Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Betrayal For a Heart ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Betrayal for a Heart

By: Cece Williams

((Disclaimer: I don't know when was the last time I wrote a "GW" fanfic. I don't own the series, either. The only things I own in this story are Caitlin and the L2 FBI. All the characters in this story are fictious.))


The building was dark from the night, and five young guys were inside it, trying to infiltrate the building. One by one, they were captured by an unknown person and taken to the holding cells. The only ones that were left were a guy with short blond hair and a guy with long brown hair in a single braid.

"This person's pretty tough," the longhaired one told his friend.

The blond nodded, his bangs flipping into his blue-green eyes. "Yeah, you're right," he answered. Before they could move, two dozen people surrounded them, leaving them outnumbered.

"You're coming with us," one of them spoke to them, the voice tough but feminine.

The blond elbowed his friend in the ribs. "We better do what the lady says," he said to him in a whisper.

Ten minutes later, all five were in two holding cells.

"Oh, real smart, Duo," a person with brown hair and piercing blue eyes said in a deadly monotone voice, his arms crossed against his chest. "You got your butt handed to you by a girl."

Duo glared at him, not answering him.

In the other one, one person with brown hair and green eyes leaned against the wall, his arms crossed against his chest. He looked to the blond one through his bangs. "You like her, don't you, Quatre?" he asked him.

Quatre looked at him. "Well, I only looked at her for a second," he answered. "She's kind of pretty."

The fifth person lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling. "She's the enemy," he said in a Chinese accent.

"Wufei, is that all you can think of?" Quatre asked, his blue-green eyes looking at him.

Suddenly, the girl stopped at the holding cell next to them. Quatre looked through the window at her. Although he didn't know her name, he liked her. He watched as she walked into the cell.

As she walked in, she wore a black uniform and a hat on her head, giving the impression that her hair was short. Her blue eyes shone through the dark room. "Hey, big brother, it's been a while," she spoke to the long haired one.

Duo went into shock as the girl took off her hat, a long chocolate stream of hair falling down her back, stopping at her hips. "Wait a minute," he said. "You mean I have a sister?"

She nodded. "Caitlin Maxwell, L2 Colony FBI," she answered, showing her badge. "I can't believe it's been ten years."

From the other cell, Trowa and Quatre looked at each other, shocked. "Ten years?" they echoed.

"She's kidding, right?" Quatre asked him.

"It doesn't look like that to me," Trowa answered him. "She's pretty serious about that."

Back in the cell that Caitlin was in, Duo still hadn't recovered from the shock. All of a sudden, images from the time he was only five came back to him, when Caitlin and him were in the orphanage. Then, only a few months later, she was adopted, and that was the last time he had seen her. "I thought you were dead," was all he could get out.

"That's what you get for thinking," she answered.

Heero just stared at her. Sure, she was a beautiful girl, but she was still the enemy. He didn't trust her one bit, not that he had a reason to, because of her position and who she was.

From the other cell, Quatre watched the reunion unfold. "You know, guys, Duo never mentioned a sister until now," he said, mainly looking at Caitlin. "But she is still pretty."

"Yeah, pretty dangerous," Wufei said from the cot. "When we escape from here, we got to kill her."

Trowa still was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed. He looked at Quatre, who looked defiant against Wufei's idea. While they weren't looking, he smiled; he knew Quatre had a thing for her.

"Maybe she was brainwashed or something," Quatre made his point. "You know, maybe after finding out that her brother was 'killed' could have sent her over the edge." He looked back through the window, hoping that he was right.

Caitlin, in the meantime, pulled her serious face on again. "Don't hate me because of what I have to do," she said in barely a whisper.

"How could I hate you?" he asked her. "You're my sister; there's nothing you can do to make me hate you."

Though Caitlin was trying to look serious, a tear fell from each of her eyes. She took out the gun from her holster and held it to his heart. "My boss wants me to kill you … and the others, too." Her hand was shaking, trying to keep the gun up.

"You're kidding, right?" he asked her.

Caitlin shook her head, the tears falling harder. "I can't do it, Duo," she answered him, putting the gun back into the holster. After she dried her eyes, she walked back to the cell door. After the guard opened the door, she was gone without another word.

Duo sat on the floor, shaking his head. His own sister, the one he was trying to find all this time, was going to kill them all. He looked at Heero, who looked ready to kill her anyway.

In the other cell, Quatre's face was in shock. Caitlin had to kill them as part of her job. He started thinking of a way of keeping her from doing that, even though the thought would be pointless.

Trowa finally moved from the wall and stood next to Quatre. "You know what they say about playing with fire," he said calmly.

Quatre turned around, seeing Trowa. "Yeah, I got burned, huh?" he asked.

In her quarters, Caitlin looked at herself in the mirror. She had just found her brother after all these years of searching, and now she has to kill him. The blond person sat in her mind; as good-looking as he was, she had to kill him, too. "There's no way I can let that happen," she said to herself. "He's my brother."

She closed her eyes, tears falling from them. He wanted her to have a better life, and that was why she was adopted before he was. She opened her eyes again, her blue eyes filled with a purpose. "It's about time I returned the favor," she said, going to the bathroom.

After Caitlin walked back out, she had braided her long hair into two long braids with a scrunchie joining them together. She pulled her cap in her hair. She wore a light blue sweater with black pants and black boots, with her gun at her side.

She moved quickly to where the holding cell was but stopped when there was a guard there. Damn it, Caitlin thought to herself. I thought this was going to be easy. She leaned herself against the wall, waiting for the right time to strike. Just when the guard turned his head away from her, she grabbed him around him his neck and broke it with an effortless snap.

She knelt next to him and grabbed the keys to the cells. "Easy come, easy go," she said, smiling. She looked to the cell, seeing Quatre looking at her. She smiled at him adoringly as she stood to her feet.

As Caitlin made her way to his cell, Quatre looked into her eyes. "Caitlin, you came back," he said to her.

Keeping her smile on her face, she answered, "I'm getting all five of you out of here." She unlocked his cell, which Trowa and Wufei walked out after Quatre. After they got out, she got to her brother's cell. She unlocked it and walked in, stepping to her brother. "Duo, wake up," she said, shaking his shoulder.

Duo opened his eyes, seeing Caitlin's face. She looked like she was crying. "Aren't you going to get in trouble for doing this?" he asked her.

Caitlin shook her head, letting her brother see her braided hair. "Like brother, like sister," she answered. "I can't live with myself if anything happened to you, Duo." All six of them stood in the hallway.

After they had killed another five guards, they pulled the guns off of them. Caitlin heard a click next to her ear; she turned around and saw that Heero had aimed his gun at her head. "I'm doing this for my brother, and other reasons," she said, looking into his eyes.

He didn't blink; he just cocked his gun and looked at her, still not trusting her at all.

"If you kill me, then you guys will get lost here," she said matter-of-factly. "Plus, you'll be outnumbered about twenty to one." Her dark blue eyes flashed through to the others. "So, unless, you want to be killed, it looks like you guys don't have a choice."

He pulled his gun away from her, nodding his head in agreement. Caitlin breathed a sigh of relief, but she knew that they were only through half of the battle. She had to get them out of there … even if it cost her life to do this.

After a long fight against the guards, she got them to the hanger where their Gundam suits were being held. While Heero, Trowa, and Wufei into their Gundams, Duo stayed next to Caitlin, who was trying not to cry. "Duo, just get out of here while you still can," she said. "I can hold them off for a little longer."

"I'm not letting you go again," he said. "I did it before, and I almost lost you; now, that's gonna change."

Caitlin held her hand out to Duo. "Brother and sister till the end, huh?" she asked him.

Duo grabbed her hand. "Always, Caitlin," he answered.

After the door opened, a swarm of guards came storming in. Quatre, for a guy who didn't like fighting, did well, taking out several guards. He was behind some crates, but the shots were getting closer. As soon as he thought a bullet was going to kill him, another two gunshots rang out. He looked up and saw that Caitlin had shot the two aiming for him.

Caitlin gave him a slight wink, making him roll his eyes. She was just as cocky as her brother. They covered each other's back, shooting whoever was shooting at them. One of the guards got a lucky shot, hitting Quatre in the arm. Caitlin came back with a fury, shooting the guard dead. "Are you okay?" she asked him.

"I'll live," he answered, smiling even though Caitlin could already tell that he was in pain.

Caitlin turned her head towards him; the bullet that was fired from another guard was aiming at his head. She grabbed Quatre and pushed him out of the way, the bullet hitting her near her ribcage. She fell to the floor, holding her side. She looked up, seeing that the same guard who hit her was now going to kill her.

A gunshot rang out, making Caitlin drop to the floor. "You okay, sis?" a familiar voice said concerning.

She felt someone's hand pull her to a sitting position; she turned around and saw her brother. "Duo, I thought I told you to get out of here," she said, holding her side.

"And I told you I wasn't going anywhere without you," he answered back.

Caitlin shook her head. "You're not going to quit until I leave with you?" she asked him, starting to stand to her feet.

"Well, I was going to say 'until they're dead,' but that's close enough," he answered her, wrapping his arm around her waist. He felt her almost collapse in his arms. "We're getting you out of here."

Caitlin didn't have to answer him verbally; she was trying not to fall down. She let him lead her into his Gundam and they set off. She saw Sandrock fly out after them, a smile on her relieved face as she laid her head on her brother's shoulder and closed her eyes.

The next day, she woke up in a white room, a fuzzy image of a person clothed in white standing next to her. "Miss Maxwell, I'm glad you're awake," the voice said to her.

Caitlin's eyes began to focus slowly, seeing a girl around sixteen. "Where am I?" she asked.

"You're in the hospital," the voice answered her. "You took a bad hit in your ribcage, but you'll be fine." Caitlin started to sit up, but she was being held down gently. "You should take it easy."

The only thought in her mind was Quatre, if he were all right or if anything happened to him. "You ever seen a blond guy come in here, blue-green eyes, about my age?" she asked.

"Oh, he was in here earlier," the nurse answered her. "He wanted to know how you were doing. He was hit in the arm, but he's doing good."

Caitlin sighed in relief. "Is he still here in the building?" she asked.

"If I find him, I'll let him know you're awake," she answered. "Right now, just take it easy and get some rest, okay?" With that, she left her hospital room.

Caitlin sank her head into her pillows, her eyes looking around for a remote or even a magazine. While she faced the window, she heard a voice.

"I heard you were awake."

She turned around, looking at Quatre with worry in her blue eyes. His arm was in a sling, but other than that, he wasn't hurt. "Quatre, I'm glad you're okay," she said as he sat in a chair next to her.

"Actually, I should say the same about you," he answered, running his good hand through her hair. "You could have been killed."

Caitlin rolled her eyes. "You're starting to sound like Duo," she said. "Anyway, that bullet wasn't going to kill me; it would've killed you, though." She looked around the room. "Speaking of my brother, where'd he go?"

"Oh, he had to get something for you," he answered. "Finding out that his baby sister was alive got him to go out to find you something."

Caitlin laughed, smiling for the first time in front of Quatre.

"You know, you look a lot better when you smile," he continued, seeing her smile for the first time.

"To tell you the truth, Quatre, the only time I really ever smiled was when Duo and I were kids," she said. She looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier when I locked you guys up."

"Don't worry about it," he answered, smiling. "Just don't do it again."

Caitlin laughed again. "Don't worry, Quatre; I won't," she said. She felt his hand on her hand, which stopped her laughing. She looked shocked.

"I really like you a lot," he said, snapping her out of her shock.

Caitlin smiled again, adding a soft giggle. "I've never had someone tell me that before," she said.

"Well, Caitlin, get used to it, because I'm going to keep saying that for as long as you're awake," Quatre answered her. This got a laugh from Caitlin. "Or until Duo gets back, whichever comes first."

A knock sounded on her hospital door. "Hey, sis," she heard Duo's cheery voice talk to her.

Caitlin and Quatre looked up. "Hey, big brother," she said.

"I see you're up, Caitlin," he said, walking to her bedside. "Hey, Quatre. Keeping my little sister company?"

"Yeah, you know me," Quatre answered, looking at Caitlin. He discreetly pointed his finger at Duo and twirled another at his head, which made Caitlin laugh again.

"Anyway, Caitlin … I saw that, Quatre …" Duo said, looking at his friend while hearing Caitlin laughing. Looking to his sister, he added, "I got you something since your birthday's tomorrow."

Caitlin laid her head on her pillows again, looking up at them with blue eyes. "You didn't have to do anything for me," she said. "You didn't even have to get me out of there."

A nurse came in, asking for Quatre to take a phone call. "Caitlin, I got to take this call," he said. "I'll be back, okay?"

She nodded. "Okay," she answered. After Quatre left, she looked at her brother. "What is it?" she asked him, taking the box from her brother. She unwrapped it, revealing a pendant of a silver angel on a chain. "This is so beautiful, bro," she said, looking shocked all over again.

Duo shook his head and hooked it around her neck. "Yeah, I know," he said, hugging her lightly because of her injury.

"I'm never going to take it off, Duo," she said, looking up at him. "Never."

"I hope not," he said, smiling as he sat next to her. "The doctors think you'll be out of here within the end of the week, Caitlin. What do you think of that, kid?"

Caitlin smiled, relieved that she was alive, as well as everyone else. "That's great, Duo, it really is," she answered. She brought her eyes to the window sorrowfully.

"Then, why do you look so down in the dumps?" he asked her.

She tried to hide the tears from falling down her eyes, but he had seen them. "When I went to the cemetery last week, I found out that my mom died the day I was born," she answered, looking at him. "What I want to know is if I killed our own mother."

Duo's face was a mixture of shock and confusion. "Caitlin … our mom didn't die because of you," he answered. "She died because her pregnancy could've meant your life if she didn't bring you here."

Caitlin blinked out tears. "So, Mom died so I could live?" she asked.

"Exactly," he answered, hugging his little sister. "She wanted us to stay together until you can hold your own." He felt her arms go gently around him. "You need to get some rest, okay?"

"Would you stay here with me?" she asked him. "I haven't seen you in ten years; I'm afraid that something will separate us again."

He ran his hand through her hair, which was unbraided and long. "Nothing will ever separate us again," he said. "We're always gonna be brother and sister forever."

Caitlin grabbed his hand gently and squeezed it. "Thanks, Duo," she said before she closed her eyes. She went to sleep and slept like a child.

He stayed by her bedside, looking over her. Although she got them out, she looked scared in her sleep, as if she were afraid of losing him again. Without a word to wake her up, he laid his head on the mattress next to her.

Ten minutes later, Quatre came back in the room, looking at Duo, who was obviously sleeping next to Caitlin. As he looked closer, she was asleep as well. He thought it was a good idea to stand there and take in the sight. He found another chair and sat down on the other side of her.

An hour later, Duo woke up, looking at his sister. "She's still asleep," he said, sighing. He looked up further and saw Quatre. "Hey, Quatre."

"Hey," he answered. "You dozed off."

"I know," Duo answered, looking at his hand, which was still being held by his sister. "Guess she doesn't want me to leave yet."

Quatre couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, it looks that way," he answered.