Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Best Laid Plans ❯ Best Laid Plans ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Best Laid Plans

Title:Best Laid Plans

Author: Ashes, Miko no Tears, Trowa's kitty

Pairings: 6+2 and 3+OC

Warnings: SHOUEN AI, if this bothers you, go away, while there is a straight couple, the enphasis is on the gay one, so deal. A bit of angst and OOC. Oh and Self-insert.

Rating: PG13 for implied sex (so very vague, it might not be construed that way)

DISCLAIMER: I do not and probably never shall, own Gundam wing and its characters, this is purely for entertainment value. Don't sue, for I don't own much of value. Though Ashale is mine, or rather me.

Notes: as Ashalee has known Milliard all her life she calls him that, and as the guys met him as Zechs that is what they call him. that should clear that up. Oh and Duo is Ashalee's brother, his given name (for the fic mind you) is Brennen.

Feedback: Please, food for the brain is always good! Send replies to

Ok here's my latest fic, Best laid Plans. My evil roommate kind of inspired it by dragging my back into 6x/+2 fics. Its not that I don't like them, it was more that I just couldn't find many of them, though I would read them if I found one. Emjoy

Best Laid Plans

"Hey, Duo, what the hell are you up to? You were supposed to be with the guys tonight." I asked. My brother was supposed to go the karaoke bar with Milliardo and rest of the guys. I knew Milliardo had a plan of sorts and Duo not being there was hampering them.

"I don't feel like it, ok?" he practically snapped at me. I knew then for sure that something was bothering him. Duo never let his temper flare like this; he preferred to hide it behind the jester's mask he constantly wore. I knew this and I had only been with him for the last two years. It was something Daddy had done, and I found Duo was a lot like Daddy.

It was his birthday, and I had wanted him to have fun. I wanted him to be happy regardless of what day it was. My baby brother deserved happiness after all he had been through. Milliard was who and what he needed to be happy.

"Ashalee, why didn't you go with every one?" He didn't turn around and look at me.

"Because I need to be sure you don't cop out again. They all care about you, Duo. You running like this, isn't easy for any of them." I walked up behind him and gave him a hug. "Go to the bar. They have a surprise for you" he shrugged me off and headed upstairs.

I used my hand held vid phone to call Trowa. "We are going to be late, but he will be there. Even if I have to hog tie him. Milliardo has too many plans riding on tonight."

"Ok, I'll keep the guys entertained. but I don't know for how much longer. Zechs is a nervous wreck over here." Trowa gave me a rueful smile just before he hung up on me.

"Duo! If you aren't going to go out with the guys, why don't you go out with me?" I shouted as I climbed the stairs.

"NO! Ashalee, go away!"

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what the hell is bothering you!" I pounded on his door in the small house we shared with Heero.

"Go Away, Ashalee, you wouldn't understand."

"Try me, damn it! How do you know I won't understand if you don't tell me? If you didn't want to leave the house, then tell me and we can do something at home tonight." I was ready to try to kick his door down.

"I just want to be left alone."

I shrieked in frustration. I stomped back downstairs and through the kitchen to get to the basement, my sanctuary and room.

I snagged my vid phone hanging from my back pocket. I didn't even wait for the video to kick in before I started talking, "He isn't coming, he's dwelling on Milliardo…"

Milliardo's face appeared as I was ranting thinking that Trowa was going to be the face on screen. Milliardo's eyes saddened greatly with my news, "Oh, Damn, I'm sorry Milliard. What you pulled last year is really biting us, this year. He doesn't think I understand, but I do, kind of," I though about Trowa and how I honestly felt for him and that he would never know. "Bring every one back here, I'm going to set up my machine and call my friend for the song. Be here by 9 and be very quiet, I don't want him knowing you guys are here. Come straight to my room and it will be ready."

Last year, right about this time, Milliardo screwed up. He let the opinions of others hold too much sway, over his relationship with Duo. He broke up with Duo and it wasn't pretty at all. It took all of my willpower not to kill one of my best friends, when he had, none too gently refused Duo. I couldn't understand the reasoning, and I couldn't condone the method. Duo had been hurt for a while, I could tell, his mask wasn't as bright as before, but he made everyone believe he was fine and nothing was bothering him.

Milliardo nodded and clicked off. Great. Wonderful. My brother was being uncooperative and I had to get my room/the basement set up. I had a very wide ledge that ran all the perimeter of the basement. I had one wall set up as a stage, for my friends, when we did karaoke night here. I had carpeting down on the floor and a few tables set up around it, for those who just wanted to mingle. This house had been mine before I found my brother. This was my little night club, open every Friday night, kind of thing. I even had a permit for it. But when I found Brennen, err Duo, or actually when Milliardo found him for me.


Milliardo found him after a battle and brought him to me. He was in such horrible shape; he had burns all over and lacerations that bleed profusely, but the thing that had I worried the most was his head wound. He had a considerable knot forming just above his left temple. Milliardo helped me undressed him and bathe him. I bound his broken leg and patched up all of his wounds. I could tell he had been through hell. While he was in hell, I soared to heaven. I found my little brother! Milliardo had turned him over so I could finish my ministrations to him when I noticed the vague butterfly birth mark just below his left shoulder blade.

Brennen, my little brother, had disappeared when I was five and he was about three and a half. Momma, who he looked so much like, had fallen into a deep depression, leaving Daddy and I to cope without her. I resented him for the first part of my life for that, but Daddy insisted we celebrate his birthday every year and have hope that he was still alive. Momma wouldn't even come out of her room after the first two years and declined before our eyes by the third years. Daddy did the best he could for me but without Momma's gentler influences I had become independent, and strong willed, with a temper people expect from a red head, such as me.

Brennen had eyes like Momma's a, deep piercing blue violet color unique to her family, his hair was chestnut and soft as hers but with shots of the red copper color of Daddy's. While his face shape was so Momma's, his grin was all Daddy's.

When he opened his eyes for the first time almost a week after Milliardo had brought him to my little hideaway, I knew I had my little brother back. I hugged him so hard he yelped.

"Geez, lady are you trying to kill me?" he gave me a cheeky grin, even with the pain shadowing his eyes.

"Brennen, you're alive, you're really alive!" I had tears in my eyes, threatening to spill over.

"Hey, now, green eyes. No need to cry. Now, who is Brennen?" My hopes fell and shattered at first when he asked that.

"You are," I replied, after I remembered the signs of our family.

"Huh?" The puzzled look was just too cute one him. "And what makes you say that, green eyes?"

"Your birthmark, your eyes and your smile." I stated matter of factly.

He gave me more shit. I never told him my name as he always referred to me as green eyes, as our father had. A week of going back and forth and he still wasn't ready to accept. Then he came down with a fever. He was deathly ill for several days. During that time he kept calling out a few names, one was mine. I was stopped in my tracks.the first time I heard my name.

"…ashawee, wait up! Don't go! Don't leave me behind! Ashawee!" I had run up ahead of him, he couldn't keep up and then he fell. I came back for him when I realized he wasn't behind me and I couldn't find him.

I cried for so long. Millardo had returned to see how the kid was doing and found me bawling. Before he could say anything I heard my brother in the other room, "Ashalee? Ashalee, are you there?"

We talked for hours, me telling him about our family, him telling me his sad past, and where he had come up with his name. He didn't trust me enough to tell me that he was a gundam pilot, which at first I didn't understand, but I finally did later.

Milliardo also spent a ton of time at the little cabin, getting to know my little brother. He suspected Duo was a gundam pilot, but he had no proof. Something I was profoundly grateful for. They spent almost as much time talking and getting to know each other as Duo and I did. Duo finally convinced me to call him by his self giving name, though I still slip up and call him Brennen.

He disappeared one day, just out of the blue. He never failed to send me a message or something, when he was in the area. I moved out of the cabin in the middle of nowhere when the war ended and my little house still stood. He found me there, bringing a friend along.


I had my basement/room set up in less then an hour and put in the call to my friend for the song Milliardo, wanted for tonight. I had to admit, that if he hadn't been a family friend, I might have slit his throat, for making my brother so miserable. I almost slit Noin's, when she stole Millardo away from Duo for a while

Part of it was the pressure from his sister, that prissy ex-queen of the world. But pressure came from all sides, his boss was one of them, etc. That didn't mean he was easily forgiven, by me, anyways. Duo still hadn't really forgiven him. I figured, I really WAS going to have to hog tie him, to get him down here.

The main body of people crept in through the back door I had left unlocked. Heero, Quatre, Trowa, Milliardo, and Wufei came in without Relena, his fiancé. My friend Amanda came in with the song and we queued that up for Milliard. Amanda though of Duo as a brother she never had. She plopped down in one of the far chairs, as she waited for Duo to come down. Sally Po and Lady Une were the last to arrive. When they were seated, I snuck up to my brother's room.

I kicked in his door, to surprise him. He wasn't there, shock to me. Damn. I heard the music drifting from the patio. I heard the sounds of a song that I hadn't heard for a long time. An old earth band called Nickelback and the song was Someday…it kinda gave me hope for tonight. He probably saw every one arrive at the house from here.

I was glad I didn't bet on it, as I would have lost. He had fallen asleep with the music playing, but the song was on to repeat that one. I silently left the patio to find Trowa. He was waiting for us to show up so he seemed a little disappointed, as was everyone else. I threaded my way to him. "Trowa?" Do me a favor?" I asked

"Sure, What?"

"Carry Duo down here? He fell asleep on the patio." I think I must of had a slight smile on my face, cuz he gave me a smile and nodded his head.

"Give me a second and I'll meet you there, ok?" I nodded and crept outside as not to disturb him.

He had barely twitched from the position I had left him in. He looked so sad and it hurt to see him like that. He usually had a smile screwed on for the world to see, and though I knew it was fake, it had helped many people through hard times.

Trowa slipped through the back door followed closely by Milliardo. I didn't know if I should have thought, `why didn't I think of that?' or `why the hell did Trowa bring him for?' `Why didn't I think about that' won, if you were wondering.

Trowa and Milliard stood on either side of my little brother. Trowa tapped his shoulder then leapt out of the way as Duo jumped up and positioned himself for a fight, this before he was even cognizant. "Duo, relax, it's only me, Trowa and Milliardo."

I turned off his music as I waited for the recognition to seep in. "Ashalee?" he murmured. His hands fell back to his sides as images seeped in. "What's up?"

"Come on, we are going to my room," he didn't see Trowa or Milliardo, who had stayed behind him. I grabbed his hand and ran through the back door and down the stairs, dragging him with me. Everyone had patiently milled about, waiting for Duo to show up. When we finally made it back downstairs, every one shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DUO!"

His jaw dropped in shock and he gaped like a goldfish for a moment or two. Amanda took up her post by the Karaoke machine and as soon as Milliardo was on stage with his mic, she started the music. To my shock, Trowa joined him. They sang together and it was awesome.

/Breathe in for luck breathe in so deep this air is blessed you share with me this

Night is wild so calm and dull these hearts they race

From self control your legs are smooth

As they graze mine we're doing fine we're doing nothing at all.

Milliardo had his gaze centered on Duo as he sang.

/My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me.

So won't you kill me, so I die happy.

My heart is yours to fill or burst or break or bury or wear as jewelery,

Which ever you prefer./

I kept my gaze off Trowa, sadness filled my heart, he was doing this for someone here, and I bet it wasn't me. I tried to be honestly happy for the person who had his attention, but I had to admit that I was jealous as well. I dragged my thoughts back to Milliardo and what he was doing for Duo, and how sweet it was.

/The words are hushed lets not get busted,

Just lay entwined here undiscovered.

Safe from the earth and all the stupid questions...

'hey did you get some?' Man, that is so dumb.

Stay quiet, stay near, stay close they can't hear, so we can get some./

Duo seemed to catch on to what Milliardo was up to. And the smile on his face just lit up the room. Of course, that was after his adorable puzzled look, faded from his face. It was his first real smile, on that reached his eyes, in a year. His smile was infectious, and it had most of the room grinning like loons, not that we cared.

/My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me.

So won't you kill me, so I die happy. My

Heart is yours to fill or burst or break or bury or wear as jewelery,

Which ever you prefer.

Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember,

I'll always remember the sound of the stereo,

The dim of the soft lights,

The scent of your hair that you twirled in your fingers and

The time on the clock when we realized

It's so late and the walk that we shared together.

The street was wet and the gate was locked

So I jumped it and let you in and you stood at the door

With your hands on my waist and you kissed me, like you meant it.

But you meant it and I knew that you meant it,

That you meant it, that you meant it,

And I knew, that you meant it, that you meant it./

When the song was finished, no one could keep from applauding. The performance was awesome, on so many levels. Milliardo leapt off the makeshift stage and headed directly to Duo, not that any one stopped him.

"Duo, I did something really stupid last year, and I know it. I knew it almost as soon as I did it. Can you forgive me and give this fool one more chance?" Milliardo had a look of hope in his eyes that was quickly distinguishing as Duo, the little brat, `thought about it'.

"Of course I forgive you, though if you do it again, don't expect to survive with all your parts intact. If I don't chop off a few choice pieces, I know Ashalee will, and you know how she is." He grinned, and pulled the taller man in for a kiss.

"DUO!" I turned away to hide my embarrassment and turned into Trowa. He looked down at me, expectantly. I lost myself in those gorgeous eyes. "So, what would you say, if I asked you to be my girlfriend?" The hurt and jealousy vacated my heart so fast. I reached up on my tiptoes to reach his face and kissed him. "That answer your question? Or do I need to tell you again?" I smiled as he playfully pondered the question.

"Yeah, I think I need the answer again, I didn't quite understand it the first time." I jumped him this time, kissing him with all the passion I could muster.

Duo was apparently reading my mind and working accordingly because he went in for another kiss from Milliardo the same way. Everyone cheered and Heero and Wufei exchanged money. I caught it out of the corner of my eye. I wrapped Trowa's arms around me and asked, "What are you two doing?"

Heero glanced at Quatre then at me. "I made a bet with Wufei; I told him that I bet today Trowa would finally make his move. That and Zechs wouldn't get Duo back."

"Ok, so Wufei, you bet against Trowa, ok that one I kinda understand," I glanced up into Trowa's eyes, "Sorry, but you have to admit, that seems about right." I kissed him again when a tiny playful frown appeared.

"Ok, now Heero, you bet against Milliardo? Why? You of all people know how determined he is."

"Yeah, well, I was expecting Duo to fight him a bit. Duo, you are a stubborn mule any other time, so I figured you'd give him the run around for at least a little bit," he shrugged as he watched Milliardo and Duo kiss again. He pulled Quatre close and gave him a quick kiss on his nose, then on his lips. The women and I mean all of us couldn't help the aaawwws that escaped our mouths. It was just too cute, both couples were. Though at the rate Duo and Milliardo were going, they might need to invest in a room, really soon, they had a years worth of lost time to make up on. Made me so happy I lived in the basement.

The party continued and Trowa stayed by my side, the entire time. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Do you know how long, I have wanted to do this?" And he kissed me. "And how long, I have been hiding my feelings from the world?" He kissed me again, softly. "And how crazy, you drove me?" He leaned in some more, so he was almost kissing me again. "Do you now, how much I love you?" he rubbed my nose with his, an Eskimo kiss.

I lost track of Duo and Milliardo shortly after that. I didn't mind, or really care by that point.

The end


I hope you enjoyed that, a bit of relief from my normal work. If you liked it, or hated it enough, drop me a line at