Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ Phone Call ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Thanks to all of the people that read the last chapter. And I haven't seen this story anywhere else either. I hope that you continue it reading.

This chapter may contain some Relena out of character but who's complaining? I hope you like it. This is a small chapter for all of you, the next should come soon and bigger.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters used in this fan fiction.

Ask Me To
Chapter 3 : Phone Call

Relena and Midii walked through the street of the tropical paradise as bags hanged from their hands. They both had gone shopping for clothes from Relena with the money she had taken out of the bank before boarding the plane. It was enough for them to live in luxury for a month.

It had been hours, hours of going from mall to mall and trying on clothing and shoes. Even jewelry. Relena was behaving just like the common spoiled child who threw money this was and that. Midii in her found a friend and woman who knew what she was going through.

"You do know that they'll find us eventually," Midii took another spoon of her chocolate ice cream.

"I know," Relena replied uninterested. "But, as long as I'm alone and free from all that, I'll be happy."

"Do you really want Heero to leave you alone?" Midii asked emphasizing every word.

Relena sighted as she finished her own ice cream cone. "I don't know." She turned to Midii herself. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"What do you expect Trowa to do?"

"Nothing," Midii bit her cone. "I really do believe that he doesn't feel what I want him to."

There was a minute of silence. "Why do we have to fall in love with such stubborn men?" They both looked at each other and laughed. Companionship or a great friendship was good to have. "I have to call him."

Midii looked at her strangely. "What do you mean?"

"I have to tell him to leave me alone in person. He won't say anything as normal but at least he'll have it straight that I'm not going to let him win." Midii cheered at this. They both had to let them know that they weren't going to be won over so quickly and easy.

"You go girl," Midii laughed as she ordered some soft drinks for them.

"We need to get them out of our trail. The phone can't be traced here or they'll come." Relena started to think with Midii.

"We could confuse them with transmitting over different satellites. It's really difficult to catch a phone like that." Midii reasoned.

"You can do it, right?"

"Yes," Midii affirmed. "For when do you want it done?"

"As soon as possible," Relena answered. "The sooner the better."

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"The first thing that I have to do is to cancel all of Relena's appointments." Heero began the actions he would have to take. "I'll say that she is ill. She has chicken pox or something, she can't receive any visitors."

"That can work for some time," Trowa interrupted him. "We have to tell Lady Une about this and ask the others if she's called them."

"I'll have to call Duo and Hilde after I cancel all those appointments."

"I'll be in charge of tracing the phone call. There's a way that we could find in which airport they called, go over their video files of the past day and see if they were in which aisle."

"Do you have any idea to why Midii would do this?" Heero asked, his eyes probing Trowa's.

"I have a pretty good idea," answered Trowa. "What will we do if we find them?"

"I will go and see what Relena is thinking of. She's leaving all of these things not caring for anything."

"Maybe she wants to leave everything hanging," offered Trowa. "She is eighteen, and her life is not one to be wanted from any other person."

Heero understood. "She doesn't want something here though, she knows that she's an imperative thing for the peace."

"That may be the problem," Trowa stood up as one of the phones rang. He picked it up, finding Lady Une's voice on the other end.

"Do you know where Midii is?" She went right to the point. "She's supposed to look over a security system designed for the conference of the May 26."

"She took her vacation," Trowa answered. "She said that taking it two days before the actual time wouldn't be a problem."

"I know it's not," countered Lady Une. "But she needs to get back before the second week of May. You and her need to make sure that everything will be in order."

"Yes," affirmed Trowa. With no warning, he passed the phone to Heero. Lady Une had to be informed of Relena missing, with her approval, going over security tapes and checking flights wouldn't be a problem.

Lady Une heard everything that Heero was saying, absorbing every bit of information. She knew this would happen eventually, or could. At least she knew that with Midii with her, that she was in no immediate danger. She might as well get some days to herself to think things over, Une had a little idea of why she had left and understood her.

"You have my permission," she agreed to it. It would be fun to see how much time it would take for them to find them. "At least we know that with Midii, that she's safe."

Heero agreed with her on that. "You should find them and not loose track of their trail, Relena does need some time outside of meetings. She's still a human being, and she is exhausted." Lady Une turned off the phone and reflected on this.

She turned to the link to her secretary's phone and called her.

"Yes," the secretary asked.

"Midii Une is taking her vacations from today on." Began Lady Une. "Note that she is taking all of the days she has accumulated on the past two years."

"That would be over three weeks, almost four." Informed the secretary.

"Yes, please sign her out as soon as possible." She ended the connection and smiled. It wasn't going to be easy for them. Not going to be easy like they might think. Unlike everyone else, she did know what had happened between Midii and Trowa, now she wondered what the outcome of this would be.

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The girls spend the afternoon on the pool of the hotel. They both spend the time reclining with sunglasses catching the sun rays. Their pale skin turned to a bronze tone, not a lot or less. They had relaxed and let the day bring what it would want to show.

On the night, they had both gone out to explore the exotic island which proved to be a place with majestic features and perfect for their vacation. It's air was friendly like on the morning and the streets filled with voices and songs that illuminated the way.

At twenty minutes after midnight, Relena and Midii entered their room on the fancy hotel. Their complexion was flushed and different, they were both laughing at something. In the room, there was a table set-up with Midii's laptop and a lot of other things that Relena couldn't quite remember their names.

As they entered their room, Relena kicked off her shoes and drank more of the bottle she was holding. Midii got it out of her hand and took a sip of it herself. Relena tripped on her own feet and went sprawling onto the carpeted floor. She laughed more intensely with Midii because of her accident and quivered for some time after some of her tries to get up were in vain.

"This place at night is good," Midii threw her purse to her chair and took the clip out of her hair. Just by looking, you could tell that they were both drunk. How much, no one could say but they were drunk. Relena balanced herself as she stood up and moved to the table. On the way, she undid her braids and let her hair come cascading down to her shoulders.

Her eyes concentrated on the watch at her hand and blinked trying to get the numbers to make sense. She shrugged at the late hour and turned the computer on. It may have been about 12 in there but in the Sync Kingdom where her call was directed, it was just a little past six o'clock in the afternoon. The perfect time to call.

The laptop went on and dialed the number itself as Midii had programmed it. The information started to go through a number of satellites all over the world and the colonies. The connection went to life a minute later and the sound of the phone ringing could be heard.

"You're sure they can't trace this?" asked Relena not really caring, it was too late to stop the call.

"They can trace it," responded Midii. "But it won't be an easy job and it'll take time for them to actually find the place."

The phone rang to the house's private line. It was only used for emergencies and only a few people in the whole world knew about it. Relena knew that if Heero was there, he would pick up the vid-phone immediately or eventually.

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Heero heard the phone ring, it had to be the emergency, headache phone as Relena called it. Trowa was about to leave for his work to ask Lady Une to transfer all of his papers to here, her secretary could fax them. He would take care of them later when his head would be cleared.

Trowa's head went to the sound of the phone ringing and went to it with Heero. He wondered who could be calling at this time, even if it was about six in the afternoon. It had been a long day and it wasn't going to get shorter.

Heero opened the link and answered. "Yes," his monotone voice rang to the other line.

"You finally picked it up," his head snapped to attention as he heard her voice. He heard her giggle as if indulged on drinks and her image appeared on the screen. There was a mutual silence between them. The bottle on her hand only made him see that he was right.

"Why are you doing this?" That was the only thing he wanted to know.

Relena snorted at his question and muttered at his stupidity. "You really have no idea?" Heero's silence was her only response. "How can I put it so that you could understand."

She now noticed Trowa behind Heero that was looking intently at the figure of Midii who was humming as she went to the bathroom to get ready to bed. It had been an exhausting day and the weeks of working bundled up were catching up with them.

"Don't be sarcastic," Heero's tone didn't falter as he said this. She was playing with this and he wanted to know just how to get her back.

"Alright," Relena smiled at him and chuckled. "I'm tired of the life I was leading." She could see that he was still looking for a reason to sustain what she had just said.

"One, my job is not for someone who should be with her friends and still in school." She counted to the second finger. "Second, I realized that at this time in my life it's time for me to take some risks in life." Midii came out of the bathroom hiccupping. She advanced to the phone and high five her friend.

"You tell them girl," she turned to the camera and winked at Trowa. She turned away in the same manner waving good-bye. "Hope not to see you soon."

"And finally, third;" the third finger was out and Relena continued in the same manner not even caring of Midii's intrusion. "I am sick of having my life monitored by a man whom doesn't feel the slightest thing for me or does not care. I am a person not a symbol and I wanted for you to see that."

Heero was about to cut her off when she gave him a warning look to not interrupt her. "You were the only man in my life that mattered, but I didn't get any of that back Heero. I am a human being that needs or should I saw needed you to continue doing what she thought was right."

"I am not going to wait my whole life for you to open your eyes and see me for what I am doing standing in front of you. I am not going to wait anymore." Her eyes turned a shade of gray and her face got to his position. "I hope you understand now. I learned that you did give it up, even if you weren't a person to give up easily."

With no warning, Relena cut off the transmition, tears making their way down her face. "I am not going to cry over this." Her breath caught on her throat and a strangled sob made it's way out. She had said it, she had made him stand on his ground. She was never going to go through that again.

"You know he won't give it up," Midii interrupted the surrounding silence with the sentence.

"I know," replied Relena. Her emotions were controlled and herself ready to get a good sleep. "But I'm not letting him find me."

"Not this time?" Midii asked, herself supported on her elbows.

"Not this time."


T his chapter is beyond late and I would probably strangle myself if I could. I had so many problems with this chapter that I didn't write anything for many days. One of the worst writer's blocks that I have ever had on a fan fiction.

I'll stop my whining and by imploring for you to forgive me. You can try and kill me but then, who would write the next chapter?

Next Chapter : Relena and Midii take it easy for the day. They outline the whole vacation and things they could do in case of emergencies. What's this? Heero's about to kill the first person he sees? That'll be interesting.

I mean it this time, the next chapter will come out soon.