Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Barton Pizzeria ❯ Threats? The War With Customers! ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Barton Pizzeria

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of the characters or mecha in it. Although having my own Wing Zero would be neat, and maybe some Treize x Zechs bondage plushees would be cool too. O.O Ahem, I'm not making any money off of this story either. So don't sue me!

Author's Notes: In the little town I forgot. In a little town in Indiana (US), there is a restaurant called Barton's Pizzeria. No, Trowa doesn't really work there. But I imagined he did. And that's where I came up with this crazy little fic. Enjoy the insanity. ^_^ BTW, the way Trowa talks is a little joke between my friends and I. Sorry if that, and the script form of this fic, annoys you...

I wrote this fic a loooooooong time ago. Almost two years ago. @_@ Yeah, I was looking through all my old fics saved on floppy disks and found this. I hope you enjoy it! Read and Review onegai!

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Chapter Three: Threats? The War With Customers!

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Heero: Hey! Where are you going?

Lady: The pizzeria across the street. It just opened up about a week ago. I'm dying to taste the pizza.

Heero: Yeah, well you'll be dead if you don't order our pizza.

*Heero aimed his gun at the lady.*

Lady: Eep! On second thought across the street is so far... *ramble-ramble*

*The lady runs in Barton Pizzeria and hides in the bathroom.*

Wufei: *from across the street* Heero are you stealing my customers?? You'll pay for that!

Heero: Don't make me self destruct!

Wufei: Nani? Baka! You'll destroy your restaurant!

Heero: Not if I walk across the street.

Wufei: Don't you come near this restaurant! Treize-sama paid a lot for this building, the food, and the advertisements.

Heero: Why couldn't you just use your money you got from being a G-pilot?

Wufei: I gave my money earned from being a gundam pilot to my clan!

Heero: But your clan is dead...

Wufei: Don't remind me!!

Heero: How about your paychecks from working here?

Wufei: Trowa didn't pay me enough to make my own business!

*While the two boys were shouting to each other from one side of the street to the other, Zechs came outside to nag Wufei.*

Zechs: A lady on the phone wants to know if we deliver.

Wufei: Yeah from where?

Zechs: *whispering* Across the street...

Wufei: Tell her we can do that.

*Wufei turned his attention back to Heero.*

Wufei: Enough with talking to the likes of you. I have a customer. Nyah!!!

*Heero aimed his gun at Wufei, threatening to pull the trigger*


Duo: Now remember Heero. Use this gun only to shoot passers-by who don't come in the restaurant. Don't kill anybody else, ok?

*Duo holds the gun in his hand for Heero to take*

Heero: Ooooooh.... *drools* o.o A gun... Gimme! Gimme!

*Duo snatches the gun back before Heero can take it*

Duo: Remember, Heero, no shooting any of us ok?

Heero: Just gimme the gun!

*Duo hands over the gun to Heero, and the Japanese boy immediately sticks the gun in the front of his spandex shorts. He shivers at the feel of cold metal pressed against warm skin.*

Duo: ;_; I wish you'd let me put my hand there....

[End Flashback]

Duo: Oi Heero! Heero! Hee-chan! *pause* Heeeeeeeeeeeeeerrooooooooooooooo~~~!!!!

Heero: O.O;;;; Relena?!

*He quickly runs and hides behind Duo, who is laughing*

Heero: Oh. *regains composure* It's just you. What do you want?

*Duo presses himself against Heero*

Duo: For you to make love to me.

*Heero pushes Duo away and glares at him*

Heero: No.

*Duo bursts into tears*

Duo: You're so mean!!

*And he runs back into the pizzeria*

Heero: It's the only way I know how to live.

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Author's Notes: No comments on this chapter. I started angst-ing towards the end. Can you tell? ^^;;; Well, I hope you're staying with this fic to the end. ^__________^