Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ As He Slept ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

As He Slept

By Chyna Rose

Disclaimer: Gundum Wing own I not.

So he slept, as most of the other passengers did. It was a long flight to the L2 cluster, and the small shuttle was nearly deserted. Few people had business on L2; even fewer went as tourists. And of those who went, it was rare the one who went for purposes legal.

L2 had always been a poverty stricken area. Full of thieves, murderers, and prostitutes. Many of its inhabitants were homeless; and most of those were children. Children orphaned by war or circumstances beyond their control. It was not a safe place to be. But it was one of the best places to go to get lost. And, on some level, he wanted to get lost. Unfortunately, that would have to wait. He had a job to do.

And so he dreamed. He dreamed of his past and his demons. Of war and blood and a people who refused to lie down and submit. Of comrades who became friends in a fight that should not have been theirs, but was. Of those he killed and those who made him do it. Of a hate so strong, the memory of it marred his sleeping face. He dreamed of the man who stole his heart and the girl who stole his soul. Love in opposition.

And as he slept, the trip slid past his notice. The ding of the fasten seatbelt sign. The lone stewardess who dully pulled a blanket over his still form. The howling of a small dog smuggled on. The drop in the temperature when the environmental controls mysteriously malfunctioned (to the alarm of the crew) and his breath came out in frosty mist.

Had anyone been awake, they would have caught sight of their odd visitors. A tall man in archaic, yet familiar, dress walked down the aisles. His face was a mask of melancholy love. Trailing behind him was a young girl. She was a picture of soulful sadness. The man stopped halfway down and looked at the Asian youth slumbering in the tattered and narrow seat. The girl just stood and watched. And had anyone been awake, they would have been alarmed by the pair. Neither of them had been seen boarding the shuttle back at the lunar hub - the only stop the shuttle had made. And both of them were visibly armed; something that only Preventers in uniform would do these days. The man carried a sheathed saber at his side, while the girl had a curved sword; the blade naked. Then there was the unnatural paleness and soundlessness that surrounded them; like they weren't even all there.

He didn't miss the touch. Nor did he wake. The feel of soft, cool lips on his; the light touch and barest of pressures. Over and over the lips descended. And a hand gently caressed his cheek. In his sleep he responded to the touch. His unconscious mind translating what he felt into images of a missed future. He dreamed of roses.

When he awoke, although he couldn't say what woke him, he felt at peace. He was lost no more. His mind slid back to the mission at hand: find Duo. Duo had been missing for the past six months, his various accounts cleaned out, and Une was getting nervous. You just didn't loose a Gundum pilot. Yet there was one thing nagging him at the back of his mind. Something that echoed like half heard words. He duly ignored it.


Trieze sighed as he watched Wufei disembark the shuttle. He wished he could do more for his dragon, but it was not to be so. Fate had decided differently, and there was nothing he could do about it. Once again, he repeated what he had told the boy - no, the young man - during his ghostly visitation.

"I may have left this life, but you are still in my heart my little dragon. But do not let my love close off your heart. Go to him. He needs you."