Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blankets of Snow ❯ Blankets of Snow ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I only borrow them I don't own them…
Warnings: Yaoi, angst, rape, eventual lemon
Duo: Oh god, Hee-chan, we're being thrown into another fanfic. Tis horrible!
Heero: God, it's official, my only purpose is to be forced into these awful fics.
Duo: Oh, but you have me! You're my purpose in life. *grins*
Heero: Omae o Korosu
Duo: Heero, you're so cold, *sob* but I still love you
OWS: If you two don't both shut up I'm going to force you both into tutus.
Duo: Go hang yourself in the shower!
Heero: Just get on with it!
Blankets of Snow
by One-Winged-Shinigami
Chapter One
This was bad, very bad. The mission was a total failure. 5 times the amount of MS than had been anticipated, Heero had only just escaped with his life, carrying a demolished Deathscythe. After getting out of harms way and stashing their Gundams out of sight, Heero proceeded to half drag, half carry, Duo to shelter, which lead us to where he is now.
Under normal conditions Heero could have easily carried Duo over his shoulder or in a way that didn't involve dragging Duo through the 10 inch high snow; however, Heero had been shot both in the left calf and the right shoulder, and although it was nothing life threatening, it still hurt like hell to walk alone, let alone with another person as baggage.
`Shelter, somewhere dry, anywhere as long as it's dry.'
As if it were an answer to his prayers a shed could be seen through the, snow covered, pine trees.
`An outpost, perfect'
Heero attempted to lower Duo to the ground for the moment so he could open the door, Duo, however, started to moan the moment he was moved. He wrapped his right arm around Heero's neck and his left around Heero's waist and fisted his shirt in the back.
Heero sighed and instead kicked the door open. He lowered Duo to lie, on his back, to the ground. The bottom half of Duo's pants were soaked through and through. Heero quickly cut away all the wet cloth which left Duo in shorts.
Heero used to same knife to ease the bullet out of his shoulder. The bullet that had wounded his leg had gone completely through his calf muscle, just barely missing the bone, so he did not need to remove it. He used the cloth from Duo's pants to loosely wrap his wounds.
A strained whisper pierced the air. It had been so quite that it made Heero jump.
The way that Duo called Heero's name made Heero feel unusually warm despite the fact that they were in an unheated shed in the middle of a blizzard. He crawled over to see if Duo was awake or not. He wasn't but just before Heero was going to go back to leaning against the wall Duo whispered in the same fashion as before.
Duo reached up a hand to grip Heero's collar. Heero sighed and sat cross legged holding Duo's arm and that's when he noticed the slight trickle of tears that were coming out of the corner of Duo's, closed, left, eye. Never before had Heero seen Duo cry so he was quite surprised at Duo's present state.
`Oh Duo, what is it that is making you so sad?'
Two boys sat side by side, leaning against a, cold, cement wall. One of the boys was a younger Duo. They were dressed in rags and were extraordinarily thin. They had both been caught stealing for the 3rd time and now were waiting to be dealt a very severe punishment.
“Solo, I'm scared, what's going to happen to us?” whispered Duo
Not much could frighten Duo at this point of his life. He'd had his entire life ripped away from him countless times before however he knew his captors and the rumors of their cruelty were widespread. Mutilation, torture, slaughter, rape … he knew that his life would change drastically before, if he ever, saw the light again.
“I don't know what's going to happen but, Duo, whatever does happen we have to face it, with our head held high, because we can't let these guys be in control any longer. We have to show them that they can't always have their way; that not everyone is afraid of them.” Replied Solo
“Ok Solo, I won't be afraid of them, I wasn't anyway, I'm afraid of what will happen to you. I can take anything they do to me, but what happens if I lose you, my one and only Solo?”
Solo takes Duo's hand in his and squeezes.
“Then we'll face it together, we'll protect each other till the very end, so you'll have nothing to fear, Duo.”
Duo squeezed back and smiled.
“Ok Solo, we'll go together.”
A few moments later 3 very large men stepped in front of them and glared at them. The guy in the middle was chewing what appeared to be a wad of tobacco and the man to his left was smoking a cigar. He took the cigar out of his mouth for a second, blew a cloud of smoke at them.
“You two stand up.” Said the man in the center
Duo and Solo stood up, still holding hands.
Yo, Blake man, which one you want?”
“Hmm, I'd love to have both of them but the boss said only one so… I'll pick… him.”
Duo looked up to see a finger pointing at Solo. It all seemed like a dream as the men advanced towards them and started to pull Solo away. Suddenly Duo came to and realized what was happening.
“NO!” The man jumped slightly as Duo tugged at Solo's hand which caused the man to be pulled back as well. The shout had put him off balance. He slapped Duo hard across the face leaving a red welt on Duo's cheek.
“You have no say in this, you pathetic vermin! Release him or I'll cut your hand off!”
“I'm going with him.” Duo firmly stated
“He's about to experience a lot of pain, I'm sorry to say that I don't usually prep my toys, seeing as they're only toys. Are you sure you still want to go with him kid? Not that it would matter since I'm only allowed to take one of you.”
Duo had no doubt about what the man was planning to do. He swallowed as he figured out the only way to convince the man to let him go with Solo.
“God Dammit.” Mumbled Duo as he let go of Solo's hand, ran towards the man, jumped and wrapped his legs around the man's waist and kissed the man as forcefully as he could. He broke after a few seconds, and lowered himself down onto his hands and knees. “Please.”
The man was certainly shocked to say the least, though he tried to hide it. The boy had tasted wonderful. `The hell with it, I'll apologize to the boss later.'
“It's your funeral kid. Hey Fritz, it's your lucky day, you get a toy too.”
Duo grinned, stood up and once again grabbed Solo's hand. They were led away to another room where there were, what looked like, operating tables, due to the size, but this was definitely not a medical room of any kind. Blake pushed Duo roughly down onto one of them and Solo went down onto other one with Fritz.
After a couple of minutes of painful playing, their shirts were ripped off and their pants were pulled to their ankles. Duo squeezed his eyes shut as Blake entered him without warning and ripped the flesh on his insides, but he didn't cry or scream.
Solo, who was having the same thing done to him, reached a hand out towards Duo and Duo frantically threw his hand out to meet him, missing a few times but finally grasping hold of each other. They just lay there for what seemed like hours, not making a sound, just holding onto each other and staring into each other's eyes.
Duo woke up with a start and threw himself forward into a sitting position. He was breathing rather heavily and his eyes were watering like crazy. Duo frantically got up, ignoring the pain of standing and threw himself out the door for some fresh air. He had been so intent of getting outside that he had completely missed the fact that Heero had been asleep, in a sitting position, still lightly holding Duo's hand.
The door slamming shut was what actually woke Heero. `Intruder!' Heero glanced around the small shed and found there to be nothing out of the ordinary, his eyes fell to where Duo had been lying. `Duo!' He limped up and towards the door as well.
Duo had stopped walking when he got to a hill that over looked the entire, mountainous area, covered with snow. The sun was setting and it cast a red glow through the trees. The wind blew all around him and tugged at his braid, trying to get it free.
With a sigh, Duo pulled the elastic band from his hair and let the wind toss his hair out of a braid.
Snow was never appealing to Duo seeing as it only made living conditions on the streets worse, but here. It buried everything under a, pure white, blanket, thick enough to hide all the pain that the world could so readily give someone.
Duo reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny music box and held it up to the dying sun. `Hey Solo, it's been a while, huh? I know that we hate snow but I'm pretty sure you would have enjoyed this one. I know I would have loved to see this snow… with you Solo.' A few tears trickled down Duo's cheeks, as he put the music box back into his pocket, but they stopped abruptly. `No, I'm not going to cry Solo, I promised you that I wouldn't cry.'
Following the tracks in the snow made it easy for Heero to find Duo. When Heero got close enough he realized that Duo's hair tie was no longer in his hair and that the wind was gradually blowing it out of braid. There was only one word in Heero's mind to describe it, `beautiful.'
Duo was so lost in thought that hey didn't even hear Heero approaching him from behind and even after a blanket was wrapped around his shoulders he still didn't break from his train of thought. It was only after Heero had stepped next to him and spoke that he acknowledged that he was there.
“It's pretty, ne?” Heero softly spoke
“Beautiful… Hey Heero, does it comfort you, the thought of a snow that covers everything, buries everything so that nothing is left?”
Heero was a little startled and he turned to look at Duo's violet eyes. After a moment he smiled, well it wasn't much of smile, just a slight upturn of the lips.
“Is that a smile? What circumstance has occurred that has caused Heero Yuy to smile?”
“It's just that… I thought the very same thing the first time I saw snow like this.”
After staring into each other's eyes for a few moments, Duo took one last look at the view and took Heero's hand in his.
“It's cold and you're in shorts and a tank top, let's go inside.” Duo smiled warmly at Heero
At first Heero flinched at the unexpected touch, but then he grasped Duo's hand a little tighter and nodded his head. The turned and walked back to the shed, the wind whipped Duo's hair about, rejoicing that it had finally got it out of a braid, and caused Heero's hair to ripple around his head.