Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ Surprise, Surprise ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ok, I don't know which day this is because I always write this before I start a chapter so, I'll be lost for the time in which I finish. Anyway, I want to thank all the people that have been with me since the beginning, it looks like my style of writing doesn't scare any readers. I'm relieved. Don't think that because of this intro that this is over, not by a long shot. (Maybe)

Thank you all for your support. Thanks for the comments Nova S. I really appreciate them. I hope that you all love this chapter. Review or E-Mail your comments... now on with the story.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters.

Ask Me To
Chapter 10 : Surprise, Surprise

Midii continued looking at the old construction of the statue as the tour decided to go on. She looked down at the pamphlet that had been handed to her and she read what it said of the specific place.

"This part of the statue of liberty had to be reconstructed right after the hurricane Aldiene whom passed the costs just at the turn of the century from 2400 to 2500. After countless repairs, the government decided to have the parts shipped from the original company from France in which the parts had been made originally.

The whole movement cost millions of dollars at those times in which was the current money that circulated. Ever since, for more than a whole millennium, there's only been projects to sustain the materials which at those times had been revolutionized.

Now, we only hope that the statue won't fall prey to any more of mother nature's mishaps. The construction workers wanted to remember the project and be remembered of the time in which the statue had to be rebuild and marked on this spot the date in which the new blocks were flown in. The foundation was kept as it was still working.

It had been permitted and when parts of the records were blown and disappeared from the war, this has been something to remember the time in which the lady on Rhode island stood proud again centuries later in it's all ingenuity and wit."

Midii continued to walk through the halls reading her paper instead of looking for anything else. By now, she was sure that her group was on another part of the building, leaving her alone to walk through the place without a guide.

A figure appeared behind her, she guessed that it was another person from the tour that had stayed too and didn't pay much attention to it. If he wanted or should she say she, to get caught up, she didn't have a thing to do with it. She found herself at an end that led to many stairs which came down and up. There were elevators put in but the stairs had to be there in case of an emergency.

Not really caring, she opened the door and started to make her way up when she saw that someone followed her. It seemed to her that it was the same person that was there before. Maybe he or she thought that she could take him or her back to the tour group.

"Are you separated?" Midii asked as she started to turn to the person. She came face to face with a brimming smile. She gasped as she saw the face even though his eyes were hidden with his glasses.

"Hello Midii," the voice sounded sour to her ears and malevolent. She only saw the flashing smile with it's sardonic power to realize that she was backed into a corner.

"Martone," she acknowledged trying to figure out what to do. She could run up the stairs she started to think as she didn't reveal nothing on the outside.

He knew that she was thinking of a method to get out of here but he wasn't going to allow her. His teeth showed flashing again as he reached for something inside his coat. His gun gleamed as he pointed it at her. "Don't think about it Midii. There's no escape."

"Who said I was going to escape?" She asked posing with her natural reflection.

"No one," he moved toward her with warning eyes.

"Are you going to kill me now?"

"Now," he simply laughed. "No, that would be too easy."

"What do you want then?" She asked with a frivolous tone.

"I'm going to finish my job and dispose of people that have the need to die." He responded moving beside her. The cold metal was pressed against her back as he lowered his head toward her ear. "Let's walk to the front shall we?"

"And what if I don't?" She asked knowing that he was going to kill her too.

"Then I'll have to take drastic measures Midii," he started moving her toward the stairs going down. "Let's take the stairs. When we get out to the front and approach the desk, I'm going to put my gun on my pocket but you know me well. I won't hesitate to use it on anyone if it makes any means for me to get what I want."

Midii shivered involuntarily and started to comply. She knew that by his records, that he was telling the truth. He never hesitated to put anyone at risk if it meant finishing what he started. He would even kill his own mother if she was all he had to get away with what he wanted.

"You're a bastard Martone," Midii told him as they started to make their way down from the top to the bottom.

He chuckled. "No one said I was something else."

"Why didn't you leave her alone?" Midii referred to Relena.

"It was too much," he started. "The challenge alone proved it to be worthwhile. Although getting stopped by you was not what I expected."

"You had a chance to kill Relena right there when I stopped you but you didn't. Why?"

"You want to know everything about my job now?"

"Why not?" She relented putting her head sideways to catch a glimpse of him. "You're going to kill me anyway."

"That's true," he smiled. "I liked this about you. Your forwardness, just like if your life didn't matter."

"It still doesn't matter Martone, nothing's changed." She replied, her tone cold.

"That's were you're wrong Midii," he concluded making her stop on her tracks. "I'm a watcher of the human nature and emotions, that's why I'm so successful. You've turned colder, your eyes have lost something."

"What is it to you?" She got out.

"I know many things about you Midii," Martone lowered his tone to a deeper voice. "I've studied you for the whole time that I've spent in prison. I must say that you are a fascinating character."

"Don't tell me that you pulled strings to get records of me from ever since I was born."

"Hit the nail on the head," he replied. "I practically know your history inside and out although you confuse me. You're different from what I had expected. Someone who has suffered so much and she stills goes out of her way to help someone."

"Like you?"

"Oh, I'm beyond saving Midii," he replied his eyes averted. "I like my job way too much. The smell of the blood and the feeling of success on where others have failed."

"And knowing that Relena would be on the constant watch of Heero Yuy, the perfect soldier as he was nicknamed was too much of a temptation?"

"Yeah," he affirmed without hesitating. "You don't know this, I'm sure but I knew Heero when he was a little kid. Then, he was named Odin after the man that looked after him for some time. He learned many things from us and I can't help but feel excited as to see what he would de when he found out."

"It wasn't what you expected?"

"Uh-huh," they stopped as the stairs stopped and the last door came in front of them. "I want you to go to the desk where you made reservations for Relena to take the tour later and leave a message saying that you aren't going to be able to make it here. That you'll meet her later after the tour when you two go to eat."

"Alright," Midii started to open the door but stopped as her hand reached the handle. She left it there and turned so that her face was in front of his. "You know. Now that I know this I can't help but feel sorry for you."

He hesitated before making an answer to her statement. "Not many people do feel that way about me Midii, they mostly fear me so you kind of flatter me. I think that you're the first one to tell me. I congratulate you, because you're still alive."

She shoke her head and opened the door. She heard as he rummaged through his coat putting the gun on it's pocket. She advanced toward the desk, him following close behind.

"Excuse me," she said to the person standing on the desk. "I'd like to leave a message to my friend, she's coming for the later tour."

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Heero walked out of the main room of the New York International Airport. He watched at his locator watch in which he had downloaded the program that would activate when Relena would use her phone. He had talked to the main people of the room and had looked at all the records.

His bags were taken to a hotel with reservations. Now, with the location on his watch, he was going to where the signal had come from. He started out by getting the car that they had given him and drive through the streets.

It had been many days since Martone had broke out, but Heero felt as if something was amiss. It would have been much easier if Trowa would have been there with him. They were both on the same boat there. If it hadn't been for Quatre who had taken a lot time to take over, he wouldn't have ever thought of coming out here.

His eyes moved to the navigator system of the car and found the intersection that he was looking for. Finding the street, he turned left and continued on. He hoped that Relena would be on a nice neighborhood. Things weren't going according to what he had planned and this was taking too long.

His watch beeped making him stop the car. The phone was on and someone was making a call or receiving one. He smirked as he checked the location. It was the same place that he had gotten the signal from the last time when she and Quatre had been talking.

Now, he put the car into gear again and continued on his route. It was getting easier to find now. He opened the door to the car and started to walk to the building on front. It was a hotel which seemed to be of a private branch. A bed and breakfast as they said in here.

Heero opened the door and started to make his way to the desk.

From the stairs, Relena emerged closing her phone and putting it on her bag. She had dressed simply, she was going to change to her clothes before they would go to dinner. Now, she stopped at the foot of the stairs and checked herself.

She made a straight trip to the door waving at the clerk which was walking to his desk. She opened the door and called for a taxi. One came immediately and she started to make her way to it. She passed a car on front and she wondered who could have left it there.

Shrugging her shoulders, she went to the taxi and she told him to take her to the ferry to the statue of Liberty.


"Hello, may I help you?" Asked Marissa. She looked at the serious man who was in front of her.

"I need you to tell me if you recognize this person," Heero got out a picture of Midii from his pocket.

The woman looked at the photo and back at Heero. She looked at him suspiciously without emitting a word. "Why would you want to know?"

"I'm a preventer and I'm looking for my partner and if you don't tell me what I want, I'll search the whole hotel." Marissa stared back at the man and saw that he wasn't one for games. He was quite serious. "Do you know her?"

"Yes," she simply answered. "She has one of the rooms reserved sir."

"Which one?"

"All the rooms are on the next floor. Take a right when you go up the stairs and it will be the fourth door to your right. Although you're out of luck. She went out this morning and hasn't been back since."

"I want you to tell me if this is the woman that she is traveling with," Heero got out a snapshot of Relena smiling.

"Yes," Marissa answered. What she couldn't process was how Relena had passed him just minutes ago and he hadn't seen her.

"Is she in?"

"No, she's not. Just as you were standing here she passed right along you and took a cab. For where, I can't say." She heard him curse under her breath and she couldn't help to hide her smile.

"Which room is hers?" He asked with the same tone.

"Front of Midii's," said Marissa. "Anything else?"

"No," Heero said as he started to make his way up the stairs. He followed what the girl had said and was standing right in front of Midii's room. With no effort, he unlocked it and entered. There were two beds in the room but only one bathroom, and small. He guessed that they two girls were sleeping on the same room but had rented two. At least now he knew that Relena was in watch of Midii from the beginning.

He entered the second bedroom in which he found the second bed. On it was a dress laid out. It seemed that it was ready for someone to wear it. He looked at the style and at the things in the room. This was Relena's room. Now, all he needed was to get her when she got back. Maybe then, he would get a clear explanation as to why she left in the first place.

Heero went out of the room and out of the small apartment if one could call it that and into the hallway. He made his way down the stairs and sat on one of the chairs of the room. Marissa sat on her seat on the desk looking over some papers. Heero took his seat and started to wait for the two girls that had disappeared for a week and a half.

Time passed and passed. Heero checked his watch again, seeing that more than two hours had elapsed. He was at easy, he wasn't one to be restless to wait for something to happen. On the other hand, he liked waiting. It was like stalking your prey.

He was about to get up to see if nothing had happened to the car when his watch beeped. Relena was making another call through her phone. Simultaneously, the phone at the desk rang. Marissa reached for it with her hand and answered it.

"Lovess Hotel," she answered. "Hi Relena." Heero picked up the name as he was about to open the door. He looked back and saw the woman listen to the phone. "No, Midii hasn't returned here. Is something the matter?"

Heero walked to the desk and gripped the phone from her. He barely caught the lingering words.

".. I don't know what's the matter but I think something happened." He heard Relena say. "She was to call me when I finished the tour but if she isn't there then I can't help but feel that something happened?" Relena noticed the silence on the phone.

"Are you there Marissa?" She asked to the silent receiver. "Did the call break?"

"No," Heero heard the intake of breath. "Heero?"

"Yes, Relena." He smirked at the reaction. "Where are you?"

"None of your business, I have more serious matters now?"

"Midii's missing," he said to her.

"You heard what I said," she responded. "I already know. I'm worried."

"Is there any chance that Martone could have gotten her?"

"I don't know," he heard the desperation on her tone.

"She has her gun, I don't think she's in trouble."

"That's the thing," Relena's voice started to agitate. "She left her gun on the room today."

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"Aren't you afraid I'll try something?" Midii asked as she sat on one of the chairs of Martone's room. As it had been, he hadn't been staying that far away from them.

"I don't think you will," he simply answered as he walked to the refrigerator and got out some water. He took two glasses and poured the liquid into them as he had set them on the table for her to see. "Just for you to see that I'm not playing any tricks." He replied to her silent question.

Midii took one of the glasses and gulped down the water. She finished quickly setting the glass back down to the table. She crossed her arms across her chest and continued what she had been doing for the pass two hours. Stare at him as he stared at her.

"Just what do you have planned?" She asked finally. It had been two hours of doing nothing and she was about to do something she could regret.

"You'll see," he answered, his smile back in place.

Midii looked away. She would never be able to support his smile. He saw the way of her reaction and stopped for a moment. It was almost time to put it all on display. "I want you to call her."

"What?" Midii shot up from her seat. "Are you crazy?"

"No," said Martone. "I want you to call her so that I can talk to her."

"If you know so much about us, why didn't you find out her phone number?" Midii growled refusing to make the call.

"You misunderstood me," Martone said taking the cordless phone from his counter. He started the connection and pressed some numbers. "I do have her number, I want you to talk to her."

"Are you really demented?" Midii asked unbelievably to his tone of voice.

"No," he responded. "I just have a big ego."

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"Tell me where you are."

"No." Relena answered stubbornly. With no other words, she closed the connection and started to pace. She was on the ferry from the island going back to the mainland.

Relena stopped on one of the rails and leaned in into the water. She didn't know what to do. With a start, her phone started to ring. She waited some moments as she regained her breath. It had taken her for surprise.


"Relena," Midii looked at the laughing Martone. "It's me, Midii."

"Where are you?" Was the first thing that came out of Relena. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Midii said hastily. Martone took the receiver from her and waited for Relena to finish her questions.

"It's been a long time Relena." He said to her.

Relena gasped, the phone sliding from her fingers hitting the floor. Her eyes were widened as she realized who had just spoken to her. She looked at the phone with desperation. She hoped it hadn't broken. She found it and hastily answered it to see if it was working.

"Hello?" She said to the phone desperate.

"By the sounds it would have seemed that you had fainted," she heard him chuckle.

"What have you done to her?"

"Nothing," Martone sounded hurt. "I'm not after her that much. I wouldn't do anything to her." He shot a glance at the trembling Midii.

"What do you want?"

"That's simple. I want to kill you."

"Then do it and leave her alone." He heard her tone of confidence coming back. As an impulse, Relena stopped the call and turned off her phone. She needed to think.

The ferry's whistle blew. That meant that they were on the mainland. Shaking, she started to walk out to where the people where disembarking. She knew that they were going to call again but she needed to have time. What to do?

She looked before her and found Heero on the dock with a car behind him. He was leaning into it, with his eyes placed on her. She needed to get the gun. Not waiting a moment longer, she ran to him.

"Drive me to the hotel," she ordered opening the passenger door and getting in. Heero complied seeing that her nerves were shot up. As they got there, Relena got out of the car on a flash with Heero closed behind. She entered the hotel and ran up the stairs to Midii's room. The door lay ajar as Heero arrived with his calm and control.

He saw what she was looking for and had gripped on her hand. It was a gun. She continued to search some drawers and she took out, what it looked to Heero, a clip for the gun.

His suspicions were confirmed as she loaded it and pointed to a part of the room as if she was a born killer. She turned to him reflecting the same calmness and control on her face. He concentrated on her eyes seeing her shut out anything practical that could have been running there just moments before.

"Relena," he said with his usual tone. He never needed to say anything else to her.

"Move out of the way," she breathed to him. She saw that he wasn't going to even close his eyes so she got closer. "The bastard has her and I don't know what he's done to her."

"You're not going."

"I don't care what you say," Relena got in front of him. "She's my friend and she's suffered enough in life to have to deal with the maniac that was hired to kill me. Not her, me."

"You're not going out of my sight." Relena stood there watching him. The gun was on her waistband. She walked to the bed and got her phone out of her purse. She let it on her hand as she walked back to him.

"Do you know why she's gone away from her job?" She asked to him. "Did Trowa tell you?"

"No," Heero stood there.

"Did you even care to ask?" He hadn't. "Next time ask about the people you're looking for. They have feelings and look just like everyone else on the inside." He wasn't going to say a thing.

"She and Trowa knew each other when they were children. He was a rebel and she was a spy. They found each other some years ago as they both worked for the Preventers. They have worked together on many projects for that and as fate would have it, she was in love with him. Now, I had wondered what had happened for her to want to leave and after she told me I understood. If the same things had happened to me, I would have left too."

Heero turned to close the door of the room when Relena saw her chance. She jumped out to him, the gun on her hand. She took the butt of it and rammed in hard on Heero's side. She had made it with terrible force. Heero clumped down to the floor and Relena knew that it would only be a matter of time before he would get up. He was immune to many things and it may only be minutes before he regained consciousness.

Relena placed the gun back to the waistband and reached for the keys to the car they had rented. She found them and raced down to where it was parked. She started it and turned her phone on. She got the car ready to get out of the parking area when she got the call. Almost immediately, the phone rang. Relena reached for it and opened it.


"Why did you hung up?" Martone asked. Mirth was evident on his tone. He was enjoying it.

"It doesn't matter," she said avoiding it. "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to drive to the connection of 5th and 3th/Blamisth and I'll tell you what to do when you arrive."

"I don't know where it is," she told him in shock. "I don't know how to work the system so that it'll tell me what to do."

"That's a problem," she heard him say. "I'll put Midii on, she'll tell you how to get here." The phone changed hands.

"Take a left from the parking lot and turn another left at the six light that you will pass. The name of the road is Roatle."

"I'm going."

"You know that you don't have to come," Midii said to her. She could hear Martone laughing from the background. "I don't want you to come."

"I'm going and I'll get you out of this."

"What for?" Midii shouted to the phone. "I don't have anything to live for remember? I have no family and I have nothing that I think is worth living for."

"You have Lady Une," Relena responded flying through the streets. "You have family and you have him."

"That's not true. I lost him many weeks ago. We don't even talk to each other."

"That's because of the misunderstanding. He's worried about you Midii."

"How do you know?" She asked.

"I just feel it," she responded. "I just hit Heero behind the head and he passed out on your apartment."

"He found us?"

"Yes, I don't know how but he did. I didn't know any other ways to get out of there."

"Damn it, you should have stayed with him Rel, you're coming here to the wasp nest and you're going to get stung. Martone is a lunatic and he's not going to stop until either you're dead or he's dead."

"Then I'll just have to kill him or let him kill me."


Heero groaned as he got up from the floor. He would have never expected to get hit upside the head by none other than Relena herself. He got off the floor and started to get out of the apartment and down to the main floor. He walked to his car and started to locate her by the watch.

He started the car and took the locator from his watch and installed it into his system. The map of New York appeared and a small red beep started to appear racing through the tiny lines. Heero activated the locator of his car and waited for the blue tag to appear. Having this as a guide and as long as Relena would have her phone on, he took off.


The building stood on the streets but it looked as if it was about to fall at any moment. As it was said from the outside, it was going to be demolished and a construction would be in place for an apartment complex. It was abandoned and by the looks of the places around it, there weren't a lot of people or none at all.

Martone and Midii were waiting on the last floor up. Martone was sitting on a chair as Midii paced on the floor still talking to Relena. Not a lot of time had elapsed since she had gone and she guessed that it would probable be no time before she came in. Even though Relena was parked on the building and after the warnings of Midii not to enter, Relena wanted to maintain the line on.

She didn't know why. There was no communication at all as Relena entered the building but none of them had cut the line. Midii glanced at Martone which kept his gun on his hand, ready for anything. His job was almost over.

Relena entered the building, the phone to her ears as if to hear if anything at all was happening out there. She looked at the state of the building. Even though it was really bad on the outside, she had to say that it looked better on the inside.

Wasting no time, she started for the stairs to go up into the top floor. She had no time to waste. She checked for the gun with one of her hands and took off on the stairs. She did it slowly, her ears trying to pick up any movement. She wasn't going to get caught up unguarded today. She had a score to settle.


Heero stopped the car as he neared the building. The beeping had stopped on a location and he was nearing on it. It may be that Relena found out about the phone and had discarded it, it was still on.

Heero got out of the car and walked up to the one in front of him. He opened the door and found nothing inside. With the chip in his watch again, he saw the building in front of it.

She wouldn't be as stupid as to do what he was saying. Heero took off into the building, the silence wasn't helping him locate anyone in there at all. How was he to know where they were? Fear gripped him. He would be too late if he wouldn't hear what was going on. Heero started to move from one side to the other.

Then, he neared the door to the stairs, he felt some movement. Someone was going up the stairs. With no sound, Heero opened the door ajar and waited for some sound to reach him. There was none, no sound, not even a pin drop. He was about to go out when he heard a curse from above. Not wasting a second, Heero started up.


Relena stopped right by the last door. There were no more stairs leading up, she was at the last floor inside the building. She could turn and go down running out of this, but she wasn't. She had come too far to be able to turn around. She couldn't and didn't want to.

Getting a breath of courage, she pushed the door and walked into the room. She left the door open, not caring for it. She looked around and saw Midii with the phone on her hands and Martone standing right behind her.

"Nice to see you again Relena." Martone said in greeting.

"Too bad I can't say the same," she responded walking toward them. She stopped as she was about two meters from them. "What do you want?"

"I explained earlier today," Martone answered in a mocking tone. "Didn't you hear me or did you forget already?"

"I don't know," she answered on the same tone. "I seem to like to forget what sick bastards say to me when they want to kill me."

"Oh," he protested. "You wound me."

"I try."

Midii just stood there powerless. It wasn't like the last time. She should have just killed him that day and say that it was either that or he would have killed Relena. But no, getting him in prison for life for him to be miserable in confinement was what he deserved.

She should have known better. The bad guys always escaped from prison and returned to capture their prey. Just once, she should have listened to her common sense that day.

It had become strange to her why he hadn't killed Relena that day. He had ample of time and opportunity. Just before the people came. He had a gun and could have used it if he had wanted to before she could have even reacted. Just what had been his game?

"Why don't you let her go?" Relena asked. "I'm the one you're after."

"That's true," Martone said to himself out loud. "You're the one I'm after but," he put stress on the but. "I like having her here, cornered. She wonders in the mind and wonders. She asks questions, she wants to know why and she still had the gall that day to intervene with my plan. It was all orquestrated."

Martone turned to Midii as he stopped walking in front of her. He put his back to Relena. "I felt it that day. It was to easy but I wanted to go. I wanted to see who had the courage to try to trap me and stop me from completing the contract. And it was you," Martone passed the gun over her hair. "It was a surprise to see that of the whole department in the preventers, you had to be the one that stood up with a plan to get me."

There was a moment of silence. "And, you were right. I could have killed her that day even before you could even point the gun at me but I wanted to know what you were planning. That was your mistake Midii. You didn't plan to shoot. I saw it and you played right into it."

"Yes," Martone affirmed. "I let myself be captured but I already knew. You had lost your chance. I knew that even if Relena had a gun, she wouldn't have the gal to shoot me. It isn't in her to be able to shoot at another person but you. I studied you. You had been responsible for the death of many people even when you were only a little girl but you still didn't shoot. I am not a rabbit that you corner on a cell Midii. You should have known better."

"Why didn't you just kill her?" Midii shouted.

"I didn't want to kill her just then. I wanted you to see that even if you caught me, I wasn't going to spend any time in prison on a cell because of it. I wanted you to feel the helplessness that it feels to know that you had me for some minutes but you didn't act on the opportunity. That's what I was after that day. I'm a good psychologist and there's no way to beat a battle in the mind."

"You wanted me to loose to myself."

"You're right Midii," Martone applauded with his hands. "But I now have to comply with what is boiling deep inside me. You crossed my path and if you didn't know. Everyone that crosses that line, is going to die. You are a really strong person Midii, but you don't want to survive."

"You're wrong," Relena interrupted both of them. "She is going to survive."

Relena reached for the gun behind her and got the safety off. She pointed it at him in defiance. "I am sick of having to be careful just because I want a better world in which this thing doesn't have to happen. I am a diplomat and killing is not my style but I am also a person who knows what's best for herself and for humanity in general."

Martone laughed at this. "Are we back to this again?" He pressed the gun against Midii's temple.

"You touch her and I will kill you," Relena said in a soft tone barely audible.

"Threats mean nothing to me."

"I act on what I say sir," scorned Relena. "There hasn't been something that I've said to anyone that I haven't done."

"Um," Martone sighted. "Defiance."

"I don't care," Relena shoke her head. "Get that gun out of her face."

"As you want," he had an expression of satisfaction. "Of all of the people that I've ever had cornered, you are the second one to stand up to me."

"That must be a good compliment coming from you Martone. Who was the other one?"

"You're Heero Yuy," Martone replied loving the expression on her face. "You didn't expect that."

"What does Heero have to do with this?"

"You didn't know," Martone asked in mock surprise. "He knew me when he was a kid and I had part of his training. I was his teacher when he was just a kid. He knows everything about me and my ways."


"I know you can't believe that, but it's true. Heero stood up to me after I had trained him and had the gal to go against me when he came with me in one of the assignments. He is a full blooded killer, the best but he still felt things. It was a good job with what they did to him when he was training to be a Gundam Pilot."

"Shut up," Relena interrupted him.

"Why should I?" Martone said, his manner surfacing. He pointed the gun again to Midii. "I'm the one in control and I say that she's the first to go right now."

"I'll kill you first," warned Relena.

"You don't have the reflexes of a killer Relena," he mocked. "You couldn't even shoot at a person or animal."

"If I'm forced to, I will." Martone's eyes went completely black as he turned to Midii. His face was of terror for her, his lips forming his smile. "Bye Midii." She closed her eyes expecting the blow.

A gun went off. There was a thud on the floor as the person fell.

"Not anymore," the voice filtered through the space as a figure emerged from the shadows of the door.

Midii stood there frozen on her place as Relena left her hand on the air with the gun. A substance came out of it, mingling with the air. The gun had been fired. Heero moved from his place to them, his gun also throwing off the substance into the air. Martone was on the floor. His shoulder was bleeding with blood coming from a side of his temple as well.

The gun on Relena's hand went to the floor and she walked over to Midii. "Are you okay?" Midii nodded at her. Her eyes were fixed on Martone as he bled. Heero stood there in between the body and the girls.

As a reflex, Relena threw herself at him. She circled her arms around his head and started to cry on his shoulder. Heero's arm came protectively around her waist, letting her cry and lean on him for support.

Midii wrapped her arms around herself. She felt truly alone.


H ow was it? Good, bad... I don't know what to say myself. It took me a long time to write and I had kind of thought how it was going to happen but I needed to see how to get there.

Anyway, next chapter will be good.

Nest Chapter : Just because Heero got them, doesn't mean that they're going to let him catch her. Let's see how Midii and Relena give the slip to Heero this time. And what about Trowa? Will he get there in time to prevent them from leaving a second time?