Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Closed Doors ❯ 19: crossing roads ( Chapter 19 )
19: crossing roads
A crone stands on one side of the street, waiting for a break in the traffic so she can cross. Heero watches her from his place across the street. She's the only thing besides the cars that moves in this neighborhood and she's as filthy as the rest of it.
Heero chews on the end of his fag as she finally heads towards him. He knows it's not going to kill him; he just can't be bothered lighting it up. The rain is drizzling. It's a miserable day.
"What you doin standin out here in the rain, sonny?"
Heero wants to laugh. He's probably closer to her age than she thinks. And he's not doing anything she herself isn't doing. Instead, he remains quiet. He has forgotten laughter.
"I'm just watching."
"Watchin what? There ain't nuttin ta see round ere."
"Nothing," Heero replied softly. "I'm not watching anything at all."
"Well, yer a strange one, I'll give ya that!" And she continues hobbling on her merry way.
Heero continues to stand on the wrong side of the road, staring at a house that is all too familiar, and long abandoned. It's a house once loved, and the sign over the door read's Maxwell's Salvage.
He just stands there and waits. In time, the laptop beeps and he finally crosses the road.