Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me To ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here it is people, the epilogue to Ask Me To. It's going to be three months to when I really came with the idea, but it wasn't until later that I actually posted it and wrote over the first chapter.

I want to thank all of the readers that have been with me on this. You don't know how much this actually means to me. All your reviews, jokes... I thank you all.

Go on over and read this. This is the end...

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters in here.

Ask Me To

"Is this line clear?"

"Yes," Midii almost shouted to the connection. This was the fifteenth time that he had asked. If she didn't know better, she would have thought that Heero Yuy was concerned and paranoid. Scratch concerned, just paranoid.

"Don't mind him babe," Duo laughed to his connection link. "It'll be all over after today."

"I hope so," Midii sighted. "These three weeks have been murder."

"Hey," Wufei's sharp voice interrupted them. "This is not a private link. Back to work."

His link turned off. Duo snorted.

"Put the guy in charge and he thinks he's the emperor of the world."

"I heard that Maxwell," Wufei appeared right behind him. Duo jumped as he heard his voice. "Go check sector 13 Maxwell," a smirk was displayed on his face. "On the double."

"13?" His voice quivered. "No, anything but that."

"Don't worry Maxwell," Wufei's smirk widened. "Dorothy is already there to give you a hand."

"Dorothy?" His voice cracked.

"You better go before he assigns you there for the whole day," Sally's voice entered their ear pieces.

"Right away," Duo hightailed it out of Wufei's way.

Wufei stood there a little baffled. He turned dangerously around. "How come he's always doing what you say without protests?" He demanded.

"I'm a woman," Sally replied battering her eyelashes. She laughed at his expression. It had been worth it.

"But..." Wufei stuttered. "I'm his superior. He should be listening to me and complying to my every command."

"Sally," Midii's voice was heard again. "Can't you just kiss him so that he'll shut up?" There was a humorous tone on her plead.


"Yes ma'am." Midii giggled and signed off the frequency.

"You know," Sally walked up to him. She placed her communication link on the table over the papers and took Wufei's off. "That's not a bad idea."

"What are you doing Sally?" Wufei's stern gaze was fixed on her actions.

"I'm going to kiss you senseless." She whispered before settling her mouth on his.

* * *

"I think she got your message," Mark whispered to her.

Sylvia's face began to twitch, which wasn't a good thing. Being a politician did require that she keep face and emotions out of the arena, but this was just too good.

Her face cracked and she laughed. She would have never thought that Wufei would succumb to that little setup. Ha, fixing people up was as easy as figuring them out.

From around them, people directed their eyes at her personally. Instead of feeling a little embarrassed and coughing it out, her smile widened and her laughter was harder to control.

"Simmer down in here," Steven Genti muttered to the pair.

"Sorry dad," Mark whispered to him. "It was my fault."

"This is not the time to charm girlfriends," his father hissed back.

"I was not charming her," Mark muttered forcefully, his embarrassment obviously showed.

"Don't worry," Sylvia's hand covered his. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize Sylvia," Steven smiled at her.

"Now I see. You get mad at me and not her. She was the one laughing and getting all the attention." Sylvia thought he was whining.

"Not as much as you are now darling," she replied to his comment on a sweetened tone that made him glance up to the other people around them.

To his surprise, most of the people seemed to be interested on what they were whispering than what Relena was saying. Not even being invisible would make the mortification stop. Up from her place, Relena seemed to not notice, but he knew that she had. She winked at him as she continued on with her speech.

"Nice going Genti," Trowa's voice filtered through the earpiece he was wearing.

"Shut it Barton," he quickly retorted but was too late. Trowa had skipped the frequency to continue with his orders.

"Hush Mark," Sylvia hissed. "Talk later."

He grumbled under his breath. Sylvia could have swore that he was grumbling about dumb Gundam pilots and their screwed up love life. Well, she couldn't say anything better for his.

* * *

"Those two really make a great couple, you know," Hilde whispered toward Midii. They were looking the exit scene of Relena after she finished giving up her speech.

"I know," said Midii to her companion. "It's so hard to believe that they had known each other all of their lives and never knew of how they felt for each other."

There was a silence in between them for some time. Hilde and Midii made sure that the hallways were properly lit and that all the doors were carefully locked. There couldn't be no surprises at all.

Sometimes, they even had to chase reporters that had sneaked into the place on past times. Now, it seemed that this time all was clear with no intruders.

"I'll be glad when this is all over with," Midii stretched her arms. "Then I can finally get back to my usual job and not this frantic security."

"We were selected because we are the best." Hilde stated it as a matter of fact.

"I know," Midii checked the back of her preventers pants to make sure that there was nothing in them. "It's still exhausting."

"Better than sector 13," both women exchanged a knowing glance and laughed at Duo's predicament.

Sector 13 was the name for the kids center. Most of the senators and representatives brought their children and sector 13 was one of the biggest centers of the whole building. Now, for all the things that were going on, being a guard in there was hell.

"Hope he fares well," Midii sighted. It was almost time for the procession. She would be glad when this was all over with. "It's time for us to go back."

They retraced their steps back to the beginning. They were part of the caravan that guarded Relena from the room until she entered her car. They stopped by the inside platform and waited for her to finish her speech. Heero was by the curtains by them, waiting patiently for the political charade to end.

"Remember Cath," Trowa's arms slipped from behind her.

"Yes," Midii smiled. "I promised to do it."

"You aren't too tired are you?" Trowa asked concerned.

"No," she put his mind to rest. Well, she had volunteered but she didn't really mind to help.

"I'll be waiting," Trowa placed a farewell kiss on her hair and slipped away the same way he slipped in.

Hilde watched quietly the closely affair of her two friends. "Is he always this amorous now?"

"I don't have to answer that." Midii answered without haste of preoccupation. Well, the smirk on her face gave away the answer. "You will be attending the show, won't you?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

* * *

All had gone according to the outline that Relena had made out earlier for all the conferences that she had been in. All the decisions, all of the problems, the discussions... all were a part of her life.

Well, she was back to being what she was, but at least now she didn't have a stoic bodyguard who watched from the shadows and never even talked back.

After leaving the last conference, everyone had retired. Some of the representatives and senators had left Brussels already on account that they needed to get back to their respective countries and homes. The three weeks had been murder on her.

"What are you thinking about?" His voice shook her out of her thoughts. He always had that effect on her.

"These weeks," now it was her who was giving the short answers.

"Anything interesting," Heero approached. He had the thin gold necklace in his hand. It was bare, she noticed. What could he have done with the cross that had been there.

"Where's the cross?" She asked.

"On your jewelry chest." He answered. He walked up to her and slipped the chain around her neck. He fixed the clasp and moved a piece on the chain up to the front.

Her eyes centered on the piece of jewelry and gasped. Her hand flew to it and held it carefully. Her eyes brimmed with tears of joy.

"It's my promise to you," Heero united his hand with hers.

She smiled of happiness but she still said what she needed from him. "I don't really need a promise Heero," she said still breathless from the piece of art which held her future so delicately. "All I need is you."

* * *

"Ladies and gentlemen," the circus owner announced with great pride. "It's time to see the defying laws of gravity." He stood aside, the circus tent growing dark by the lights being moved toward the new spectacle, and it's players.

The light beamed at the raised trapezes which were completely still high up in the air. On one side were Trowa and Catherine on their usual attire, while on the other stood a costumed up Midii. She was wearing an outfit similar to Cathy's with the exception of the colors and she wore half a mask, covering the right side of her face. Completely the opposite of Trowa's own.

Catherine and Midii both waved at the crowd from their places, passing as though they were on a photo shoot. They looked at each other for a moment and with a nod from Catherine, they were off.

Both took the bars and left their platforms. With the force of the descend, they swung through the air with an agility of a flight that seemed natural. As they swung just once on, they let go of the bars, pirouetting on the air and gripping each other's bar at the opposite side.

No matter how many times the crowd saw it, they were still mesmerized by the act. It was simple, still complex with the human life that it was risking. In a single second, the life could be lost, the tragedy following. That was part of the act though, the exhilaration of defying death and everything was part of what they were after.

Catherine put herself on a sitting position on the bar, hanging upside down, rocking the trapeze to still go on it's flying path with the force that was needed. Midii simply stayed on her position, still swinging up and down, increasing the tempo for the necessary impulse she would need.

As she saw Catherine's trapeze advance toward the meeting point, she threw her body weight toward her own and circled through the air three times before her hands latched onto Catherine's awaiting own.

Everyone's attention was focused on them, so most of the people didn't see Trowa jump toward the swinging trapeze as it came back toward him, reaching it and swinging back.

All eyes still on Midii, she elevated her lower body, plastering her feet on Catherine's back. With all the times that she had done this, she still couldn't shake the fear that came at this point. She had less than five seconds to make it to the bar and stand up on it.

Both women formed a circle bellow the bar, their sweat sweltered and grasped by their clothing.

Midii swung her upper body on the arch of Catherine's back and reached upwards for the ropes. She grasped it and quickly moved away from Catherine's back. One person would only take so much. She spread her feet apart, making sure to not touch Catherine's own.

At that same time, Trowa swung himself toward Catherine as it seemed, but the trapeze was swinging on the other direction.

The crowd gasped as he swung half into the air and flipped on his back and fall to the middle of the stage. What they hadn't seen was the elevating pole that was in the middle of the arena, it had been elevated to the height that was needed for the number to be done in it. It was also wide enough for Trowa to land on safely.

He landed on his left foot, carefully extending his arms and leg to steady himself over it for a second. Then, stood perfectly straight on it while the crowd clapped and whistled to the stunt he had just played. He gave his normal bow and prepared himself for the next part.

Up on the trapeze, Midii kept it in rhythm while Catherine prepared herself to get off it. Still, she needed to grasp the blade again with her hands, her body now the opposite side of the other bar, which had completely disappeared from play.

While Trowa prepared himself, Catherine swung backwards toward the second trapeze which had appeared in full swing, with no person on it. She caught it after circling the air on the same manner as before. Catherine's trapeze then was elevated up high in the cape, making it's disappearance for one last time. She waved from her place at the people before completely disappearing from the stage.

Well, here came Midii's part on all of this. She couldn't believe that she had actually volunteered to do this. Well, he had asked her but, she still couldn't believe that she was going to imitate him.

Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself by lowering herself to the blade and swinging her body to acquire the agility she needed to complete this whole thing like it had been planned. Trowa waited peacefully from his own spot, he had chosen to practically disappear from the whole act and only do part of the fundamentals.

Releasing the blade, she replicated Trowa's move from before, but she had to have more precision. He had to land on a platform, and although small, it was still a platform. She had to land directly on his shoulders.

The crowd didn't know how it was possible for it to be accomplished, but they clapped as they both stood balancing one another on the beam. Trowa on one side, while Midii was on the other. Each one had only one foot on the frame, but their hands intertwined to help each one not to loose step.

It had happened before on the exercises and this time, there was no soft spot to land if a mishap was to happen. They reached for each other masks with their free hands and dislodged it from their faces. They glanced at the crowd once again, each bowing their heads at them.

The beam began to lower, each of his occupants remaining at ease. The applause was deafening to them, but it was gratifying.

Midii just hoped she never had to do something like that again. She had too many exhilarations in her life already to want any more.

* * *

"That was great!" Exclaimed Relena as she entered Trowa's trailer. Catherine was in the middle, taking off Midii's make up with ease.

"Thanks," Midii's eyes widened a little as she felt her tender hands. "But I don't think I'll ever do that again."

"Don't say that," Catherine reprimanded of the younger woman. "You're a natural up there."

"I might be that," Midii accepted. "But I'll stick to shooting bad guys."

Duo whistled as he entered the immense room. He had never really been inside one of those. Clothes and more clothes were mounted everywhere, each color more outrageous than the last one. And the other half was covered with mirrors, the make up and the chairs to be seated.

"You seemed to be having a lot of fun up there." Hilde joined them with Sally by her side. They too were observing the costumes for the circus employers.

"It's why we do it," Trowa emerged from one of the rooms. He was already undressed from his clown clothes, and had changed to his own after taking the well deserved shower.

"I for one, I'm glad it's over with," Midii put in her two cents of the conversation. She was already ready to leave to her hotel. She had spent the three weeks in between the rehearsals and the conferences and now that they were both over, she was taking her well deserved sleep and rest.

"We'll see you back in L2 in three weeks," Duo said good bye to his friends as Midii, accompanied by Trowa, left the trailer.

"We too have to go," Relena said as she glanced at her watch. "I have a plane to catch in less than 20 minutes." She kissed each of her friends and accepted their good byes lightheartedly. It was back to the life of politician, but with some new adjustments.

Heero simply followed her into the limousine that stretched on. Inside, she curled up to his chest and closed her eyes.

* * *

"What are the assignments for us now," Trowa placed his finger on Midii's floor number. The elevator hummed mechanically as it began to make it's way upwards.

"Just to relax this weekend but report back to the Preventers early next week." Midii responded. She moved her shoulders in circles, appeasing the sore muscles that had settled in after the whole scene.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Trowa blustered out as he took her in his arms. He placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. He seemed to be in a playful mood.

"Not today," she replied slowly. Where had that come from? She wondered.

"Well, I love you a lot." He said simply. He guided her through the floor to her door, getting her key card and placing it on the scanner.

"I love you too," she took the card from his hand and slipped it on her jeans pockets. She reached in, gave him a satisfying kiss on the mouth and opened the unlocked door.

"Aren't you inviting me in?" He asked amused just before she closed the door.

"Oh," Midii finally realized what this was all about. He wanted to be invited in, but he never needed an invitation. "Why?" She asked curiously.

"This is how the rules are played," replied Trowa, shrugging his shoulders in the process. "Well, are you?"

Midii's eyebrow shot upwards. This was new. Definitely new. She took a moment to think of what could be going on and shot him a smirk.

"I'm not sure," she replied, her voice sultry. "Why don't you ask me to?"


I'm not really good with endings people... so sorry for the really lack of imagination that I have just displayed in front of you.

But, I really hope you enjoyed reading the parts that had actually some plots into them.

Thanks to everyone out there who's been reading since the beginning and has remained with me through all of these months. You're the reason that I continue writing.

A real good bye to all of you,