd seen a green and blue flash out of the corner of his eye he looked over to see Angel standing beside him with white wings with black tips folded on her back.

"Angel?" she gasped when he looked at her his face was all beaten.

"Odin in the world happened to you?" asked Angel with concern and anger in her eyes

"It was doctor J, after you left he took he in he says I have to be perfect no emotions I train all day if I slip up or let out any emotions he hurts me. He's even taken away my name he says its Heero Yui now." Tears started to form in his eyes Angel hugged Odin and said.

"Don't worry Odin I'm going to have a chat with doctor J and he's not going to hurt you anymore trust me on that. Now get some rest." Angel laid him down then went to find this Doctor J.


Doctor J was working away on something his white hair sleeked back wearing brown paints and a blue shirt with a white doctor's coat and no metal hand. When a flashed of blue green light came from behind him. He turned behind him was a woman about eighteen wearing a white shirt blue pants and a black dress coat with white wings with black tips folded on her back.

"Are you the one known as Doctor J?"

"I am." He said. Suddenly fire erupted from the ground she out stretched her wings and said in a mean and powerful voice.

"I am Angel, Goddess of Elements and Living things the one known as Odin whom you call Heero Yui is under my protection if you lay one hand on him again I will use everything in my power to slowly kill you, you have been warned." Then she disappeared

End Flashback:

`That's why he has so much pain inside because of what happened to him as a child.' Thought Angel

"No one's there." Said Wufei coming out of the apartment. Angel looked inside the room she'd seen something shining in the moonlight she walked over picked it up it was a small golden amulet with a black bull's head in the middle and said.


"Angel what's going on?" said Heero stepping into the room.

"Come in and I'll tell you." the boys enter the home.

"That man who tried to kill me was one of Aires men, who he thinks himself to be the god of war. Tell me something do you know who killed the real Heero Yui?" said Angel never turning to look at them only looking at the amulet.

"Yea, Oz Babe."

"Oz didn't kill the real Heero Yui."

"If Oz didn't kill him, who did?" asked Quatre

"Aries did. Back then he and my father use to work together but after Aries killed Heero Yui to start a war he and my father split up."

"But why would he want to start a war?" asked Quatre

"He has a thirst for it you could say, the carnage, the bloodshed, the destruction, in away craves it and will do anything to have it that's why he killed him."

"Why is he after you?" said Heero acting cold and heartless

"He want's another war but he can't have it with out my father's help when Aires approached my father with the idea I told my father I don't want another war. Aires became rather pissed at that."

"So he's trying to kill you for revenge." Said Wufei

"Well in away yes my father is extremely protective of me. If Aries dose kill me and then say the colonies did it he'll help Aires start a war to avenge me."

"How could someone hurt such an innocent person?" asked Quatre almost unable to believe that if she died another war would start out.

"You don't know me as well as you think Quatre." whispered Angel.

"I know one thing she's not lying." Everyone looked at Heero

"How do you know Yui?" said Wufei


"Please tell me how you know Heero?" asked Angel

"Five days ago I went to the Preventers to find information on Angel her father is the leading manufacture of mobile suits if she died then he can start a war." Said Heero in a cold voice

"I'm not going to let that happen." Said Trowa

"None of us are." said Heero giving off a little emotion in his voice.

"Your concern touches me but I can't let you to put your lives on the line for me."

"You don't have a choice were protecting you weather you like it or not Ba---Angel." Said Dou. Angel smiled and said

"Very well."

"First things first your now living with us Wufei your moving in with Dou." Before Heero could finish Wufei screamed.


"Would you rather have Angel stay here and most likely get killed?" said Heero. Wufei grumbled a "Fine." And few other things.

"Is it just me or has Heero got more talkative sense Angel's been around? I think he's in lo---." Dou stopped as a gun was pointed at him.

"I didn't say anything Heero do worry." Said Duo in a shaky voice

"Make sure you don't Maxwell." Heero clicked the safety back on his gun and put it back wherever he hides it.

"I won't fail her like I failed Father Maxwell and Sister Helen." Dou said in a whisper only Angel had heard him.

`What did he say?'


A young boy about seven was on his knees crying in the rubble of the Maxwell church smoke all around him his short dark brown all messy his violet eyes streaming down tears he was covered in ash a soldier stood before him pointing a gun at his head.

"You have stolen a Mobile suit from us boy for this crime you shell be put to death." Before the soldier could shot, a wall of fire shot up from the ground between the boy and the soldier the fire burned his hand he dropped the gun and held his hand. The fire died down a woman stood behind the boy she looked like any normal person but she had white wings with black tips folded on her back.

"W-Who the hell are you?" said the soldier trying with little success to hide the fear in his voice.

"I'm the Goddess of Elements and Living things this boy is under my protection harm him and you shell face my wrath." The soldier ran away wetting himself, Angel walked up to the boy and kneeled down to his height then said.

"Are you alright little one?" Dou looked into her eyes and said

"Who are you?"

"Angel and you?" Duo didn't believe her name was Angel but if she it was Angel then so be it.

"They call me Duo. How did you know I was in trouble?"

"I heard your crying and when I came over to see what was wrong, I found that man holding a gun to your head.

"Angel why didn't I die with them?"

"I don't know Duo but I do know that you should live your life to the fullest they wouldn't want you live in misery because of what happened here today." Duo hugged Angel, and like Heero Angel rented Duo a room bought him a meal and left him a note when she left in the middle of the night.

End flashback:

Angel looked at Duo her eyes wide in surprise she couldn't believe it two of the five boys under her protection were right here and they didn't remember her.

"Angel are you alright?"

"Uh? Oh yes I'm fine Quatre."

"Duo take Angel back to our place the rest of us well search here?" said Heero

"Come on Angel."

Duo was already the apartment Angel followed slowly in deep thought when she enters the hall she heard.

"Angel!" she turned to the left a man in black, mask and all stood there gun pointed at her he fired his gun the boys turned only to see the bullet go right thought her left shoulder with a little blood following it with a groan of agony. Angel fell to the ground lying in a pool of blood of her own blood. Duo ran to her and pointed his gun at where the shooter had been, but he was gone no where to be seen there was no way he could have gone down the stares or in the elevator he was to far away.

The others had reached her by now Heero carried her into the apartment Quatre phoned a doctor while the others waited. The doctor came fixed up Angel and told the boys she'll be fine now they played the worst of all waiting games, waiting for her to awaken. Hours pasted the boys lost track how any; too many for their liking for Angel didn't want to awaken for she was reliving memories she'd forgotten.


A six year old boy with blond hair and kind blue eyes sat on a cold floor his hands tied behind a metal pole his head hung low nice clothing a ripped bruises on his face he was crying lightly. He'd been there two weeks now with this awful man who took him away from his home and said if his dad didn't pay the man he'd kill the boy.

He could smell the food this man eat he was so hungry he would eat anything "Shut up!" the man said as he through a shoe at the boy he moved to miss it. Still crying the man got walked over to the boy and backhanded him across the face he grabbed his shirt pulled the boy to face him and said.

"I'm really going to enjoy killing you." The man push him back down he turned to go back to his food but a woman with white wings with black tips stood their arms crossed.

"I'm Goddess of Elements and Living things this boy is under my protection if you come with in fifty feet of him again I will kill you." (I just love saying that) the man ran past her and out the door never to be seen again. She walked over to the boy and untied him he rubbed his wrists and said.

"Who are you miss?"

"I'm Angel child who are you?"

"I'm Quatre Winner. How did you know where I was?" She picked him up and said.

"Well Quatre I heard of your story on the news and a little robin told me where you were. Now lets get you home shall we."


Quatre ran up to his house he turned a waved good bye to Angel. He pounded on the front door his father answered hoping it would be the police with his son when he saw his sun he picked him up hugged him then said.

"Quatre how did you get away?"

"Angel helped me daddy." He said pointing to Angel who was standing by the gates she nodded to Mr. Winner the disappeared in a flash of blue green light.


An eight-year old boy lay in the forest his light brown hair covered in dried blood, hungry yellow eyes were watching him from the shadows the boys started to stir. The boy looked over at the hungry eyes his beautiful green eyes starred into the yellow ones he scrambled to his feet and started to run though the woods the hungry wolves followed with intent of devouring the boy. The boy reached a clearing he tripped falling face first he looked back at the wolves they were running back into the woods he looked infront of him was a beautiful woman with white wings with black tips on her back she picked him up and said.

"What are you doing here child?"

"I don't remember, I remember a fire but that's all. Who are you?"

"I am Angel goddess of Elements and Living things and you are now under my protection no animal or element shell harm you." Angel cleaned him up and took him to an orphanage.

"Why can't I say with you Angel?"

"Dear child you can't go where I live it'd best for you to stay here but don't fear we'll meet again."


A eight-year-old Chinese boy sat outside the wreckage of his home his parents bodies lay amongst it with his father gun in hand he said

"Mother, Father I shell be with you soon." He raised the gun to his before he could fire a hand stopped him, looking to see who dared stop him. She had the most beautiful misty gray eyes with white wings with black tips folded on her back.

"Why were you going to kill your self child?"

"It's none of you concern onna."

"But it is my concern child you shouldn't kill your self for the death of your parents, they would want you to live and be happy you should live if not for you then for them and become the person they would want you to be."

"Who are you I'm Wufei Chang."

"Well Wufei I'm Angel."

"Are you a real angel?"

"No I'm the goddess of Elements and Living things. Come on I know a place you could stay." In a flash of blue green light they stood outside a temple. The head priest comes out.

"Angel what are you doing here?"

"This boy needs a home he's under my protection now I know you'll take care of him."

"Like my own son."

"Thank you." with a flash of blue green light Angel was gone.

End Flashback:

[1] the boys see her in goddess form

[2] Angel made her wings disappear after she told the boys her name

Wow 21 pages I'm not too sure about this chapter though should I redo a few things? And I'll explain everything in later chapters.