Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Anything Would be Better Than Your Good-bye on a Bad Day ❯ Confusion ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Three: Confusion

Written By: Minako-hime and R.S. Xavior

Disclaimer: We renounce any ownership to Gundam Wing or any of it characters. They are owned by Bandai, Sunrise, and its respective creators. So please don't sue us because combined, all we have are ten cats and two very annoying computers. Plus, we are not getting paid to write this.

Heero glanced at the clock. It was almost six and Relena still wasn't up yet. Relena was still sleeping through the afternoon. This made him have more reason to worry.

"If she doesn't stop making me worry, I am going to get sick," Heero whispered to himself.

Her chest moved up and down steadily, but she was still quite pale, seemingly not recovering much. Heero placed the third book of the day back to its shelf. That left only romance novels to read. He walked back to the chair, deciding romance wasn't his thing. Relena's eyes fluttered as she dreamed.

"No...No…" she whimpered, and then screamed, "NOOO!!!!"

"She's dreaming," he said, turning to face her. She woke suddenly, opening her eyes to Heero's concerned face, breathing in sharp, small breaths.

"Heero-chan?" she whispered.

"Huh?" Heero responded, a little unprepared and surprised.

"I...I just had...this awful dream..." she said, trembling and her face almost white.

"What was it about?" he asked as he knelt beside her.

She looked into his eyes, showing the utmost fright, tears welling up in them. "It was about.. you," she got out.

"What happened to me?" Heero asked, understanding.

She began sobbing, putting her frail, thin hands up to her face as she cried, "They killed you!" She screamed it to the top of her lungs, in total hysterics in her fragile state. Heero gathered her in his arms.

"Shh.. It's okay. I am right here and alive," he said, trying to calm her.

"But...I'm so scared... Heero!" she sobbed. She continued to sob into his green tank top, unable to stop the tears from coming.

"Don't be…I don't plan on being killed anytime soon," he replied. She stopped crying abruptly, knowing how much she was frightening him. He had never seen her like this.

"Better now?" he asked.

"Yes...I think so...I know...I was scaring you...wasn't I?..." she questioned.

"Not really, but your condition was..." he answered, his worry showing through his tough exterior.

"You've never seen me sob...and I didn't frighten you...? You're lying," she said as her face saddened.

"Hn," he said, smiling slightly defeated.

"I know you too well..." She smiled with a tearstained face.

"...It's six o'clock...I slept...a long time..." she said, looking to the clock.

"Zechs said dinner will be ready soon. We are having my favorite," Heero commented.

"And that would be?" she asked, smiling.

"Sushi, pork fried rice, mochi cakes, and tea," he answered.

Her hand found his, still shaking from the horrid dream. "I love…sushi," she said, smiling.

"I just hope Hilde is as good of a cook as she says she is," he replied.

"I hope so too," she said. Her skin was as pale as chalk, and she was still trembling from her dream.

"You okay?" he asked, noticing how frightened she appeared to be.

"What is it?" she asked, looking up, startled. She had no idea she was even trembling.

Duo walked in the room, carrying the trays. He smiled goofily, seeing Heero embracing Relena.

"Hey lover boy," Duo called. He received a death glare from Heero.

"Never knew you had it in ya. So, when you going to lay one over on her?" Duo asked, dumbly curious.

"DUO!" Heero yelled. Relena looked over at Duo, and it was quite a sight to see, considering her condition. She blushed inwardly.

"I knew it was coming sooner or later, but couldn't you wait for her to recover first?" Duo asked.

"Just give me the food and go..." Heero stated.

"Gosh, I need to tell everyone about this. Zechs would have a ball and prance around the house like a fairy," Duo commented. Relena remained completely silent, unmoving.

"Omae o korosu," Heero said, turning his death glare on full force.

"Well that's nice buddy boy, but I have to tell everyone," Duo said, patting Heero on the back, setting the trays down, and going out to the door smiling.

"Don't!!" Relena screamed loudly.

"Too late…" Heero replied.

"Duo…" she pleaded.

"Your brother is going to hurt me, isn't he?" Heero asked. She tightened her grip on Heero's form.

"Don't worry I know where Duo keeps his stash of shampoo," Heero added.

Duo finally noticed her extreme thinness, her bones sticking out of her gown. "It's not a good worry me...right now, Duo..." Relena responded.

"Eww... Jousan you okay?" Duo asked, dumbfounded. "Okay, I won't tell as long as Heero keeps away from the shampoo."

"Does it look like...I'm okay...?" Relena retorted, thoroughly exasperated.

"Okay, I get it. I'll leave," Duo said, walking back downstairs.

"Thank you, Heero..." she said, her tense muscles relaxing again.

"Why are you thanking me?" he asked.

"For... doing all you have done for me..." she answered.

"Hn," he replied.

He walked over and picked up the trays and set one on Relena's lap, the other on his own. He took the chopsticks and began to eat. She only looked at her chopsticks, having lost her appetite.

"Now don't tell me you are not hungry," he commented.

"I don't think I can eat," she replied, looking at him pleadingly.

"The dream still bothering you?" he asked, taking in another mouthful of sushi.

"Yes...It's not everyday I dream something so vivid...about the person I love...being murdered..." she answered, looking back at her food ruefully.

"Well.. try to forget it... And try to eat, or you will have me sick over worry," he responded.

"I'm sorry..." she replied, taking the chopsticks, trying them in her hands for the first time in a while, and she picks up a piece of sushi, eating it.

"Thank you," he replied.

She chewed it for a long time, finding it hard to swallow.

"Maybe you should concentrate on eating the rice. It would not be hard to swallow," he suggested.

She picked up another piece, but her hands were much too shaky, and the chopsticks clattered as they fell back to the tray. Heero picked up the chopsticks and some rice and took it to her mouth.

"Still trembling, I see," he added.

"Yes... I'm sorry. I hate this," she said, closing her eyes.

"No need to apologize," he said, hearing loud stomping noises coming from the stairs.

"What on Earth?" she questioned, looking to the door.

"Heero Yui..." Zechs said, forcing the door open. His eyes glowed fire, and he breathed heavily in anger.

"Milliardo..." Relena said, becoming the color of chalk again and tightening her grip around Heero's sleek form.

"What do you think you were doing?! I thought I could trust you!" Zechs said, clenching his fists.

"I will kill Duo," Heero said to himself.

"Stop it, brother!" Relena yelled and started crying into Heero's tank top, easily upset in this state.

"Why? Tell me... How could you?!" Zechs yelled, taking Heero by his collar, holding him in the air, and staring at him. Heero did not struggle because he was afraid of hurting Zechs.

"Zechs!!" Relena yelled, getting up and bracing herself against the bedpost. She grabbed hold of her brother's arm, trying to shake it, but couldn't even budge it. Zechs raised his fist in the air, ready to punch Heero.

"NOO!!" Relena screamed as she collapsed to the floor.

Zechs punched Heero hard and dropped him to the ground. Heero held one hand to his now swollen jaw. "Maybe now you will listen to me…" Zechs said. Zechs kicked Heero as hard as he possibly could in his stomach on his way out and slammed the door behind him. "I am disappointed in both of you!" Zechs yelled.

"No..." Relena said, sobbing on the ground.

"I'm... okay," Heero said, slowly crawling towards her, clinching to his stomach.

"I'm…so sorry.." she choked in between sobs.

"It is not your fault. I will make Duo pay for this cruel joke," he said, leaning against the bed, closing his eyes and grimacing as he clinched his stomach. Relena crawled to him slowly and painfully, bruised again from her fall.

"You're hurt," he said.

"I'm sorry...I couldn't help...but to get out...of bed..." she said, trembling and wrapping her arms around him.

"Stop…you're hurting me..." Heero said, hissing and clinching his stomach more tightly (1).

"I'm sorry.." she said, quickly letting go of him. She finally noticed all the bruises forming all over her, "Oh my…"

"I'm sorry…for making you hurt yourself. I should have fought back, but I might have hurt him, so I didn't..." he replied guiltily.

She looked back at him and saw the blood pouring from his nose and seized a tissue. She wiped his face gingerly. "It's okay... I understand," she said.

"Your brother hits pretty hard..." he said smiling.

"Yes...I could have killed him just now... I'm so sorry...It's my're hurt..." she responded.

"Don't, he just wants you to be safe... And it is not your fault," he replied protectively.

"I would never hurt him...I couldn't hurt him..." she said, a single tear falling down her face.

Heero wiped the tear away and stood up, still holding his stomach. "Come on I'll help you to bed," he said, offering his free hand to her.

"Thank you," she said, giving him her shaking and bruised hand.

Heero managed to free his other arm and place her on the bed. Afterwards, he sits on the edge of the bed, holding his stomach once more. "You okay?" he asked.

"I won't let anything...happen to you..." she answered.

"Thank you," he said, starting to sway a bit.

"Are you alright?" she asked, noticing his movement.

"A little nauseous.. I think I will sit in the chair for a while," he answered, walking over to the nearby chair, sitting in it and closing his eyes.

"You need to rest.." she said, lying back on her bed.

His only response came as he sighed lightly, falling into a light slumber. She giggled, surprised that she could even laugh, and she fell asleep again.

---Meanwhile at the mansion---

The light shone itself in and Dreia stepped out from the shadows of the stairwell. Her assassins had assembled in the main hallway. They all formed a nice straight line and were awaiting orders. She bypassed them and went into a broadcasting room.

"Time to make a statement," she said.

"Yes ma'am. To where?" a servant asked.

"Send it to LaGrange Point and Earth's primary satellite," Dreia responded.

"As you command," he started typing various things in. "The line is secure."

"People of the Earth and Colonies, we would like to issue a statement. We are tired of the oppression of the ESUN!

We, therefore, renounce our place in the ESUN. We declare independence and war! And we will attack the heart of the government, Vice Foreign Minister Darlian! Humans exist to fight! How dare they renounce that right?!" she said, then ended the transmission. "That ought to put our plan in motion..."

"Should I alert the assassins to be ready?" the servant asked.

"Yes, that would be good. Get to work!" she said, pointing to him. The servant saluted her and left quickly for the main hall.

"Should I execute him, now?" a female spy asked.

"No, wait a few hours. They must have time to prepare and get the other pilots out," Dreia answered.

"How do we know they won't go with them?" the spy questioned suspiciously.

"The son of the rat will not leave her side, and she is not well enough to go," Dreia responded.

"I will go organize the others, then," the spy said, leaving the room at inhuman speed.

"It has begun," Dreia commented, walking out of the room, her boots clacking on the floor.

---Back at the Sanc Kingdom Mansion---

"Oh man," Duo said, pacing around the room in panic.

"Calm down, Duo. We just have to find them before they start something," Trowa said calmly.

"We have to protect Relena-sama," Noin commented.

"I have traced their transmission to a place not too far from here," Wufei stated.

"Where is it?" Sally asked.

"It is an old mansion owned by the Barton Family. It is about thirty miles northeast of the country," Wufei answered.

"Good, we can attack now," Sally replied.

"Has anyone seen Zechs, lately? We need his help," Quatre questioned concernedly.

"He's been in his room since the incident..." Noin replied.

"What incident?" Duo asked, looking at Noin dumbly.

"I think you know what I mean," Noin said, glaring at him.

"No, I have no idea. Honestly, I don't," Duo said, waving his hands back and forth.

"Baka," Wufei added.

"I would like to hear this as well," Quatre said.

"You all got the news?" Zechs asked, coming down the stairs frantically.

"Unjust baka," Wufei said, looking to Zechs.

"Yes," Duo answered Zechs.

"Duo, why don't you go ahead and tell us all what happened?" Noin asked.

"Is this some kind of joke? All I did was tell Zechs that Heero was pulling the moves on Relena. And that is all I know," Duo answered.

"Well, would you care to tell the rest?" Noin asked, turning to Zechs.

"He might as well be born a baka onna..." Wufei mumbles to himself.

"Well, of course I got mad at him after trusting him, and he turned around and did this to her," Zechs answered, Noin obviously angry at him.

"We all know your interpretation of anger, Zechs," Sally added.

"And that means bad things as far as Heero is concerned," Trowa commented.

"Shouldn't we check on them...?" Quatre questioned.

"I am staying here. Heero would kill me if he saw me now," Duo said, motioning his hands.

"Yeah, braided baka. I tried to stop you," Wufei said, crossing his arms and closing his eyes.

"Well, it was too good to pass up, or was that the wrong choice of words again?" Duo commented.

"You'll have to face your fate sooner or later," Wufei said, grabbing Duo by the collar of his shirt.

"Do me a favor and don't talk for a while," Hilde said, placing her hand on Duo's shoulder.

"Okay, whatever, guys, lighten up!" Duo retorted.

"And I think someone owes an apology to Heero," Wufei said, staring at Zechs and Duo.

"Perhaps," Zechs replied, looking downward.

"We can worry over this later. We have to deal with that woman, now," Trowa commented.

"Hurry, you guys, we need to check on them! They probably didn't hear the transmission!" Quatre responded.

"Yes, Trowa. You are quite right," Noin replied.

"NOOO!!" Duo whined as Wufei grabbed him and dragged him upstairs.

Relena and Heero remained asleep in Relena's room as everyone else hurriedly moved up the stairs. Hilde had decided to remain downstairs. Wufei held Duo in a death grip as he forced him all the way upstairs. Zechs was poked and pestered up by Noin and the others. Quatre opened the door as Wufei shoved Zechs and Duo inside. Relena lay on the bed asleep, bruised and pale, with an upset look on her face. Heero had long since allowed his arms to relax on the armrests. His head was lolled to the side in a light slumber.

"Oh, good! He is asleep! I'm leaving," Duo said, heading for the door.

"Hold it," Wufei said, extending his arm out and stopping Duo. Relena didn't stir the slightest, only moving to breathe. Duo saw the swollen area on Heero's jaw. Heero reflexed in pain at his stomach in his sleep.

"Eww..." Duo commented.

"I didn't think I hit him that hard," Zechs added.

"Everyone?...What's going on...?" Relena said after waking up and seeing everyone. Her eyes narrowed in a glare at her brother.

"Relena... I'm sorry for hurting Heero like I did," Zechs apologized.

Her eyes welled up with tears. "That doesn't make it better, does it? Look at him!!" She pointed in Heero's direction for emphasis. As her arm flares out in Heero's direction, her bruises are revealed.

"Relena...What happened?" Noin asked, seeing the bruises. Relena stayed completely silent, still pointing at Heero's wounded figure, her face tearstained. Zechs slowly walked toward her.

"How could you?!" Relena quipped as she glared daggers through her brother.

"There is no excuse to what I have done..." Zechs answered, his gaze shifting downcast.

"I'm sorry...But I love him!" Relena said, wiping the tears from her face.

"Is he okay?" Duo questioned, pointing to Heero.

"Yes...but his stomach's in a lot of pain...And his nose was bleeding along with I don't know how bad an injured jaw..." Relena said, looking sadly at Heero. Heero let out a weak groan but remained asleep. "Heero," she said, letting a tear escape her as she whispered his name.

"Sally, could you check on him?" Zechs questioned.

"Sure..." Sally said, walking towards the sleeping form in the chair, checking him for anything major. "His stomach is hurt pretty bad, actually..." Heero moaned loudly as Sally gently touched his stomach, but he still remained asleep. "That must have been one heck of a beating, Zechs."

Relena sat up abruptly and tried to get out of bed at his moan.

"No, don't. You will hurt yourself more," Zechs commented.

"No, you need to rest. Sally has it all in control," Noin said, motioning her back down.

"I guess so…" Relena responded. Duo looked guiltily at the ground. Heero finally could no longer take Sally's examination. He woke up abruptly and struggled against her.

"Heero!" Relena yelled.

"Heero, I'm trying to help you! I know you're in pain, but I've got to find out what's wrong," Sally said, trying to calm him.

"You are hurting me, though," Heero said, calming himself and trying to settle his breathing.

"You're going to a hospital room, kid," Sally said, nodding to him.

"I'm sorry..." Zechs commented with his eyes downcast.

"I need the wheelchair right there," Sally said, looking to Noin. Heero placed his right arm protectively around his stomach and closed his eyes. His breathing calmed slowly.

"Come on, Heero. We've got to get you there," Noin said, rolling the wheelchair to Heero. Relena looked down sadly, worried for Heero.

"If I move, I'll lose whatever I have in my stomach," Heero said, opening his eyes half way and nodding. Relena clutched at the blankets, looking at them as they conformed to the grasp of her bruised, frail hands.

"I'm sorry, but you need medical attention, Heero," Sally responded. She pulled him gently into the wheelchair with Noin's help. Heero sat and started trembling slightly. His expression was very pained.

"Heero!" Relena said, looking up at Heero worriedly.

"I am sorry buddy. I did not know this would happen," Duo said to himself.

"I'll be fine," Heero said, closing his eyes.

"Heero.." Relena said, her eyes beginning to tear up.

"She really loves him," Zechs commented, looking at Relena.

"Of course she does," Noin said, taking Zechs's hand.

"Come on. We had better get on out before he passes out or something," Wufei suggested.

"I'm on it," Sally said, pushing Heero to the medical wing.

"I will stay here with Relena, Zechs, if you want," Trowa offered.

"Trowa…?" Relena said, looking up to him.

"Huh?" Trowa asked.

"Sure, Trowa. Thank you," Zechs added.

"Thank you.." Relena answered, looking up to him slightly shocked.

"Just keep us informed," Trowa stated, stepping inside the room further.

"Yes.. Please…" Relena added, nodding to her brother. She watched them leave in silence and fear, her hands shaking and her face pale again.

"Don't worry, Heero will be alright. He has been through worse," Trowa commented.

"That is true...Thank you, Trowa," she said, smiling. "Why...did you all come here, anyway? What happened?"

"Someone has dissolved from ESUN. They want your life," Trowa answered.

"It's happening," she said, her eyes dulling in fear. "No…"

"What is?" Trowa asked.

"No, Heero..." she looked up to him from her slight trance. "I... had a dream… and Heero…was in it.. He was murdered…in the dream. It has begun..." (2)

"Then, we must not let him get to far from our sights. It is about all we can do," Trowa commented.

"That is true...I'm just so worried..." she responded, nodding sadly.

---Meanwhile with the Others---

Sally had run some tests on Heero, and she hurried back with the results. Heero moaned loudly just as she walked in the door.

"It's not as serious as I thought, The peristalsis in his stomach has been disrupted considerably, and his muscle tissue is damaged in both his stomach and abdominal muscles..." Sally said, reading off the results.

"What does that mean?" Duo asked.

Heero, are you okay?" Quatre questioned, looking to Heero.

"Itai," Heero muttered, as he could not stop trembling.

"Well, it means that Heero will have to stay up in his room for a few days, if possible..." Sally answered Duo.

"It would probably be best to put Heero in with Relena...She needs him there, and he needs her too," Noin suggested, looking to Zechs for his response.

"That would sound best, but what do we about them and the threat?" Wufei asked.

"Okay…I agree with it..." Zechs finally answered.

"Thank you, Zechs.." Noin said, taking his hand in hers.

"We'll have to keep them here and fight them off," Quatre answered Wufei.

"Why won't he stop trembling?" Duo asked, being his paranoid little self.

"Baka..." Wufei mutters, knowing why Heero trembled.

"You'll have to ask Heero that..." Sally answered.

"Because I am trying to keep down what I have left in my stomach…" Heero said, smiling slightly at Duo's disgusted reaction.

"That's a little too much detail..." Duo replied, his expression giving away his disgust. Slowly Heero's grip on his stomach loosened, his features relaxed, and his eyes closed.

"Heero?" Quatre questioned.

"Let him sleep," Wufei commented.

"Now, how do we get him up there without waking him?" Zechs asked.

"I don't think we have any choice but to wake him," Sally answered.

"Well, let's get it over with," Duo said, not too happy about the idea.

Noin and Sally went to Heero and pulled him gently into the wheelchair. He remained asleep as his head lolled to the side slightly. Sally pushed him out of the room quietly and gently with the others following.

"I've never known Heero to be a heavy sleeper..." Quatre said, smirking a bit at this.

"Well, you do anything when your body demands it," Wufei whispered to Quatre.

"True…" Quatre responded as they reached the elevator.

They all went into the elevator and after a seemingly long ride, reached the floor they wanted. Relena and Trowa heard the stirring in the hall. Relena asked, "What's going on?"

Wufei placed a finger over his mouth as they entered the room in front of Heero, Sally, and Noin.

"Wu-man, what do you know about being quiet?!" Duo commented, loudly.

"..." Wufei responded, glaring daggers at Duo.

"Quiet," Zechs whispered. Trowa nodded and moved out of the way.

"They've got news!" Relena said, sitting up abruptly.

"Relax…" Trowa said, motioning her back down. Wufei motioned her to be quiet. He mouthed out the words "He's sleeping."

"Alright..." she said, blushing. Duo walked over to Relena and cupped his hand to her ear. Relena listens, interested, but still a little wary of Duo.

"We convinced Zechs to let him stay in here with you," Duo whispered.

"Really...?" her eyes lit up from their dull, cold, and fearful state. Duo nods and Relena nods back. Quatre walked in, and he was followed by Noin and Sally with Heero.

"That take Noin.." Relena commented. She gasped at Heero, noticing his pale face. Zechs walked over to the wall near Relena's bed, searching for something.

"He is okay," Zechs whispered. Relena continued to stare at Heero's sleeping form, not even hearing her brother she was so out of it. Zechs pulled out a secret compartment, and it revealed a single-sized bed (3). Zechs walked to the closet and got out a comforter and pillows and spread them out on the new bed.

"Heero..." she whispered as her face became as pale as chalk. Sally noticed her face changing colors. Relena fell unconscious again, losing her upright position on the bed and tumbling back into her pillows.

"Jousan?" Duo said, looking in Relena's direction.

"Heero-chan…" she murmured unconsciously. Heero shifted a little in the chair, and his eyes opened half way. Relena lay there on the bed, white and trembling. Heero opened his eyes completely at her sight and tried to get up.

"Oh no you don't, man!" Duo said, pushing Heero back down without caution.

"But…" Heero said through his labored breathing that Duo caused him to have.

"Braided baka!" Wufei yelled, pulling Duo away from Heero. "Heero, you need to rest. I can't let you strain yourself."

"She is white," Heero barely breathed out.

"I'll worry about that. For now, you need to rest," Sally answered. Heero tried to retort but was far too exhausted to do so. His eyes half closed again.

"He's stubborn just like she is..." Noin commented, smiling.

"I hate to put him in a world of pain, but we have to do this sooner or later," Zechs said, gently picking Heero up and walking towards the bed.

"Zechs..." Heero said weakly. Zechs looked at Heero as he placed him on the bed.

"You've gotta get some rest, man," Duo commented.

"If you don't kill him first!" Wufei retorted at Duo.

"Forgive me.." Heero finished. Noin smiled at this.

"No, I should be the one saying that. I'm sorry, Heero... I didn't mean for this to happen," Zechs replied. Noin walked up to Zechs and put her hand on his.

"Just don't lose faith in me...again, and I'll forgive you..." Heero said, smiling slightly. Relena moaned in pain in her sleep.

"Relena…" Heero said, trying to sit up.

"You need to rest..." Noin said, pushing Heero back onto the bed. Heero slowly let himself be pushed down. No longer he could he fight it anymore. He closed his eyes.

"I need to add a higher nutrient concentration.." Sally said, taking Relena's IVand leaving for another.

"I think he finally went back to sleep," Zechs commented.

"Yes…" Noin replied.

"I hope this quickens her recovery...I've seen next to no improvement..." Sally said, returning with another IV.

"Well, I am going to start preparing for the attack," Wufei said.

"Someone has to stay behind and take care of them," Quatre added.

"That would be wise. We'll have to collect mobile suits from other countries since we no longer have ours..." Trowa replied.

"I think we're going to need everyone except Sally to pilot mobile suits," Noin added.

"There should be some weapons under my bed.." Heero said weakly, with his eyes still closed.

"Go to sleep, kid. You need it," Sally said, looking to Heero.

"Can't…" he replied.

"Now look who is being stupid..." Duo mumbled.

"You've got to try harder. We can't have you dying from something like this," Quatre said, looking to Heero with concern.

"Baka onna," Wufei said, pulling Duo's braid.

"If I could stop being nauseous, I could.." Heero said, his voice barely a whisper.

"You're not fighting," Trowa added.

"Hey!!" Duo said, finally realizing what Wufei called him. He walked over and punched Wufei. "How dare you!?"

There was a large cloud of smoke as Duo and Wufei fought.

"Stop it, you two!" Zechs yelled angrily. Duo and Wufei stopped abruptly at Zechs's scary voice.

"He started it," Duo said, pointing to Wufei.

"No, you did by being an idiot!" Wufei quipped.

"You called me stupid woman!" Duo retorted. Everyone had a sweatdrop coming down his face.

"Let's not put them in the same area on the battefield," Trowa said, pulling the two apart.

"Chinese Fire Drill!" Duo yelled back. (4)

"Please...stop," Heero said.

"What's...going...on?..." Relena asked confusedly, opeing her eyes.

"Now look what you did, Wufei," Duo quipped.

"Heero…" Relena said, hearing Heero's voice.

"It takes two to tango, baka!" Wufei yelled back

"Yeah! A Chinese man and his ego!" Duo retorted. Relena reached her hand out, hoping to find Heero's. Heero clutched his sheets in pain.

"Ahh!" Relena let out feeling Heero's pain through her stomach. "Heero- chan..." Her voice was barely audible.

"Relena…" Heero muttered weakly. He followed this by moaning loudly and jerking in his bed.

"We need to put them closer...where their hands can touch," Noin commented.

"You're right. They're each other's source of comfort," Quatre added.

"He looks like he is dying," Duo muttered.

Wufei got on one side of Relena's bed, and Duo took the other, and they pushed it until the two beds seemed joined (5).

"Heero…" Relena muttered.

"Relen…" was all Heero managed to get out.

She searched for his hand with hers and found it, clutching it as tightly as she can. "Hee…" She stopped in the middle of her breath because of the pain now in her stomach. "Ahh!" she screamed loudly. Heero jerked again, moaning, almost screaming in pain.

"This is bad..." Noin commented.

"Maybe you should sedate him, Sally," Wufei suggested, looking to Sally, concerned.

"Right," Sally said, taking a vial from her pocket. She filled a syringe with the contents and injected them into Heero.

A few moments later, Heero stopped jerking and trembling. His features relaxed, and he fell asleep. The pain Relena felt stopped abruptly, and she went unconscious, too weak to stay awake, still pale as chalk.

"He has a fever..." Zechs said as he tried to wipe the beads of sweat from Heero's forehead.

"We really can't do anything about that, Zechs..." Wufei added.

"You didn't help it!!" Duo yelled.

"I didn't see you suggesting to sedate him!" Wufei quipped.

"Whatever, Wuffers," Duo said, motioning his hands.

"I am not some kind of waffle varity, Maxwell!" Wufei retorted. Trowa takes the two out of the room. Quatre follows to organize everything.

"Are they going to be okay?" Zechs asked Sally.

"I think they will, but I'm a lot more worried about your sister, Zechs. She hasn't recovered much at all..."she said, seeing both trays with hardly any food eaten. "And I'm gonna kill her myself if she doesn't eat."

"Take care of them while we are gone," Zechs added.

"I will. Now, you go and prepare for battle," Sally answered, and Zechs and Noin left.

Relena lay there, still holding Heero's hand weakly, her face pale and upset. "Heero-chan," she muttered. Heero slightly trembled in his induced sleep. His face was still pale. "Relen - han…" was all he managed to utter.

---Meanwhile at the Barton Family Mansion---

Dreia looked at her assassins lined up in front of her.

"I will rule this world, whether you complete your orders or not. That is because I will always find someone competent or do it myself!" she said, looking at them quite coldly.

"Yes ma'am," the assassins replied.

"Go out in the new enhanced mobility Leo 3s! Also use Virgo 3 mobile dolls! All except two of you will go out and attack the fleet protecting the mansion! You two," she points at two specific assassins, "You will attack the son of the rat!" she threw the gun from before at the two, and one of them caught it.

"Now!! Move out!! We cannot afford to waste time!!" she yelled.

--To Be Continued...


(1) - The reason Heero is in so much pain over a kick to the stomach is because Zechs had on steel-toed combat boots.

(2) - Minako-hime got this idea for Relena's dream from the play Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. When Calphurnia, Caesar's wife, had a dream that Caesar was murdered and people danced in his blood.

(3) - If you had not noticed, the Peacecrafts were always prepared for any kind of emergency. ^_^

(4) - Duo says this meaning that Wufei's temper is so bad that the Chinese think they need to signal that there is a fire.

(5) - This is the first time Duo and Wufei have worked together. Better take pictures while it lasts.