Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Bleeding Heart ❯ Chapter IV ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Part IV

"Oh hi!" came the shrill voice, dripping with cheer.

"Hi. Miss Relena, isn't it?"

My case worker opened her car door and threw her cigarette down, not even bothering to put it out.

"Yes, yes!" Relena reached out to shake hands. Once she got a hold of Une's hand, I was afraid she would lose it, Relena was shaking it so enthusiastically.

I looked out from the car window, taking in the mass of hot pink that was now my foster mother. From the low-cut, pink v-neck-- to the tight, pink capris--to the strappy, pink high-heels, her outfit was making me nauseated all over again.

I turned my attention to Une, and listened out of the open car door.

"Well, It's wonderful to see you again, and if I can coax him out of the car, you can meet Duo as well." Une walked over to the passenger side where I was sitting. She opened the door and addressed me carefully, "Duo, you have to get out of the car now, alright sweety?"

I didn't care at that point, "Yeah, whatever." Une offered her hand, but I passed it up and stepped out.

That's when I was engulfed in a life-threatning hug.

"Oh! You're Duo right? Une never told me how absolutely adorable you are!" I was poured over for the next few minutes, not catching a word of it, not really paying attention at all.

We walked into the house, which wasn't really a house at all. It was, more precisely, a trailer that had, most obviously, been abruptly and carelessly thrown together to resemble cleanliness. I would soon find out how filthy it was when Relena wasn't trying to impress authority.

"This is the kitchen. The fridge, pantry, where we keep cups and plates. That's the table right there, obviously." Relena laughed at her own corny joke, and I stared at her like she had grown another head. Obviously, Une was thinking the same thing.

We entered the living room, and there were two boys, slightly younger than my thirteen years, sitting on the couch. Two playing video games, and one staring longingly at the other two.

Relena opened her big mouth again, "That's Justin and Nathan," she pointed to the two kids hypnotized by the tv screen, "and that's David." David looked up and waved, flashing a big, toothy smile at me. I nodded in his direction, too tired to do much more. I felt like I would pass out right then and there.

"Boys!" Relena tried to get Justin and Nathan's attention, but to no avail. "NATHAN AND JUSTIN, I'M TALKING TO YOU!" That got their attention. They both turned to face us, and I saw that Nathan had a pudgy face, flame-red hair, and a spray of freckles across the bridge of his nose. Justin was a little shrimp, short and skinny. He had hair that was pretty much the same shade of brown as mine, but a lot shorter. Both of their features contrasted greatly with David's white-blonde hair and ice-blue eyes. David looked exactly like Relena.

"I want you three to meet Duo, he's going to be living with us for the time being."

A chorus of "Yes ma'am." rang through the air.

Relena looked down at me, "You can stay in here with the boys while I talk to Ms. Une, and then I'll show you the rest of the house. We won't be long," She turned back to face the couch again, "Ya'll be nice to him, you understand?" Her face was stern, and another unison of "Yes ma'am," was called out.

Relena and Une exited, and I stood there, not really sure of what to do. Then David spoke up, "Hey, Duo, why don't you come sit over here on the couch. You look really tired." His voice was high-pitched and enthusiastic, another resemblence to Relena.

"Okay." I walked over to the couch and sat down beside David. My eyes started to droop, but before I could manage to fall back asleep, David started talking again.

"So, where are you from, what happened, why did mom have to take you in? Justin and Nathan are foster kids too. I'm her real son, but daddy left us. We have a new daddy now, but he works a lot. He's hardly ever home. When he is I stay in our room," He gestured to indicate that it was Nathan and Justin's room also. I figured it would probably be mine as well, judging from the size of the trailer. "I'm scared of him..." his voice trailed off, and he didn't elaborate as to why he was scared, "Anyway, what happened, Duo?"

"My mother killed someone. She was the only parent I had. She's coming back soon though. She's coming back to get me. I won't be here long." I wished David would just let me sleep. Nathan and Justin weren't that intereted in me. They had gone back to playing video games right when Relena left the room.

"Oh, that was what they thought too," he pointed to the other boys again," but they've been here for four years now. It's not so bad, Duo. They're happy here. You will be too." That toothy grin appeared on his face again.


David was obviously not satisfied with my impartial answer, "Duo, if she doesn't come back, are you always going to be this unhappy?"


David heaved a deep sigh. I wondered why he was so interested in my well-being. "Have you ever been happy?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I'm not happy! Because she doesn't care about me anymore! She doesn't care about anything but making sure the foster kids have a good home! She doesn't care..." he sobbed softly, tears fell down his flushed cheeks.

And I didn't do anything but sit there and watch him cry. I didn't try to comfort him, or say nice things. I just stared until he fell asleep crying against my shoulder. But then, I reached out and ran my hand through his hair soothingly over and over, and I looked up at the chipped paint on the ceiling. I prayed that my mom would come back so David could be a little bit more happy.