Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ Moving About ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Oi, I hated the last chapter. I can't believe that I wrote that crap. Oh well, you can't always write something you'd like. I hope that it didn't scare you all for good. Still, I liked the talk of Dorothy and Relena although I left Midii out of it.

Began writing on September 15th, hope to finish in less than a week later.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters used in this story or chapter.

Ask Me To
Chapter 13 : Moving About

Quatre sat thoughtfully I his corporate chair. Something was worrying him. Dorothy was keeping something from him, something personal. He had no way to make her tell him if she was a thousand miles away from him either.

He had racked his brain on the four days of her absence, trying to make any sense to the signs that she had left in him. At least it was a comfort that she hadn't found out that it had been him who had given the idea to Heero on how to find Relena.

Now, there was another problem. Heero and Trowa. There was no way for him to know why. You didn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out why Relena left for Heero to follow. It was evident on every person's eyes. If anyone would catch Relena stealing a glance at him, they would see the intensity on her eyes. The loneliness and protectiveness.

Quatre sighted as he dropped his glasses on the bureau and set the paper down. he rubbed his temples as he turned his chair toward the window right behind him. From there he could see the skyline of every corporate that was on the street. All of the major businesses of the colony were set on the same street and his being the main one which had all the contracts and control of what was to come.

His thoughts shifted once again to Dorothy. He hadn't seen her in over six days. It would be a week in just a few hours. Rashid had said it himself right after she left that she had a troubled mind. He had informed him of the visit to the doctor that she had asked Rashid to do for her and of the call of him that set her out of the colony into some kind of business that was too sudden.

Quatre passed a hand through his locks setting them out of place. He always did that when he was trying to make something go into sense. He should know something that would give him a clue. He just wanted her to tell him what it was on her mind so that he would stop wondering. The doctor call was what made him uneasy. That's what set his mind out of control with her sudden evasion of him.

There was beep by his side, making him turn toward the phone. "Sir?"

"Yes, Theresa?"

"The papers have arrived of the Montero development in Mexico sir, the graphs and reports have also arrived."

"Of course," Quatre gave a deep sight. "You can bring them in and leave them by the table. We still have to wait for Miss Catalonia to approve."

"Alright," there was a click of the receiver being placed and in a minute later Theresa entered with her hands full. She looked at Quatre apologetically and made her way out again to bring the cart that contained the slides and more papers inside.

"Thank you Theresa," said Quatre as she started to make her way out of the room. She lingered a minute as if to ask something but shock her head.

"You're welcome sir," Quatre was left alone in his office with a mountain of papers to look over. Giving up on the ideas of his mind, he groaned at himself and rested his head on the chair. He closed his eyes as they closed voluntarily. The stress and preoccupation was getting to him.

He took a deep breath and let his mind shut down, even for a moment to try to make sense to everything that made any sense right there. His breathing evened as sleep overcame his mind. He dozed off.


Sally smiled as Wufei entered her office with the morning mail that had been delivered the night before. he had volunteered to get them for her as she had stayed the day before in the head quarters checking out and keeping guard with the papers.

She had barely had a shower on the gym section of the building and changed into her spare clothes when he entered. She still had her towel on her hair, trying to dry it off to comb it.

Wufei set the papers down on the desk and sat on his chair. He opened his computer and started to work through all of the papers that he had to sort through. Sally had already went through them, now, it was his job to sort them out to take to Lady Une.

Sally sat down on her chair and started to go through all of the envelopes. She smiled as she got the one she was looking for out. She opened it slowly and scanned through it's contents. The last page had a small piece of paper attached. She unattached it and read it's contents.

As if on cue, the door to their office was opened and a girl of about 15. Her red hair reflected her temper and her eyes reflected her mirth. Wufei looked up from his computer to find himself eye to eye with Marimaya Krushranada. She was in front of the door with her hand still on the knob.

"I hope I'm not interrupting," she told him, her face set on a smirk.

"What are you doing here?" He asked instead.

"I'm here to see Sally," she directed herself to the older woman. "Did it arrive today?"

"Yes," she answered. "Right on time."

"What arrived?" Asked Wufei to the other two in the room.

"The check for 2,000 credits," Sally simply answered.

"Who's paying you for it?" He asked taken aback.

"I have a new partner on my website," she turned to the younger girl and smiled. "She's found a way for us to get paid 2000 credits per months for advertising from one company."

"You mean for that website of Relena?" He saw them both nod. "But this is just speculation, why would anyone pay to have advertisements put there?"

"What you don't know, Wufei," Marimaya accented his name. "It's that I've changed it's contents. Sally will still control the find and tell part of it but I'll be running another complete part. I've enhanced the site with the schedule of Relena, which my mother gave me I might add. Her appearances, meetings, news."

"And people are paying for that?" He was still surprised.

"Yes," she affirmed. "Now, Sally and I split the check in half and 1000 credits more a month is not that bad." She turned to Sally. "I've talked with the management of the company and he says that his business has been up for over 20% since we've put him on the site. He says that if this is kept up, we'll get more money per month."

Marimaya gave a kiss to Sally, and said goodbye to both of them. She was going up to Lady Une's desk to set her new camp of world wide web.

"This way," Sally informed him. "I'll be earning money for something that only takes me an hour a day to do." Sally opened the door with a bunch of papers on her hands. She was delivering them to the secretaries of the affairs...

Wufei continued to be silent. He wouldn't have believed it for a second. Who knew? "It seems that the woman is smarter than it seemed."


Relena and Midii entered the taxi cab and gave him the address that they had written down as Hilde and Duo's house. It was about twenty minutes before they got there. Midii paid the driver and they both got their bags out. It had been a whole two hours of a flight to get there from L6 to L2. It was good that Dorothy had lent them her jet again, she had taken the flight with them and was right now on her way to L4.

Relena prayed for everything to go alright. She didn't want a new surprise to come up unexpectedly and hit her in the face. The cab turned around the curb and started to make it's way out to the main traffic of the main street of the colony city.

Midii smiled as she saw the house again. It had been some time since she had been here and she had to say that it looked just the same. Right beside it was a large warehouse where they kept the most expensive parts of the salvage garage and right behind it was the trail of parts of mobile suits from the war and spare parts of cars and trash that had been left in there.

Both of them got their suitcases and walked to the front door. Midii put the paper inside of her things when Relena rung the bell. There was no movement from inside, or recognition. Relena rang the bell for a second time. This time, she heard a shout from the back of the house.

Midii turned her head to where the voice came and saw that the fence to the patio was open. Relena followed her as they started to walk to the back through the open door. They heard some steps coming toward them and they started to go toward them.

Duo came to their line of vision as he had a towel on the side of his face. He was the picture of the man who had been working on something really greasy as he smiled sheepishly at the two women in front of him.

"Well, look who we have here," he gave a peck on each of the girls cheek greeting them. "It's been a long time since I've seen you both."

"It has," replied Relena as she gave him a hug not caring if her clothes would get some of the grease on.

"Who's out there Duo?" Hilde appeared from behind the house to them. Her eyes blinked as she saw Midii and Relena right beside Duo. "You're here."

"You sound surprised," Midii moved toward her and gave her a hug. "I hope we didn't come at a bad time." Relena gave her a hug right there.

"Nonsense," she kissed them back. "I'm not letting you guys go until we've spent some time together like we never have before. It's time to take some time off and enjoy the life as it is right now. Leave everything to me."

"We hope we're not inconveniencing you two," said Midii to both Duo and Hilde.

"We already have your two rooms ready," Hilde informed them leading them into the house through the back door. Duo took the hint and grabbed a suitcase for each hand. He was glad there were only two, although they were both heavy.

"At least they try to pack light," he told himself as he followed them back to the kitchen. "So how has this been going?"

Relena looked back to him again. "Oh, it's been great. We've spent the last four days on L6 with Dorothy, just relaxing and trying to put the incident behind us."

"Well, you two look great," he said laughing. "No wonder those two are busting their heads off to find you two."

"I don't think that we'll be seeing a lot of Heero," intervened Relena. "I had a heart to heart with him before I left and I made it clear enough for him to understand."

"Relena," Duo interrupted her smiling at her. "I've known the guy as long as you have and it's my notion that he's as thick headed as he seems. When he gets an idea on that head of his, there's no way to turn him back into another."

"He'll turn on this, I'm sure," Relena chuckled.

"I don't think so," Duo moved to one of the seats on the kitchen table. Hilde put a cup of coffee in front of everyone. "Thanks babe," Hilde smiled as she sat down herself.

"I called him this morning and he's more determined now to find you than before."

"I'm not threatened anymore," reasoned Relena.

"I think he's turning around," all of the girls eyes were turned to him.

"What?" asked Relena, trying to make sense of what Duo had just said.

"He's changed," Duo looked up from his coffee directly to Relena. "What did you guys talk about anyway?"

"That's kind of personal Duo," resented Relena diverting her gaze from him.

"Translated into 'None of your business', right?" He didn't get a response from any of the girls. "I kind of have the idea. Anyway, I just hope that he doesn't find you here girls. I like to be living, death doesn't appeal to me that much these years."

"And those are the words of the famous god of death?" Relena tried to sound astonished. "Why, I'm shocked."

"Knock it off," he said playfully. "Trowa is going to see Quatre in these two days."

"Then he'll get the good news," Relena smiled.

"What good news?" asked Hilde interested. Relena looked around the table finding six interested eyes on her.

"I can't tell you but I'll just say that there'll be a new addition to the family."

"Quatre and Dorothy are getting married?" Duo guessed.

"No," Relena responded getting up from the table. "I can't tell you, just wait for the call that might come today or tomorrow. I'm sure Quatre will call as soon as he himself finds out."

"I kind of get the idea," Midii smiled as she saw the pout on Duo's face. He looked like a baby who no one wanted to let go outside.

"You guys are mean," he scoffed at them, crossing his arms on his chest.

"Live with it," Hilde told him as she and Midii got up with Relena. "I'll show you guys to your rooms."

"Thanks, Hilde," replied Midii as they followed her out.

Duo followed them with his eyes as they went up the stairs. He smiled as they laughed at what they were talking. They had no idea how much this was going to hurt him. Heero and Trowa were going to kill him when they find out that they had been staying there for some days and Duo hadn't even told them.

Oh, well. Everything's fair in love and war. He said trying to console himself. If there was only a way to make Heero realize his mistake and Trowa to see what was in front of him. Duo sighted and got up from the table. He had a lot of work to do today and as it seemed, he had no one to help him now.


Trowa walked through the streets of New York. He was leaving in just a few hours back to the Preventers Headquarters. With Midii gone, he was in charge of the case of Martone. He just hoped that this would be over soon so that he could go back to finding her.

It had already been more than two weeks of this. He didn't know what to think. Every time that she was at arms length, she slipped away from him. He was going out of his mind. At least he was going to get a small break from this. Some days on the L4 Colony with Quatre may be able to clear his mind away. It was about time that he told Quatre what he wanted. It hadn't been easy with his eyes piercing, waiting for him to say what worried him so much.

Oh, well. He was going to get at least a good talk with his friend. It was time he got concerned with his matters anyway. He had abandoned Quatre for some time and every time they talked, he never let him forget it.

Trowa looked up to the darkening sky. It was nearing the hour for the sun to set to night. Just a little more and it might be that he would be too late to let the sun escape it's cage.


Heero barely ever looked out the window of a shuttle. He was on the window seat with no one beside him to torment him with mindless chatter. His eyes were set on the clouds that were above them as the shuttle soared through the sky to it's destination.

He had heard it that night. She had said good bye to him just as she was leaving. He hadn't been able to get up, or summon the force that he needed to open his eyes. It wasn't always that his body didn't react to what his brain was saying.

His suspicions were confirmed of foul play when just an hour before, he was checking out of the hotel. The girl at the desk had smiled at him as he gave her the money for the stay in the room for five whole days. He had signed the sign out sheet and turned around with his bag on his hand. He was about to open the door when she had called back to him.

"Um, sir?" Heero turned back toward Marissa.

She smiled at him as she saw that he was focusing on her. "I seriously hope that the tea was great." Her smiled broadened as she lifted a cup from her desk and drank some herself. "I hope you had a nice rest." She turned from the desk and moved to the door leaving to a room right behind it.

He had never believed that it could have been like this. Relena had drugged him with the tea those nights before. He knew that she had the effects of the drink herself. She had been drowsy at what he had mistaken as a simple sleeping problem. He would have never thought it possible that she would have done that to get away from him.

Now, he asked himself if it had been worth it. All those times, all those years. He had been always there. From the beginning, to the end. It wasn't even ended. It seemed that the epilogue continued to go and go. It was never going to end.

It seemed like a lifetime since she had left. He didn't even know what brought the impulse to get her back in the first place. He knew that she would be back eventually but he still set out to go after her. He now wondered why he would do something as drastic as to try and find her. he had no business to do that if what he wanted was what she had said to do. To put space and let time slip pass them.

He had planned to leave eventually, more like in just some more weeks. He would always be watching in all those places that she always appeared, concentrating on his Preventer work to protect the hard attained peace. Now, he didn't know why he had thought of escaping in the first place. Why?

He remembered her words from that night. She was giving it up. She wasn't expecting him to follow her and he knew that she meant it. Why? A piece of paper came out of his pocket as he opened it to read the last lines.

Tell Heero I love him and that I love my souvenir.

It was as if she had known. He had also felt it himself. She had given him a kiss just before she had left the room. It seemed that she had known that he had kissed her just some minutes before he, himself had fallen prey to the strong herb tea. He may never know now.

His eyes wondered to the window again, the note still visible in his hands. The sky was blank, there was no way to see any stars. Up there, in space. How long had it been? Everything looked so far from there, there was no way to see pass the white skyline. He was a prisoner of the Earth, it had him in it's grasp. He closed his eyes for a moment, opening them as a realization hit him.

Relena had gone to space. She was up there on one of the colonies. The cage was broken from Earth. She went somewhere where she would feel totally safe and free. She desired the times of a normal person that she would never achieve on Earth. Now, where could she have gone?


The door to Quatre's office opened. Dorothy entered without a noise to alert Quatre of her presence. It was already time to close, just as she had entered, she had helped Theresa put the papers in order for her to leave. She was now alone with Quatre on the whole floor. There was no one else to intrude if she decided to tell him.

She walked slowly to the chair which was facing the windows. Everything was tranquil. She moved in front of it surprised to find Quatre sleeping, facing the window. The artificial sun was already setting in the sky telling of the change of time in the colony.

Dorothy concentrated on his face. It seemed that he hadn't any sleep at all. he looked extremely exhausted. Theresa had said that he had been preoccupied about something for the past week. He didn't concentrate on his things long enough and his focus was right off in all the business meeting that he had been at. His mind was not in matters of the office.

Dorothy wondered. Seeing as the sun was settling in his eyes, she turned the chair slowly making sure that he didn't awoke and faced it to his desk and the long table for the monthly meetings. She walked to the seat on the end of the enormous table and took her sit. She leaned against it's comfort and knew why he had fallen asleep on it. They were way too comfortable to let a person stay in focus when it needs some sleep.

She leaned her head and let her eyes rest. She was going to wait for him to open his eyes. She may take the time to think to herself. She had to figure out how to say this to the man in front of her. Her mind just needed a way to figure this out and a moment of thinking would help her that way.

Quatre opened his eyes slowly. What he noted first was that he wasn't facing the window as he had been when he thought he must have dozed off. He looked in front of him and found himself staring at Dorothy which sat at the other end of the long table. She seemed to be sleeping but it was overruled when she opened her eyes.

"Hi," she whispered. She seemed relaxed in his eyes.

"Hi," he answered. "How was your trip?"

"Fantastic," she said. Her eyes started to wonder through the whole room. A sign that she was trying to say something. Something important or she would just come outright and say it.

"What's wrong?" On the other hand, Quatre wanted the direct approach. He wanted to know what was going on and now. "It's something the matter?"

"Why would you say that?" She asked, knowing that her attitude was giving her nervousness away.

"You're nervous," he stated it. "Plus, Rashid told me of the sudden phone call to and from the doctor which coincidently enough conceded with this little trip of yours to L6."

"Must you know everything?" She asked a little exasperated.

"For what I care about," he told her. He saw the moment hesitation from her eyes. Sighting, he got up from his seat and moved to where Dorothy lay. He moved the chair away from the table and he sat on top of it. (The table, not the chair.)

"What's wrong?"

Dorothy let her eyes close as she let her self relax on the chair. She was determined to tell him, but she wanted to know of a way for her to say that would seem uncomfortable for her.

"Does it have anything to do with your health?" He asked probing. She knew that he hated doing that but it was his way of finding things out that didn't want to get out of people.

Dorothy nodded. She just hoped that he wouldn't get the wrong impression. She saw the concern swarm into his eyes. He just had a way to express what he wanted with his eyes. She shrunk to the seat even more. God, what had become of her? Just some years earlier and she would have just entered the building, come up to his desk and tell him straight to his face.

"You could say that," she told him after her movement.

"Is it something that we should concern ourselves about?"

Dorothy laughed at herself. Who would have known that she would ever be doing this. Oh, well. She will get this over with.

"I'll just go right ahead and say it Quatre," she saw his gaze fix on herself. Dorothy's hand came down to her stomach as she rubbed it for a moment. It might help her a little this way. She saw his eyes follow the movement on her hands. His eyebrows rose. He was thinking of something.

"What is it?" Quatre stood up from the desk and knelt beside the seat.

Dorothy took her free hand and put it on his. She guided it to her mouth where she kissed it and moved it to her stomach. She pressed it there. "I'm pregnant."

She saw his eyes wonder to her eyes and her stomach. He looked bewildered but unreeling at the same time. He was frozen in his present position. "Quatre?"

Some time passed as he simply let his hand apply an amount of pressure on her belly. It was as if he wasn't there. "Did you hear me?"

The question went unnoticed. "Are you really?" Dorothy couldn't help but laugh at his expression. He had a broad smile and flashing teeth. She had never seen him like that. He looked like Duo with his sheepish smile.

"Yeah," she affirmed it. Quatre moved closer to her. His arms came around her waist as the side of his head pressed against her side.

"I can't believe it," she heard him murmur. He kissed her lower section. His eyes moved up to hers without moving an inch of his body. "I'm going to be a father."

"Yes you are," he heard her say. Quatre remained in his position for a moment longer before he realized that Dorothy could be in a really bad position with him over her.

He got up hastily, bringing her up with him. He placed a hand in his stomach as his eyes continued to watch hers. "I love you," he said, kissing her temple. "This is the best gift you could ever give me."

"I love you too," she said resting her head on his shoulder. They continued in the embrace.

"So," Quatre interrupted the soft mood. "What is it? A boy or a girl?"


Oh, I like this. Dorothy is pregnant, Dorothy is pregnant. That's for all of you that didn't figure it out yesterday or whenever the last chapter came out.

This was fairly quick. I had expected more time for this one to get done but well, when I expect to be delayed I finish quickly and when I think it's easy, I don't know what I'm going to write on the paper.

Well, I hope you liked this chapter. A bad guy will be appearing on the next one, I'm sure. Now, I really have no clue when I'll begin so I have no clue to when it'll be posted.

See you all later,