Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Betrayal ❯ The Decorating Conspiracy ( Chapter 4 )
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing.
Pairings: a brief OC+4/4xOC, OCxOC, 2+4+2, 1x2x1, 3+4+3, eventually 3x4.
Category: set after the war about AC 200, betrayal, romance; OOC; maybe lemon probably lime; Angst; yaoi
Warnings: Cheating, language, lies, lust, good dreams, friends. Brenna and Blade are not nice people, they made me make fun of the pilots.
Spoilers: I'm not sure if I'm going to put anything that pertains to the series. If I do all warn ahead of time. In this chapter nothing except to reference of Trowa in the circus.
Rating: R
Author's Note: Please do not read if any of this will offend you. First off I need to thank my wonderful beta reader, Mookie, is a wonderful person for putting up with me and for taking me back after several of my long absences. I know I've been horrible for not updating sooner, but school, family stuff and procrastination have prevented me from well everything. I must also thank all of those that have given me reviews, it is all of you that have finally forced me to sit down and write chapter 5. Yea a month off of school finally, I took my last final today- I hope to god I passed, oh well. So with a month off I will write more and faster, I promise.
Author: Benji Coyle
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Betrayal Chapter 5
Quatre had been lying on his pullout bed for a good two-and-a-half hours, just staring at the ceiling. Duo was lying next to him, imitating him for the same amount of time. The only difference was that Duo was about two seconds away from screaming and pulling his hair out; he had to get away before he snapped.
Duo suddenly sat up and turned to Quatre "Hey, Q! I'm going to head out and get some air; do you want to join me?" There was no response. "I'm going out and Heero will be in here with you; is that okay?" A slight shrug of Quatre's shoulders. "Okay, I'll see you later, and I'll bring home dinner for us, k?" Again there was no response "Bye Q, Heero will be here in a minute." Duo left without waiting for a reply.
Heero came into the office ten minutes later and took his position sitting at one of the chairs that flanked the desk.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
"Baby, I don't like this. It's been too long. We need to act," a blond-haired woman whined; she was lying on her stomach on a bed with satin sheets, watching her companion move around the room.
"I think you're right, but we need a change of location first," Blade told his companion.
"Um, are we going someplace sunny and warm, or are we staying on this godforsaken colony? Why couldn't 'that kid' be someplace habitable?"
"I know you hate the colonies, dearest, but please don't blame me that that little bitch's family lives here and 'He' does not have the balls to say no to them. And, oh god, I don't even want to get on the subject of all 'His' little hang-ups. I've never understood how an incompetent little bitch like Him could run a trillion dollar company."
"Do you think He's on to us? Could that be why He's taking so long?" Brenna asked coldly.
Blade immediately tensed at the tone she was using. "I don't think He could figure out what we've planned to do to Him if we'd posted it on a neon billboard in front of Him. 'Him' I'm not so worried about; it's those gorillas that follow Him around like He walks on water or some shit like that; `yes Master, of course Master, may I lick your ass, Master.' God, they make me sick! If I know Him, he's probably crying himself sick and has that stupid `thing' of his over to cheer Him up, Dude something-or-other, and his little lapdog Hee…Her…Herbert...or something like that."
"Do you think they could cause trouble for us? You didn't leave any loose ends anywhere, did you?" Brenna asked accusingly.
"I think they're as dimwitted as He is; they all met during the war, or around that time. And no, I reprogrammed all the police files; if anything on us is run through the police data files, it will show up clean. Medical records, prints, everything all belongs to Ryan and Eden Summers. Why would they have access to anything else but the police files? I think you're worrying too much, but since this is bothering you, we'll move to our second location now."
"So just how many friends does He have, and what do they do for a living?" Her voice grew a threatening edge to it.
"Let's see; there is Dude that works at a salvage yard, Herbert that just kind of wanders around and lives off of Dude; Wu-something-unpronounceable that is some sort of mall security guard, and Trevor, a carnie. I'm not really sure if Trevor and `him' are still friends, though, because He never calls Trevor and hardly ever talks about him. Is that all, my sweet?"
"Yes." Brenna's voice melted into a seductive purr.
At the sound of Brenna's voice Blade visibly relaxed. "Now how about we pack up so we can ease your mind, hm?"
"Can't you ease my mind some other way?"
"Once I know we're safe, I'll ease your mind all night long."
"Okay, baby."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
After several more hours, Quatre sat up and looked at Heero "Thank you, Heero."
"You're welcome. Are you feeling better?"
"Much. A little meditation is always good for the soul. I think I scared Duo, though."
"I know, but don't worry about him. Are you ready to talk about it?"
Quatre nodded and began to tell Heero what he had figured out during his meditation. "I…I've...This whole situation is terribly upsetting. And I know that this would obviously upset anyone. But…I feel that I've either been too upset for the wrong reasons or that I should feel more upset than I do. Do you understand?"
Heero shook his head.
"Contemplating my relationship with Ryan has me questioning several aspects of our relationship. If I loved him as much as I thought I did, why then did I not trust him? That does give us some advantages, now that we know who he is, but I always told myself that if I were in love I would not hide any aspect of my life from the person I was in love with. And that is all I did with Ryan - hiding my true self. I was so upset when I thought that he was with his sister. Well, some of it was for the obvious reasons, because that would disturb anyone, but that did not upset me as much as… I thought… I was thinking that there was something wrong with me. He wasn't the first one to leave me for his sister."
"Are you talking about Trowa?"
Quatre nodded.
"Quatre, I want you to understand something. Trowa did not leave you because he did not care for you. He left because he did not know what to do or how to live. Trowa is one of my closest friends, and like me, all he had ever known was the life of a solider. He went back to the circus because it's the only place he knew. He was there during the war and when he was sick; therefore it's the only place where he knows how to live without fighting. Catherine is important to Trowa because she was the first person he met that wanted to take care of him, and she asked for nothing in return. I know you could offer Trowa the same thing, but he was not ready for you to be his everything, even though you already are. He's always had trouble following what he wants. He's accustomed to following orders so when he had a choice to make at the end of the war, he took the easier route, the one that was more comfortable and familiar. Maybe that was the wrong decision, but he still made it. Do you understand?"
Quatre was looking at Heero like he sprouted another head "I…I'm not sure. I think I need some time to think about it."
"That's fine."
Quatre crossed his legs and began to meditate again.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
An hour later Duo came home pack down with tons of shopping bags. "Rashid, come help me!" Duo yelled out as he dropped his armful by the door.
Rashid came running out of his office door "What is it, Master Duo? Is something wrong?"
"No, I just need help bringing in all this stuff - there's more in the car," Duo said, pointing to the bags sprawled out around the doorway.
"Why did you call me for this? I'm busy trying to deal with Quatre's sisters," Rashid said, sighing. His head and shoulders drooped, showing the stress that he was under.
"Rashid, its ten o'clock at night. Take a break and help me, and then we'll all have dinner. I bought enough for the four of us, and tomorrow we'll worry about finding someone else to deal with his sisters. Now follow me, please."
Rashid warily followed Duo out to the car; he really did not want to finish his conversation with Mistress Aya. Together they brought in fifteen more bags of clothing and twelve new comforters with all the trimmings and new pillows. The last thing they brought in several hundred dollars worth of Chinese food.
"Master Duo, what possessed you to buy so much? I thought you and Master Quatre only bought six beds and there is enough food to feed all of the Maganacs."
"Well…I could not make up my mind on the different sets, and Quatre will eventually buy more beds. As for the food, I didn't know what everyone liked."
"You could have called and asked. And I doubt Master Quatre will be very pleased when he sees his new bed sets."
"Relax, Rash, that's what he gets for not coming with me."
"And what is all this clothing? I never thought you could go through so much."
"It's not all for me. Q needs a new look, now that he's single and on the prowl again."
"I don't believe Master Quatre will go for this."
"Loosen up; it won't be your hide he's after once he snaps out of it."
"You did this deliberately trying to provoke him."
"Who, me?" Duo said with mock innocence. "But seriously, I just want him to get better and go back to being himself. I miss him."
"Me too, Master Duo, me too."
"What happened to 'Duo'?"
"I'm sorry, Duo. I'm just not used to it."
"No worries. Now let's go upstairs and eat. I'm famished."
"What, do you have a hollow leg? I'm amazed at much you can eat. How can you afford to feed yourself?"
"I'm not that bad. Well, I'm not as bad as I used to be." Duo said, seeing the look of disbelief that crossed Rashid's face.
"I'll believe that when I see it."
"Hurry up; the foods getting cold."
"I'm coming. What about all the other bags?"
"Leave them. I have plans for those," Duo said with a wicked smirk.
"I'm not going to ask. When it comes to you, ignorance is not bliss, it's a safety measure."
Duo and Rashid continued to banter back and forth until they reached Quatre's office. Quatre and Heero were sitting around the desk when the others joined them.
"So you guys ready for dinner?" Duo asked as he set his bags on the desk. Rashid followed his direction.
"Duo, what possessed you to buy so much food?" Heero asked, glaring at the bags.
"I was hungry, and you know how I get when I'm hungry."
"Fine, did you at least get me Lemon Chicken?"
"Of course. Now Quatre, what do you want?"
"Um…either Lo Mein or Sesame Chicken's fine."
Duo handed Quatre two containers. Duo watched as Quatre eyed both containers with hesitation. "Quatre, eat them. You've hardly had anything to eat for the past week."
Quatre accepted both and grabbed a pair of chopsticks and dug in. Rashid selected the Orange Beef and Duo had the Mongolian Beef. They ate in silence until Duo spoke up "Thanks for dinner, Q, hope you don't mind."
"I don't mind. I did give you my credit card…Oh shit, Rashid we need to freeze Ryan's account. I completely forgot about it."
"Yes, I'll go get right on that."
Heero spoke up then. "While you're at it, get a copy of all transactions he has made with it."
"Yes, Master Heero."
"Damn it. How could I have been so stupid?"
"Q, don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes."
"How much money was in the account?"
"Oh, about five or six million," Quatre said, holding his head in his hands.
"It was supposed to be our joint account, but I hardly ever used it. There has to be money left in it because the card Duo's using is tied to the same account."
"Quatre, why don't you lay down and go to sleep; Heero and I will clean up here. I'll come check on you in a while."
Quatre nodded.
"Don't worry, Q, we'll take care of everything. Right, Heero?"
"Of course. Now go to bed and I'll send Duo up in a couple hours."
"Good night, Q"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Downstairs Duo was helping Heero put the leftovers in the refrigerator. "So, Heero, what are you planning to do?"
"Once WuFei and Trowa arrive, we all need to locate our perpetrators and then take them out. I doubt they are dumb enough to stay put, it's been too long since they last made contact with Quatre. If Quatre's up to it, we'll try to have him initiate contact so we can do a trace. Other than that, we need to see to Quatre's safety. Why, what are you planning?"
"My first plan is to cheer Q up. I know Q's never gotten over Trowa. So we are going to get those two together, and that is how I'll cheer Q up."
"One problem. You said `we.' That is going to be all on you. I refuse to get involved."
"Heero, be realistic. When have you NOT been involved, in one way or another?"
"Damn it. What do you need me to do?"
"Oh, Heero, you know you love it. First I need you to have the beds Q and I ordered here by tomorrow morning. I mean, Q's great and all, but sleeping with him leaves something to be desired. "
"I can do that. Is that everything?"
"When do you think Trowa will arrive?"
"Tomorrow at the soonest, maybe the day after. Why?"
"Just planning what outfit Q's gonna wear tomorrow. You see, after you get the beds, I have a stealth mission for us."
"Do I want to know?"
"Probably not, but you're going to anyway. We need to switch Q's clothing."
"I bought a bunch of clothes for Q to wear, and in order for him to wear them, we need to get rid of all his other clothing, so in essence he has no choice."
"He's going to hate you."
"Aww, but you'll still love me, right?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"Not really."
"God, I pity Quatre right now."
"You know you are part of this."
"Oh, I know."
Duo and Heero spent the rest of the night and early morning finishing Duo's plan.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Quatre awoke to the sound of Duo singing in the office's shower. Rolling out of bed, he reached for the sweats he had set out the night before, and his hand came in contact with leather instead of cotton. He distinctly remembered placing a grey sweat outfit in that chair the night before, and now lying there was a pair of black leather pants and a navy t-shirt that looked about two sizes too small. Quatre picked them up to inspect. "Duo, do you know where my clothes are?" he asked the bathroom door once the water had stopped.
Duo opened the door and looked at Quatre like he was crazy. "In your hand."
"No. Where are my clothes? You know, the grey sweats that were here last night."
"I told you, your clothes are in your hand. You no longer own any sweats," Duo said in a slow voice, pausing after each word.
"What do you mean, I no longer own any sweats?" Quatre said, beginning to grow agitated.
"Get dressed and I'll tell you over breakfast." Duo said, walking over to his duffle bag and pulling on a pair of black jeans and a t-shirt.
"Whatever," Quatre said, storming into his bathroom and slamming the door behind him.
Twenty minutes later found Quatre showered and dressed, in tight black leather pants and an indecently tight t-shirt. Quatre trudged downstairs and to the kitchen, starting to dread what was in store for him for the rest of the day. Quatre found Duo sitting on the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal. "Now tell me what you have done," Quatre said, entering the kitchen.
"Oh, hi, Q. Get something to eat. The furniture is going to arrive soon. After breakfast we need to go pick out where to put everything."
"Damn it, Duo."
"Not now Q. Help yourself to the coffee and I'll get you some food. We have a busy day ahead of us."
"Then will you talk to me?"
"Of course."
Quatre grumbled as he shuffled his way over to the coffeepot to get a cup of coffee while Duo poured him a bowl of cereal. Fifteen minutes later found the two upstairs figuring out where they would put everyone. One thing Quatre was adamant about was that he did not want his old bedroom back. Soon after the rooms had been picked out, Heero came upstairs to tell them that the moving trucks had arrived. Duo ran downstairs and began to direct the moving men to the different rooms while Quatre stood on the sidelines and watched the procession with a detached interest. There were several items that he did not remember purchasing, and he made a mental note to ask Duo about them later.
Four hours later the moving men left and Duo called out to Quatre. "Hey Q, get your butt up here and help me set up your new room."
Quatre stomped up the stairs and to the door of his new bedroom "Duo, I want to hurt you. Please just tell me what is going on."
"Okay. First you will get your clothing back after Heero and I leave."
"Fine. What about the furniture."
"Oh, the desk and stuff." Quatre nodded. "I think you need a personal assistant."
"Um…no offence, but no one wants to deal with your sisters."
"None taken. I can understand that."
"So are you mad at me?"
"A little, but I don't think getting upset will change anything."
"Oh Q, you know me so well. So get over here and help me decorate your room."
"Are those new sheets?" Quatre said looking a little pale and whimpering.
"I know, aren't they great? I thought the silk and satin would give your room an exotic feel, you know, like the ancient harem's quarters on Earth."
"I must deserve this, although I never thought I did anything to warrant it," Quatre mumbled as Duo took out turquoise, emerald, navy, lilac, and sand sheets, pillows, and curtains.
"Quatre, if you think this is bad you won't want to see what else he picked out," Heero said from behind Quatre who jumped at the sound of his voice. He had not noticed Heero's entrance. "Sorry."
"That's okay. No, I really don't mind what he is doing, he's trying to help me and I do appreciate that."
"Somehow I don't believe you."
"Oh, well."
It took the three young men the rest of the day and half of the night to complete decorating all six bedrooms, the living room, and the new office. Ten o'clock at night found the three lounging in the living room around the TV set all having a drink to celebrate their accomplishment, or in Quatre's case, to cope with their accomplishment. The doorbell rang about an hour after they all had settled in, the three tired young men trudged warily to the door to greet the new arrival. Heero opened the door and greeted the visitor with a nod while Duo and Quatre peered behind him to see who was there. Quatre's eyes got about four times the size of what was healthy for a person and his jaw began to drop before he caught himself. In the doorway stood the man that had plagued his fantasies for the past six years, looking as handsome as the last time Quatre had laid eyes upon him.
"Trowa, get down here and help me," came a voice from the driveway that snapped Quatre out of his haze.
"I'm coming, Cathy." Trowa said before turning around and heading back down to help his sister.
"Oi, wait a sec, Tro, and we'll come help, too!" Duo shouted as he grabbed Quatre's and Heero's arms and began to drag them down the front steps.
"Thanks, Duo. Oh, man, it has been such a long time since we've seen you all," Catherine said as she helped the cabby remove their luggage from the taxi.
"Well, yeah, I guess our schedules have been quite hectic lately, " Duo mused as it seemed no one else was willing to talk at this time.
"I know what you mean. The circus has just been so difficult this past year, but Trowa and I won't have to worry about that any longer," Catherine replied quietly.
"You two must be exhausted, so we'll get you all settled in and in the morning we can fill each other in."
"Sounds great."
The five worked together moving their things upstairs and into the rooms they had picked out. Catherine picked the other waterbed while Trowa picked the room closest to Quatre's. This gave Duo hope. That and the fact that Trowa had not once lifted his gaze from Quatre's leather clad posterior.
"Quatre, do you mind if I let my cat out?" Trowa asked as they all walked to their new bedrooms.
"Of course not. Um, what's its name?"
"Her name is Ragna."
"Can I see her in the morning?"
"Um sure, but don't get offended if she hides from you. Ragna gets shy around people."
"No problem, good night then."
"Good night."
