Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Barrel Of A Gun ❯ She's somehow famillar. ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Barrel of A Gun: Gundam Wing Fanfic

Disclaimer: I own nothing but a few of the poems and song, and Cassidy and her mother of course, then some that are in here. Though I wished I owned Gundam Wing, I don't. :'(

A/N: If there is a bit of OOCness, don't send me a flame or anything hateful. It hurts ya know. Well, it may not be IC because I haven't seen Gundam Wing in a loooong while and I just got finished watching Endless Waltz. And this is both on MediaMiner and

Barrel of A Gun

"Mother! Put the gun down, you're drunk and you don't know what you're doing!" Cassidy entered the house after her neibor; J.C. called her at The Main Street Diner saying that her mother was drunk and shooting things at random.

"There's that slut of daughter of mine!" The words stung but Cassidy was used to it, ever since she was sixteen used to it. Of course, her mother was always drunk since her father died seventeen years ago. "Where were ya, having sex for money to buy drugs?"

"No, Mother, I was at work, trying to get a decent salary to pay for your meds and dinner." Her shoulders slumped slightly as she took a step forward but stopped once she heard the click of the trigger being pulled back. Cassidy wasn't afraid of being shot, its been done before, when she was seventeen. "Put the gun down."

"No!" Holli now had the gun aimed at Cassidy's heart. She chanced it and dove at her mother. Once Cassidy had her mother pinned down; she took the gun and disposed of the non-existing bullets.

"I'm taking you back to rehab." Cassidy stood, dragging her mother up with her.

~~~~~~*Later that night*~~~~~~

Cassidy was sitting on the porch of her small, Scottish cottage-like house, playing her most treasured item other than her Labrador; the golden oak guitar her father left for her. The cottage was a light lavender white with black painted shutters, door and porch. It reminded her of a song she had heard, bright and colorful with a bit of a home-away-from-home, waiting for a very close friend.

The cottage also overlooked the estate of Vice Foreign Minister Relena Dowrlen. Over the past few years, Relena and Cassidy had become friends. During the days when Relena didn't have a conference or speech, they would sit in the cottage and talked about current events, past lovers, and their pasts. During this time, she also met the Preventers assigned to protect Relena, well most of them. The first time they met together and Relena had had to bring one of the Preventers, it happened to be Duo. Duo mistook her appearance and thought she was working for the people behind the threat to Relena. After a thousand and then some arguments, Cassidy had finally learned Duo's trust.

Today, she was waiting to meet the Preventer known as Trowa. Her and Relena had planned to spend the day in the violet field at the bottom of the foothill, but that plan was cancelled on the rain. After talking for about two hours, they came to the discion to sit on the porch and listen to the rain.

~*~[.F.L.A.S.H. .B.A.C.K.]~*~

"Erg..why does it have to rain? It was such a nice day until the wind picked up." Cassidy sat on the ledge that circled around the porch.

"Cheer up, its just a little rain. Nothing too bad." Relena laughed a bit from the hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Anyway, are you still sure it alright if I bring Trowa with me today? He can be a bit, well" Relena lowered her voice. "Too protective." Cassidy just laughed, in the background, she heard a voice of a young male answer. `I heard that Relena'

"Its fine, just, warn him about Medley." Medley, who was sitting at Cassidy's feet looked up and tilted her head to one side. "Yes, I'm talking about you."

"Alright, we'll be there soon."

"Alright, see you then."


So Cassidy sat on the porch, practicing a song she had written in High School, when Medley started barking and rain out into the rain. On the horizion, a Jeep was cilmbing up the hill into the grave driveway. Relena was on the passanger side of jeep and by the time that the driver, Trowa she guessed, had stopped, Medley was scratching at the door. Trowa was the more handsome of the two she had met so far.

"Medley Note Morissette what in Broque's good name do you think you're doing?" Cassidy tore her gaze from Trowa and walked over to Medley, taking ahold of her collar. "You know better." Cassidy took a few steps back and picked up Medley while Relena and Trowa stepped out of the car. "You're not afriad of dogs or anything, are you Mr. Stranger?"

"No, I rather like them" Trowa followed behind Relena as he took in the surroundings. "And please, call me Trowa, Miss…?" Cassidy let Medley jump down and run over to Trowa, sniffing around his feet.

"Cassidy Marie Morissette, call me what you like." She held out her hand for him to shake in which he did. "Now, shall we go inside before we catch a death." Meldey barked and ran over to Relena, who walked in a circle around her and then into the house, closely followed by Cassidy and Trowa.

"The rain isn't going to stop any time soon, might as well get to know each other a little more." Trowa leaned agianst a wall that didn't have numerious pictures on it. The pictures seemed to be a type of memorial to someone who was important to her.