Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Attack of the Ficlets of Doom ❯ Got Goldfishes ( Prologue )
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Title: Got Goldfishes
Author: Vinyl Koneko (Emily),
Rating: G
Archive: Want it? Take it. Just give me credit.
Warnings: TWT, PWP
Commments: My sad attempt at humor. I'm sorry I have to put you through this. ^_~ I do not own Goldfish, besides the cartons in my kitchen cabinet. Pepperidge Farm owns the right to distribute them, though, not me. This is the first part in my "Attack of the Ficlets of Doom" series. Enjoy.
"I like fishes 'cause they're so Goldfishes!"
Duo woke up to the sound of singing on the other side of his bedroom wall. He had gotten in late the previous night, and was ready to let whomever was disturbing his precious sleep meet their maker.
"I could eat them ev'ryday, and my mom says that's okay!"
Something tripped up his right foot on his way to the room over. Duo looked down, eyes squinting at the said object. It looked like a carton the orange juice came in, only instead of an image of fruit, the carton bore a large, orange fish wearing sunglasses. "What the heck is going on around here?"
"I like fishes 'cause they're so delicious..."
Duo pressed his ear against the door, mind slowly trying to register the truth behind the events unfolding.
" Goldfishes!"
The American pilot swung open the bedroom door as quickly as possible, violet eyes bugging out and jaw dropping open at the sight before him. A rather chipper looking Trowa Barton was lying down on his bed, holding small, orange, fish-shaped crackers in between his fingers, making them swim through the air to his mouth. Trowa, noticing the other pilot in the room, tossed three more crackers in the air, catching them in his mouth and noisily crunching the demise of the fish.
"Goldfish, the snack that smiles back!"
Duo shut the door behind him as quickly as possible, heading back to his bed as quickly as possible. "I must have hit my head harder than I thought."
Author: Vinyl Koneko (Emily),
Rating: G
Archive: Want it? Take it. Just give me credit.
Warnings: TWT, PWP
Commments: My sad attempt at humor. I'm sorry I have to put you through this. ^_~ I do not own Goldfish, besides the cartons in my kitchen cabinet. Pepperidge Farm owns the right to distribute them, though, not me. This is the first part in my "Attack of the Ficlets of Doom" series. Enjoy.
"I like fishes 'cause they're so Goldfishes!"
Duo woke up to the sound of singing on the other side of his bedroom wall. He had gotten in late the previous night, and was ready to let whomever was disturbing his precious sleep meet their maker.
"I could eat them ev'ryday, and my mom says that's okay!"
Something tripped up his right foot on his way to the room over. Duo looked down, eyes squinting at the said object. It looked like a carton the orange juice came in, only instead of an image of fruit, the carton bore a large, orange fish wearing sunglasses. "What the heck is going on around here?"
"I like fishes 'cause they're so delicious..."
Duo pressed his ear against the door, mind slowly trying to register the truth behind the events unfolding.
" Goldfishes!"
The American pilot swung open the bedroom door as quickly as possible, violet eyes bugging out and jaw dropping open at the sight before him. A rather chipper looking Trowa Barton was lying down on his bed, holding small, orange, fish-shaped crackers in between his fingers, making them swim through the air to his mouth. Trowa, noticing the other pilot in the room, tossed three more crackers in the air, catching them in his mouth and noisily crunching the demise of the fish.
"Goldfish, the snack that smiles back!"
Duo shut the door behind him as quickly as possible, heading back to his bed as quickly as possible. "I must have hit my head harder than I thought."