Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Beyond the Looking Glass ❯ Teaser 1: Mirrors ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Beyond the Looking Glass
Author's Notes: This fic is also a sort of reflection (no pun intended) of the fears that I had as a child. Mirrors scared the shit out of me. To this day, I cover mirrors up in my dorm room. I guess I took that `gateway to hell' thing too seriously. Well, mirrors are just… creepy. I feel the same with spiders, spirals, and vines. Open windows at night also creeped me out because of that stupid scarecrow Goosebumps book. Oh, and open closets. I still have yet to get over these things >.>
Teaser 1: Mirrors
Excerpts from the journal of Professor G_____, found by Officer Takanawa at the Matsuei Mansion on October 13, 2003:
September 27, 2003
We set up the equipment in various rooms of the mansions successfully. This place truly is massive, so we kept to only a few rooms to keep from being overwhelmed. It is a beautiful old house, but is so big and everything seems to echo in here. The first thing that we noticed when we entered the mansion through the huge doors was the amount of mirrors in this place. Considering the state at which the previous owners left this mansion, it is odd to note that none of these mirrors are covered. Something of interest to note is that many of the people we interviewed about this mansion called this place `The Mirror House', and I can see why. There are many rituals and superstitions revolving around mirrors in this region. All over the world, mirrors hold a strong significance in the supernatural. Mirrors are said to be a reflection of the soul. If you looked into a mirror, you could see your inner self. Some believe that that is why it was considered bad luck to break a mirror. Mirrors cannot lie, they can only show the truth. So, if there is something missing from the mirror's reflection, this is seen as a truly bad sign and the likewise is obviously true as well. H jokingly said that it was a very good thing that everything was as it should be when we passed a full length mirror on the entrance wall.
Even in the United States, people were overwhelmed by the power of mirrors. During a wake or funeral, all of the mirrors were covered because it was believed that the person's soul would become trapped forever in the mirror. It was for this reason that we assumed the mirrors would be covered in this house since the last owner's son died here before they left, but I suppose that one of the other visitors might have taken the cloths off. They say that if you cannot see your reflection than that means you have lost your soul.
All of our reflections are here as I sit here, watching the equipment. The tatami underneath me feel oddly comfortable considering that they are quite old and not as sturdy as they once were. Vines grow everywhere, looking like ancient, spiny snakes with small, bright red flowers, looking like spots of blood. However, something troubles me. Last night, I was awaken by the sweet chime of a bell. It sounded so beautiful, yet, oddly, so sad. I had turned on my side and my eyes met the mirror. Even though I was snug in my sleeping bag, my compatriots sleeping next to me in their, I felt a very strong chill going down my spine. In the mirror was a figure dressed in what looked like a pure white kimono, looking down on me as I slept, but when I blinked, the image was gone. Was it just a dream, my imagination, perhaps? I'm not sure, but the equipment did not read anything, so I will brush it off as nothing for now. Tomorrow we will go upstairs and check those rooms with our equipment.
September 28, 2003
There is one mirror legend that scares me to death in this place. Some consider mirrors to be a gateway to other worlds, hell, darkness; mirrors are a way for ghosts and demons to pass through. Yesterday, I would have laughed at that, but now… I'm not so sure. H told me that he saw something in one of the mirrors upstairs. He heard the sweet chime of a bell and a glimpse of a reddish kimono. Was that the same thing I saw? Why did he see red when I saw white? I would have not given it much credence if not for the equipment in that room. At the time that H saw the apparition, the temperature in the room dropped twenty degrees and the energy reading spiked, as though the room was red hot with electricity. There is no electricity in this place. J scoffed at all of this, predictably, but I can't get the sound of that bell out of my mind. It scorched into me like a brand. Tonight I put my jacket over the mirror, but it didn't make me feel any safer.
End Teaser 1