Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Beloved ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: What's mine is mine, what's theirs is theirs. I don't own these characters and would very much not like to be sued.
Old Khushrenada Plantation
Cape Town, North Carolina
Cape Town, North Carolina
The man stumbled and fell bruising his knee on the hardwood floor. He stared fearfully at the object he had tripped over and felt the bile rise in the back of his throat. The object was the body of the psychic medium they had hired to cleanse the manor house of its malevolent spirits. The old woman laid sprawled on the floor. Her throat had been ripped out. The full moon from window at the end of the hallway shone on her face, death had twisted it into a grotesque mask. The moon provided the young man with enough light to see by as he desperately regained his feet and race for the main staircase. He came close to falling again; this time over the paint cans and tarps left, piled there, by the workmen renovating this house. He grabbed the hand rail and flew down the steps two at a time. His eyes avoided looking at the body of his wife who hung swinging by her neck from the chandelier over the foyer.
The man made it to the front door and tried frantically to open it, but it wouldn't budge. He heard an evil chuckle behind him and spun around. "No. Please. Don't. Stay away. Nooooooo!"
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Khushrenada Plantation
August 13, 1822 (Past)
Cape Town, North Carolina
August 13, 1822 (Past)
Cape Town, North Carolina
The three people in the dining hall were silent as they focused on their evening meal. The clatter of dishes and the rustle of fabric from the house slave's skirt were the only noise, as she rushed from one end of the long sturdy oak table to the other waiting on the master and mistress of the house, and their twenty-five year old son.
"Well, Duo, you've been home from your travels for six months now, and I think it's time you to start learning the family business," the stern man said. "I've been very patient with you, boy, I've tolerated your lengthy education and allowed you to sow your wild oats. Now it is time for you to start contributing to this family," he growled.
"Sir, I have no interest in growing tobacco. I can't even stand the smell of the stuff," Duo said. He wished he could have stayed in Europe, but his father had cut off his allowance forcing him to come home.
"You're a Khushrenada, Duo, and we Khushrenada's have been growing tobacco on this land since the early 1700s! You *are* going to follow in your ancestors footsteps and I want no arguments! Is that clear, boy?" Khushrenada's face was livid, realizing he had allowed his son too much freedom, but that would change starting today.
"Yes, sir," Duo sighed, trying to placate the man. The two years he had spent in Europe had been the happiest in his life, that was until four months ago when he had met Hiro. He was not going to stay here when the whole world was out there just waiting for him to explore it. He was going to leave with his beautiful lover in September, and travel with him down south for the winter. After that maybe they would visit the orient together.
Treize Khushrenada glared at his son who had a faraway look in his amethyst eyes. "Good. Now stop daydreaming and finish your meal, Son, you're as skinny as a rail," he ordered.
Mrs. Khushrenada gave her son a sympathetic look as he pushed the collard greens around on his plate. Her husband never tolerated wasting good food and she knew how much her Duo despised that particular green vegetable, which was one of Treize's favorites.
"Eat, Duo, don't make me take my strap to you!" Khushrenada growled.
Duo quickly forked the greens into mouth, trying not to gag. He couldn't wait to get out from under his father's thumb. Even if he would be leaving here penniless at least he'd be leaving with the man he loved. After he finished cleaning his plate Duo looked up at his father. "I'm going to take my horse out for some exercise, sir."
"It's going to be dark soon, see that you're back before then. I don't want you injuring that horse by stepping into a gopher hole," he growled. Khushrenada sensed that his son was up to something and he was determined to find out what.
Duo rose to leave. He leaned down and kissed his mother on her cheek, goodbye. As he made it to the doorway his father's voice stopped him cold. "I've invited the Noin's over for Sunday dinner. Their eldest daughter is in need of a husband again; her last one was killed in an unfortunate hunting accident a year ago. She'd make you a good wife, Duo," he said.
"Father, that was her fourth husband in ten years. Don't you find it a bit odd that they all died in freak accidents?" Duo asked.
"God works in mysterious ways, Son, it is not our place to question why he chose to take those poor souls. However, the Widow is a handsome woman and extremely wealthy. She would bring a substantial dowry into this family. I want grandchildren before I die, Duo. I want to die knowing that there is someone to carry on the Khushrenada name."
"Is there anything else, father?"
"No, Duo. Go and enjoy your ride."
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Duo slowed his horse as he approached the small gypsy encampment. He'd come here almost every day for the past four months. The men and the women of the camp greeted him by name, while the children ran up to him as he dismounted. He held onto the horses reins as he listened to the children beg him to tell them about his travels abroad.
"Stop pestering Duo, he is here to see me. If you're good I might share him with you later," Hiro said, pulling Duo into a hug.
"Oh, Papa, do you promise to allow Duo to tell us about Europe before he leaves?" the oldest child in the group whined. He was Hiro's son. His pretty wife had died giving birth to this child, and the whole clan helped Hiro raise the boy.
"I promise, Oden, but only if Duo wishes to," he smiled. His prussian eyes sparkled with delight as he ruffled the young lad's dark hair.
Duo chuckled as Hiro grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the camp to their secret spot next to the river. Duo tied his horse to a tree and they ducked beneath its low hanging branches then through some bushes and came out on a small clearing, and immediately fell on each other like hungry wolves.
"My lovely Duo, I've missed you so. I hate it when we are apart. I have a hollowness inside me that only you can fill. I love you so," Hiro murmured, between tender kisses.
"Hiro, I love you, too. I only wish that we could leave here this minute, instead of waiting until September. My father is now trying to marry me off to the Black Widow of Caswell county. I shudder at the thought of going anywhere near her. There is much talk that she is a witch," Duo whispered fearfully as he dropped to his knees and started unbuttoning Hiro's breeches.
"Don't worry, my beloved, I will never allow her to bewitch you. I'd kill her if she even dares to look at you funny! You're mine, Duo, and I will never give you up," he said, moaning softly as Duo pulled his cock free of his breeches and deftly unbuttoned the cuffs from around his knees.
Duo stripped Hiro's breeches off as he sucked on his cock. His purple eyes gazed up at the beautiful man who he had come to love with all of his heart and soul. "Will you love me forever and always, Hiro?" he asked, kissing the leaking head and lapping up its delicious juices.
"I will love you throughout eternity, beloved," Hiro moaned. He hauled Duo back up to his feet and started undressing his lover slowly; he enjoyed exposing every inch of that wonderful body. "Beautiful," he murmured and kissed the dusty pink nipple as he dropped his lover's shirt to the ground.
Duo growled with need as his tore at the bindings on the gypsy's large, ruffled shirt. "Look who's talking, my sweet beautiful Hiro."
Soon they were both naked and sinking down onto the cool river bank. They hungrily explored every inch of each other's bodies. Hiro reached behind his Duo's head and untied the ribbon that held his long, silky auburn hair in a braid. The gypsy enjoyed running his fingers through his Duo's thick hair.
Hiro gazed lovingly into Duo's amethyst colored eyes. "No, my love, there has never been anyone more beautiful than you. I love the way your eyes change colors with your moods, and God himself must have designed your lips explicitly for kissing," Hiro said softly, kissing Duo deeply on his full lips to emphasize his point. "Mm, Ambrosia never tasted as sweet."
Duo lay blissfully underneath Hiro's body, and he ran a gentle finger over his lover's perfect lips. How could someone so perfect think that he was beautiful? Duo shook his head in awe as he caressed up and down the man's muscular back, while relishing the warm weight covering him, possessing him. He wanted to be claimed and owned by this man who he loved above all others. "Make love to me, Hiro. I want to feel you plow deep within me and fill me with your seed," he murmured huskily.
"Mm, you want me to sow your fields, my little farm boy," the gypsy chuckled happily as he rubbed a finger over his lover's tight opening, then pushed it inside.
Duo spread his legs and raised his hips to offer himself totally to his lover. "Yes. Oh, yes. Take me, I'm yours, and only yours."
"Forever and always, beloved," Hiro murmured, slipping another finger inside his Duo.
"Throughout time, my love," Duo moaned, pushing against those delicious fingers and raking his nail across Hiro's back. He groaned and arched his body as his lover inserted a third finger and twisted them around inside him. He gazed up at the love of his life with passion filled eyes, he was in heaven and Hiro was his dark angel.
Hiro couldn't hold back any longer, the sight of his lover's wanton body was driving him insane. He coated his cock with the sweet oil that he always carried in his coat pocket. Then he positioned Duo's legs over his shoulders and stared down into the lust filled amethyst eyes that had changed to a deep shade of indigo. "You are my love and my life," he said as he positioned the head of his cock against the small opening, straining hard until he broached the ring of muscles and sunk into his lover's small, hot willing body. It felt almost like a religious experience to Hiro each time he took Duo this way.
The wet grass and pebbles under his back didn't distract Duo from the wonderful feeling of his lover's thickness sliding into his body, filling and completing him. "Oh, so good," he moaned.
The two men were unaware of the pair of cold jealous eyes that watched them angrily from her hiding place in the dense bushes. She had become enamored with the beautiful young Duo Khushrenada and had begged her father to arrange a marriage through the elder Khushrenada for her and his son. This one she just might keep around longer than she did her other husbands all of whom she had married only for their money and not out of desire or love. She felt her loins burn with hot desire as she stared upon the naked body of her Duo.
Her face contorted with hatred as she watched the gypsy's large organ slide in and out of her future husband's tight hole. Her fingernails dug painfully into her palms at the sounds of pleasure issuing from the lips of both men. That filthy gypsy will pay dearly for touching what is to be hers, she would see to it. It was providence that she had spotted her Duo on his horse and followed him here. It was God's will that she should save Duo from the cunning gypsy who had used his remarkable beauty to blind her Duo from seeing the evil demon hidden inside. All gypsies are in league with Satan, they were all sinners from the oldest to the youngest. Duo was too innocent and naive to know this. He would make her an obedient husband, someone she could shape to her will.
Lucrezia felt a dampness between her legs wetting her undergarments as she lustfully watched Duo wrap his long legs around the larger man's back and pulled him in deeper, arching his back off the ground as his milky white seed spilled from his penis. The gypsy's powerful arms pulled Duo's legs tighter around his body and he ground his hip into the beauty's creamy ass forcing his organ in as far as it would go. Hiro came with a roar, his body jerking in time with his shooting cock as he filled his lover with his seed.
They fell exhaustedly into each other's arms into sweet sated bliss. After twenty minutes Duo interrupted their peaceful silence. "It will be dusk in less than an hour, Hiro. I promised my father that I'd be back before then. Can you apologize to the little ones and your son? Tell them that I'll be back tomorrow to tell them stories to their hearts content," he said. Rising he stepped into the river to clean the sticky semen from his body.
Two pairs of appreciative eyes watched him as he sloshed water over his flat stomach and long, toned legs. Duo's beautiful round ass was facing Hiro and he wanted to sink back in between those firm cheeks and lose himself inside this man. He slowly rose and wadded out into the river, pulling Duo back into his arms. "I will see if we can leave before September. It tears my heart in two every time you leave me."
"I don't ever want to leave you, Hiro. I would love to spend the night sleeping in your arms, but if my father were ever to suspect … I'm afraid of what he would do," Duo replied sadly, stepping out of the river he pulled his clothes back on over his wet skin.
Hiro watched silently as his lover made his way back to his horse. He had never known such love in all of his twenty-nine years.
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Khushrenada Plantation
1822 (Past)
Sunday Evening
Sunday Evening
"Treize, you have a fine looking lad there. Although, he's short and a little thin, but no worry my Lucrezia's cooking will put some meat on his bones. It's about time the lad settles down and starts giving you and your wife some fine grandchildren," Edward Noin rambled, sipping on a glass of port. It was a joke of course and Khushrenada laughed. Ladies of quality did not cook; they let the slaves do that type of work.
The women had withdrawn to the sitting room as the men discussed the marriage arrangements for their children in the study.
Duo leaned against the mantel feeling like a piece of meat as the two men arranged the rest of his life for him.
"I expect a larger than normal dowry, Edward. Your Lucrezia is no longer a virgin, and she is getting up there in age. I'll admit that I am concerned that she only bore one child out of her four previous marriages," Khushrenada said.
"Little Edward is proof that my Lucrezia isn't barren, it isn't her fault she married men who were. I will agree with you on her age. Thirty-one years is rather old, but she still has a lot of childbearing years left. What about your son? How are his teeth? Does he have any health problems?"
"My son is in excellent health. Duo, show Edward your teeth," Khushrenada ordered.
Duo slowly walked over to Mr. Noin's chair and opened his mouth. The portly man grabbed his jaw and pulled down his lip with his thumb, studying Duo's perfect teeth and gums.
"Edward, have you ever seen a set of whiter or straighter teeth?" Khushrenada asked with pride.
"No, I haven't. Your lad is certainly attractive, I'm surprised that he isn't already taken," Mr. Noin replied, releasing Duo.
"I wanted him to get an education first and travel. It's important for a young man to get the wanderlust out of his system before he settles down. Duo has done that and is now more than happy to marry and raise a large family. Isn't that right, boy?" Treize asked his son who had gone back to stand beside the mantel.
"Yes, father."
"Very well, Treize, I will draw up my offer tomorrow. We'll want to get our children married as soon as possible. How does the first Sunday in September sound to you?" Mr. Noin asked.
"Fine, Edward," Khushrenada said happily. Even without the large dowry, he wanted Duo to marry the wealthy widow. His son would by law take over his wife's assets. Then there was the woman herself, she would tame his son of his wild ways. Yes, this was the best arrangement for all of them.
"Father, if you don't need me anymore. I think I shall retire for the night," Duo said. He was planning to sneak out to see Hiro tonight.
"Of course, son. Don't forget to say goodnight to your mother and Mrs. Noin, and your future wife," Khushrenada replied.
"Yes, sir. Goodnight, Mr. Noin," he said, heading out of the room.
After he said his goodnights to the women, he climbed the main staircase up to the first floor landing then headed down the hallway and climbed a small set of stairs up to the third floor where his rooms were. Duo wanted to get the picture books that he had promised to show the young gypsy children.
Duo crept back downstairs by way of the servant's staircase and out the back door of the manor. He didn't notice that he was being watched.
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Duo contentedly snuggled up against his lover's nude body. It was pleasant inside Hiro's small wagon. It smelled of cinnamon and spices. He looked forward to spending many long nights inside making love to Hiro as they traveled together. He was just drifting off to sleep when the sound of horse hooves and shouting brought him back to full consciousness.
Hiro shot upright, he was reaching for his knives when the back door of the wagon was yanked open and rough hands pulled the two young men out. They were dragged struggling over to the large campfire.
Duo stared in shock at the mob of angry men holding the gypsy clan at gunpoint. Then his eyes locked with those of his father, and his world dropped out from under him.
Treize Khushrenada swung down from his horse and walked over to his trembling son who was held firmly by two of his neighbors. He backhanded his son across his face. "Sinner! I will take care of you at home, Duo!" he snarled. "Find a blanket and cover up his nakedness," Khushrenada ordered.
Hiro was struggling wildly; he wanted to kill the man for hitting his lover. It took four men to hold him.
Khushrenada walked over to the struggling young gypsy. He stared contemptuously at the man's naked body marked with signs of passion. The young man was beautiful; it was no wonder he had been able to lure his son into his evil clutches. "Devil's spawn, you shall pay dearly for touching my son! Tie the *heathen* to that tree," Khushrenada barked and grabbed a horsewhip from off his saddle.
"Father, NO! DON'T!" Duo shouted, struggling with the two larger men holding him, he had been wrapped in a blanket so tightly that he wasn't able to move his arms.
"Duo, this devil has beguiled you! You shall watch him punished for it! I shall beat him back to hell where he belongs!"
"Please, Father. Don't hurt him," Duo begged as he watched his lover tied to a tree with his back and buttocks exposed the angry men. "I'll do anything that you say, please, just let him go."
Khushrenada stared thoughtfully at his only child's tear stained face. The future of the Khushrenada bloodline rested in his son's loins. "Very well, Duo, I won't touch him. However, you will be punished severely for sinning, and for your sake you'd better pray that the Noin's still want you for a son-in-law," he said, dropping the whip. "Zechs, take my son home. I will join you there as soon as we run these gypsies out of our area."
Duo sighed, calming down, he knew his father would beat him when he got home, but at least Hiro will be all right. He gazed one final time upon his lover as tears of regret and anguish streamed from his eyes. Pulling the blanket around himself Duo mounted his horse and followed his father's friend back toward the manor house.
Treize watched as his son's horse disappeared into the night before bending to pick up the whip. He waited until he was sure that no sound would reach his son's ears. The other men grinned wickedly as he brought the whip down with all of his might across the gypsy's smooth back.
Hiro shrieked as the whip flayed the skin off his back. Young children and women began crying hysterically as the whip was brought down again and again. They pleaded and begged Khushrenada to let Hiro go. A pretty and young gypsy woman shielded Hiro's eight year old son's face from seeing the beating. She took Oden to the edge of the camp and held his shaking and crying body against hers. The mob of men kept their guns trained on the gypsies as the whipping continued it didn't stop until every inch of skin on the young man's back had been torn to shreds. Blood pooled in the dirt around Hiro's bare feet.
"Cut him down," Treize ordered as he walked over to a woodpile and picked up an ax then motioned for his neighbors to drag the semiconscious young man over to the chopping block. "Lay his hand on the block," he ordered. "Gypsy, this is what we do to *heathens* that touch our sons and daughters. You will never touch another man's son again."
Hiro struggled weakly as his hand was laid upon the wood block. "Duo, my Duo," he murmured, over and over. He was too weak to cry out as the ax blade cut through his flesh and bone.
Hiro watched in a fog as his hand laid there next to his bleeding stump, he watched as Duo's father picked up his severed hand and tossed it into the fire. He realized then that he was dying. The wounds on his back and now the blood spilling out of his wrist were too severe for his body to handle. //Duo, beloved, I swear on all that I hold most dear that I will never stop looking for you. Death will not be enough to keep us apart. We shall be together again, forever and always,// he prayed silently. Then stared up at the elder Khushrenada and started to chant in the ancient language of his people.
Several of the gypsies around the campfire backed away from fear. No one in centuries had dared to cast a curse such an unmerciful curse upon another human.
Treize noticed the fear in all the gypsies as they backed away from their dying kin. "What is he saying? Why are you afraid?" he asked as the final word left Hiro's mouth and he smiled up at the old man. "You can never keep Duo and I apart. Our love is for eternity," he said, dying with a blissful smile on his radiant face.
An ancient gypsy woman stepped forward, covering Hiro's body with her shawl. She looked upon Khushrenada and said, "You have been cursed man. Hiro has had his revenge on you. Never again will your soul know true happiness. Not in this lifetime or any other. All that you hold the dearest will be destroyed. Every time you find love -- you will lose it. The only way the curse can be lifted is for Hiro to be reunited with his beloved."
Treize's eyes grew wide with fear. "Never! I will send my son away from here, someplace where he can never be found. Spirits cannot cross the ocean, I will send Duo to England," he exclaimed. He was no fool, he believed in the powers that he could not see. His father had told him of the powers of the gypsies.
Khushrenada ran to his horse and leapt upon its back, he must get back to his son. He looked up at the crescent moon. According to his father, spirits only had the power to kill during the full moon. He knew that for the gypsy to claim his son for eternity he would have to kill him. Sending his son away was the only hope he had of protecting him.
Oden's sad prussian eyes watched the horse race across the field vanishing into the darkness. His eight year old heart had learned to hate this evening. When he is old enough he would kill these men as cruelly as they had killed his father.
A/N: First chapter of another story done……I couldn't help it honest, the bunny……hopping…….bit me………hand cramp…….*cough* Anyways, yes, Khushrenada is Duo's father who just can't be his father because he's a bad bad man, and……I'll stop now. You know I'm still buzzing from this chapter. I think I'm a little hyper. Shoot me now, that way I won't know what happened in my hallucinated hyper rage of fanfiction doom. Or not, because if anything, I'm kinda attached to my skin. Well, hope you enjoyed and please review! Pleasepleasepleaseplease……(pathetic I know; blame it on……on……something, because my brain is seeing dancing Duo's and I can't figure out why).
